So What Crime of Office Has Trump Committed to Justify Impeachment?

I'll just say for the record that if this President is caught with his hand in the cookie jar of wrongdoing, then I will cease to lend my voice to his defense..
Hah! You mean while walking down 5th avenue? right?

The President's remark about shooting someone on 5th Ave is the fact that people don't believe the Fake News Media's reporting.

The media might well report that, but the people will know its bullshit.
I'll just say for the record that if this President is caught with his hand in the cookie jar of wrongdoing, then I will cease to lend my voice to his defense..
Hah! You mean while walking down 5th avenue? right?

Smart people on message boards take statements like what I said at face value, not try to be cute with word play....
Yes, how dare we do what the people actually want, and not just the rich.

Really? Not according to Qpoll.....

View attachment 281846

As of July you idiots had only 32% approval to go forward, and although I will admit that the latest poll draws closer by 7-10 percentage points, you're not there yet...But hey, who am I to stop it...? You clowns want to constantly smear egg on your faces go for it...Hell, impeach next week, so the American people can see really what kind of railroading buffoons you people really are.

When the Nixon impeachment began, Americans opposed impeaching Nixon. Gradually, as the information on his corruption became public in the hearings, public sentiment turned. That is what is happening now with Trump. When he was elected, few people knew about Trump's history or background, and most still don't. They saw Trump as the rich, successful businessman they saw on TV. They had no clue about his shady practices or history of fraud and abuse, or that American banks won't lend to him. The MSM did little to reveal Trump's history.

Now Americans are really seeing Trump for the first time. The viciousness, the criminality, and the abject abuse of public office for personal gain. More will come out in the impeachment hearings. Trump will end his life like Nixon. Shunned and loathed.
Three years from now, when Cohen is paroled, Trump will very likely be serving time in prison. Trump's Karma will come back to bite him.

I suppose anything is "possible", but on the scale likeliness I'd put it somewhere between Slim and None and Slim left town.

Libs wanted to extradite Dubya to the Hague for war crimes- although now he's a hero to the left because of his love for Hillary.

Didn't happen, and this isn't likely to happen either.

America isn't Bolivia, we don't shoot or imprison losing candidate- and Trump isn't going to lose.

I remember as a teen, working at the Holiday Inn. The hotel's van driver was a man from Bolivia named Chico. I talked with him, I was interested in politics even then. He told me it was too dangerous to get involved in Bolivian politics, Bolivia isn't America. America isn't Bolivia either.

Thank you for the geography lesson. To be precise, your lesson in geography isn't exact, for Bolivia and the United States plus 33 other independent nations are all members of the Organization of American States.

It's true, in America we don't shoot or imprison losing candidates. But once again, your comment is not exact, since Trump and his loyal followers have been chanting, "lock her up" for years. Given a second term in office, I suspect trump's megalomania will be energized, and he will begin to pick off Democrats and others who dare criticize him with the aid of Barr and other sycophants.
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Yes, how dare we do what the people actually want, and not just the rich.

Really? Not according to Qpoll.....

View attachment 281846

As of July you idiots had only 32% approval to go forward, and although I will admit that the latest poll draws closer by 7-10 percentage points, you're not there yet...But hey, who am I to stop it...? You clowns want to constantly smear egg on your faces go for it...Hell, impeach next week, so the American people can see really what kind of railroading buffoons you people really are.

When the Nixon impeachment began, Americans opposed impeaching Nixon. Gradually, as the information on his corruption became public in the hearings, public sentiment turned. That is what is happening now with Trump. When he was elected, few people knew about Trump's history or background, and most still don't. They saw Trump as the rich, successful businessman they saw on TV. They had no clue about his shady practices or history of fraud and abuse, or that American banks won't lend to him. The MSM did little to reveal Trump's history.

Now Americans are really seeing Trump for the first time. The viciousness, the criminality, and the abject abuse of public office for personal gain. More will come out in the impeachment hearings. Trump will end his life like Nixon. Shunned and loathed.

When Richard M. Nixon served as President, the Fake News Liberal Mainstream Media had a monopoly.

In 1988 the EIB was launched and a few years later, Fox News was.

Further, Donald J. Trump will be able to beat back the lies a lot better personally. He's willing to fight back in a way his predecessor was unwilling to.
I think it IS proven that the aid has been withheld for lack of a personal favor. I know you'll think that because Trump is not recorded saying the words "quid pro quo" that it is not proven, and yet the action of withholding funds until a 'favor' is enacted speaks a lot louder than words.

No the aid to the Ukraine was withheld because Trump wants other countries like Germany, France and others to pay their fare share of aid to Ukraine.
Why should we continue to pay the bulk?

Yours and trump's problem is that what you and he states is just flat out a lie.

The EU has given the most to Ukraine for help with the Russian war.

Stop lying and stop buying trump's lies.

I would point out that the time to debate that was when the legislation was working it's way through congress. No one, including trump, said one word.

I would also point out that trump could have vetoed the money when the bill came to his desk. Or at the very least he could have bought up the subject of how much the EU has given. He said nothing. He signed the bill.

Here is truth that trump won't tell you:

Trump Wrong on European Aid to Ukraine

How much military hardware has Europe sold to the Ukraine, this is what the conversation is about.
Europe gives plenty of loans and aid ,but how much of their military weapons have they offered and sold to them?

No it's not.

It's about money. trump didn't hold up delivery of any military hardware. He stopped the money that the republican controlled congress appropriated in 2018.

Stop lying and trying to change what it's all about.

Yes he did.
Telling facts is not a lie.

What was some of the military's aid? Javelins
The new President of Ukraine asked for more Javelins.
This is eaxtly what they don't want anyone to talk about.
It's military hardware and harder sanctions against Russia for the Ukraine, not a majority humanitarian aid like some European countries are doing and without enough sanctions against Russia.
So is Ukraine getting more Javelins? Or are they 'negotiating' an acceptable 'something of value' in exchange?
Yes, how dare we do what the people actually want, and not just the rich.

Really? Not according to Qpoll.....

View attachment 281846

As of July you idiots had only 32% approval to go forward, and although I will admit that the latest poll draws closer by 7-10 percentage points, you're not there yet...But hey, who am I to stop it...? You clowns want to constantly smear egg on your faces go for it...Hell, impeach next week, so the American people can see really what kind of railroading buffoons you people really are.

When the Nixon impeachment began, Americans opposed impeaching Nixon. Gradually, as the information on his corruption became public in the hearings, public sentiment turned. That is what is happening now with Trump. When he was elected, few people knew about Trump's history or background, and most still don't. They saw Trump as the rich, successful businessman they saw on TV. They had no clue about his shady practices or history of fraud and abuse, or that American banks won't lend to him. The MSM did little to reveal Trump's history.

Now Americans are really seeing Trump for the first time. The viciousness, the criminality, and the abject abuse of public office for personal gain. More will come out in the impeachment hearings. Trump will end his life like Nixon. Shunned and loathed.

Well, I am betting that isn't true....Largely because like with Nixon, whom liberals didn't like either, was largely set up....In today's terms there is NO WAY that a burglery of DNC of that type would cause the shit storm it did then....But you people can dream can't you....

The fact it that liberals have been childishly making this kind of crap up since Trump won the election, and what is being exposed is the depths of what lying progressives embedded within the government are willing to do to this country when they can't win power....

They are traitors to the constitution, and to this country....Pure trash.
They're saying that Trump 'implied' quid pro quo with regard to that $250 million military aid package for Kiev that has since been withheld in exchange for dirt on Biden

What's being ignored in all of this is that Biden publicly bragged about blackmailing a foreign goverment for personal family gain. Biden, btw, did have a quid pro quo with regard to the Ukraine when he was VP.

Except the Trump admin can't investigate Biden because he's running for office.

Biden didn't "blackmail a foreign government for personal family gain". Biden delivered a message from the US goverrnment, the IMF, and NATO, to end the corruption in the Ukraine. His family was NOT under investigation. This is a Trumpian lie.

Getting Hunter Biden a consulting gig for $50k per month is not personal family gain? Hunter had zero experience.

Hunter got his own gig. His father didn’t get it for him. And the crime here is PRESIDENT Trump asking the Ukrainians to investigate the Bidens in exchange for US military aid.

That’s the crime here. Abuse of power by the President. Not to mention, withholding the missiles helps the Russians.

Trump is caught. There is no defense for his criminality. I also understand that he has the State Department investigating Hillary’s emails.

This is banana republic bullshit. And everyone involved in this scam is going down.

No President Trump asked him to look into Crowdstrike.
He as President has the right to do this.

It was talk by the people being repeated about the Biden's.
Joe Biden actually bragged that he got the guy fired who was looking into Hunter Biden.
People want to know about this.
I'll just say for the record that if this President is caught with his hand in the cookie jar of wrongdoing, then I will cease to lend my voice to his defense..
Hah! You mean while walking down 5th avenue? right?

The President's remark about shooting someone on 5th Ave is the fact that people don't believe the Fake News Media's reporting.

The media might well report that, but the people will know its bullshit.
Wait a minute! Are you telling me Trump DIDN'T say that? Now, prince, don't be naughty!
No the aid to the Ukraine was withheld because Trump wants other countries like Germany, France and others to pay their fare share of aid to Ukraine.
Why should we continue to pay the bulk?

Yours and trump's problem is that what you and he states is just flat out a lie.

The EU has given the most to Ukraine for help with the Russian war.

Stop lying and stop buying trump's lies.

I would point out that the time to debate that was when the legislation was working it's way through congress. No one, including trump, said one word.

I would also point out that trump could have vetoed the money when the bill came to his desk. Or at the very least he could have bought up the subject of how much the EU has given. He said nothing. He signed the bill.

Here is truth that trump won't tell you:

Trump Wrong on European Aid to Ukraine

How much military hardware has Europe sold to the Ukraine, this is what the conversation is about.
Europe gives plenty of loans and aid ,but how much of their military weapons have they offered and sold to them?

No it's not.

It's about money. trump didn't hold up delivery of any military hardware. He stopped the money that the republican controlled congress appropriated in 2018.

Stop lying and trying to change what it's all about.

Yes he did.
Telling facts is not a lie.

What was some of the military's aid? Javelins
The new President of Ukraine asked for more Javelins.
This is eaxtly what they don't want anyone to talk about.
It's military hardware and harder sanctions against Russia for the Ukraine, not a majority humanitarian aid like some European countries are doing and without enough sanctions against Russia.
So is Ukraine getting more Javelins? Or are they 'negotiating' an acceptable 'something of value' in exchange?

The transcript is clear...No one with two braincells is concerned with leftist conspiracies....
Yes, how dare we do what the people actually want, and not just the rich.

Really? Not according to Qpoll.....

View attachment 281846

As of July you idiots had only 32% approval to go forward, and although I will admit that the latest poll draws closer by 7-10 percentage points, you're not there yet...But hey, who am I to stop it...? You clowns want to constantly smear egg on your faces go for it...Hell, impeach next week, so the American people can see really what kind of railroading buffoons you people really are.

When the Nixon impeachment began, Americans opposed impeaching Nixon. Gradually, as the information on his corruption became public in the hearings, public sentiment turned. That is what is happening now with Trump. When he was elected, few people knew about Trump's history or background, and most still don't. They saw Trump as the rich, successful businessman they saw on TV. They had no clue about his shady practices or history of fraud and abuse, or that American banks won't lend to him. The MSM did little to reveal Trump's history.

Now Americans are really seeing Trump for the first time. The viciousness, the criminality, and the abject abuse of public office for personal gain. More will come out in the impeachment hearings. Trump will end his life like Nixon. Shunned and loathed.

When Richard M. Nixon served as President, the Fake News Liberal Mainstream Media had a monopoly.

In 1988 the EIB was launched and a few years later, Fox News was.

Further, Donald J. Trump will be able to beat back the lies a lot better personally. He's willing to fight back in a way his predecessor was unwilling to.

I hope you're right....They can't win at the ballot box with this cavalcade of clowns they have now, so they are going for the fascist route...
I'll just say for the record that if this President is caught with his hand in the cookie jar of wrongdoing, then I will cease to lend my voice to his defense..
Hah! You mean while walking down 5th avenue? right?

Smart people on message boards take statements like what I said at face value, not try to be cute with word play....
J-mac, you are a setup for cute word play. We both know you will never see Trump's in-your-face criminal behavior.
I'll just say for the record that if this President is caught with his hand in the cookie jar of wrongdoing, then I will cease to lend my voice to his defense..
Hah! You mean while walking down 5th avenue? right?

Smart people on message boards take statements like what I said at face value, not try to be cute with word play....
J-mac, you are a setup for cute word play. We both know you will never see Trump's in-your-face criminal behavior.

LOL....So, now after a few postings on a message board you think you know me well enough to make stupid statements like that? If that's how you act in RL pal, my bet is you're quite the loser.
Yours and trump's problem is that what you and he states is just flat out a lie.

The EU has given the most to Ukraine for help with the Russian war.

Stop lying and stop buying trump's lies.

I would point out that the time to debate that was when the legislation was working it's way through congress. No one, including trump, said one word.

I would also point out that trump could have vetoed the money when the bill came to his desk. Or at the very least he could have bought up the subject of how much the EU has given. He said nothing. He signed the bill.

Here is truth that trump won't tell you:

Trump Wrong on European Aid to Ukraine

How much military hardware has Europe sold to the Ukraine, this is what the conversation is about.
Europe gives plenty of loans and aid ,but how much of their military weapons have they offered and sold to them?

No it's not.

It's about money. trump didn't hold up delivery of any military hardware. He stopped the money that the republican controlled congress appropriated in 2018.

Stop lying and trying to change what it's all about.

Yes he did.
Telling facts is not a lie.

What was some of the military's aid? Javelins
The new President of Ukraine asked for more Javelins.
This is eaxtly what they don't want anyone to talk about.
It's military hardware and harder sanctions against Russia for the Ukraine, not a majority humanitarian aid like some European countries are doing and without enough sanctions against Russia.
So is Ukraine getting more Javelins? Or are they 'negotiating' an acceptable 'something of value' in exchange?

The transcript is clear...No one with two braincells is concerned with leftist conspiracies....
It isn't a transcript, it is notes of highlights.
How much military hardware has Europe sold to the Ukraine, this is what the conversation is about.
Europe gives plenty of loans and aid ,but how much of their military weapons have they offered and sold to them?

No it's not.

It's about money. trump didn't hold up delivery of any military hardware. He stopped the money that the republican controlled congress appropriated in 2018.

Stop lying and trying to change what it's all about.

Yes he did.
Telling facts is not a lie.

What was some of the military's aid? Javelins
The new President of Ukraine asked for more Javelins.
This is eaxtly what they don't want anyone to talk about.
It's military hardware and harder sanctions against Russia for the Ukraine, not a majority humanitarian aid like some European countries are doing and without enough sanctions against Russia.
So is Ukraine getting more Javelins? Or are they 'negotiating' an acceptable 'something of value' in exchange?

The transcript is clear...No one with two braincells is concerned with leftist conspiracies....
It isn't a transcript, it is notes of highlights.

That's the best you're going to get....There is NO recordings, NO actual transcripts, just this...BTW, that has been the case since the 60s and now you call it into question? Why? Are you saying that the people transcribing this call are corrupt?
I expect this to all blow over in a couple of weeks. Meanwhile with the cast of Trump, Giuliani, Biden, and Biden's son this should be way better than any Marx Brothers production.

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