So What Crime of Office Has Trump Committed to Justify Impeachment?

And the crime here is PRESIDENT Trump asking the Ukrainians to investigate the Bidens in exchange for US military aid.
When did that happen?

In the phone call. The Ukrainian President asks for missiles and Trump says "I need a favour". Then he went on to lay out how they needed to work with Guliani and Barr to investigate the Bidens.

So what? We have a mutual prosecution treaty with Ukraine...If the President, who swore to uphold and defend the laws of the United States asks the the Ukraine President, whom we have a treaty with, to look into something corrupt, and illegal, isn't he doing his job?
Proceed Democrats at your own peril....By next year at this time your own majority in the house may also be in jepordy as well
I have NO DOUBT theyll lose a majority in every branch. They've exposed their petty, corrupt party.
Proceed Democrats at your own peril....By next year at this time your own majority in the house may also be in jepordy as well
I have NO DOUBT theyll lose a majority in every branch. They've exposed their petty, corrupt party.

It really is stunning to watch as their double standards, and outright lies are parroted by a sychophant media that is so blurred these days it is hard to decide who's driving whom.....

All I know is that I personally think it was a mistake to release this transcript, it sets a horrible precident....A President, ANY President MUST be able to conduct business of the United States in confidence....These jackels won't/can't let him do this...I suspect that now they will go after ALL presidential phone calls with various leaders to fish....And future President's will no longer have the confidence to speak to foreign leader thus destroying this nation.
Proceed Democrats at your own peril....By next year at this time your own majority in the house may also be in jepordy as well
I have NO DOUBT theyll lose a majority in every branch. They've exposed their petty, corrupt party.

It really is stunning to watch as their double standards, and outright lies are parroted by a sychophant media that is so blurred these days it is hard to decide who's driving whom.....

All I know is that I personally think it was a mistake to release this transcript, it sets a horrible precident....A President, ANY President MUST be able to conduct business of the United States in confidence....These jackels won't/can't let him do this...I suspect that now they will go after ALL presidential phone calls with various leaders to fish....And future President's will no longer have the confidence to speak to foreign leader thus destroying this nation.
I don't consider myself a "Republican", but they would never pull this nonsense with a Democrat president
Proceed Democrats at your own peril....By next year at this time your own majority in the house may also be in jepordy as well
I have NO DOUBT theyll lose a majority in every branch. They've exposed their petty, corrupt party.

It really is stunning to watch as their double standards, and outright lies are parroted by a sychophant media that is so blurred these days it is hard to decide who's driving whom.....

All I know is that I personally think it was a mistake to release this transcript, it sets a horrible precident....A President, ANY President MUST be able to conduct business of the United States in confidence....These jackels won't/can't let him do this...I suspect that now they will go after ALL presidential phone calls with various leaders to fish....And future President's will no longer have the confidence to speak to foreign leader thus destroying this nation.
I don't consider myself a "Republican", but they would never pull this nonsense with a Democrat president

lol....Me neither...I am a Conservative. However, they WOULD use what a Democrat did, to blame it on a Republican, this is a perfect example...
A 'high crime and misdemeanor' is essentially, as I understand it, a regular crime but committed with public office using the powers of office.

So if the President say broke into a building to steal secrets from his opponents offices, it is not a high crime unless it was to benefit him and he USED the POWERS OF OFFICE to enable the break in.

If a politician has an affair and pays hush money out of his own funds it might be a crime depending on the state, but if he paid out of the public treasury it is a high crime.

So what crime is alledged that Trump committed using his powers of office to commit the crime?


Did he take $1.5 billion from the Chicoms, or use his office to get lovers, or to trade on the information gfained in office, or simply steal public money without a trace?

What was his crime of office?

He makes bed wetters cry in their own piss every morning when they wake up and remember he beat hitlery and rolled back most of the meat puppet faggot's regressive policies.

He should get a medal.

So let’s just make the list. Of everything that Trump could possibly be impeached for.

Well we know he’s an unindicted co-conspirator in multiple felonies from violating campaign finance laws. That’s from stormy Daniels.

Then there’s the dozen or so impeachment possibilities from obstruction of justice laid out and documented in the Mueller report.

Then we don’t know what’s gonna happen with violating the emoluments clause. Cases are currently in court. In fact, there’s so many possibilities under the emoluments clause, that could be a thread all by itself.

Extorting a foreign country to get information on a political rival is a thing of value and that would be further violation of campaign finance laws.

Using the state department to find dirt on employees is a violation and definitely impeachable.

We haven’t even seen what’s come up with tax evasion. I’m sure we will hear from the New York department of justice on that. Once he’s found guilty there, that’ll force them to look into his federal taxes.

Giving Putin’s spies classified material in the oval office. I’m not sure what that falls under since the president can declassify anything. But it doesn’t look good.

So what else? Those are off the top of my head? What impeachment charges am I missing?
A 'high crime and misdemeanor' is essentially, as I understand it, a regular crime but committed with public office using the powers of office.

So if the President say broke into a building to steal secrets from his opponents offices, it is not a high crime unless it was to benefit him and he USED the POWERS OF OFFICE to enable the break in.

If a politician has an affair and pays hush money out of his own funds it might be a crime depending on the state, but if he paid out of the public treasury it is a high crime.

So what crime is alledged that Trump committed using his powers of office to commit the crime?


Did he take $1.5 billion from the Chicoms, or use his office to get lovers, or to trade on the information gfained in office, or simply steal public money without a trace?

What was his crime of office?
Wrong. High crimes and misdemeanors do not require a statutory violation.
President Zelensky says he isn't. Like I said, if he's lying, libs should have the courage to say that in so many words.

I don't see why he would be. The gentleman wants to clean up Ukraine, drain the Ukrainian swamp and MUGA. Make Ukraine Great Again.
Zelensky is between a rock and a hard place

He wants military aid from Trump. Throwing Trump under the bus is not the way to get it

What trump did in the phone call to President Zelensky was exactly how Michael Cohen testified Trump got his way with a round-about style; getting people to do things trump wanted done, but would provide him with Plausible deniability. That is the ability for trump to deny knowledge of or responsibility for any act, and to place responsibility for the actions on subordinates.

Man....A bogeymen under every bed eh? Just make shit up.

Man-Child who delivers an idiot-gram ^^^ when unable to post an expository rebuttal. Sad that so many on the far Right are so limited in intellectual capacity.

For the Record, I wrote this:

Michael Cohen is a convicted liar, and acknowledged that during his testimony. He lied to protect "Mr. Trump", until he had an epiphany that loyalty for Trump is a one-way street.

His testimony seemed to me cathartic and confessional, and for that I gave him credit and understood.

Who gives a shit?! What you wrote is irrelevant. What the case was/is, is just liberal progressives criminalizing any politics that isn't liberal progressivism...Much like Communism....Comrade....

What you think of my responses to you, or my intelectual capacity while all you do is troll endlessly is meaningless, and your rudness is something you take comfort in typing on an anonymous message board like a true coward.

You should give a shit. Trump lies and has done so since day one. Cohen lied for Trump. That's simple, even the intellectually incapacitated can understand.

The proof that you do not think on your own is proved when you call me and others on the left Communists. You and your kind - trump supporters - have no clue as to the meaning of the left in this the 21st Century. I've asked the question to many on your side of the aisle what they mean by the left, and not one has been able to define it.

Left is Liberal, open to new ideas
Right is Conservative, resistant to new ideas

Left is for the people (Democracy)
Right is for the Executive (Autocratic)

Left is clement
Right is domineering
So let’s just make the list. Of everything that Trump could possibly be impeached for.

Well we know he’s an unindicted co-conspirator in multiple felonies from violating campaign finance laws. That’s from stormy Daniels.

Then there’s the dozen or so impeachment possibilities from obstruction of justice laid out and documented in the Mueller report.

Then we don’t know what’s gonna happen with violating the emoluments clause. Cases are currently in court. In fact, there’s so many possibilities under the emoluments clause, that could be a thread all by itself.

Extorting a foreign country to get information on a political rival is a thing of value and that would be further violation of campaign finance laws.

Using the state department to find dirt on employees is a violation and definitely impeachable.

We haven’t even seen what’s come up with tax evasion. I’m sure we will hear from the New York department of justice on that. Once he’s found guilty there, that’ll force them to look into his federal taxes.

Giving Putin’s spies classified material in the oval office. I’m not sure what that falls under since the president can declassify anything. But it doesn’t look good.

So what else? Those are off the top of my head? What impeachment charges am I missing?
Failing to prevent Russian interference to the point of telling them he's ok with it.

And don't merge the threads, the other one is full of rwnj lies and evasions.
Zelensky is between a rock and a hard place

He wants military aid from Trump. Throwing Trump under the bus is not the way to get it

What trump did in the phone call to President Zelensky was exactly how Michael Cohen testified Trump got his way with a round-about style; getting people to do things trump wanted done, but would provide him with Plausible deniability. That is the ability for trump to deny knowledge of or responsibility for any act, and to place responsibility for the actions on subordinates.

Man....A bogeymen under every bed eh? Just make shit up.

Man-Child who delivers an idiot-gram ^^^ when unable to post an expository rebuttal. Sad that so many on the far Right are so limited in intellectual capacity.

For the Record, I wrote this:

Michael Cohen is a convicted liar, and acknowledged that during his testimony. He lied to protect "Mr. Trump", until he had an epiphany that loyalty for Trump is a one-way street.

His testimony seemed to me cathartic and confessional, and for that I gave him credit and understood.

Who gives a shit?! What you wrote is irrelevant. What the case was/is, is just liberal progressives criminalizing any politics that isn't liberal progressivism...Much like Communism....Comrade....

What you think of my responses to you, or my intelectual capacity while all you do is troll endlessly is meaningless, and your rudness is something you take comfort in typing on an anonymous message board like a true coward.

You should give a shit. Trump lies and has done so since day one. Cohen lied for Trump. That's simple, even the intellectually incapacitated can understand.

The proof that you do not think on your own is proved when you call me and others on the left Communists. You and your kind - trump supporters - have no clue as to the meaning of the left in this the 21st Century. I've asked the question to many on your side of the aisle what they mean by the left, and not one has been able to define it.

Left is Liberal, open to new ideas
Right is Conservative, resistant to new ideas

Left is for the people (Democracy)
Right is for the Executive (Autocratic)

Left is clement
Right is domineering

Cohen lied for Cohen. Not for Trump or anyone else. And his lies are designed to ingratiate him with the left.

His hope now, is when he gets out of the joint he can sign on as a contributor for MSNBC
Zelensky is between a rock and a hard place

He wants military aid from Trump. Throwing Trump under the bus is not the way to get it

What trump did in the phone call to President Zelensky was exactly how Michael Cohen testified Trump got his way with a round-about style; getting people to do things trump wanted done, but would provide him with Plausible deniability. That is the ability for trump to deny knowledge of or responsibility for any act, and to place responsibility for the actions on subordinates.

Man....A bogeymen under every bed eh? Just make shit up.

Man-Child who delivers an idiot-gram ^^^ when unable to post an expository rebuttal. Sad that so many on the far Right are so limited in intellectual capacity.

For the Record, I wrote this:

Michael Cohen is a convicted liar, and acknowledged that during his testimony. He lied to protect "Mr. Trump", until he had an epiphany that loyalty for Trump is a one-way street.

His testimony seemed to me cathartic and confessional, and for that I gave him credit and understood.

Who gives a shit?! What you wrote is irrelevant. What the case was/is, is just liberal progressives criminalizing any politics that isn't liberal progressivism...Much like Communism....Comrade....

What you think of my responses to you, or my intelectual capacity while all you do is troll endlessly is meaningless, and your rudness is something you take comfort in typing on an anonymous message board like a true coward.

You should give a shit. Trump lies and has done so since day one. Cohen lied for Trump. That's simple, even the intellectually incapacitated can understand.

That's cute, you should devolop a bumper sticker or something....But you'd have to give credit to your media masters.

The proof that you do not think on your own is proved when you call me and others on the left Communists.

I call it like I see it...Communist is what you act like, then Communist you shall be labeled. Don't like it? Tough shit Comrade.

You and your kind - trump supporters - have no clue as to the meaning of the left in this the 21st Century.

Oh, I absolutely do....40 years of voting in elections and observation of the policies, and tactics that define you people is all I need to see...Your actions reveal you.

I've asked the question to many on your side of the aisle what they mean by the left, and not one has been able to define it.

So, what you're saying is that you reject their answers....That is meaningless.

Left is Liberal, open to new ideas
Right is Conservative, resistant to new ideas

Really? define and explain these "New Ideas" you prattle about....I'll bet I can show you that they are really nothing new...

Left is for the people (Democracy)
Right is for the Executive (Autocratic)

Ha! not true...The left today is in the pocket of Wall St.

Left is clement
Right is domineering

"Mild, and Merciful"????That's what you think describes the left? Oh dear Lord! You are really fooling yourself.
What trump did in the phone call to President Zelensky was exactly how Michael Cohen testified Trump got his way with a round-about style; getting people to do things trump wanted done, but would provide him with Plausible deniability. That is the ability for trump to deny knowledge of or responsibility for any act, and to place responsibility for the actions on subordinates.

Man....A bogeymen under every bed eh? Just make shit up.

Man-Child who delivers an idiot-gram ^^^ when unable to post an expository rebuttal. Sad that so many on the far Right are so limited in intellectual capacity.

For the Record, I wrote this:

Michael Cohen is a convicted liar, and acknowledged that during his testimony. He lied to protect "Mr. Trump", until he had an epiphany that loyalty for Trump is a one-way street.

His testimony seemed to me cathartic and confessional, and for that I gave him credit and understood.

Who gives a shit?! What you wrote is irrelevant. What the case was/is, is just liberal progressives criminalizing any politics that isn't liberal progressivism...Much like Communism....Comrade....

What you think of my responses to you, or my intelectual capacity while all you do is troll endlessly is meaningless, and your rudness is something you take comfort in typing on an anonymous message board like a true coward.

You should give a shit. Trump lies and has done so since day one. Cohen lied for Trump. That's simple, even the intellectually incapacitated can understand.

The proof that you do not think on your own is proved when you call me and others on the left Communists. You and your kind - trump supporters - have no clue as to the meaning of the left in this the 21st Century. I've asked the question to many on your side of the aisle what they mean by the left, and not one has been able to define it.

Left is Liberal, open to new ideas
Right is Conservative, resistant to new ideas

Left is for the people (Democracy)
Right is for the Executive (Autocratic)

Left is clement
Right is domineering

Cohen lied for Cohen. Not for Trump or anyone else. And his lies are designed to ingratiate him with the left.

His hope now, is when he gets out of the joint he can sign on as a contributor for MSNBC

1st Sentence: "Cohen lied for Cohen. Not for Trump or anyone else. And his lies are designed to ingratiate him with the left."


2nd Sentence: His hope now, is when he gets out of the joint he can sign on as a contributor for MSNBC

Cohen may have believed his boss would have been loyal to him, and commuted his sentence; of course loyalty to trump is a one way street.

Three years from now, when Cohen is paroled, Trump will very likely be serving time in prison. Trump's Karma will come back to bite him.
What trump did in the phone call to President Zelensky was exactly how Michael Cohen testified Trump got his way with a round-about style; getting people to do things trump wanted done, but would provide him with Plausible deniability. That is the ability for trump to deny knowledge of or responsibility for any act, and to place responsibility for the actions on subordinates.

Man....A bogeymen under every bed eh? Just make shit up.

Man-Child who delivers an idiot-gram ^^^ when unable to post an expository rebuttal. Sad that so many on the far Right are so limited in intellectual capacity.

For the Record, I wrote this:

Michael Cohen is a convicted liar, and acknowledged that during his testimony. He lied to protect "Mr. Trump", until he had an epiphany that loyalty for Trump is a one-way street.

His testimony seemed to me cathartic and confessional, and for that I gave him credit and understood.

Who gives a shit?! What you wrote is irrelevant. What the case was/is, is just liberal progressives criminalizing any politics that isn't liberal progressivism...Much like Communism....Comrade....

What you think of my responses to you, or my intelectual capacity while all you do is troll endlessly is meaningless, and your rudness is something you take comfort in typing on an anonymous message board like a true coward.

You should give a shit. Trump lies and has done so since day one. Cohen lied for Trump. That's simple, even the intellectually incapacitated can understand.

That's cute, you should devolop a bumper sticker or something....But you'd have to give credit to your media masters.

The proof that you do not think on your own is proved when you call me and others on the left Communists.

I call it like I see it...Communist is what you act like, then Communist you shall be labeled. Don't like it? Tough shit Comrade.

You and your kind - trump supporters - have no clue as to the meaning of the left in this the 21st Century.

Oh, I absolutely do....40 years of voting in elections and observation of the policies, and tactics that define you people is all I need to see...Your actions reveal you.

I've asked the question to many on your side of the aisle what they mean by the left, and not one has been able to define it.

So, what you're saying is that you reject their answers....That is meaningless.

Left is Liberal, open to new ideas
Right is Conservative, resistant to new ideas

Really? define and explain these "New Ideas" you prattle about....I'll bet I can show you that they are really nothing new...

Left is for the people (Democracy)
Right is for the Executive (Autocratic)

Ha! not true...The left today is in the pocket of Wall St.

Left is clement
Right is domineering

"Mild, and Merciful"????That's what you think describes the left? Oh dear Lord! You are really fooling yourself.

Proof ^^^ that you are resistant to new ideas.

Yes, merciful. The left supports equal rights and equal opportunities for all, access to affordable health care, protecting our planet, minimum wages, collective bargaining, UE Insurance and free public education.

I'd add more but you are resistant to new ideas.
I think it IS proven that the aid has been withheld for lack of a personal favor. I know you'll think that because Trump is not recorded saying the words "quid pro quo" that it is not proven, and yet the action of withholding funds until a 'favor' is enacted speaks a lot louder than words.

No the aid to the Ukraine was withheld because Trump wants other countries like Germany, France and others to pay their fare share of aid to Ukraine.
Why should we continue to pay the bulk?

Yours and trump's problem is that what you and he states is just flat out a lie.

The EU has given the most to Ukraine for help with the Russian war.

Stop lying and stop buying trump's lies.

I would point out that the time to debate that was when the legislation was working it's way through congress. No one, including trump, said one word.

I would also point out that trump could have vetoed the money when the bill came to his desk. Or at the very least he could have bought up the subject of how much the EU has given. He said nothing. He signed the bill.

Here is truth that trump won't tell you:

Trump Wrong on European Aid to Ukraine

How much military hardware has Europe sold to the Ukraine, this is what the conversation is about.
Europe gives plenty of loans and aid ,but how much of their military weapons have they offered and sold to them?

No it's not.

It's about money. trump didn't hold up delivery of any military hardware. He stopped the money that the republican controlled congress appropriated in 2018.

Stop lying and trying to change what it's all about.

Yes he did.
Telling facts is not a lie.

What was some of the military's aid? Javelins
The new President of Ukraine asked for more Javelins.
This is eaxtly what they don't want anyone to talk about.
It's military hardware and harder sanctions against Russia for the Ukraine, not a majority humanitarian aid like some European countries are doing and without enough sanctions against Russia.
Man....A bogeymen under every bed eh? Just make shit up.

Man-Child who delivers an idiot-gram ^^^ when unable to post an expository rebuttal. Sad that so many on the far Right are so limited in intellectual capacity.

For the Record, I wrote this:

Michael Cohen is a convicted liar, and acknowledged that during his testimony. He lied to protect "Mr. Trump", until he had an epiphany that loyalty for Trump is a one-way street.

His testimony seemed to me cathartic and confessional, and for that I gave him credit and understood.

Who gives a shit?! What you wrote is irrelevant. What the case was/is, is just liberal progressives criminalizing any politics that isn't liberal progressivism...Much like Communism....Comrade....

What you think of my responses to you, or my intelectual capacity while all you do is troll endlessly is meaningless, and your rudness is something you take comfort in typing on an anonymous message board like a true coward.

You should give a shit. Trump lies and has done so since day one. Cohen lied for Trump. That's simple, even the intellectually incapacitated can understand.

That's cute, you should devolop a bumper sticker or something....But you'd have to give credit to your media masters.

The proof that you do not think on your own is proved when you call me and others on the left Communists.

I call it like I see it...Communist is what you act like, then Communist you shall be labeled. Don't like it? Tough shit Comrade.

You and your kind - trump supporters - have no clue as to the meaning of the left in this the 21st Century.

Oh, I absolutely do....40 years of voting in elections and observation of the policies, and tactics that define you people is all I need to see...Your actions reveal you.

I've asked the question to many on your side of the aisle what they mean by the left, and not one has been able to define it.

So, what you're saying is that you reject their answers....That is meaningless.

Left is Liberal, open to new ideas
Right is Conservative, resistant to new ideas

Really? define and explain these "New Ideas" you prattle about....I'll bet I can show you that they are really nothing new...

Left is for the people (Democracy)
Right is for the Executive (Autocratic)

Ha! not true...The left today is in the pocket of Wall St.

Left is clement
Right is domineering

"Mild, and Merciful"????That's what you think describes the left? Oh dear Lord! You are really fooling yourself.

Proof ^^^ that you are resistant to new ideas.

Yes, merciful. The left supports equal rights and equal opportunities for all, access to affordable health care, protecting our planet, minimum wages, collective bargaining, UE Insurance and free public education.

I'd add more but you are resistant to new ideas.

No they're not....They pay lip service to that crap knowing that NONE of it will come to pass....You are just proving what a dupe you are.
Three years from now, when Cohen is paroled, Trump will very likely be serving time in prison. Trump's Karma will come back to bite him.

I suppose anything is "possible", but on the scale likeliness I'd put it somewhere between Slim and None and Slim left town.

Libs wanted to extradite Dubya to the Hague for war crimes- although now he's a hero to the left because of his love for Hillary.

Didn't happen, and this isn't likely to happen either.

America isn't Bolivia, we don't shoot or imprison losing candidate- and Trump isn't going to lose.

I remember as a teen, working at the Holiday Inn. The hotel's van driver was a man from Bolivia named Chico. I talked with him, I was interested in politics even then. He told me it was too dangerous to get involved in Bolivian politics, Bolivia isn't America. America isn't Bolivia either.

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