So What Crime of Office Has Trump Committed to Justify Impeachment?

No the aid to the Ukraine was withheld because Trump wants other countries like Germany, France and others to pay their fare share of aid to Ukraine.
Why should we continue to pay the bulk?

Yours and trump's problem is that what you and he states is just flat out a lie.

The EU has given the most to Ukraine for help with the Russian war.

Stop lying and stop buying trump's lies.

I would point out that the time to debate that was when the legislation was working it's way through congress. No one, including trump, said one word.

I would also point out that trump could have vetoed the money when the bill came to his desk. Or at the very least he could have bought up the subject of how much the EU has given. He said nothing. He signed the bill.

Here is truth that trump won't tell you:

Trump Wrong on European Aid to Ukraine

How much military hardware has Europe sold to the Ukraine, this is what the conversation is about.
Europe gives plenty of loans and aid ,but how much of their military weapons have they offered and sold to them?

No it's not.

It's about money. trump didn't hold up delivery of any military hardware. He stopped the money that the republican controlled congress appropriated in 2018.

Stop lying and trying to change what it's all about.

Yes he did.
Telling facts is not a lie.

What was some of the military's aid? Javelins
The new President of Ukraine asked for more Javelins.
This is eaxtly what they don't want anyone to talk about.
It's military hardware and harder sanctions against Russia for the Ukraine, not a majority humanitarian aid like some European countries are doing and without enough sanctions against Russia.
So is Ukraine getting more Javelins? Or are they 'negotiating' an acceptable 'something of value' in exchange?

Trump got elected because of past administrations doing that very same type of thing of corruption.
Trump has the right to ask Ukraine for info on crowd strike .
Treaty with Ukraine on mutual legal assistance in criminal matters.
No it's not.

It's about money. trump didn't hold up delivery of any military hardware. He stopped the money that the republican controlled congress appropriated in 2018.

Stop lying and trying to change what it's all about.

Yes he did.
Telling facts is not a lie.

What was some of the military's aid? Javelins
The new President of Ukraine asked for more Javelins.
This is eaxtly what they don't want anyone to talk about.
It's military hardware and harder sanctions against Russia for the Ukraine, not a majority humanitarian aid like some European countries are doing and without enough sanctions against Russia.
So is Ukraine getting more Javelins? Or are they 'negotiating' an acceptable 'something of value' in exchange?

The transcript is clear...No one with two braincells is concerned with leftist conspiracies....
It isn't a transcript, it is notes of highlights.

That's the best you're going to get....There is NO recordings, NO actual transcripts, just this...BTW, that has been the case since the 60s and now you call it into question? Why? Are you saying that the people transcribing this call are corrupt?

Actually, because of the leaks of his phone calls to the leaders of Australia and Mexico during the first month of his service, President Trump has really cracked down on national security in the WH to help prevent leaks.

I don't think the CIA and other intelligence operatives are anywhere near as much "in the loop" in the WH as they were on 20 January 2017
I expect this to all blow over in a couple of weeks. Meanwhile with the cast of Trump, Giuliani, Biden, and Biden's son this should be way better than any Marx Brothers production.

This entire Ukrainephonecallgate crapola was cooked up months ago, and was timed for release.

The next 3 or 4 phony scandals are already prepared to be launched this year.

We will soon see how great the DNC's writers are.

I don't see this latest "scandal" as really keeping the people's attention that well.
The investigate it.

Russia helped Trump win. Why would they want that?
If Donnie gets impeached and removed over the Ukraine phone call, while prior presidents and current and former politicians have done much worse, it’s time to start over.

Really? Who & when.

Who called a foreign leaders & threaten to withhold funding for political dirt? And then covert it up?

You're welcome.

You realize that this video is proving the other guy's case, right? Biden (and everyone else) pushed Ukraine to fire the prosecutor Shokin because Shokin wasn't investigating Hunter's corrupt, pro-Russian boss hard enough. They were trying to make it harder on Russia by firing him. It shows the exact opposite of what you think it shows.

Nonsense...Shokin himself among others has stated under oath that he was fired due to direct pressure put out there by Joe Biden himself, under threat of withholding $1 billion in aid funding...And that there were at least 3 investigations into his son Hunter....

You people just proclaiming that it isn't true is a lie period.

Shokin is hardly the most reliable source, and he's almost alone in his defense.
Yes, how dare we do what the people actually want, and not just the rich.

Really? Not according to Qpoll.....

View attachment 281846

As of July you idiots had only 32% approval to go forward, and although I will admit that the latest poll draws closer by 7-10 percentage points, you're not there yet...But hey, who am I to stop it...? You clowns want to constantly smear egg on your faces go for it...Hell, impeach next week, so the American people can see really what kind of railroading buffoons you people really are.
That's what the investigation is for; they'll be presenting their case to the people as much as to the House of Representatives. At the start of President Nixon's impeachment hearings, 19% of people supported impeachment, and his approval was in the 40s; by the time he resigned a little more than a year later, those numbers were 57% to impeach, and approval at 24 (source). President Trump, at the start of his hearings, has worse numbers in both areas.

But you're right in that the support isn't there yet. The process has to be bipartisan in order to have any teeth, meaning that the Democratic-led impeachment push needs Republicans to start falling away from Trump, and in order to do that, some of the moderates have to be more afraid of losing their next election to a furious electorate than they are of getting primaried by a Trump faithful. That is, to say the least, a gamble.

I think the only thing that we can count on is that a lot of stuff will change between now and the final vote. Oh well; at least it won't be predictable.
If Donnie gets impeached and removed over the Ukraine phone call, while prior presidents and current and former politicians have done much worse, it’s time to start over.

Really? Who & when.

Who called a foreign leaders & threaten to withhold funding for political dirt? And then covert it up?

You're welcome.

You realize that this video is proving the other guy's case, right? Biden (and everyone else) pushed Ukraine to fire the prosecutor Shokin because Shokin wasn't investigating Hunter's corrupt, pro-Russian boss hard enough. They were trying to make it harder on Russia by firing him. It shows the exact opposite of what you think it shows.

Nonsense...Shokin himself among others has stated under oath that he was fired due to direct pressure put out there by Joe Biden himself, under threat of withholding $1 billion in aid funding...And that there were at least 3 investigations into his son Hunter....

You people just proclaiming that it isn't true is a lie period.

Shokin is hardly the most reliable source, and he's almost alone in his defense.

So, you agree that other prosecutors are saying the same thing as Shokin? Good...
Yes, how dare we do what the people actually want, and not just the rich.

Really? Not according to Qpoll.....

View attachment 281846

As of July you idiots had only 32% approval to go forward, and although I will admit that the latest poll draws closer by 7-10 percentage points, you're not there yet...But hey, who am I to stop it...? You clowns want to constantly smear egg on your faces go for it...Hell, impeach next week, so the American people can see really what kind of railroading buffoons you people really are.
That's what the investigation is for; they'll be presenting their case to the people as much as to the House of Representatives. At the start of President Nixon's impeachment hearings, 19% of people supported impeachment, and his approval was in the 40s; by the time he resigned a little more than a year later, those numbers were 57% to impeach, and approval at 24 (source). President Trump, at the start of his hearings, has worse numbers in both areas.

But you're right in that the support isn't there yet. The process has to be bipartisan in order to have any teeth, meaning that the Democratic-led impeachment push needs Republicans to start falling away from Trump, and in order to do that, some of the moderates have to be more afraid of losing their next election to a furious electorate than they are of getting primaried by a Trump faithful. That is, to say the least, a gamble.

I think the only thing that we can count on is that a lot of stuff will change between now and the final vote. Oh well; at least it won't be predictable.

Well, Nancy didn't take a floor vote as is customary to begin an impeachment inquiry, usually followed with a select committee to make sure that seperate committees don't step on each others toes. She didn't do that so, why would they take a final floor vote on any actual impeachment they decide to draw up...Just write it up and declare it.....That seems to be how the authoritarian left wants to proceed from here on out.
A 'high crime and misdemeanor' is essentially, as I understand it, a regular crime but committed with public office using the powers of office.

High crimes and misdemeanors - Wikipedia

The charge of high crimes and misdemeanors covers allegations of misconduct by officials, such as dishonesty, negligence, perjury of oath, abuse of authority, bribery, intimidation, misuse of public funds or assets, failure to supervise, dereliction of duty, unbecoming conduct, refusal to obey a lawful order, chronic intoxication, including such offenses as tax evasion. Offenses by officials also include ordinary crimes, but perhaps with different standards of proof and punishment than for nonofficials, on the grounds that more is expected of officials by their oaths of office. The word "High" refers to the office and not the offense. Indeed the offense may not even be a breach of criminal statute. See Harvard Law Review "The majority view is that a president can legally be impeached for “intentional, evil deeds” that “drastically subvert the Constitution and involve an unforgivable abuse of the presidency” — even if those deeds didn’t violate any criminal laws."
Even if democrats win. They impeach Trump even if they remove him from office what then? The nation will have its final break. The democrats will be despised when ever they leave protected areas. No one will pay a bit of attention to pathetic calls for unity. This has to be what they want.
And a President Mike Pence, as well.

Out of the frying pan and into the fire.

The democrats will begin impeachment of Pence on day one.

i would love to see them try that. Mr. Mike "So clean he squeaks when he walks" Pence ?
It may surprise you to find out that I think that what the Republican's did to Bill Clinton with his impeachment, was wrong, and not enough to go after him on, and they paid the political price for that...
Clinton committed several felonies, but none of them were directly related to exploiting his office.

Perjury over a BJ is not a high crime.

Perjury is a felony. It doesn't get much more :high crime" than that!

You were doing fine, and the slipped this idiotic statement in. Why?
The president holds up tax payers money to get a foreign government to investigate a political rival?

How Trump's Ukraine call could violate campaign finance laws

Federal law states it is illegal to “knowingly solicit, accept, or receive from a foreign national any contribution or donation.” Trump’s request to President Volodymyr Zelenskiy was not for campaign cash, but what’s referred to as an “in kind” contribution that would arguably be of more value — damaging information that could be weaponized against Biden, a potential 2020 rival.

Asking a foreign nation to look into an investigation it was already doing, but dropped due to bribery/corruption, is not immoral or illegal.

You can piss and moan about it all you want. Hunter was clearly dirty, how was he working for a Ukraine energy company and making millions with no experience while his daddy was VP? Then daddy bribes the government to fire the prosecutor with $1.2 billion. That is corruption and abuse of power. It certainly deserves to be investigated.

Hunter Biden was on the board. No ownership, no management responsibilities.

Hunter Biden did have experience.

Why did other countries also push for the removal of this prodsecuter?

You assfucks can lie all you want.

Trump sold out the US for his personal gain. You don't care

If the Bidens were innocent, why didn't they want an investigation of Dope Head Hunter Biden to give him a chance to prove his innocence?
Bring it on. Investigate it., No one is stopping the Senate. They didn't because there is nothing there.

What exactly did Hunter do to merit being paid millions by a Ukrainian energy company?

His being was born with the last name "Biden" is his greatest claim to fame.
A 'high crime and misdemeanor' is essentially, as I understand it, a regular crime but committed with public office using the powers of office.

High crimes and misdemeanors - Wikipedia

The charge of high crimes and misdemeanors covers allegations of misconduct by officials, such as dishonesty, negligence, perjury of oath, abuse of authority, bribery, intimidation, misuse of public funds or assets, failure to supervise, dereliction of duty, unbecoming conduct, refusal to obey a lawful order, chronic intoxication, including such offenses as tax evasion. Offenses by officials also include ordinary crimes, but perhaps with different standards of proof and punishment than for nonofficials, on the grounds that more is expected of officials by their oaths of office. The word "High" refers to the office and not the offense. Indeed the offense may not even be a breach of criminal statute. See Harvard Law Review "The majority view is that a president can legally be impeached for “intentional, evil deeds” that “drastically subvert the Constitution and involve an unforgivable abuse of the presidency” — even if those deeds didn’t violate any criminal laws."

Do you believe that the country would benefit from ousting a President for no crime?
Even if democrats win. They impeach Trump even if they remove him from office what then? The nation will have its final break. The democrats will be despised when ever they leave protected areas. No one will pay a bit of attention to pathetic calls for unity. This has to be what they want.
And a President Mike Pence, as well.

Out of the frying pan and into the fire.

The democrats will begin impeachment of Pence on day one.

i would love to see them try that. Mr. Mike "So clean he squeaks when he walks" Pence ?
It's already in the works.
Mike Pence is in deep impeachment trouble
A 'high crime and misdemeanor' is essentially, as I understand it, a regular crime but committed with public office using the powers of office.

So if the President say broke into a building to steal secrets from his opponents offices, it is not a high crime unless it was to benefit him and he USED the POWERS OF OFFICE to enable the break in.

If a politician has an affair and pays hush money out of his own funds it might be a crime depending on the state, but if he paid out of the public treasury it is a high crime.

So what crime is alledged that Trump committed using his powers of office to commit the crime?


Did he take $1.5 billion from the Chicoms, or use his office to get lovers, or to trade on the information gfained in office, or simply steal public money without a trace?

What was his crime of office?

  1. Obstruction of Hillary
  2. Asking a foreign government to dig dirt on a political candidate. You mean just like Obama Hillary and Biden did against Trump
  3. Having a Ukrainian gas company hire his son for $600,000/year.
These are the nascent stages of an eventual impeachment. First an inquiry than a vote for the AOI.

Inquiry into what? You cannot inquire into crime that has not been committed.
The HIGH in a high crime etc, is a person of high authority... A president, a judge, a VP, a prime Minister and even a King.... high is not the degree of a crime, it is usually misconduct, an abuse of power of someone in higher authority... basically, it does not need to be a felony or misdemeanor under a statute of Law.... it can be.... but does not have to be.

here are some of the alleged crimes

The possible crimes in the Trump-Ukraine scandal, explained

Allegations of wrongdoing are flying around — a record of a July 25 phone call between President Donald Trump and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky reads more like a mafia shakedown than a conversation between two world leaders. Trump asks Zelensky to do him a “favor,” i.e. dig up dirt on his political rival Joe Biden. Trump then suggested that Zelensky take this offline and talk with Trump’s personal lawyer, Rudy Giuliani, and US Attorney William Barr about it. In the background, Trump had frozen American aid to Ukraine, a strong-arm move that some on the internet pointed out would make Tony Soprano proud.

Did Trump or his associates violate campaign finance law?
Federal law makes it illegal to “solicit, accept, or receive a contribution or donation” from a foreign national. The question of whether or not the president ran afoul of that law certainly seems in play in light of what we saw in the transcript.

For purposes of this statute, a “contribution or donation” is defined as “money” or another “thing of value.” So a prosecution of Trump would hinge upon whether the opposition research Trump sought on Biden constitutes such a “thing of value.” Barr and Giuliani, meanwhile, could be considered accomplices in Trump’s effort to obtain opposition research from Ukraine’s president.

Continued at link.

Does Trump’s act constitute bribery?
Prosecutors might also look to a federal anti-bribery statute, which imposes criminal sanctions on a public official who “corruptly demands, seeks, receives, accepts, or agrees to receive or accept anything of value personally or for any other person or entity, in return for ... being influenced in the performance of any official act.”

Any prosecution under this statute would raise similar issues to the ones that arise under the campaign finance law. Does opposition research constitute “anything of value”? Ultimately, that question would need to be resolved by the courts.

Continued at link above.

Did he commit extortion?
Writing in the Daily Beast, former United States Attorney Barbara McQuade points to the Hobbs Act, a federal anti-extortion law, as another possible source of criminal liability against Trump.

The Hobbs Act prohibits actions that “in any way or degree obstructs, delays, or affects commerce or the movement of any article or commodity in commerce, by robbery or extortion.” The word “extortion,” is defined as “obtaining of property from another, with his consent, induced by wrongful use of actual or threatened force, violence, or fear, or under color of official right.”

The magic words here are “under color of official right.” This language refers to public officials who use their office to pressure another person. As the Supreme Court has explained, to show that a criminal defendant acted under color of official right, “the Government need only show that a public official has obtained a payment to which he was not entitled, knowing that the payment was made in return for official acts.

Thus, if Trump blocked military assistance to Ukraine in order to extract a payment from that country, that could form the basis for a Hobbs Act prosecution.

contunued at link above...

Did he obstruct justice?
Several other federal laws make it a crime to tamper with documents related to a federal investigation. One statute, for example, imposes criminal liability on anyone who “knowingly alters, destroys, mutilates, conceals, covers up, falsifies, or makes a false entry in any record, document, or tangible object with the intent to impede, obstruct, or influence” a federal investigation. If Trump or one of his associates committed such an act to cover up other potentially criminal activity, they could face prison time (though, again, any prosecution of Trump would have to wait until he leaves office).

At this stage, however, we can’t know for sure whether such a cover-up took place — although a whistleblower accused White House officials of moving the transcript of Trump’s call with Zelensky to a “separate electronic system that is otherwise used to store and handle classified information of an especially sensitive nature.” The White House, in other words, may have tried to shield Trump from political damage by hiding the transcript in a system normally afforded to the most sensitive national security information.

Whether this attempt to conceal the transcript was done at Trump’s behest and whether it was done specifically to obstruct a federal investigation are not yet known. So it remains to be seen whether an obstruction case could be built against Trump or against other Trump administration officials.
These are the nascent stages of an eventual impeachment. First an inquiry than a vote for the AOI.

Inquiry into what? You cannot inquire into crime that has not been committed.
The HIGH in a high crime etc, is a person of high authority... A president, a judge, a VP, a prime Minister and even a King.... high is not the degree of a crime, it is usually misconduct, an abuse of power of someone in higher authority... basically, it does not need to be a felony or misdemeanor under a statute of Law.... it can be.... but does not have to be.

here are some of the alleged crimes

The possible crimes in the Trump-Ukraine scandal, explained

Allegations of wrongdoing are flying around — a record of a July 25 phone call between President Donald Trump and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky reads more like a mafia shakedown than a conversation between two world leaders. Trump asks Zelensky to do him a “favor,” i.e. dig up dirt on his political rival Joe Biden. Trump then suggested that Zelensky take this offline and talk with Trump’s personal lawyer, Rudy Giuliani, and US Attorney William Barr about it. In the background, Trump had frozen American aid to Ukraine, a strong-arm move that some on the internet pointed out would make Tony Soprano proud.

Did Trump or his associates violate campaign finance law?
Federal law makes it illegal to “solicit, accept, or receive a contribution or donation” from a foreign national. The question of whether or not the president ran afoul of that law certainly seems in play in light of what we saw in the transcript.

For purposes of this statute, a “contribution or donation” is defined as “money” or another “thing of value.” So a prosecution of Trump would hinge upon whether the opposition research Trump sought on Biden constitutes such a “thing of value.” Barr and Giuliani, meanwhile, could be considered accomplices in Trump’s effort to obtain opposition research from Ukraine’s president.

Continued at link.

Does Trump’s act constitute bribery?
Prosecutors might also look to a federal anti-bribery statute, which imposes criminal sanctions on a public official who “corruptly demands, seeks, receives, accepts, or agrees to receive or accept anything of value personally or for any other person or entity, in return for ... being influenced in the performance of any official act.”

Any prosecution under this statute would raise similar issues to the ones that arise under the campaign finance law. Does opposition research constitute “anything of value”? Ultimately, that question would need to be resolved by the courts.

Continued at link above.

Did he commit extortion?
Writing in the Daily Beast, former United States Attorney Barbara McQuade points to the Hobbs Act, a federal anti-extortion law, as another possible source of criminal liability against Trump.

The Hobbs Act prohibits actions that “in any way or degree obstructs, delays, or affects commerce or the movement of any article or commodity in commerce, by robbery or extortion.” The word “extortion,” is defined as “obtaining of property from another, with his consent, induced by wrongful use of actual or threatened force, violence, or fear, or under color of official right.”

The magic words here are “under color of official right.” This language refers to public officials who use their office to pressure another person. As the Supreme Court has explained, to show that a criminal defendant acted under color of official right, “the Government need only show that a public official has obtained a payment to which he was not entitled, knowing that the payment was made in return for official acts.

Thus, if Trump blocked military assistance to Ukraine in order to extract a payment from that country, that could form the basis for a Hobbs Act prosecution.

contunued at link above...

Did he obstruct justice?
Several other federal laws make it a crime to tamper with documents related to a federal investigation. One statute, for example, imposes criminal liability on anyone who “knowingly alters, destroys, mutilates, conceals, covers up, falsifies, or makes a false entry in any record, document, or tangible object with the intent to impede, obstruct, or influence” a federal investigation. If Trump or one of his associates committed such an act to cover up other potentially criminal activity, they could face prison time (though, again, any prosecution of Trump would have to wait until he leaves office).

At this stage, however, we can’t know for sure whether such a cover-up took place — although a whistleblower accused White House officials of moving the transcript of Trump’s call with Zelensky to a “separate electronic system that is otherwise used to store and handle classified information of an especially sensitive nature.” The White House, in other words, may have tried to shield Trump from political damage by hiding the transcript in a system normally afforded to the most sensitive national security information.

Whether this attempt to conceal the transcript was done at Trump’s behest and whether it was done specifically to obstruct a federal investigation are not yet known. So it remains to be seen whether an obstruction case could be built against Trump or against other Trump administration officials.

Vox? why not just go with the latest speculation from 'think progress'?

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