So What Crime of Office Has Trump Committed to Justify Impeachment?

We can't go back in time and change the designer war of Iraq where we did a feint to Afghanistan then shifted to the real target, although I argued against the whole mess from the gitgo.

Well, bully for you, what would you like a medal? What exactly would you have done in the face of the only attack on American soil since Pearl Harbor? Hmmmm? Put out a strongly worded condemnation, complete with phraseology that outlined how it was really all our fault?

WE can only go forward from THIS moment.

That's the problem with far too many these days, there is no historical context.

This regime is corrupt to the quick.

Fortunately for the country we don't just take yours, or anyone elses word for it...You have to prove it.

If you like the corruption and ignoring the Constitution and ignoring long held tradition, then keep seeing and hearing no evil.

You mean like ignoring the Constitution in terms of taking a vote on the house floor to initiate a "formal impeachment hearing"? And refusing to see the evil of a VP of the United States extorting a foreign government to fire a prosecutor looking into his son.? That type?

I don't know if Donnie is worse, I only know he is crooked as a corkscrew, and I will do my best to get him out of the oval office and back into his taxpayer and pay-for-play fund-refreshed Towers.

I am sure that posting on an anonymous message board will do the trick....;)
I think it IS proven that the aid has been withheld for lack of a personal favor. I know you'll think that because Trump is not recorded saying the words "quid pro quo" that it is not proven, and yet the action of withholding funds until a 'favor' is enacted speaks a lot louder than words.

The Ukrainian President has said there was no pressure on their nation to do anything. Do libs think that the man is lying? Shouldn't they explicitly call him a lying piece of crapola if he is?
Leave Zelensky out of it for now. He IS under pressure.

President Zelensky says he isn't. Like I said, if he's lying, libs should have the courage to say that in so many words.

I don't see why he would be. The gentleman wants to clean up Ukraine, drain the Ukrainian swamp and MUGA. Make Ukraine Great Again.
Zelensky is between a rock and a hard place

He wants military aid from Trump. Throwing Trump under the bus is not the way to get it

What trump did in the phone call to President Zelensky was exactly how Michael Cohen testified Trump got his way with a round-about style; getting people to do things trump wanted done, but would provide him with Plausible deniability. That is the ability for trump to deny knowledge of or responsibility for any act, and to place responsibility for the actions on subordinates.

Man....A bogeymen under every bed eh? Just make shit up.
Trump traded military aid in return for a personal “favor”

I think it IS proven that the aid has been withheld for lack of a personal favor. I know you'll think that because Trump is not recorded saying the words "quid pro quo" that it is not proven, and yet the action of withholding funds until a 'favor' is enacted speaks a lot louder than words.

No the aid to the Ukraine was withheld because Trump wants other countries like Germany, France and others to pay their fare share of aid to Ukraine.
Why should we continue to pay the bulk?
Peach, there's a listing of contributions to Ukraine from Europe that shows us low on the list. Others HAVE paid their fair share. Only we thru Trump have not. I'd rather you find the list yourself since you are skeptical of me, but if you want, I will look for the one I saw.

The United States is the largest donor of military equipment to Ukraine, which is the subject being discussed.
There is plenty of aid from the European nations for many things, but not military equipment.
Well, bully for you, what would you like a medal? What exactly would you have done in the face of the only attack on American soil since Pearl Harbor? Hmmmm? Put out a strongly worded condemnation, complete with phraseology that outlined how it was really all our fault?
I personally favored a covert action where OBLs head mysteriously turned up on a pike in front of the Kaaba stone. It would have been a much stronger message than sending the US military to Iraq thru Afghanistan in a weak effort to pretend it was a pursuit of justice instead of simply balm on on old gripe for not marching on Baghdad from Kuwait. Saddam was a nasty man, but he had nothing to do with 911 and we wasted a lot of lives up thru today accomplishing nothing.
Fortunately for the country we don't just take yours, or anyone elses word for it...You have to prove it.
And yet you cry 'witch hunt' or applaud any stonewalling at every effort to provide that truth you don't want to hear, as evidenced in your final paragraph.
Fortunately for the country we don't just take yours, or anyone elses word for it...You have to prove it.
I presume you mean like you don't take the word of the Ukrainian prosecutor interviewed that said there was no evidence against either Biden or Biden jr. in the diversive affair Trump is ginning up for your talking point?
Trump traded military aid in return for a personal “favor”

I think it IS proven that the aid has been withheld for lack of a personal favor. I know you'll think that because Trump is not recorded saying the words "quid pro quo" that it is not proven, and yet the action of withholding funds until a 'favor' is enacted speaks a lot louder than words.

No the aid to the Ukraine was withheld because Trump wants other countries like Germany, France and others to pay their fare share of aid to Ukraine.
Why should we continue to pay the bulk?
Peach, there's a listing of contributions to Ukraine from Europe that shows us low on the list. Others HAVE paid their fair share. Only we thru Trump have not. I'd rather you find the list yourself since you are skeptical of me, but if you want, I will look for the one I saw.

The United States is the largest donor of military equipment to Ukraine, which is the subject being discussed.
There is plenty of aid from the European nations for many things, but not military equipment.
Nice dodge. but do we provide..or do we sell?
Trump Wrong on European Aid to Ukraine
I think it IS proven that the aid has been withheld for lack of a personal favor. I know you'll think that because Trump is not recorded saying the words "quid pro quo" that it is not proven, and yet the action of withholding funds until a 'favor' is enacted speaks a lot louder than words.

No the aid to the Ukraine was withheld because Trump wants other countries like Germany, France and others to pay their fare share of aid to Ukraine.
Why should we continue to pay the bulk?
Peach, there's a listing of contributions to Ukraine from Europe that shows us low on the list. Others HAVE paid their fair share. Only we thru Trump have not. I'd rather you find the list yourself since you are skeptical of me, but if you want, I will look for the one I saw.

The United States is the largest donor of military equipment to Ukraine, which is the subject being discussed.
There is plenty of aid from the European nations for many things, but not military equipment.
Nice dodge. but do we provide..or do we sell?
Trump Wrong on European Aid to Ukraine

Not a dodge a fact.
We provide and sell, other countries need to do the same.
I think it IS proven that the aid has been withheld for lack of a personal favor. I know you'll think that because Trump is not recorded saying the words "quid pro quo" that it is not proven, and yet the action of withholding funds until a 'favor' is enacted speaks a lot louder than words.

No the aid to the Ukraine was withheld because Trump wants other countries like Germany, France and others to pay their fare share of aid to Ukraine.
Why should we continue to pay the bulk?
Peach, there's a listing of contributions to Ukraine from Europe that shows us low on the list. Others HAVE paid their fair share. Only we thru Trump have not. I'd rather you find the list yourself since you are skeptical of me, but if you want, I will look for the one I saw.

The United States is the largest donor of military equipment to Ukraine, which is the subject being discussed.
There is plenty of aid from the European nations for many things, but not military equipment.
Nice dodge. but do we provide..or do we sell?
Trump Wrong on European Aid to Ukraine
I think it IS proven that the aid has been withheld for lack of a personal favor. I know you'll think that because Trump is not recorded saying the words "quid pro quo" that it is not proven, and yet the action of withholding funds until a 'favor' is enacted speaks a lot louder than words.

No the aid to the Ukraine was withheld because Trump wants other countries like Germany, France and others to pay their fare share of aid to Ukraine.
Why should we continue to pay the bulk?
Peach, there's a listing of contributions to Ukraine from Europe that shows us low on the list. Others HAVE paid their fair share. Only we thru Trump have not. I'd rather you find the list yourself since you are skeptical of me, but if you want, I will look for the one I saw.

The United States is the largest donor of military equipment to Ukraine, which is the subject being discussed.
There is plenty of aid from the European nations for many things, but not military equipment.
Nice dodge. but do we provide..or do we sell?
Trump Wrong on European Aid to Ukraine

That is aid for other things rather than providing and selling their military equipment to them.
I think it IS proven that the aid has been withheld for lack of a personal favor. I know you'll think that because Trump is not recorded saying the words "quid pro quo" that it is not proven, and yet the action of withholding funds until a 'favor' is enacted speaks a lot louder than words.

No the aid to the Ukraine was withheld because Trump wants other countries like Germany, France and others to pay their fare share of aid to Ukraine.
Why should we continue to pay the bulk?
Peach, there's a listing of contributions to Ukraine from Europe that shows us low on the list. Others HAVE paid their fair share. Only we thru Trump have not. I'd rather you find the list yourself since you are skeptical of me, but if you want, I will look for the one I saw.

The United States is the largest donor of military equipment to Ukraine, which is the subject being discussed.
There is plenty of aid from the European nations for many things, but not military equipment.
Nice dodge. but do we provide..or do we sell?
Trump Wrong on European Aid to Ukraine

Not a dodge a fact.
We provide and sell, other countries need to do the same.
They do. It's a false gripe by Trump trying to make you believe his withholding of funding is justified and not a form of extortion.
I personally favored a covert action where OBLs head mysteriously turned up on a pike in front of the Kaaba stone. It would have been a much stronger message than sending the US military to Iraq thru Afghanistan in a weak effort to pretend it was a pursuit of justice instead of simply balm on on old gripe for not marching on Baghdad from Kuwait. Saddam was a nasty man, but he had nothing to do with 911 and we wasted a lot of lives up thru today accomplishing nothing.

Well, Obama, and Democrats made sure of that outcome didn't they?

And yet you cry 'witch hunt' or applaud any stonewalling at every effort to provide that truth you don't want to hear, as evidenced in your final paragraph.

What "Stonewalling" has occured here? Trump declassified not only the transcript of the call, but the complaint as well....Unprecidented....

I presume you mean like you don't take the word of the Ukrainian prosecutor interviewed that said there was no evidence against either Biden or Biden jr. in the diversive affair Trump is ginning up for your talking point?

Would that be the one that was placed in after Biden extorted the Ukrainian government to protect his cokehead son?
No the aid to the Ukraine was withheld because Trump wants other countries like Germany, France and others to pay their fare share of aid to Ukraine.
Why should we continue to pay the bulk?
Peach, there's a listing of contributions to Ukraine from Europe that shows us low on the list. Others HAVE paid their fair share. Only we thru Trump have not. I'd rather you find the list yourself since you are skeptical of me, but if you want, I will look for the one I saw.

The United States is the largest donor of military equipment to Ukraine, which is the subject being discussed.
There is plenty of aid from the European nations for many things, but not military equipment.
Nice dodge. but do we provide..or do we sell?
Trump Wrong on European Aid to Ukraine

Not a dodge a fact.
We provide and sell, other countries need to do the same.
They do. It's a false gripe by Trump trying to make you believe his withholding of funding is justified and not a form of extortion.

Then prove that they do.
All I'm reading about is their aid is everything else, but only a small amount of military sales for them from other European countries.
He didn' we are finding out, obama not only worked with Russia, it is now apparent he was pressuring Ukraine to go after Trump as well....
The investigate it.

Russia helped Trump win. Why would they want that?
Russian efforts in 16 were playing BOTH sides of the electoral information game to sow chaos. That's documented. The insidious thing is that you people, as usual took only cherry picked portions to craft narratives, and hoped like hell it would overturn a fair election....

What this has shown rational people is how evil Democrat progressives really are.

Sent from my SM-T587P using Tapatalk
Sorry but our intel agencies say different.

No, they actually don't....

"It’s looking increasingly likely, however, that the Kremlin was playing both sides against each other, giving each something it wanted. That’s a classic destabilization tactic that Russia has long employed in Ukraine, feeding the local establishment’s internal conflicts."

It appears Kremlin was playing both sides against each other

Hell, even a site you probably love, "ThinkProgress" says so...

"These newly released Facebook ads reveal how Russian trolls expertly played both sid
These newly released Facebook ads reveal how"

These newly released Facebook ads reveal how Russian trolls expertly played both sides

Please educate yourself before responding to me....Thanks.
Please educate yourself.

Investigations pointed to the Russians favoring Trump over Clinton.

But, being the dishonest fuck you are, you will take a small minority on of hacks that favored Clinton & run screaming " OMG OMG Both sides!!! Both Sides!!!.

The Russians LOVED Trump. Why is that?

Putin even told the world when he was at Helsinki last year that yes he wanted trump to win and helped him to win. Then went on to say why.

Here he is on tape:

helsinki putin admits he helped trump - Bing video
The investigate it.

Russia helped Trump win. Why would they want that?
Russian efforts in 16 were playing BOTH sides of the electoral information game to sow chaos. That's documented. The insidious thing is that you people, as usual took only cherry picked portions to craft narratives, and hoped like hell it would overturn a fair election....

What this has shown rational people is how evil Democrat progressives really are.

Sent from my SM-T587P using Tapatalk
Sorry but our intel agencies say different.

No, they actually don't....

"It’s looking increasingly likely, however, that the Kremlin was playing both sides against each other, giving each something it wanted. That’s a classic destabilization tactic that Russia has long employed in Ukraine, feeding the local establishment’s internal conflicts."

It appears Kremlin was playing both sides against each other

Hell, even a site you probably love, "ThinkProgress" says so...

"These newly released Facebook ads reveal how Russian trolls expertly played both sid
These newly released Facebook ads reveal how"

These newly released Facebook ads reveal how Russian trolls expertly played both sides

Please educate yourself before responding to me....Thanks.
Please educate yourself.

Investigations pointed to the Russians favoring Trump over Clinton.

But, being the dishonest fuck you are, you will take a small minority on of hacks that favored Clinton & run screaming " OMG OMG Both sides!!! Both Sides!!!.

The Russians LOVED Trump. Why is that?

Putin even told the world when he was at Helsinki last year that yes he wanted trump to win and helped him to win. Then went on to say why.

Here he is on tape:

helsinki putin admits he helped trump - Bing video

The investigate it.

Russia helped Trump win. Why would they want that?
Russian efforts in 16 were playing BOTH sides of the electoral information game to sow chaos. That's documented. The insidious thing is that you people, as usual took only cherry picked portions to craft narratives, and hoped like hell it would overturn a fair election....

What this has shown rational people is how evil Democrat progressives really are.

Sent from my SM-T587P using Tapatalk
Sorry but our intel agencies say different.

No, they actually don't....

"It’s looking increasingly likely, however, that the Kremlin was playing both sides against each other, giving each something it wanted. That’s a classic destabilization tactic that Russia has long employed in Ukraine, feeding the local establishment’s internal conflicts."

It appears Kremlin was playing both sides against each other

Hell, even a site you probably love, "ThinkProgress" says so...

"These newly released Facebook ads reveal how Russian trolls expertly played both sid
These newly released Facebook ads reveal how"

These newly released Facebook ads reveal how Russian trolls expertly played both sides

Please educate yourself before responding to me....Thanks.
Please educate yourself.

Investigations pointed to the Russians favoring Trump over Clinton.

But, being the dishonest fuck you are, you will take a small minority on of hacks that favored Clinton & run screaming " OMG OMG Both sides!!! Both Sides!!!.

The Russians LOVED Trump. Why is that?

Putin even told the world when he was at Helsinki last year that yes he wanted trump to win and helped him to win. Then went on to say why.

Here he is on tape:

helsinki putin admits he helped trump - Bing video

LOL....That's it? Man you people are dupes...
Trump traded military aid in return for a personal “favor”

I think it IS proven that the aid has been withheld for lack of a personal favor. I know you'll think that because Trump is not recorded saying the words "quid pro quo" that it is not proven, and yet the action of withholding funds until a 'favor' is enacted speaks a lot louder than words.

No the aid to the Ukraine was withheld because Trump wants other countries like Germany, France and others to pay their fare share of aid to Ukraine.
Why should we continue to pay the bulk?

Yours and trump's problem is that what you and he states is just flat out a lie.

The EU has given the most to Ukraine for help with the Russian war.

Stop lying and stop buying trump's lies.

I would point out that the time to debate that was when the legislation was working it's way through congress. No one, including trump, said one word.

I would also point out that trump could have vetoed the money when the bill came to his desk. Or at the very least he could have bought up the subject of how much the EU has given. He said nothing. He signed the bill.

Here is truth that trump won't tell you:

Trump Wrong on European Aid to Ukraine
A 'high crime and misdemeanor' is essentially, as I understand it, a regular crime but committed with public office using the powers of office.

So if the President say broke into a building to steal secrets from his opponents offices, it is not a high crime unless it was to benefit him and he USED the POWERS OF OFFICE to enable the break in.

If a politician has an affair and pays hush money out of his own funds it might be a crime depending on the state, but if he paid out of the public treasury it is a high crime.

So what crime is alledged that Trump committed using his powers of office to commit the crime?


Did he take $1.5 billion from the Chicoms, or use his office to get lovers, or to trade on the information gfained in office, or simply steal public money without a trace?

What was his crime of office?

Ask Tulsi.
The Ukrainian President has said there was no pressure on their nation to do anything. Do libs think that the man is lying? Shouldn't they explicitly call him a lying piece of crapola if he is?
Leave Zelensky out of it for now. He IS under pressure.

President Zelensky says he isn't. Like I said, if he's lying, libs should have the courage to say that in so many words.

I don't see why he would be. The gentleman wants to clean up Ukraine, drain the Ukrainian swamp and MUGA. Make Ukraine Great Again.
Zelensky is between a rock and a hard place

He wants military aid from Trump. Throwing Trump under the bus is not the way to get it

What trump did in the phone call to President Zelensky was exactly how Michael Cohen testified Trump got his way with a round-about style; getting people to do things trump wanted done, but would provide him with Plausible deniability. That is the ability for trump to deny knowledge of or responsibility for any act, and to place responsibility for the actions on subordinates.

Michael Cohen is convicted liar, a man of zero ethics,a rat who would say anything to save his worthless ass

Michael Cohen is a convicted liar, and acknowledged that during his testimony. He lied to protect "Mr. Trump", until he had an epiphany that loyalty for Trump is a one-way street.

His testimony seemed to me cathartic and confessional, and for that I gave him credit and understood
The Ukrainian President has said there was no pressure on their nation to do anything. Do libs think that the man is lying? Shouldn't they explicitly call him a lying piece of crapola if he is?
Leave Zelensky out of it for now. He IS under pressure.

President Zelensky says he isn't. Like I said, if he's lying, libs should have the courage to say that in so many words.

I don't see why he would be. The gentleman wants to clean up Ukraine, drain the Ukrainian swamp and MUGA. Make Ukraine Great Again.
Zelensky is between a rock and a hard place

He wants military aid from Trump. Throwing Trump under the bus is not the way to get it

What trump did in the phone call to President Zelensky was exactly how Michael Cohen testified Trump got his way with a round-about style; getting people to do things trump wanted done, but would provide him with Plausible deniability. That is the ability for trump to deny knowledge of or responsibility for any act, and to place responsibility for the actions on subordinates.

Man....A bogeymen under every bed eh? Just make shit up.

Man-Child who delivers an idiot-gram ^^^ when unable to post an expository rebuttal. Sad that so many on the far Right are so limited in intellectual capacity.

For the Record, I wrote this:

Michael Cohen is a convicted liar, and acknowledged that during his testimony. He lied to protect "Mr. Trump", until he had an epiphany that loyalty for Trump is a one-way street.

His testimony seemed to me cathartic and confessional, and for that I gave him credit and understood.
Last edited:
Michael Cohen is a convicted liar, and acknowledged that during his testimony. He lied to protect "Mr. Trump", until he had an epiphany that loyalty for Trump is a one-way street.

His testimony seemed to me cathartic and confessional, and for that I gave him credit and understood

You actually have no reason to think that Mr. Cohen lied to protect Mr. Trump at all.

I guess he said it, but it would seem as if he said it, merely to win the sympathy of leftard Trump haters. Not because it was true.

During his testimony, BTW, he spewed further lies. He said he was not interested in a Trump Administration job,but the testimony of others indicated his dream and his lobbying to become Attorney General. Maybe he'll get his wish if Sleepy Joe gets in.
Trump traded military aid in return for a personal “favor”

I think it IS proven that the aid has been withheld for lack of a personal favor. I know you'll think that because Trump is not recorded saying the words "quid pro quo" that it is not proven, and yet the action of withholding funds until a 'favor' is enacted speaks a lot louder than words.

No the aid to the Ukraine was withheld because Trump wants other countries like Germany, France and others to pay their fare share of aid to Ukraine.
Why should we continue to pay the bulk?

Yours and trump's problem is that what you and he states is just flat out a lie.

The EU has given the most to Ukraine for help with the Russian war.

Stop lying and stop buying trump's lies.

I would point out that the time to debate that was when the legislation was working it's way through congress. No one, including trump, said one word.

I would also point out that trump could have vetoed the money when the bill came to his desk. Or at the very least he could have bought up the subject of how much the EU has given. He said nothing. He signed the bill.

Here is truth that trump won't tell you:

Trump Wrong on European Aid to Ukraine

How much military hardware has Europe sold to the Ukraine, this is what the conversation is about.
Europe gives plenty of loans and aid ,but how much of their military weapons have they offered and sold to them?
Michael Cohen is a convicted liar, and acknowledged that during his testimony. He lied to protect "Mr. Trump", until he had an epiphany that loyalty for Trump is a one-way street.

His testimony seemed to me cathartic and confessional, and for that I gave him credit and understood

You actually have no reason to think that Mr. Cohen lied to protect Mr. Trump at all.

I guess he said it, but it would seem as if he said it, merely to win the sympathy of leftard Trump haters. Not because it was true.

During his testimony, BTW, he spewed further lies. He said he was not interested in a Trump Administration job,but the testimony of others indicated his dream and his lobbying to become Attorney General. Maybe he'll get his wish if Sleepy Joe gets in.

Trump's son made that statement, he's as dumb and as dishonest as his old man. There was documentary evidence to support Cohen's testimony, but of course you only watch Fox News and listen to the Limbaugh and other AM Radio propagandists, which is why you are so ignorant of the facts.
Trump traded military aid in return for a personal “favor”

I think it IS proven that the aid has been withheld for lack of a personal favor. I know you'll think that because Trump is not recorded saying the words "quid pro quo" that it is not proven, and yet the action of withholding funds until a 'favor' is enacted speaks a lot louder than words.

No the aid to the Ukraine was withheld because Trump wants other countries like Germany, France and others to pay their fare share of aid to Ukraine.
Why should we continue to pay the bulk?

Yours and trump's problem is that what you and he states is just flat out a lie.

The EU has given the most to Ukraine for help with the Russian war.

Stop lying and stop buying trump's lies.

I would point out that the time to debate that was when the legislation was working it's way through congress. No one, including trump, said one word.

I would also point out that trump could have vetoed the money when the bill came to his desk. Or at the very least he could have bought up the subject of how much the EU has given. He said nothing. He signed the bill.

Here is truth that trump won't tell you:

Trump Wrong on European Aid to Ukraine

How much military hardware has Europe sold to the Ukraine, this is what the conversation is about.
Europe gives plenty of loans and aid ,but how much of their military weapons have they offered and sold to them?

No it's not.

It's about money. trump didn't hold up delivery of any military hardware. He stopped the money that the republican controlled congress appropriated in 2018.

Stop lying and trying to change what it's all about.

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