So................what do you think the big announcement will be tomorrow?

Trump's very excited to mention the Republicans have won back the House he lost. :lol:
That guy can talk.

So, the Dems will have to at least run someone against him who can also talk.

I wonder who they have in mind . . .
Trump's very excited to mention the Republicans have won back the House he lost. :lol:
Actually the Democrat turds lost a lot of seats in the House in the 2020 election. They lost more in the 2022 election despite them stealing seats.
Actually the Democrat turds lost a lot of seats in the House in the 2020 election. They lost more in the 2022 election despite them stealing seats.
Yes, it took the Republicans FOUR YEARS to gain back the House Trump lost.

And they STILL haven't got back the Senate he lost.
Yes, it took the Republicans FOUR YEARS to gain back the House Trump lost.

And they STILL haven't got back the Senate he lost.

The Democrat shitheads had about a 40 seat majority and they lost those seats in 2020 and 2022. Now they are the minority party in the House and that is with them stealing several seats.
Well................he announced.......................gonna be interesting for the next couple of years. Wonder if the GOP is gonna tear itself apart? A lot of people in the GOP have been saying that Trump's time is past. Guess we'll see.
So, was the hyperventilating, anxiety, and fearful anticipation of what tonight's announcement was going to be worth it, or was it a let down?

Did anyone not expect this was going to be what it was?

Did it REALLY change anything / make a big impact?

Shockwaves ...shockwaves, I tell ya. I felt them all the way over here. The change and excitement is in the air...

So, was the hyperventilating, anxiety, and fearful anticipation of what tonight's announcement was going to be worth it, or was it a let down?

Did anyone not expect this was going to be what it was?

Did it REALLY change anything / make a big impact?

Shockwaves ...shockwaves, I tell ya. I felt them all the way over here. The change and excitement is in the air...

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Well, I knew he was gonna bitch and complain about how things have gone under Biden, as well as take lots of pot shots at the Dems. No surprise on that front actually.

I was wondering about his announcing though, and it looks like he is gonna try for another run. My question now is, will the GOP members who have spoken out against him go back to kowtowing, or will there be a fight amongst the Republicans, tearing the GOP apart?
Well, I knew he was gonna bitch and complain about how things have gone under Biden, as well as take lots of pot shots at the Dems. No surprise on that front actually.

It was appropriate / warranted.

I was wondering about his announcing though, and it looks like he is gonna try for another run. My question now is, will the GOP members who have spoken out against him go back to kowtowing, or will there be a fight amongst the Republicans, tearing the GOP apart?

Will the Trump-haters push back against / fight their own voters - the very large following he has, risk alienating / losing them?

McConnell already took a shot at Trump, hurting the party, by regfusing to fully fund some Trump-endorsed candidates, thereby screwing them / the GOP by giving up the seatscyo the Democrats.
- Stats show all challengers not fully funded by their party lost to fully funded incumbents.

Will anti-Trump GOP 'forfeit' the 2024 election and risk driving off Trump-faithful GOP viloters if it means ridding the GOP of Trump, killing the Trump movement?
Will anti-Trump GOP 'forfeit' the 2024 election and risk driving off Trump-faithful GOP viloters if it means ridding the GOP of Trump, killing the Trump movement?

I think a more appropriate question to ask would be are the Trumpers gonna drive out the GOP, take over the party, and watch it go the way of the Whigs?
Will the Trump-haters push back against / fight their own voters - the very large following he has, risk alienating / losing them?
Yes, that is the better question. I'm wondering if any of them will have the courage to try to primary Trump? We would normally use "primary" as a verb only in the case of an incumbent, but in this case, Trump is the incumbent in all but name.

McConnell already took a shot at Trump, hurting the party, by regfusing to fully fund some Trump-endorsed candidates, thereby screwing them / the GOP by giving up the seatscyo the Democrats.
- Stats show all challengers not fully funded by their party lost to fully funded incumbents.
Interesting stat. In 2022 Trump-backed candidates defeated their hapless Dem opponents in about 84% of the races, but the media presented 2022 as a "sharp rebuke" to Trump and focused on what they called "key races," in blue states. What a crazy year in which the DNC funds Trump-backed candidates in the primary, but the GOP de-funds them in the general.

The obvious reason: The old establishment types at the GOP see Trump as a bigger threat to them than Democrats. Rightfully so, it is with the Dems that they are able to milk the scam of politics the most lucratively.
Will anti-Trump GOP 'forfeit' the 2024 election and risk driving off Trump-faithful GOP viloters if it means ridding the GOP of Trump, killing the Trump movement?
I believe that they would, if they can find a way. Compromising with Dems is their signature move, and they may well work behind the scenes with them. One more term of Biden would probably bring them at least two terms of an establishment president of their choice, while one more term of Trump would likely bring them eight more years of DeSantis.

Especially if the Dems are serious about putting Fetterman in the VP slot, and then, presumably, on the top of the ticket in 2028.
I think a more appropriate question to ask would be are the Trumpers gonna drive out the GOP, take over the party, and watch it go the way of the Whigs?
Trumpers took over The Party in 2016, and still have it with Trump's thus far unopposed run for the nomination.

The Democrats defeated the Whigs by taking a stronger pro-slavery position than the Whigs.

Not sure how that would fit in with today's world.
Interesting stat. In 2022 Trump-backed candidates defeated their hapless Dem opponents in about 84% of the races, but the media presented 2022 as a "sharp rebuke" to Trump and focused on what they called "key races," in blue states. What a crazy year in which the DNC funds Trump-backed candidates in the primary, but the GOP de-funds them in the general.

The obvious reason: The old establishment types at the GOP see Trump as a bigger threat to them than Democrats. Rightfully so, it is with the Dems that they are able to milk the scam of politics the most lucratively.

The obvious reason is that the 84% that won were almost all non-competitive races. Trump did terribly in competitive races he backed someone in.

But you already know this and are just pretending it is not a fact.
The obvious reason is that the 84% that won were almost all non-competitive races. Trump did terribly in competitive races he backed someone in.

But you already know this and are just pretending it is not a fact.
Translation: Trump-backed candidates lost only in the approx 15% of states that are so blue that people like John Fetterman can win even in a semi-vegetative condition as long as the have the (D) after their names.
Trump said last week at a rally that the was going to be making a "very large" announcement from Mar a Lago on November 15th. That's tomorrow. What do you think it will be?

I'm thinking that his original plan was going to be to announce that he was running for president again, but in light of the way the elections DIDN'T go the way the GOP was hoping, as well as the fact that some of the people Trump backed lost their elections, resulting in a "red drip" (if even that), instead of the much touted "red wave".

But, I'm you think he's going to make a big announcement, or do you think he's just gonna let it go by, hoping nobody remembers what he said a week ago? he going to announce a run for president again? he just gonna bitch about how the midterm elections were somehow "stolen" from the Republicans?

I'm guessing there won't be an announcement, just a whole bunch of bluster and bitching from Trump about the elections.
Great instincts youve got there. Of course Trump announced that he is running! TDS makes you left wingers really terrible at reading the room. :laugh:
Translation: Trump-backed candidates lost only in the approx 15% of states that are so blue that people like John Fetterman can win even in a semi-vegetative condition as long as the have the (D) after their names.

and they won in the rest of the states that are so red that they will vote for anyone that has an (R) after the names.

It is so damn cute how you pretned your beloved party is any different than the Dems in this regard.

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