So................what do you think the big announcement will be tomorrow?

Trump said last week at a rally that the was going to be making a "very large" announcement from Mar a Lago on November 15th. That's tomorrow. What do you think it will be?

I'm thinking that his original plan was going to be to announce that he was running for president again, but in light of the way the elections DIDN'T go the way the GOP was hoping, as well as the fact that some of the people Trump backed lost their elections, resulting in a "red drip" (if even that), instead of the much touted "red wave".

But, I'm you think he's going to make a big announcement, or do you think he's just gonna let it go by, hoping nobody remembers what he said a week ago? he going to announce a run for president again? he just gonna bitch about how the midterm elections were somehow "stolen" from the Republicans?

I'm guessing there won't be an announcement, just a whole bunch of bluster and bitching from Trump about the elections.

The announcement will be that he had a really good time but thinks the whole experience would be a lot more enjoyable if you'd just get a tube of Preparation H.

I believe that he will announce some kind of action in regards to the cheating in 2022.

Maybe an independent, self-funded investigation, maybe some other action.

Whatever it is, if he is smart, he will announce an executive team and a physical headquarters. Then the investigations will be run out of other locations, by other people only sending reports to the team leaders.

The DOJ/FBI/DNC is sure to raid that headquarters and the homes of the leaders, so they need to keep all real information out of there, but plant clues to mislead the government bureaucrats they will be easily outsmarting.

I hope that he's going to announce that they are making one of these for Nasty Piglosi.

He’s going to whine like the little bitch he is and claim election fraud last week and then go full retard and say that a democrat win in 2024 will automatically be fraudulent.

I think Trump knows there isn’t widespread fraud. He’s just a pathetic sack of dog shit when it comes to losing.

Well, it looks like you spelled everything right. Grammar is acceptable. I forwarded your submission to these folks and they want to give you a job.

Trump will bring down the entire GOP !!!

Trump is a liability and the party will turn on him
I don’t think the GOP leadership ever wanted Trump however they. Did embrace him once he became the nominee. If the Democrats had put up a better candidate, I don’t think would have won the Presidency. I expect to see the continued split of the party and it will take a couple election cycles to reunite, until then the Democrats will win the next couple elections and then they will shoot themselves in the foot. These two parties are predictable.
Remember when Trump commanded the Presidential Vote be stopped around 7 Pm cause it was crooked and unfair and not correct cause he said so sitting watching his TV in the Whitehouse Yep, Right he knew he was a lying POC !

If there's anybody here who would recognize a lying POS.................................



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