So................what do you think the big announcement will be tomorrow?

Current population of the US is 331.9 million. If your number were correct, that would mean that roughly one out of every three people in this country is a Trump voter.

Hell..................getting one out of 3 people in this country to vote is a fantasy, to say that there are that many Trump voters out there is pure b.s. If that were true, then he should have beat Biden back in 2020.
We already know that more people than eligible voters voted in 2020.
Trump said last week at a rally that the was going to be making a "very large" announcement from Mar a Lago on November 15th. That's tomorrow. What do you think it will be?

I'm thinking that his original plan was going to be to announce that he was running for president again, but in light of the way the elections DIDN'T go the way the GOP was hoping, as well as the fact that some of the people Trump backed lost their elections, resulting in a "red drip" (if even that), instead of the much touted "red wave".

But, I'm you think he's going to make a big announcement, or do you think he's just gonna let it go by, hoping nobody remembers what he said a week ago? he going to announce a run for president again? he just gonna bitch about how the midterm elections were somehow "stolen" from the Republicans?

I'm guessing there won't be an announcement, just a whole bunch of bluster and bitching from Trump about the elections.
He’s going to whine like the little bitch he is and claim election fraud last week and then go full retard and say that a democrat win in 2024 will automatically be fraudulent.

I think Trump knows there isn’t widespread fraud. He’s just a pathetic sack of dog shit when it comes to losing.
He’s going to whine like the little bitch he is and claim election fraud last week and then go full retard and say that a democrat win in 2024 will automatically be fraudulent.

I think Trump knows there isn’t widespread fraud. He’s just a pathetic sack of dog shit when it comes to losing.
I already explained how fraud is executed successfully.
Join your local political club and learn.
This thread is funny - so many hanging on Trump's big announcement, especially snowflakes. They be like...


'What is it? What's he gonna say?'

Who cares.
Ah! Good idea!

Trump should announce he is forming Election Defense Fund Part 2.

"My golf course in Ireland needs to be re-sodded."
Might as well.

The DOJ/FBI/DNC hasn't laid a glove on him yet, that's for sure.

The only stitch he is dropping is the pranks. If I were him, I'd be pranking them hard.

Since the DOJ et al think it is perfectly OK to use a fake dossier created by Hillary begging Russians to invent dirt on Trump, why not create phony dossiers of his own? Not about Majorkas and Wray, they'd smell a rat or just bury the story if hit to close to home. Make another fake dossier about himself and send it to his enemies.

Send the DOJ the most outlandish negative supposed information about Trump, and they are sure to do two things:

1) Investigate it fully and desperately. Not for truth because they will assume that immediately, but rather hoping to find more. Plant just a couple of Easter eggs in the most likely path they would take to track down more "dirt," and they will stay busy for decades, long after Trump dies laughing.

2) Leak it immediately, no matter how amateurish and obviously fake it is. Do I even need to say that the media would fall all over themselves to be the first to report it?

Trump has a dream scenario for a counter-intelligence psy-op. An enemy that cannot help telling you exactly how much of what you are feeding them they are swallowing by telling it to the media as fact.
He’s going to whine like the little bitch he is and claim election fraud last week and then go full retard and say that a democrat win in 2024 will automatically be fraudulent.

I think Trump knows there isn’t widespread fraud. He’s just a pathetic sack of dog shit when it comes to losing.

Hell............Trump has been saying that elections that don't go his way are fraudulent since he first announced he was running against Hillary. He had said when he was a candidate back in 2016 that if Hillary won, it was because the election was rigged.

And he hasn't stopped beating that same tired drum since.
Hell............Trump has been saying that elections that don't go his way are fraudulent since he first announced he was running against Hillary. He had said when he was a candidate back in 2016 that if Hillary won, it was because the election was rigged.

And he hasn't stopped beating that same tired drum since.
Actually, when The Apprentice didn't win an Emmy, Trump claimed it was rigged.

When Ted Cruz won the Iowa caucus, Trump claimed it was rigged and demanded a do-over.

Trump is a congenital sore loser.

This thread is funny - so many hanging on Trump's big announcement, especially snowflakes. They be like...

View attachment 726037
'What is it? What's he gonna say?'

Who cares.

I'm not "hanging" on his announcement, just wondering what in the hell he could possibly announce that would be big news, other than the supposed "red wave" never materialized.
Current population of the US is 331.9 million. If your number were correct, that would mean that roughly one out of every three people in this country is a Trump voter.

Hell..................getting one out of 3 people in this country to vote is a fantasy, to say that there are that many Trump voters out there is pure b.s. If that were true, then he should have beat Biden back in 2020.
Do you think that the last 2 years of inflation has endeared Biden to the poor?

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