So what does Biden offer us if he is elected?

A chance to live our lives without constantly having to focus solely on the president.

I’m exhausted by the last 4 years.

That sounds like a personal problem.
The whole country needs a break. We are at each other’s throats. This isn’t an accident. It’s by design.

Look at the acrimony in this thread.
youre right it is intentional,,,

Biden isn’t president.


People voted for Trump and our cities are burning. Vote for him again and it will continue.

The idiocy of this line is astounding.

Who's responsible for all the looting,burning and rioting?

That sounds like a threat. Are you part of the Gambino crime family?

Nope. It’s recognizing that Trump doesn’t know how to fix it.

We need a leader. Trump isn’t one.

Pretty sure there were riots when barry was in office.

True! And Barry was able to calm that shit down.

Because he was a leader.

Care to explain how he did that so we can all be enlightened?

In no small part, just by speaking to people. Words sometimes can be quite powerful.

but bidens words are lies,,,

Since when do you care about who is lying?

since always,,,its you that doesnt,,,

I guess that you’re not a Trump supporter then...

didnt vote for him last time,,but you dems are sure pushing me to this time,,,

youre his best campaign add,,,

How’s that?

That bus that stops at you mom and dad's house each morning to take you to school- how long is it?

If a person robs a bank, he, she or any of the other fifty billion new genders is responsible for robbing the bank.

If a person indulges in domestic terrorism, they are the ones responsible. You not only do not grasp that fact but JUSTIFY the behavior involved.

You completely deny the basic human rights of their victims in doing so.
What's not normal is behavior like yours, where you spend, evidently, every waking moment focused on what Trump says and does, as if your opinion on anything regarding the man might have some meaning. Well, it doesn't, because you're meaningless.

Your attitude is exactly what is so fucked up about this country. I’m being attacked for caring about the governance of my country. And no, it’s not that your suggest to stop caring is what’s the attack, it’s your profanity laced tirade that I’m somehow inferior for actually caring.

This shit needs to end.
You should focus on whether you are justified in YOUR focus being on how DJT behaves and communicates versus what he puts his signature on. Surface compared to substance.
A chance to live our lives without constantly having to focus solely on the president.

I’m exhausted by the last 4 years.
If you think about it, nothing Trump ran on in the 2016 race, was all that controversial (borders, military, economy, lowering taxes, terrorism, jobs). The only thing reason we have heard nothing but TRUMP....TRUMP....TRUMP, for the last 3.5 years, is because the media stopped being objective and focused on facts for years now. Marxism has insidiously moved its way into the media, entertainment and educational systems. It wouldn't have mattered if the president over the last few years was Trump, McCain, Romney, or any other Republican, they left would have still been having the over-the-top tantrums that we see now and if Trump wins the 2020 election, the left will continue going on with their childish temper tantrums and trying to blame him for the chaos in the city streets, when the politicians that run those cities are the ones responsible for it and foment it with their anti-republican rants and threats.
Trump could end this just by doing something to help the situation, like making police wear cameras and use them for example period but he will not do a damn thing except further divide
It's all crap nonsense anyway.

The stats have shown how few people of any color are harmed by police when not resisting.

Just today, stats of 2019 were:

2,925 black people murdered
2,600 of the above were murdered by fellow black people
234 were murdered by white people

So the outrage should be over why black people are killing each other so profoundly, and why black people complain about the results of their choice to resist arrest?
Change the channel and get the real story, not fake news phony scandals and ridiculous conspiracies...the rise in black on black murders is black gangsters killing each other over who gets to sell drugs to the whites from the suburbs and the sticks.
What's not normal is behavior like yours, where you spend, evidently, every waking moment focused on what Trump says and does, as if your opinion on anything regarding the man might have some meaning. Well, it doesn't, because you're meaningless.

Your attitude is exactly what is so fucked up about this country. I’m being attacked for caring about the governance of my country. And no, it’s not that your suggest to stop caring is what’s the attack, it’s your profanity laced tirade that I’m somehow inferior for actually caring.

This shit needs to end.
You should focus on whether you are justified in YOUR focus being on how DJT behaves and communicates versus what he puts his signature on. Surface compared to substance.
A chance to live our lives without constantly having to focus solely on the president.

I’m exhausted by the last 4 years.
If you think about it, nothing Trump ran on in the 2016 race, was all that controversial (borders, military, economy, lowering taxes, terrorism, jobs). The only thing reason we have heard nothing but TRUMP....TRUMP....TRUMP, for the last 3.5 years, is because the media stopped being objective and focused on facts for years now. Marxism has insidiously moved its way into the media, entertainment and educational systems. It wouldn't have mattered if the president over the last few years was Trump, McCain, Romney, or any other Republican, they left would have still been having the over-the-top tantrums that we see now and if Trump wins the 2020 election, the left will continue going on with their childish temper tantrums and trying to blame him for the chaos in the city streets, when the politicians that run those cities are the ones responsible for it and foment it with their anti-republican rants and threats.
Trump could end this just by doing something to help the situation, like making police wear cameras and use them for example period but he will not do a damn thing except further divide
It's all crap nonsense anyway.

The stats have shown how few people of any color are harmed by police when not resisting.

Just today, stats of 2019 were:

2,925 black people murdered
2,600 of the above were murdered by fellow black people
234 were murdered by white people

So the outrage should be over why black people are killing each other so profoundly, and why black people complain about the results of their choice to resist arrest?
It’s far more complicated than that. It’s about the lack of respect between a community and the police. The lack of trust. The lack of cooperation. It’s bad, and it goes both ways. And it’s getting worse.

You don’t understand the problem. Trump doesn’t understand the problem. That’s why you can’t be a part of the solution.
Oh yes, of course. The more vague you and others get, the more you can yap about injustices without getting nailed down as full of shit. So transparent.

Okay. Black people are stopped more often. They’re searched more often. They arrested more often. They’re charged more often. Their sentences are more severe. They’re policed differently. They do not get the same benefit of the doubt as other people, therefore they see the police as a force that is trying to get them rather than help them. When that happens, shit falls apart.
A chance to live our lives without constantly having to focus solely on the president.

I’m exhausted by the last 4 years.

That sounds like a personal problem.
The whole country needs a break. We are at each other’s throats. This isn’t an accident. It’s by design.

Look at the acrimony in this thread.
youre right it is intentional,,,

Biden isn’t president.


People voted for Trump and our cities are burning. Vote for him again and it will continue.

The idiocy of this line is astounding.

Who's responsible for all the looting,burning and rioting?

That sounds like a threat. Are you part of the Gambino crime family?

Nope. It’s recognizing that Trump doesn’t know how to fix it.

We need a leader. Trump isn’t one.

Pretty sure there were riots when barry was in office.

True! And Barry was able to calm that shit down.

Because he was a leader.

Care to explain how he did that so we can all be enlightened?

In no small part, just by speaking to people. Words sometimes can be quite powerful.

but bidens words are lies,,,

Since when do you care about who is lying?

since always,,,its you that doesnt,,,

I guess that you’re not a Trump supporter then...

didnt vote for him last time,,but you dems are sure pushing me to this time,,,

youre his best campaign add,,,

How’s that?

That bus that stops at you mom and dad's house each morning to take you to school- how long is it?

If a person robs a bank, he, she or any of the other fifty billion new genders is responsible for robbing the bank.

If a person indulges in domestic terrorism, they are the ones responsible. You not only do not grasp that fact but JUSTIFY the behavior involved.

You completely deny the basic human rights of their victims in doing so.

One problem, I’m not justifying it, I just want it to end. Trump is trying to exploit it. He doesn’t know how to end it.
A chance to live our lives without constantly having to focus solely on the president.

I’m exhausted by the last 4 years.

That sounds like a personal problem.
The whole country needs a break. We are at each other’s throats. This isn’t an accident. It’s by design.

Look at the acrimony in this thread.
youre right it is intentional,,,

Biden isn’t president.


People voted for Trump and our cities are burning. Vote for him again and it will continue.

The idiocy of this line is astounding.

Who's responsible for all the looting,burning and rioting?

That sounds like a threat. Are you part of the Gambino crime family?

Nope. It’s recognizing that Trump doesn’t know how to fix it.

We need a leader. Trump isn’t one.

Pretty sure there were riots when barry was in office.

True! And Barry was able to calm that shit down.

Because he was a leader.

Care to explain how he did that so we can all be enlightened?

In no small part, just by speaking to people. Words sometimes can be quite powerful.

but bidens words are lies,,,

Since when do you care about who is lying?

since always,,,its you that doesnt,,,

I guess that you’re not a Trump supporter then...

didnt vote for him last time,,but you dems are sure pushing me to this time,,,

youre his best campaign add,,,

How’s that?

That bus that stops at you mom and dad's house each morning to take you to school- how long is it?

If a person robs a bank, he, she or any of the other fifty billion new genders is responsible for robbing the bank.

If a person indulges in domestic terrorism, they are the ones responsible. You not only do not grasp that fact but JUSTIFY the behavior involved.

You completely deny the basic human rights of their victims in doing so.

One problem, I’m not justifying it, I just want it to end. Trump is trying to exploit it. He doesn’t know how to end it.

he doesnt have to exploit it,,,its right there for the whole world to see,,,he speaks out against it daily..

its almost like they are trying to get trump elected,,,
A chance to live our lives without constantly having to focus solely on the president.

I’m exhausted by the last 4 years.

That sounds like a personal problem.
The whole country needs a break. We are at each other’s throats. This isn’t an accident. It’s by design.

Look at the acrimony in this thread.
youre right it is intentional,,,

Biden isn’t president.


People voted for Trump and our cities are burning. Vote for him again and it will continue.

The idiocy of this line is astounding.

Who's responsible for all the looting,burning and rioting?

That sounds like a threat. Are you part of the Gambino crime family?

Nope. It’s recognizing that Trump doesn’t know how to fix it.

We need a leader. Trump isn’t one.

Pretty sure there were riots when barry was in office.

True! And Barry was able to calm that shit down.

Because he was a leader.

Care to explain how he did that so we can all be enlightened?

In no small part, just by speaking to people. Words sometimes can be quite powerful.

but bidens words are lies,,,

Since when do you care about who is lying?

since always,,,its you that doesnt,,,

I guess that you’re not a Trump supporter then...

didnt vote for him last time,,but you dems are sure pushing me to this time,,,

youre his best campaign add,,,

How’s that?

That bus that stops at you mom and dad's house each morning to take you to school- how long is it?

If a person robs a bank, he, she or any of the other fifty billion new genders is responsible for robbing the bank.

If a person indulges in domestic terrorism, they are the ones responsible. You not only do not grasp that fact but JUSTIFY the behavior involved.

You completely deny the basic human rights of their victims in doing so.

One problem, I’m not justifying it, I just want it to end. Trump is trying to exploit it. He doesn’t know how to end it.

For a person who says you are not trying to justify terrorism, you have certainly succeeded in doing so.

Supporting domestic terrorism must come so easy for Marxists that it is downright effortless, I guess.
A chance to live our lives without constantly having to focus solely on the president.

I’m exhausted by the last 4 years.

That sounds like a personal problem.
The whole country needs a break. We are at each other’s throats. This isn’t an accident. It’s by design.

Look at the acrimony in this thread.
youre right it is intentional,,,

Biden isn’t president.


People voted for Trump and our cities are burning. Vote for him again and it will continue.

The idiocy of this line is astounding.

In other words, they are committing extortion. And you support this behavior?

its more like terrorism,,,

L not listening.
Biden is normal. Trump is not normal.
You know. Kid, I'm sure your parents provide for you well and you lead a comphy lifestyle, but if they work for a living, do they know you are all about destroying their ability to earn a living?

Burning and looting has NOTHING to do with justice. It is an egregious violation thereof.

Why some of you infantile leftists can't figure that out is beyond me.
You’re entire frame of reference is so screwed up.

This is why it isn’t going to get better with people like Trump. They don’t understand the problem and can’t figure out a solution. Their only solution is more violence.
yes the dems only solution is violence,,,
Youre not listening. The Dems solution is better government. Trump’s solution is a more brutal authoritarian government.

Why hasnt Joe Hiden fixed it?
He's had 47 years to institute change yet here we are.

The country changes. You can’t fix today’s problem 47 years ago. Trump is not the man for the job. The evidence is in the streets.

No, that's the evidence that Biden isn't the man for the job.

Everything to way worse when he left government.

Unemployment? Stock market? GDP?

Where was it "way worse?"
A chance to live our lives without constantly having to focus solely on the president.

I’m exhausted by the last 4 years.

That sounds like a personal problem.
The whole country needs a break. We are at each other’s throats. This isn’t an accident. It’s by design.

Look at the acrimony in this thread.
youre right it is intentional,,,

Biden isn’t president.


People voted for Trump and our cities are burning. Vote for him again and it will continue.

The idiocy of this line is astounding.

Who's responsible for all the looting,burning and rioting?

That sounds like a threat. Are you part of the Gambino crime family?

Nope. It’s recognizing that Trump doesn’t know how to fix it.

We need a leader. Trump isn’t one.

Pretty sure there were riots when barry was in office.

True! And Barry was able to calm that shit down.

Because he was a leader.

Care to explain how he did that so we can all be enlightened?

In no small part, just by speaking to people. Words sometimes can be quite powerful.

but bidens words are lies,,,

Since when do you care about who is lying?

since always,,,its you that doesnt,,,

I guess that you’re not a Trump supporter then...

didnt vote for him last time,,but you dems are sure pushing me to this time,,,

youre his best campaign add,,,

How’s that?

That bus that stops at you mom and dad's house each morning to take you to school- how long is it?

If a person robs a bank, he, she or any of the other fifty billion new genders is responsible for robbing the bank.

If a person indulges in domestic terrorism, they are the ones responsible. You not only do not grasp that fact but JUSTIFY the behavior involved.

You completely deny the basic human rights of their victims in doing so.

One problem, I’m not justifying it, I just want it to end. Trump is trying to exploit it. He doesn’t know how to end it.

he doesnt have to exploit it,,,its right there for the whole world to see,,,he speaks out against it daily..

its almost like they are trying to get trump elected,,,

Hell yes he’s exploiting it. Trump isn’t speaking to the protesters, he’s speaking to his base, demonizing the other side, scaring his supporters. Thats not what leaders do. Not ones who actually give a damn about their country.

Trump sees this as his best chance at winning the election. He loves it.
A chance to live our lives without constantly having to focus solely on the president.

I’m exhausted by the last 4 years.

That sounds like a personal problem.
The whole country needs a break. We are at each other’s throats. This isn’t an accident. It’s by design.

Look at the acrimony in this thread.
youre right it is intentional,,,

Biden isn’t president.


People voted for Trump and our cities are burning. Vote for him again and it will continue.

The idiocy of this line is astounding.

Who's responsible for all the looting,burning and rioting?

That sounds like a threat. Are you part of the Gambino crime family?

Nope. It’s recognizing that Trump doesn’t know how to fix it.

We need a leader. Trump isn’t one.

Pretty sure there were riots when barry was in office.

True! And Barry was able to calm that shit down.

Because he was a leader.

Care to explain how he did that so we can all be enlightened?

In no small part, just by speaking to people. Words sometimes can be quite powerful.

but bidens words are lies,,,

Since when do you care about who is lying?

since always,,,its you that doesnt,,,

I guess that you’re not a Trump supporter then...

didnt vote for him last time,,but you dems are sure pushing me to this time,,,

youre his best campaign add,,,

How’s that?

That bus that stops at you mom and dad's house each morning to take you to school- how long is it?

If a person robs a bank, he, she or any of the other fifty billion new genders is responsible for robbing the bank.

If a person indulges in domestic terrorism, they are the ones responsible. You not only do not grasp that fact but JUSTIFY the behavior involved.

You completely deny the basic human rights of their victims in doing so.

One problem, I’m not justifying it, I just want it to end. Trump is trying to exploit it. He doesn’t know how to end it.

For a person who says you are not trying to justify terrorism, you have certainly succeeded in doing so.

Supporting domestic terrorism must come so easy for Marxists that it is downright effortless, I guess.

I haven’t done anything of the sort. You might have a problem understanding a complex situations so you resort to jingoism.

I’m not a Marxist any more than you’re a fascist. That kind of reductionist language destroys any chance that we have of bringing this country back together. That’s the kind of shit that needs to stop otherwise the violence and chaos continues.
A chance to live our lives without constantly having to focus solely on the president.

I’m exhausted by the last 4 years.

That sounds like a personal problem.
The whole country needs a break. We are at each other’s throats. This isn’t an accident. It’s by design.

Look at the acrimony in this thread.
youre right it is intentional,,,

Biden isn’t president.


People voted for Trump and our cities are burning. Vote for him again and it will continue.

The idiocy of this line is astounding.

Who's responsible for all the looting,burning and rioting?

That sounds like a threat. Are you part of the Gambino crime family?

Nope. It’s recognizing that Trump doesn’t know how to fix it.

We need a leader. Trump isn’t one.

Pretty sure there were riots when barry was in office.

True! And Barry was able to calm that shit down.

Because he was a leader.

Care to explain how he did that so we can all be enlightened?

In no small part, just by speaking to people. Words sometimes can be quite powerful.

but bidens words are lies,,,

Since when do you care about who is lying?

since always,,,its you that doesnt,,,

I guess that you’re not a Trump supporter then...

didnt vote for him last time,,but you dems are sure pushing me to this time,,,

youre his best campaign add,,,

How’s that?

That bus that stops at you mom and dad's house each morning to take you to school- how long is it?

If a person robs a bank, he, she or any of the other fifty billion new genders is responsible for robbing the bank.

If a person indulges in domestic terrorism, they are the ones responsible. You not only do not grasp that fact but JUSTIFY the behavior involved.

You completely deny the basic human rights of their victims in doing so.

One problem, I’m not justifying it, I just want it to end. Trump is trying to exploit it. He doesn’t know how to end it.

he doesnt have to exploit it,,,its right there for the whole world to see,,,he speaks out against it daily..

its almost like they are trying to get trump elected,,,

Hell yes he’s exploiting it. Trump isn’t speaking to the protesters, he’s speaking to his base, demonizing the other side, scaring his supporters. Thats not what leaders do. Not ones who actually give a damn about their country.

Trump sees this as his best chance at winning the election. He loves it.

the rioters dont care what he says,,,

what leaders do is stop violence and protect our rights,,,,

stop burning shit down or you are nothing but demons,,,
What's not normal is behavior like yours, where you spend, evidently, every waking moment focused on what Trump says and does, as if your opinion on anything regarding the man might have some meaning. Well, it doesn't, because you're meaningless.

Your attitude is exactly what is so fucked up about this country. I’m being attacked for caring about the governance of my country. And no, it’s not that your suggest to stop caring is what’s the attack, it’s your profanity laced tirade that I’m somehow inferior for actually caring.

This shit needs to end.
You should focus on whether you are justified in YOUR focus being on how DJT behaves and communicates versus what he puts his signature on. Surface compared to substance.
A chance to live our lives without constantly having to focus solely on the president.

I’m exhausted by the last 4 years.
If you think about it, nothing Trump ran on in the 2016 race, was all that controversial (borders, military, economy, lowering taxes, terrorism, jobs). The only thing reason we have heard nothing but TRUMP....TRUMP....TRUMP, for the last 3.5 years, is because the media stopped being objective and focused on facts for years now. Marxism has insidiously moved its way into the media, entertainment and educational systems. It wouldn't have mattered if the president over the last few years was Trump, McCain, Romney, or any other Republican, they left would have still been having the over-the-top tantrums that we see now and if Trump wins the 2020 election, the left will continue going on with their childish temper tantrums and trying to blame him for the chaos in the city streets, when the politicians that run those cities are the ones responsible for it and foment it with their anti-republican rants and threats.
Trump could end this just by doing something to help the situation, like making police wear cameras and use them for example period but he will not do a damn thing except further divide
It's all crap nonsense anyway.

The stats have shown how few people of any color are harmed by police when not resisting.

Just today, stats of 2019 were:

2,925 black people murdered
2,600 of the above were murdered by fellow black people
234 were murdered by white people

So the outrage should be over why black people are killing each other so profoundly, and why black people complain about the results of their choice to resist arrest?
It’s far more complicated than that. It’s about the lack of respect between a community and the police. The lack of trust. The lack of cooperation. It’s bad, and it goes both ways. And it’s getting worse.

You don’t understand the problem. Trump doesn’t understand the problem. That’s why you can’t be a part of the solution.
It's about a bunch of commie thugs trying to intimidate a community. Why would anyone trust BLM or Antifa?

Who are you trying to fool?
For a person who says you are not trying to justify terrorism, you have certainly succeeded in doing so.

Supporting domestic terrorism must come so easy for Marxists that it is downright effortless, I guess.

I haven’t done anything of the sort. You might have a problem understanding a complex situations so you resort to jingoism.

I’m not a Marxist any more than you’re a fascist. That kind of reductionist language destroys any chance that we have of bringing this country back together. That’s the kind of shit that needs to stop otherwise the violence and chaos continues.
There is no chance of bringing law abiding citizens who don't support organized looting together with the likes of you.
A chance to live our lives without constantly having to focus solely on the president.

I’m exhausted by the last 4 years.

That sounds like a personal problem.
The whole country needs a break. We are at each other’s throats. This isn’t an accident. It’s by design.

Look at the acrimony in this thread.
youre right it is intentional,,,

Biden isn’t president.


People voted for Trump and our cities are burning. Vote for him again and it will continue.

The idiocy of this line is astounding.

In other words, they are committing extortion. And you support this behavior?

its more like terrorism,,,

L not listening.
Biden is normal. Trump is not normal.
You know. Kid, I'm sure your parents provide for you well and you lead a comphy lifestyle, but if they work for a living, do they know you are all about destroying their ability to earn a living?

Burning and looting has NOTHING to do with justice. It is an egregious violation thereof.

Why some of you infantile leftists can't figure that out is beyond me.
You’re entire frame of reference is so screwed up.

This is why it isn’t going to get better with people like Trump. They don’t understand the problem and can’t figure out a solution. Their only solution is more violence.
yes the dems only solution is violence,,,
Youre not listening. The Dems solution is better government. Trump’s solution is a more brutal authoritarian government.

Why hasnt Joe Hiden fixed it?
He's had 47 years to institute change yet here we are.

The country changes. You can’t fix today’s problem 47 years ago. Trump is not the man for the job. The evidence is in the streets.

No, that's the evidence that Biden isn't the man for the job.

Everything to way worse when he left government.

Unemployment? Stock market? GDP?

Where was it "way worse?"

GDP fell 34% last quarter. Unemployment is now over 10%.
Trump could end this just by doing something to help the situation, like making police wear cameras and use them for example period but he will not do a damn thing except further divide

Please explain how he is further dividing. Pointing out that lawlessness should not be allowed is not dividing. Appeasing the violent temper tantrums is not the answer. It will only lead to future temper tantrums when the children don't get their way.
By all means arrest the looters and rioters who are criminals. Conflating the protesters with criminals and refusing to do anything about police brutality is divisive and a disgrace.
All the looters and rioters are criminals, you fucking dumbass.
A chance to live our lives without constantly having to focus solely on the president.

I’m exhausted by the last 4 years.

That sounds like a personal problem.
The whole country needs a break. We are at each other’s throats. This isn’t an accident. It’s by design.

Look at the acrimony in this thread.
youre right it is intentional,,,

Biden isn’t president.


People voted for Trump and our cities are burning. Vote for him again and it will continue.

The idiocy of this line is astounding.

In other words, they are committing extortion. And you support this behavior?

its more like terrorism,,,

L not listening.
Biden is normal. Trump is not normal.
You know. Kid, I'm sure your parents provide for you well and you lead a comphy lifestyle, but if they work for a living, do they know you are all about destroying their ability to earn a living?

Burning and looting has NOTHING to do with justice. It is an egregious violation thereof.

Why some of you infantile leftists can't figure that out is beyond me.
You’re entire frame of reference is so screwed up.

This is why it isn’t going to get better with people like Trump. They don’t understand the problem and can’t figure out a solution. Their only solution is more violence.
yes the dems only solution is violence,,,
Youre not listening. The Dems solution is better government. Trump’s solution is a more brutal authoritarian government.

Why hasnt Joe Hiden fixed it?
He's had 47 years to institute change yet here we are.

The country changes. You can’t fix today’s problem 47 years ago. Trump is not the man for the job. The evidence is in the streets.

No, that's the evidence that Biden isn't the man for the job.

Everything to way worse when he left government.

Unemployment? Stock market? GDP?

Where was it "way worse?"

GDP fell 34% last quarter. Unemployment is now over 10%.

That's not Trump's fault, moron.
A chance to live our lives without constantly having to focus solely on the president.

I’m exhausted by the last 4 years.

That sounds like a personal problem.
The whole country needs a break. We are at each other’s throats. This isn’t an accident. It’s by design.

Look at the acrimony in this thread.
youre right it is intentional,,,

Biden isn’t president.


People voted for Trump and our cities are burning. Vote for him again and it will continue.

The idiocy of this line is astounding.

Who's responsible for all the looting,burning and rioting?

That sounds like a threat. Are you part of the Gambino crime family?

Nope. It’s recognizing that Trump doesn’t know how to fix it.

We need a leader. Trump isn’t one.

Pretty sure there were riots when barry was in office.

True! And Barry was able to calm that shit down.

Because he was a leader.

Care to explain how he did that so we can all be enlightened?

In no small part, just by speaking to people. Words sometimes can be quite powerful.

but bidens words are lies,,,

Since when do you care about who is lying?

since always,,,its you that doesnt,,,

I guess that you’re not a Trump supporter then...

didnt vote for him last time,,but you dems are sure pushing me to this time,,,

youre his best campaign add,,,

How’s that?

That bus that stops at you mom and dad's house each morning to take you to school- how long is it?

If a person robs a bank, he, she or any of the other fifty billion new genders is responsible for robbing the bank.

If a person indulges in domestic terrorism, they are the ones responsible. You not only do not grasp that fact but JUSTIFY the behavior involved.

You completely deny the basic human rights of their victims in doing so.

One problem, I’m not justifying it, I just want it to end. Trump is trying to exploit it. He doesn’t know how to end it.

For a person who says you are not trying to justify terrorism, you have certainly succeeded in doing so.

Supporting domestic terrorism must come so easy for Marxists that it is downright effortless, I guess.

I haven’t done anything of the sort. You might have a problem understanding a complex situations so you resort to jingoism.

I’m not a Marxist any more than you’re a fascist. That kind of reductionist language destroys any chance that we have of bringing this country back together. That’s the kind of shit that needs to stop otherwise the violence and chaos continues.

There is no chance of bringing law abiding citizens who don't support organized looting with the likes of you.

So we should re-elect Trump so we can have four more years of this?
A chance to live our lives without constantly having to focus solely on the president.

I’m exhausted by the last 4 years.
Only because you idiots sit your asses in front of MSNBC and CNN’s 24 hour a day whine fest and wring your hands.

The rest of us work and then go out and live life.
By all means arrest the looters and rioters who are criminals. Conflating the protesters with criminals and refusing to do anything about police brutality is divisive and a disgrace.

Who is refusing to do anything about police brutality? Maybe you are mad because Trump and others don't want to condemn ALL the police, like many of the left do. Statistically speaking, it is not a significant issue, however, certainly when there are cops that do bad things they should be held accountable, which they already are in most cases. Police do need to be given some leeway, otherwise, they will have no authority, no respect and no reasonable way of enforcing the law when perpetrators resist arrest and don't do what they are asked to do.
A chance to live our lives without constantly having to focus solely on the president.

I’m exhausted by the last 4 years.

That sounds like a personal problem.
The whole country needs a break. We are at each other’s throats. This isn’t an accident. It’s by design.

Look at the acrimony in this thread.
youre right it is intentional,,,

Biden isn’t president.


People voted for Trump and our cities are burning. Vote for him again and it will continue.

The idiocy of this line is astounding.

In other words, they are committing extortion. And you support this behavior?

its more like terrorism,,,

L not listening.
Biden is normal. Trump is not normal.
You know. Kid, I'm sure your parents provide for you well and you lead a comphy lifestyle, but if they work for a living, do they know you are all about destroying their ability to earn a living?

Burning and looting has NOTHING to do with justice. It is an egregious violation thereof.

Why some of you infantile leftists can't figure that out is beyond me.
You’re entire frame of reference is so screwed up.

This is why it isn’t going to get better with people like Trump. They don’t understand the problem and can’t figure out a solution. Their only solution is more violence.
yes the dems only solution is violence,,,
Youre not listening. The Dems solution is better government. Trump’s solution is a more brutal authoritarian government.

Why hasnt Joe Hiden fixed it?
He's had 47 years to institute change yet here we are.

The country changes. You can’t fix today’s problem 47 years ago. Trump is not the man for the job. The evidence is in the streets.

No, that's the evidence that Biden isn't the man for the job.

Everything to way worse when he left government.

Unemployment? Stock market? GDP?

Where was it "way worse?"

GDP fell 34% last quarter. Unemployment is now over 10%.

That's not Trump's fault, moron.

It demonstrates what happens when you put someone in office who has no business being there.

Like saying a truck driver who fell asleep at the wheel isn’t responsible for plowing into a minivan. It’s not like he tried to run them over.
So we should re-elect Trump so we can have four more years of this?

We don't have 4 mores years of tantrums. Trump will call in the national guard or whatever else is necessary to stop it. Biden will temporarily appease them, which will ultimately embolden then to do even more harm(throw a bigger tantrum) when the next thing they don't like comes along....sure it won't be long.

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