So What Exactly Did Trump Do to Draw the Hatred?


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
Stop immigration from 7 nations the Obama administration said were too unstable to properly vet immigrants?

Follow thru on his campaign promises?

The left are in a violent frenzy and are shooting and stabbing people because of a hatred justified by what? They lost?
What campaign promises has Trump fulfilled? The border wall is a non starter, and Obamacare is still law.

All Trump has done is sign EO's (which you conservatives hated when Obama did it), and play golf.
Stop immigration from 7 nations the Obama administration said were too unstable to properly vet immigrants?

Follow thru on his campaign promises?

The left are in a violent frenzy and are shooting and stabbing people because of a hatred justified by what? They lost?
He beat Hillary. That was pretty much it.
Stop immigration from 7 nations the Obama administration said were too unstable to properly vet immigrants?

Follow thru on his campaign promises?

The left are in a violent frenzy and are shooting and stabbing people because of a hatred justified by what? They lost?
You just lied about Obama to try to cover for Trump's blunders.
The shooter of the congressman wouldn't have had the gun if the republicans didn't permit the mentally ill to purchase them. So like the asshole you are, you blame the left.
Stop immigration from 7 nations the Obama administration said were too unstable to properly vet immigrants?

Follow thru on his campaign promises?

The left are in a violent frenzy and are shooting and stabbing people because of a hatred justified by what? They lost?
You just lied about Obama to try to cover for Trump's blunders.
The shooter of the congressman wouldn't have had the gun if the republicans didn't permit the mentally ill to purchase them. So like the asshole you are, you blame the left.
He wasn't mentally ill.

He was just violent and stupid.
He cockblocked the Bilderberg group, George Soros, and other billionaires.
60% disapproval rating. 61% think he obstructed the Russian investigation and he's a laughing stock of the whole whole.
Nice 5 months.
Stop immigration from 7 nations the Obama administration said were too unstable to properly vet immigrants?

Follow thru on his campaign promises?

The left are in a violent frenzy and are shooting and stabbing people because of a hatred justified by what? They lost?
You just lied about Obama to try to cover for Trump's blunders.
The shooter of the congressman wouldn't have had the gun if the republicans didn't permit the mentally ill to purchase them. So like the asshole you are, you blame the left.
He wasn't mentally ill.

He was just violent and stupid.
Oh so you're now a psychiatrist? I know you have personal experience with them.
Stop immigration from 7 nations the Obama administration said were too unstable to properly vet immigrants?

Follow thru on his campaign promises?

The left are in a violent frenzy and are shooting and stabbing people because of a hatred justified by what? They lost?

By beating the Hildabeast, he derailed the leftwing plans to push toward open borders and one world government. The people who have everything invested in the radical agenda are behind the resistance protests and all the other protests that got the ignorant masses riled. They can't afford to lose and that is why they continue with the desperate attempts to paint Trump as dangerous or as a Russian agent. It's insane and only believed by the indoctrinated snowflakes and the idiots who sit with their hands out.
Yea the guy came to political prominence in Republican circles by claiming our squeaky clean brown president wasn't a citizen...Why won't people cut him some slack for his obvious failings?

What did he do? hmmmmm

If I only I could remember
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So What Exactly Did Trump Do to Draw the Hatred?
I will speak for myself.

The reason I hate Trump is because he is a New York Democratic limousine liberal who hijacked the Republican Party. A very pro-choice, cut-and-run-from-Iraq, impeach Bush, friend of the Clintons, massive donor to Democrats and liberal causes, who wants single payer healthcare and an Assault Weapons Ban imposed on us.

There were at least four actual Republican conservatives from which to choose, and you incredibly hateful and stupid tards chose the fake.

I don't blame Trump for destroying the Republican and conservative brands. You pseudocons have done that, at the bidding of your pseudocon propagandists who have been diligently and deliberately dumbing you down for two decades.

Trump is dumber than a banana, but he has one talent. He is a natural born huckster. He saw how you pseudocons had rotted the GOP from within and he just stepped into the golden opportunity. He changed his registration from Democrat, became the head birther, and then began talking like a bigoted racist.

You see, both times Obama won the election, you pseudocons claimed we lost because we hadn't nominated a conservative.

By rejecting the four conservatives this time around, you proved what you really wanted all along was a bigoted racist. As a huckster, Trump saw that and stepped into the role.

As I have said many times, if a guest of my neighbor was shitting all over my neighbor's house (Bernie Sanders/Hillary Clinton), I'd be pretty disgusted with that person.

But if a guest was shitting all over MY house (Donald Trump and you pseudocons), I would be far, far more angry with him than with the person trashing my neighbor's house.

So I will vehemently oppose Trump and you pseudocons to the end of my days.
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I like Trump better than the douche bags that suck his cock just because hes a bigger douche bag than they are.

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