So What Exactly Did Trump Do to Draw the Hatred?

I like Trump better than the douche bags that suck his cock just because hes a bigger douche bag than they are.
Yeah, that's a really sickening phenomenon.

The gutless, spineless wonders who make up the leadership of the GOP, and whose fault it is that Trump was able to hijack the party in the first place, couldn't drop to their knees fast enough to suck his cock once their impotent attempts to stop him failed.

Reince Priebus is the biggest boneless cocksucker of them all.
So What Exactly Did Trump Do to Draw the Hatred?
I will speak for myself.

The reason I hate Trump is because he is a New York Democratic limousine liberal who hijacked the Republican Party. A very pro-choice, cut-and-run-from-Iraq, impeach Bush, friend of the Clintons, massive donor to Democrats and liberal causes, who wants single payer healthcare and an Assault Weapons Ban imposed on us.

There were at least four actual Republican conservatives from which to choose, and you incredibly hateful and stupid tards chose the fake.

I don't blame Trump for destroying the Republican and conservative brands. You pseudocons have done that, at the bidding of your pseudocon propagandists who have been diligently and deliberately been dumbing you down for two decades.

Trump is dumber than a banana, but he has one talent. He is a natural born huckster. He saw how you pseudocons had rotted the GOP from within and he just stepped into the golden opportunity. He changed his registration from Democrat, became the head birther, and then began talking like a bigoted racist.

You see, both times Obama won the election, you pseudocons claimed we lost because we hadn't nominated a conservative.

By rejecting the four conservatives this time around, you proved what you really wanted all along was a bigoted racist. As a huckster, Trump saw that and stepped into the role.

As I have said many times, if a guest of my neighbor was shitting all over my neighbor's house (Bernie Sanders/Hillary Clinton), I'd be pretty disgusted with that person.

But if a guest was shitting all over MY house (Donald Trump and you pseudocons), I would be far, far more angry with him than with the person trashing my neighbor's house.

So I will vehemently oppose Trump and you pseudocons to the end of my days.

That was actually a fairly sensible and cogent reply! I don't agree with all of it, but it actually made some sense.
Trump is a huckster always on the make. The GOP has declined to the point where it is neither republican nor conservative any more, and Trump's con man sense recognized the opportunity to exploit this huge weakness to his profit.

Trump just does what hucksters do. The same way the proverbial scorpion stings the turtle giving him a ride across the river.

He's a force of nature, like a tornado. Oblivious to the destruction he leaves in his wake.
What campaign promises has Trump fulfilled? The border wall is a non starter, and Obamacare is still law.

All Trump has done is sign EO's (which you conservatives hated when Obama did it), and play golf.
Yeah, I agree. Leftists have no answer for their violent psychotic behavior.
Nuts love guns. Clear?

I would also add that cowards love guns.


Thats like some dipshit RWr saying all Muslims are terrorists.
What campaign promises has Trump fulfilled? The border wall is a non starter, and Obamacare is still law.

All Trump has done is sign EO's (which you conservatives hated when Obama did it), and play golf.
Yeah, I agree. Leftists have no answer for their violent psychotic behavior.
Nuts love guns. Clear?

I would also add that cowards love guns.


Thats like some dipshit RWr saying all Muslims are terrorists.

Not much for reading comprehension are you? Saying that cowards love guns is not the same as saying that gun owners are cowards.

Cowards DO love guns. It's a great equalizer for them. And even though there are a lot of cowards out there that do love guns, not all gun owners are cowards.

Cowards are a subset of gun owners.
What campaign promises has Trump fulfilled? The border wall is a non starter, and Obamacare is still law.

All Trump has done is sign EO's (which you conservatives hated when Obama did it), and play golf.
Yeah, I agree. Leftists have no answer for their violent psychotic behavior.
Nuts love guns. Clear?

I would also add that cowards love guns.


Thats like some dipshit RWr saying all Muslims are terrorists.

Not much for reading comprehension are you? Saying that cowards love guns is not the same as saying that gun owners are cowards.

Cowards DO love guns. It's a great equalizer for them. And even though there are a lot of cowards out there that do love guns, not all gun owners are cowards.

Cowards are a subset of gun owners.

Thank you. That was apparently over Siete's head.
Stop immigration from 7 nations the Obama administration said were too unstable to properly vet immigrants?

Follow thru on his campaign promises?

The left are in a violent frenzy and are shooting and stabbing people because of a hatred justified by what? They lost?

He pimp slapped the Queen ...

Not much for reading comprehension are you? Saying that cowards love guns is not the same as saying that gun owners are cowards.

Cowards DO love guns. It's a great equalizer for them. And even though there are a lot of cowards out there that do love guns, not all gun owners are cowards.

Cowards are a subset of gun owners.

Trump won. Hilly was guaranteed to win but he stole the election. Bush stole the election ftom Gore then he stole it from Kerry. Democrats believe everytime a Republican wins, the election was stolen.

The very night of the election each news host was celebrating hill's win. Right up to the point where Trump won. Democrats want to punish him for that.

The hysteria still has a little ways to go before crescendo. Liberals have broken the assassination cherry. The next will br easier. By August we should be on fire, literally.
Being smart, good looking, White and being rich rubs the ugly, lisping Swamp Rats the wrong way. Especially when he did not use their tactics for real estate dominance such as syndication.
Trump is a huckster always on the make. The GOP has declined to the point where it is neither republican nor conservative any more, and Trump's con man sense recognized the opportunity to exploit this huge weakness to his profit.

Trump just does what hucksters do. The same way the proverbial scorpion stings the turtle giving him a ride across the river.

He's a force of nature, like a tornado. Oblivious to the destruction he leaves in his wake.

The only bone I would pick with this is all that you say is likewise true of the Democrats. It isn't a Trump thing, it isn't a GOP thing, it has become an American Politics thing.
What campaign promises has Trump fulfilled? The border wall is a non starter, and Obamacare is still law.

All Trump has done is sign EO's (which you conservatives hated when Obama did it), and play golf.
Yeah, I agree. Leftists have no answer for their violent psychotic behavior.
Nuts love guns. Clear?

I would also add that cowards love guns.


Thats like some dipshit RWr saying all Muslims are terrorists.

Not much for reading comprehension are you? Saying that cowards love guns is not the same as saying that gun owners are cowards.

Cowards DO love guns. It's a great equalizer for them. And even though there are a lot of cowards out there that do love guns, not all gun owners are cowards.

Cowards are a subset of gun owners.

speaking of comprehension... I didnt say that Gomer.
Yeah, I agree. Leftists have no answer for their violent psychotic behavior.
Nuts love guns. Clear?

I would also add that cowards love guns.


Thats like some dipshit RWr saying all Muslims are terrorists.

Not much for reading comprehension are you? Saying that cowards love guns is not the same as saying that gun owners are cowards.

Cowards DO love guns. It's a great equalizer for them. And even though there are a lot of cowards out there that do love guns, not all gun owners are cowards.

Cowards are a subset of gun owners.

speaking of comprehension... I didnt say that Gomer.

Yes you did.
Yeah, I agree. Leftists have no answer for their violent psychotic behavior.
Nuts love guns. Clear?

I would also add that cowards love guns.


Thats like some dipshit RWr saying all Muslims are terrorists.

Not much for reading comprehension are you? Saying that cowards love guns is not the same as saying that gun owners are cowards.

Cowards DO love guns. It's a great equalizer for them. And even though there are a lot of cowards out there that do love guns, not all gun owners are cowards.

Cowards are a subset of gun owners.

speaking of comprehension... I didnt say that Gomer.

They said "cowards love guns".

You said "that's like some dipshit RWr saying that all Muslims are terrorists".

In other words, you were comparing their statement and inferring that they were saying that all gun owners are cowards, which you apparently disagreed with, but you obviously didn't comprehend what they were saying.

Trump is a huckster always on the make. The GOP has declined to the point where it is neither republican nor conservative any more, and Trump's con man sense recognized the opportunity to exploit this huge weakness to his profit.

Trump just does what hucksters do. The same way the proverbial scorpion stings the turtle giving him a ride across the river.

He's a force of nature, like a tornado. Oblivious to the destruction he leaves in his wake.

The only bone I would pick with this is all that you say is likewise true of the Democrats. It isn't a Trump thing, it isn't a GOP thing, it has become an American Politics thing.
I think Sanders is sincere in his grossly mistaken beliefs. Hillary Clinton is a triangulator, but nowhere near as good at it as Bill was.
Stop immigration from 7 nations the Obama administration said were too unstable to properly vet immigrants?

Follow thru on his campaign promises?

The left are in a violent frenzy and are shooting and stabbing people because of a hatred justified by what? They lost?

It's unwarranted, and anyone who believes otherwise is being mind-fked their snowflake "leaders". While Trump can be an idiot, he does have some great qualities. Only things I've heard that I don't approve of:

"Grab a pussy"

Heard that back in the day, he discriminated against blacks for housing. That was probably quite common, especially in high-end living.

Failing to pay for work done, but I take the talk with a grain of salt. Trump has done business with maybe 10,000 individuals. Doesn't surprise me there's been disputes, so the jury is still out.

At the end of the day, liberal nation has gone ape-shit.
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