So What Exactly Did Trump Do to Draw the Hatred?

President Trump, dished 'hatred' in the Primary, like no other human has ever done....he incited hatred towards Mexicans, towards Hillary, towards blacks, towards protesters, towards Muslims, towards liberals, towards gold star families, towards women, towards Obama, towards the Bush family, towards the CIA, towards the FBI, towards the media, towards the RNC, etc etc etc....

What he is receiving now is simply KARMA!

What goes around, comes around.
One guy who nobody had ever heard of, with no juice, who was thought of most recently as “creepy”, shoots a Congressman.

So that means that 100,000,000 (give or take) democrats and liberals are all unhinged.

Theater of the absurd doesn’t begin to describe it.
...which your post exemplifies quite nicely. The point is the left has been driven mad by one Donald J. Trump and spreading the hate has consequences.

And 8 years ago, you guys did precisely the same thing (sans the shooting by the most recent nutjob).
Liar. The right didn't throw temper tantrums on the street and try to destroy Obama. You liars repeat the same propaganda over and over. It's all you have.


Denying he was an American even in the 2008 election
Denying he was a Christian through out

You’re the one lying.
Stop immigration from 7 nations the Obama administration said were too unstable to properly vet immigrants?

Follow thru on his campaign promises?

The left are in a violent frenzy and are shooting and stabbing people because of a hatred justified by what? They lost?

The democrats had it all...if Hilary had won they had universal healthcare, they had the end of the 2nd Amendment and freedom of religion......and they he the Supreme Court......then Trump won...and they lost it all...

They will never forgive him or those who voted for him.....
So What Exactly Did Trump Do to Draw the Hatred?

Trump did lots of stuff. Here is but one example:


President Trump, dished 'hatred' in the Primary, like no other human has ever done....he incited hatred towards Mexicans, towards Hillary, towards blacks, towards protesters, towards Muslims, towards liberals, towards gold star families, towards women, towards Obama, towards the Bush family, towards the CIA, towards the FBI, towards the media, towards the RNC, etc etc etc....

What he is receiving now is simply KARMA!

What goes around, comes around.

Not hatred, but we don't want illegal Mexicans committing crime and taking jobs that US poor can do. Their gangsters are some of the most violent and their just across the border smuggling heroin and other dangerous drugs into the USA. Our society is enamored by these people because they're represented in shows like Breaking Bad. Who was rooting for the DEA in that show? It was to highlight the criminals. They were the main stars. Next, is Hillary. She is the biggest liar and two-faced politician that we have every seen. Her campaign manager was feeding questions to her ahead of time during the debate with Bernie Sanders and President Trump. Her cheating two-faced hubby was getting illegal money through the Clinton Foundation. And Muslims? We are talking about extreme Muslims who committed terrorism and violence in San Diego. These were people let in by the Obama Administration. Illegals who take jobs away from the poor citizens. These Muslims work in the factories of the Silicon Valley magnates. These are the same people who have infiltrated Europe and their extremists are causing trouble in London, Paris and Germany. It's turned London into a Middle East city. The Democrats in this country have become ostriches. They stick their head in the sand when someone stands up to them to stop their cheating, lying and illegal ways. When the truth is pointed out them, then their mentally deranged commit anarchy in their demonstrations and any Trump supporter gets beaten down. In addition, the previous Obama administration has left people who are rat finks. They are trying to bring the current administration down starting with President Trump. The conservatives have had enough of this and the shooting of a conservative congressman was the last straw. You are a liar and the karma will be coming back into your face soon enough.

What Trump has to do is focus on draining the swamp. This is what he was elected for, but the Democrats keep getting in the way. They don't want to go down the tubes. They just love the swamp and filth that goes with it.
President Trump, dished 'hatred' in the Primary, like no other human has ever done....he incited hatred towards Mexicans, towards Hillary, towards blacks, towards protesters, towards Muslims, towards liberals, towards gold star families, towards women, towards Obama, towards the Bush family, towards the CIA, towards the FBI, towards the media, towards the RNC, etc etc etc....

What he is receiving now is simply KARMA!

What goes around, comes around.

Not hatred, but we don't want illegal Mexicans committing crime and taking jobs that US poor can do. Their gangsters are some of the most violent and their just across the border smuggling heroin and other dangerous drugs into the USA. Our society is enamored by these people because they're represented in shows like Breaking Bad. Who was rooting for the DEA in that show? It was to highlight the criminals. They were the main stars. Next, is Hillary. She is the biggest liar and two-faced politician that we have every seen. Her campaign manager was feeding questions to her ahead of time during the debate with Bernie Sanders and President Trump. Her cheating two-faced hubby was getting illegal money through the Clinton Foundation. And Muslims? We are talking about extreme Muslims who committed terrorism and violence in San Diego. These were people let in by the Obama Administration. Illegals who take jobs away from the poor citizens. These Muslims work in the factories of the Silicon Valley magnates. These are the same people who have infiltrated Europe and their extremists are causing trouble in London, Paris and Germany. It's turned London into a Middle East city. The Democrats in this country have become ostriches. They stick their head in the sand when someone stands up to them to stop their cheating, lying and illegal ways. When the truth is pointed out them, then their mentally deranged commit anarchy in their demonstrations and any Trump supporter gets beaten down. In addition, the previous Obama administration has left people who are rat finks. They are trying to bring the current administration down starting with President Trump. The conservatives have had enough of this and the shooting of a conservative congressman was the last straw. You are a liar and the karma will be coming back into your face soon enough.

What Trump has to do is focus on draining the swamp. This is what he was elected for, but the Democrats keep getting in the way. They don't want to go down the tubes. They just love the swamp and filth that goes with it.
WOW! You are seriously ill informed and brainwashed, and filled with vitriol...

you missed your chance to let off your steam at the Democratic baseball practice! :eek:
One guy who nobody had ever heard of, with no juice, who was thought of most recently as “creepy”, shoots a Congressman.

So that means that 100,000,000 (give or take) democrats and liberals are all unhinged.

Theater of the absurd doesn’t begin to describe it.
...which your post exemplifies quite nicely. The point is the left has been driven mad by one Donald J. Trump and spreading the hate has consequences.

And 8 years ago, you guys did precisely the same thing (sans the shooting by the most recent nutjob).
Liar. The right didn't throw temper tantrums on the street and try to destroy Obama. You liars repeat the same propaganda over and over. It's all you have.


Denying he was an American even in the 2008 election
Denying he was a Christian through out

You’re the one lying.
WTF are you even babbling about? I said the right didn't act up like the left and I'm lying?
Stop immigration from 7 nations the Obama administration said were too unstable to properly vet immigrants?

Follow thru on his campaign promises?

The left are in a violent frenzy and are shooting and stabbing people because of a hatred justified by what? They lost?
He took out a Clinton.
Stop immigration from 7 nations the Obama administration said were too unstable to properly vet immigrants?

Follow thru on his campaign promises?

The left are in a violent frenzy and are shooting and stabbing people because of a hatred justified by what? They lost?
He took out a Clinton.
Yes, but he did more than that. He toppled the two political power families, the Bushes and the Clintons. They were political royalty which has no place in America. Trump knocked them off their pedestals and that has a lot to do with the constant attacks he is under. People with that kind of power don't relinquish it easily.
So What Exactly Did Trump Do to Draw the Hatred?

Win the election.
Made Hillary look the fool she really is.
Stopped the liberals from really screwing up the country.
Democrat rhetoric and behavior since Election Day has been unforgivable. It's served to whip their supporters up into a crazed violent frenzy. I warned about their behavior soon after the Election. Violence was inevitable. And there will likely be more. The Democrats have already set the wheels in motion on that. It's too late to stop their numerous radicalized nutters. The damage has been done. But it is possible to begin holding Democrats accountable for their incitement rhetoric and behavior. It's time for that to happen.
I will speak for myself.

The reason I hate Trump is because he is a New York Democratic limousine liberal who hijacked the Republican Party. A very pro-choice, cut-and-run-from-Iraq, impeach Bush, friend of the Clintons, massive donor to Democrats and liberal causes, who wants single payer healthcare and an Assault Weapons Ban imposed on us.

There were at least four actual Republican conservatives from which to choose, and you incredibly hateful and stupid tards chose the fake.

I don't blame Trump for destroying the Republican and conservative brands. You pseudocons have done that, at the bidding of your pseudocon propagandists who have been diligently and deliberately dumbing you down for two decades.

Trump is dumber than a banana, but he has one talent. He is a natural born huckster. He saw how you pseudocons had rotted the GOP from within and he just stepped into the golden opportunity. He changed his registration from Democrat, became the head birther, and then began talking like a bigoted racist.

You see, both times Obama won the election, you pseudocons claimed we lost because we hadn't nominated a conservative.

By rejecting the four conservatives this time around, you proved what you really wanted all along was a bigoted racist. As a huckster, Trump saw that and stepped into the role.

As I have said many times, if a guest of my neighbor was shitting all over my neighbor's house (Bernie Sanders/Hillary Clinton), I'd be pretty disgusted with that person.

But if a guest was shitting all over MY house (Donald Trump and you pseudocons), I would be far, far more angry with him than with the person trashing my neighbor's house.

So I will vehemently oppose Trump and you pseudocons to the end of my days.
Yea the guy came to political prominence in Republican circles by claiming our squeaky clean brown president wasn't a citizen...Why won't people cut him some slack for his obvious failings?

What did he do? hmmmmm

If I only I could remember

You think Trump came up with the birther theory? You must rely on MSNBC.
Stop immigration from 7 nations the Obama administration said were too unstable to properly vet immigrants?

Follow thru on his campaign promises?

The left are in a violent frenzy and are shooting and stabbing people because of a hatred justified by what? They lost?

Trump's an American. can't have that
Yea the guy came to political prominence in Republican circles by claiming our squeaky clean brown president wasn't a citizen...Why won't people cut him some slack for his obvious failings?

What did he do? hmmmmm

If I only I could remember

You think Trump came up with the birther theory? You must rely on MSNBC.

Do you think that I said that? Because I most certainly didn't.

That's either a very poorly done straw man or you need to reread what I said
View attachment 133388
He cockblocked the Bilderberg group, George Soros, and other billionaires.
60% disapproval rating. 61% think he obstructed the Russian investigation and he's a laughing stock of the whole whole.
Nice 5 months.
Daily Presidential Tracking Poll - Rasmussen Reports™
When times get tough you can always rely on the far right leaning Raggamuffen polling service to strike back at reality..
So What Exactly Did Trump Do to Draw the Hatred?

For starters right out . . . .

He's super rich, good looking, has a fabulous set of kids and married three ladies each about 100X better looking than any feminist I've ever seen!
Good looking? Fabulous set of kids?
And then promote his adultery?
Are you high?
Oh right.,
You're afflicted with the orange disease.
Yea the guy came to political prominence in Republican circles by claiming our squeaky clean brown president wasn't a citizen...Why won't people cut him some slack for his obvious failings?

What did he do? hmmmmm

If I only I could remember

You think Trump came up with the birther theory? You must rely on MSNBC.

Let me educate you on that. A volunteer for Hillary Clinton passed an email around about Obama not being a citizen. When Hillary found out about it, she quickly dismissed her.
Your orange racist liar ran with the birther thang for 5 full years.
Own your failures.

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