So, What Exactly Is Your Plan?

Guess you're lucky none of those crackheads ever pulled a gun on you and blew you away.
Probably. Now that I live in north Florida meth/Trump country I've had more "situations" than I ever did down there in the city. Why do drunk bastards have to fuck with the biggest guy in the bar? Last time I had to hit someone I just gave him a tap and he went down like ton of bricks and cracked his head on the concrete. Felt bad about that.
For those who don't agree with the second amendment and want to defund the police, how do you plan on sleeping safely at night? Just curious.

I live in a country where handguns are seriously restricted and AR Rifles are all but banned, and the police don’t shoot suspects very often.

I sleep well at night. This is a very safe country. There are no worries if someone gets upset with you they’ll pull out a gun and shoot you. You can walk around in most our cities safely, even late at night.

Drive-by shootings are extremely rare, and our largest city has fewer around 75 murders per year or less. 72 last year, 36 to date this year. Fewer than half the murders are shootings, and mass shootings are extremely rare.

Last year gun ownership in the United States went from 32% of all households to 39% of all households. This year violent crime and murders are up in the US. Coincidence? I think not.
Me and all Black people.

“Simply put, white cops are afraid of black men. We don’t talk about it, we pretend it doesn’t exist, we claim “color blindness,” we say white officers treat black men the same way they treat white men. But that’s a lie. In fact, the bigger, the darker the black man the greater the fear. The African-American community knows this. Hell, most whites know it. Yet, even though it’s a central, if not the defining ingredient in the makeup of police racism, white cops won’t admit it to themselves, or to others.”
― Norm Stamper, Breaking Rank: A Top Cop's Exposé of the Dark Side of American Policing

At face value and reading your post I would say it’s the size of a potential perpetrator that matters not skin color. Without checking, I’d say there’s a lot of truth to the size of a perpetrator determining how a single police unit would respond. Now, looking back at your opinion that it’s more about skin color, white cops fearing black males because they’re black, are you saying that a normal size or muscle bound cop would fear a tiny, unarmed runt who happens to be black? Armed would also be a factor but size would be next particularly if the suspected perp has a violent record.

I’m not a cop but I’d say the biggest factor after calling in a license plate would be learning I’d just pulled over a violent felon. Skin color wouldn’t even come to mind as I quickly called for backup.
I wouldn't post a pic of any of my actual firearms either. Stock photo from the net, sure, but not my actual guns.

And the safest places I have ever been have all been places where the folks who lived there were very peaceful types with a massive capacity for savage violence...... cops stayed away from these areas, mostly because no one ever needed them for anything.
For those who don't agree with the second amendment and want to defund the police, how do you plan on sleeping safely at night? Just curious.

I live in a country where guns are restricted, and the police don’t shoot suspects very often.

I sleep well at night. This is a very safe country. There are no worries if someone gets upset with you they’ll pull out a gun and shoot you. Drive-by shootings are extremely rare, and our largest city has fewer around 75 murders per year or less.
I live in a country where guns are restricted, and the police don’t shoot suspects very often.

I sleep well at night. This is a very safe country. There are no worries if someone gets upset with you they’ll pull out a gun and shoot you. Drive-by shootings are extremely rare, and our largest city has fewer around 75 murders per year or less.

Cops shooting suspects is INCREDIBLY rare here, fascist liar.

And so it's legal gun owners who are running around shooting people in the m middle of the night? They are the ones you are being protected from that makes you safe? That's just stupid. Like everything you say
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I live in a country where guns are restricted, and the police don’t shoot suspects very often.

I sleep well at night. This is a very safe country. There are no worries if someone gets upset with you they’ll pull out a gun and shoot you. Drive-by shootings are extremely rare, and our largest city has fewer around 75 murders per year or less.
You seem to be screwing with people of faith. You are much more authoritarian then we are. Although we have some Prog states closer to your beliefs. Wait until your population is diverse enough to enjoy the love. But the English speaking and French speaking have had their ups and downs for a long time anyway. A despot leader more vicious then what Trudeau pushes will show you what I am typing as truth.
I have firearms and I am a trained killer and a leftist, don't kid yerself it will make it too easy.

And yet you're voting for the people who want to ban them and you will be silent when they do. So you're a useless ally.

Democrats always do this, you say Democrats won't do it, they won't they won't they won't! Then they do and you say and do nothing and keep voting for them
I live in a country where guns are restricted, and the police don’t shoot suspects very often.

I sleep well at night. This is a very safe country. There are no worries if someone gets upset with you they’ll pull out a gun and shoot you. Drive-by shootings are extremely rare, and our largest city has fewer around 75 murders per year or less.

Malo periculosam, libertatem quam quietam servitutem.
For those who don't agree with the second amendment and want to defund the police, how do you plan on sleeping safely at night? Just curious.
The "Defund the Police' slogan has been rejected by the majority of Americans and Democrats. Also the majority doesn't want to take your guns away, they would like to limit the number of random people you can kill without having to stop and reload.....
For those who don't agree with the second amendment and want to defund the police, how do you plan on sleeping safely at night? Just curious.
Never had to worry about that. I live in a tightly conservative area surrounded by a general conserv larger area.

All poison is controlled way before we see it.

I could actually keep my door unlocked on vacation and not worry

Life should never be lived in fear. Gotta be pretty GD stupid to stay in a situation like that

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