So, What Exactly Is Your Plan?

MSNBC puts on any Republican who dares come on their network. Doesn't make them fair or balance any more that it makes Faux News fair or balanced.

You're still lying to yourself.

Yes, you don't want to hear anything you disagree with. It's bias for Fox to present both sides. You only want to hear what you agree with. That isn't biased. You have made that perfectly clear. One question, since you know everything, how do you get your head through doorways?
I agree with the 2nd but I'll be damned if I'm on the same side of the issue with the gun nutters. Their ludicrous fantasy based arguments are silly. If they end up losing the gun debate it's because they can't just say they like shooting guns and they make them feel safe. They have to punch it up with paranoid predictions of government tyranny or civilization collapsing.

Right, because governmentā€™s throughout history have never tried to take over their populace and civilizations/countries have never collapsed due to authoritarian rule. Cheez.
MSNBC puts on any Republican who dares come on their network. Doesn't make them fair or balance any more that it makes Faux News fair or balanced.

You're still lying to yourself.

MSNBC is chalk full of imbeciles and nothing but imbeciles. Anyone that watches and believes them is an even bigger imbecile. That bone-headed lawyer that got fired for masturbating on a Zoom call was probably the best of that sad lot and that is not saying much.
I predict the left at some point will start talking about federalizing all police.
From the link;
" I ā€“thinkā€“ I figured out a few things. Havenā€™t seen the threads put together yet, and thisā€™s pure conjecture on this.
Now, for everyone whoā€™s even remotely paying attention, the reporting on the Federal Bureau of Incompetents has been kind of going way overboard as of late. Leastways the amount of stories, vis-a-vis their, shall we say, over-energetic entrapment schemes and lack of any and all common sense and/or decency. I mean Lord knowsā€¦

Buzzfeedā€¦ fucking Buzzfeed man. Libtarded as all get the hell out, and the fact that what isnā€™t mentioned is that the 12?

Thatā€™s out of the 14 people that they hemmed up.

ā€œGreat job Lou.ā€ I mean really? Stonetoss did a cartoon on it today, which was pretty much on point, but the best was Z-Man over on Gab:

No shytte there Aye?
Add on the ā€œCapitol Lego setā€ bullshit, annnnnnnnnnnnnd what do we get?
Wellā€¦ from my perspective:
ā€“nothingā€“ is done by the State Sanctioned Ministry of Propaganda.

Not without orders
Not. One. Fucking. Thing.

Ergo: The Fibbies are being lined up for a shutdown. Thereā€™s a mess of stories out there, and descriptive wording like ā€œoverreachā€ and ā€œabusiveā€, ā€œtotalitarianā€ā€¦ add on some of the supposed ā€˜investigationsā€™ into the Bureau itself, and itā€™s methods, I think itā€™s part of a bureaucratic kill-shot. My rationale for this is that it has been traditionally the FBIs job to do investigations within CONUS (CONtinental UNited States) and has all FedGov jurisdiction.

However: Itā€™s limited. And within the U.S. Department of Justice, the FBI is responsible to the attorney general, and it reports its findings to U.S. Attorneys across the country. The FBIā€™s intelligence activities are overseen by the Director of National Intelligence. These guys all answer directly to the President or CONgresscritters. Although it is a federal agency, the FBI is not a national police force, and law enforcement in the United States remains principally the responsibility of state and local governments.

THIS is why the Capitol Police are being ā€˜rolled outā€™ to a National Level.
The Capitol Police?
The -most- corrupt PD in the entire Untied States?
And guess what? They are not considered a ā€œLaw Enforcement Agencyā€. Nope. They report to Congress and are part and parcel of the Legislative Branch. When asked by certain media outlets for Freedom of Information Acts regarding Capitol Police corruption back in 2020 (before they came to the forefront of the January 6 Buffalo Jump that is) that they replied: ā€œPlease be advised that the United States Capitol Police, as a legislative branch entity, is not an ā€˜agencyā€™ as defined by 5 U.S.C. Ā§Ā§ 551 et seq., under the Freedom of Information Act. Therefore, the USCP is not subject to the requirements of the Freedom of Information Act.ā€

Howzaboot them apples?
Currently, theyā€™re expanding too. San Francisco and Tampa specifically. NORMALLY the USCPā€™s primary jurisdiction is within buildings and grounds of the United States Capitol Complex, they are also charged with protecting members of Congress throughout the entire United States and territories, and they have that authority to protect ā€œin any areaā€ of the country, according to 2 U.S. Code Ā§ 1966.

Where have I heard of -another- Capitol Police that went ā€˜Nationalā€™ and given extraordinary police powers with little or no oversight at all?

(Stolen from the Critical Drinker on YouTube. Heā€™s great. Check him if you can.)

Soooā€¦ what was the name of that overarching super-fuzz police force?

Ahhh yes:

The Gestapo.

As I keep saying, History keeps repeating and God has, if not a sense of humor, he has a really deep deep sense of irony. The Gestapo was the final iteration of the Secret Prussian Police. They ended up being, wellā€¦ the very definition of an evil secret police. And donā€™t think for one minute that thatā€™s not what the current Regime has in mind.

Theoretically it -could- happen.
Kind of frightening. Itā€™s why we havenā€™t had -any- significant release of Info aboot January 6th, nor the name of Ashli Babbitā€™s murderer. They report only to the Congresscritters. Tell me that they wouldnā€™t use these assholes to go after us ā€˜badthinkers?ā€™

Yahā€¦ sure, and monkeysā€™ll prolly fly oot of me butt."
The "Defund the Police' slogan has been rejected by the majority of Americans and Democrats. Also the majority doesn't want to take your guns away, they would like to limit the number of random people you can kill without having to stop and reload.....

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