So What Happened To Blacks After Slavery?

2. Data for high school and college graduate rates among adults ages 25–29 are from the National Center for Education Statistics, “Table 104.20. Percentage of Persons 25 to 29 Years Old with Selected Levels of Educational Attainment, by Race/Ethnicity and Sex: Selected Years, 1920 through 2017,” 2017 Tables and Figures, accessed February 4, 2018, at The most recent year is 2016. The 1968 figure is estimated as 0.2 times the figure for 1960 and 0.8 times the figure for 1970.

Those are not TOTAL numbers.. If you read the footer, these are SELF REPORTED surveys from a small fraction of the population acquired thru Dept of Commerce thru Census report.. The numbers are NOT Dept of Education that "sees all and knows all".. Also those numbers from the "book reference" have a lot of exclusions like being in prison.. Also includes GEDs and whatever they CHECKED on the Census which does NOT inspire accuracy.. SAMPLE size on those numbers were just 9700 black individuals..

The numbers I gave are THOROUGHLY for ALL enrolled students from ALL schools who are REQUIRED to report to Dept of Ed yearly..

Author did poor research or searched for numbers to confirm their "story" and bias...
1 out of every 10 whites are affected by what you are talking about and 1 out of every 4 blacks. So let's not try creating some kind of equal oppression argument. The government created the problems in poor black communities flacaltenn. It's documented.

I actually just told you exactly that.. Blacks are hit harder than whites. But 1 out of 10 whites is a larger absolute number. Just like the ABSOLUTE number of whites in poverty and/or on welfare is higher. They suffer the same DE FACTO exclusion for socio-economic reasons.. And for educational reasons..

Also just told you and BEEN telling you that I blame GOVERNMENT for these issues -- while YOU WANT and politically work for even LARGER and more MUSCULAR government all the time.. I've read my history of US govt horrors. And not just the racial ones. That's why I'm NOT a Dem or Repub,.,,,
Now you can stop trying to argue about it and go to work in the white community to end it. On my side we are and have been working to increase all the things that we denied us and have done what we can do to plug up the damages caused by racist public policy to include the wholesale damage caused by the government putting crack in our community. And we have done so without the funding needed to completely erase the damage.

So why the fuck ya want MORE government? It's not the answer to this problem.. The answer is making the government WE HAVE focus on their constitutional duties and work ONLY for the PUBLIC interest. NOT solely in THEIR interest to gain or retain power... Which is all we have now.. Competing cartels (corrupt/inept political parties) selling crack favors to special interests.
Did IM2 say anything like the above? He quoted many academic studies, and most of them were well worth reading. When he defends Obama — a genuinely well educated man; when he uses W.E.B. Dubois as his avatar — a man who could outthink any one of us in several languages, he doesn’t show disrespect for academic achievement. Yet he gets insulted by many here just for supporting his party and the party of Obama and most African-Americans!

Attempting to correct racial disparities requires a complete and open-minded exploration of the causes for those disparities.. Blaming racism before you DO THAT is too convenient and simplistic. MANY of those causes are SYSTEMIC -- and only affect the black community in an unequal manner BECAUSE of education and economic gaps.. The Big Three being education, economic income and access to EQUAL and ACCOMMODATING justice that takes into account the special needs of folks living on the edge of economic ruin.

NOWHERE did I mention Obama.. NOWHERE did I demean Dubois or ANY OTHER black high academic achiever.. In FACT -- I've REPEATEDLY suggested that SUCCESSFUL and high achieving blacks BE used as role models.. Don't give a damn about their politics.. IM2 in the past has posted mind numbing crap about "math and science" as being "racist".. He's DISSED high acheiving blacks that dont fit his political views REPEATEDLY.. Its VERY political how he excommunicates high achieving blacks that DO NOT FIT HIS POLITICS... I don't play that game, because I'm a FIXER of things. Not a demagogue.
Fair enough. I didn’t mean you when I said people insult IM2 — and others — just for supporting “the party of Obama and most African Americans.” I am happy if you respect the intelligence and academic achievement of men like W.E.B. DuBois, who himself lived a long life in which he was at different times a Lincoln-admiring Republican, a leader of the NAACP, a Socialist and a Pan-Africanist. I haven’t been here long, haven’t seen what you say about IM2, or know you or many people here well. If I strongly disagree with IM2 about such matters in the future, I hope I will find a way to express myself in a constructive way. That is sometimes all we can do when we disagree ... especially about politics.

Can't we all just "get along" ??? Actually not really a rhetorical question.. Because after going 20 or 30 pages with some of the "black educators" here -- the most IMPORTANT thing you'll learn TP, is that they are afeared of stuff like "racial reconcilation".. Aint shopping for any improved "social interactions that might result from honest discussion.. Because IF that happened, THEY would become irrelevant.. In a Kumbaya world -- some of resident "grievance scholars" would be VERY unhappy that the PAST and history is IN the past..

IM2 is knowledgeable, but he doesn't know when to stop pounding the past on us, who can't do anything about it.

I have tried several time to have him realize it is so much better than it used to be for black Americans. He persist on the gnashing of teeth replies, I think he is scared to realize he IS the one who has a problem, not like many black folks I have met in various places, who have no problem seeing a White man in front of him.

That is why he turns me off, the persistent insistence for the past, the one that mostly vanished by today.

I don't think you know many blacks. I am very capable of seeing how the world is around me. You need to read this. Now while you want to explain to me how things aren't as I see them and can only be as you tell me, people who actually pay attention to such things say different. So I will repost this:

On February 26, 2018, 50 years after the Kerner Commission findings, the Economic Policy Institute published a report evaluating the progress of the black community since the Kerner Report was released. It was based on a study done by the Economic Policy Institute that compared the progress of the black community with the condition of the black community at the time of the Kerner Commission. The Kerner Commission met in 1968 and made recommendation on how to move toward racial progress. Titled “50 years after the Kerner Commission, the study’s central premise was that there had been some improvements in the situation blacks faced but still face disadvantages that were based on race.

Here are some of the findings.

African Americans today are much better educated than they were in 1968 but still lag behind whites in overall educational attainment. More than 90 percent of younger African Americans (ages 25 to 29) have graduated from high school, compared with just over half in 1968—which means they’ve nearly closed the gap with white high school graduation rates. They are also more than twice as likely to have a college degree as in 1968 but are still half as likely as young whites to have a college degree.

The substantial progress in educational attainment of African Americans has been accompanied by significant absolute improvements in wages, incomes, wealth, and health since 1968. But black workers still make only 82.5 cents on every dollar earned by white workers, African Americans are 2.5 times as likely to be in poverty as whites, and the median white family has almost 10 times as much wealth as the median black family.

With respect to homeownership, unemployment, and incarceration, America has failed to deliver any progress for African Americans over the last five decades. In these areas, their situation has either failed to improve relative to whites or has worsened. In 2017 the black unemployment rate was 7.5 percent, up from 6.7 percent in 1968, and is still roughly twice the white unemployment rate. In 2015, the black homeownership rate was just over 40 percent, virtually unchanged since 1968, and trailing a full 30 points behind the white homeownership rate, which saw modest gains over the same period. And the share of African Americans in prison or jail almost tripled between 1968 and 2016 and is currently more than six times the guy white incarceration rate.

Following up on this, Richard Rothstein of the Economic Policy Institute, wrote an op ed published in the February 28th edition of the New York Daily News entitled, “50 years after the Kerner Commission, minimal racial progress.” It had been 50 years since the commission made those recommendations at that point, yet Rothstein makes this statement: “So little has changed since 1968 that the report remains worth reading as a near-contemporary description of racial inequality.”

These words were not written in the long ago past. They were written 2 years ago. They were not written by some angry black you ignorantly and wrongfully assume has a problem with white people. This was not written by a black person some retard thinks will lose relevance if true racial reconciliation happens, it was written by:

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This guy. Richard Rothstein. You want me to be satisfied with an undone job. Until white racism is gone talking about how there has been all this great improvement is BS. And I guarantee that if you went into a majority black forum trying to lecture them about how much better things are today and how you don't like the past being hammered, you would delete yourself from membership after they got done with you.

When a man like the great John Lewis who got his skull busted fighting for my freedom, says we have come a long way but we still have a long way to go, you nor anyone here thinking like you can tell me shit.
There is much profit in being a preferred group. It is how it is used. People always take the quickest way from point A to point B. It takes work and dedication. There are many people who are not that way in all backgrounds. And it hurts African Americans more as the squeaky wheel that gets the grease also is opened up for all to see if they look.
Old style would say the Puritans came to America for the higher wages, that Jews liberated from concentration camps went to Israel for better wages, that Americans fought for independence just for money, that Americans went overseas to fight and die during WWII to advance their careers ...
IM2 would say that the Puritans came to American because of racism...that Jews went to Israel because of racism...that American fought the Revolutionary war because of racism...that they also fought and died in WWII because of racism. It's a one size fits all with IM2 and Milkweed. Racism...racism and racism!
No, I would say that puritans came to America to escape the class persecution that was going on in Europe at the time between the nobility and the serfs. I would say that the revolutionary war was fought by the white colonists over the unfairness of being subject the British rule without being represented. I would say that soldiers like my dad fought in WW2 to stop the Germans, Italians and Japanese. Only a retard like you thinks I make everything about racism. I make racism about racism. IT'S NOT MY FAULT THAT WHITES LIKE YOU CONTINUE THE RACISM IN THIS COUNTRY.
How dare you say anything about the Puritans! You're black and they were white! According to you...only a white person who's relatives were Puritans can know the TRUTH about the Puritans! (eye roll)
See how stupid a position that is, IM2!
What racism do whites like me continue in this country? Whites like me fought to free blacks like horses ass! My ancestor actually did that. I've never done a racist thing in my entire life except be white...which in your eyes automatically makes me a racist! That makes YOU an idiot!
I read your historical comments carefully, Oldstyle . I was inclined at first to agree with you when you first mentioned the economic pull of better paying jobs in the north, about WWI creating job opportunities for southern African Americans, about decreased family farm ownership among all groups. Obviously for many blacks WWI opened up a possible escape from poverty and oppression. Many were long economically and politically forced into de facto slavery in the south. They were a despised race-color caste of sharecroppers, prisoners searching for any escape.

But then you started this narrow game about why they didn’t leave earlier, challenging IM2 to “explain that!,” and I concluded you were not trying to educate but just win a point, a point you were fundamentally ignorant about. As I tried to explain earlier, NOTHING about the African-American experience in that period, not life in the south, not life in the north, not buying a tiny farm or losing that farm, not staying in the south, not moving to the north .... can be explained adequately without reference to the overwhelming reality of American racism. This was a period of increasing national racism, north and south. Black scholars understand this. Most whites have no idea.
So let me see if I follow your rationale here, Tom! You think that it took two generations of blacks living in the south before they were suddenly overwhelmed by the "reality of American racism" and THAT caused millions of them to uproot and move to the north? That's what you're going with to explain why The Great Exodus started in 1920 and not in 1870? With all due respect...that's absurd!

A more reasonable explanation is that a massive shortage of labor in the north brought on by the First World War prompted northern industrialists to recruit southern black labor to work in their factories. It isn't that the southern blacks were reacting to southern racism because let's be honest here...racism was alive and well from the close of the Civil War until the start of's that they were reacting to the promise of a better life in the north. A better life because of better jobs!
You are white. I am black with family that made the move. It was due to racism, period. That is what they and all the old blacks I talked to while growing up told me. You can have all the opinion you want, you can believe what you want, but the facts have nothing to do with your wants.

So jobs in the north that paid three times what they did in the south wasn't a contributing factor? Just a coincidence that occurred at the start of The Great Migration?
Racism was the reason. I'm done arguing with you about that.

IMO opinion:

The migration occurred due to racist policies in the south, which also affected the available jobs for blacks.

I recall vividly, the fear that southern black people felt about the Klan, and how they expressed the need to leave.

Job opportunities were definitely a part of it, but the blatant racism in the south was also a big factor as well.

That can't be denied.
Sigh...racist policies existed in the south long before 1920, Katsteve! So why were blacks not afraid of them in the fifty years since the Civil War? In 1920 the Klan was reconstituting but this time it was not just in the south...there were an estimated 40,000 Klansmen in the Detroit area. So explain to me why blacks would leave the south out of fear of the Klan in 1920 when the Klan was now in the area they were going to be moving to? Then they were scared but not when the Klan was only in the south? That makes sense to you?

To apply your own logic, if one has a choice between being employed and earning more money in a different environment where there is potential for being less threatened from city to city, than to remain in an area where there is more of a threat and no opportunity for advancement which alternative would the average person select?

I've stated that it was a combination of escaping the long standing culture of Jim Crow in the south as well as improved job opportunities.

I have not stated that there was no KKK waiting in the west or the north because they were all over the country.

During the resurgence of the KKK in 1920, the "new" Klan broadened its focus so that it was no longer strictly about blacks, but rather Catholics, immigrants and anyone else deemed less than "100 percent American", and there is a mountain of documented history out there that proves this to be true.

But their presence and effect on blacks was far greater in southern states prior to and during the migration, and that is a historical fact.
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Old style would say the Puritans came to America for the higher wages, that Jews liberated from concentration camps went to Israel for better wages, that Americans fought for independence just for money, that Americans went overseas to fight and die during WWII to advance their careers ...
IM2 would say that the Puritans came to American because of racism...that Jews went to Israel because of racism...that American fought the Revolutionary war because of racism...that they also fought and died in WWII because of racism. It's a one size fits all with IM2 and Milkweed. Racism...racism and racism!
No, I would say that puritans came to America to escape the class persecution that was going on in Europe at the time between the nobility and the serfs. I would say that the revolutionary war was fought by the white colonists over the unfairness of being subject the British rule without being represented. I would say that soldiers like my dad fought in WW2 to stop the Germans, Italians and Japanese. Only a retard like you thinks I make everything about racism. I make racism about racism. IT'S NOT MY FAULT THAT WHITES LIKE YOU CONTINUE THE RACISM IN THIS COUNTRY.
How dare you say anything about the Puritans! You're black and they were white! According to you...only a white person who's relatives were Puritans can know the TRUTH about the Puritans! (eye roll) ...
Your eye rolling to the contrary notwithstanding, you miss the point ... again.

I don’t need a lesson on why Puritans came to this country, either, thank you very much. IM2 is wrong, by the way. The Puritans DID NOT come to these shores “to escape the class persecution that was going on in Europe at the time between the nobility and the serfs.“

But IM2 of course would not, and did not, say it was because of racism.

I could go on and talk about the importance for historians to research actual historical accounts, diaries, and verbal interviews where possible to uncover motivation, as distinct from theorizing abstractly or being a crude “historical materialist.” I don’t know, but I fear that might be lost on you. It seems to me you are not approaching these questions objectively, but emotionally, just as you accuse IM2 of doing.

I think katsteve2012 has the best overall take on this question. He tries to see it in its many different dimensions.
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Who cares? I think they should all been shipped back to Africa or Siberia. They're to stupid to be free as evidenced by their continued sucking on the democrat teat.
You can't lump all people of any race together. There are stupid whites too. Anyone born here is an American.
It has been estimated that approximately 40,000 former slaves received grants of land under Sherman's order.

Sounds like reparations have been paid already.
Only to people that cannot read.

It has been estimated that approximately 40,000 former slaves received grants of land under Sherman's order. But the land was taken away from them.
Which was wrong, so was taking land from white people in Africa. You claim to be African American, so yes, Africa is a valid topic in your threads.
Did IM2 say anything like the above? He quoted many academic studies, and most of them were well worth reading. When he defends Obama — a genuinely well educated man; when he uses W.E.B. Dubois as his avatar — a man who could outthink any one of us in several languages, he doesn’t show disrespect for academic achievement. Yet he gets insulted by many here just for supporting his party and the party of Obama and most African-Americans!

Attempting to correct racial disparities requires a complete and open-minded exploration of the causes for those disparities.. Blaming racism before you DO THAT is too convenient and simplistic. MANY of those causes are SYSTEMIC -- and only affect the black community in an unequal manner BECAUSE of education and economic gaps.. The Big Three being education, economic income and access to EQUAL and ACCOMMODATING justice that takes into account the special needs of folks living on the edge of economic ruin.

NOWHERE did I mention Obama.. NOWHERE did I demean Dubois or ANY OTHER black high academic achiever.. In FACT -- I've REPEATEDLY suggested that SUCCESSFUL and high achieving blacks BE used as role models.. Don't give a damn about their politics.. IM2 in the past has posted mind numbing crap about "math and science" as being "racist".. He's DISSED high acheiving blacks that dont fit his political views REPEATEDLY.. Its VERY political how he excommunicates high achieving blacks that DO NOT FIT HIS POLITICS... I don't play that game, because I'm a FIXER of things. Not a demagogue.
Fair enough. I didn’t mean you when I said people insult IM2 — and others — just for supporting “the party of Obama and most African Americans.” I am happy if you respect the intelligence and academic achievement of men like W.E.B. DuBois, who himself lived a long life in which he was at different times a Lincoln-admiring Republican, a leader of the NAACP, a Socialist and a Pan-Africanist. I haven’t been here long, haven’t seen what you say about IM2, or know you or many people here well. If I strongly disagree with IM2 about such matters in the future, I hope I will find a way to express myself in a constructive way. That is sometimes all we can do when we disagree ... especially about politics.

Can't we all just "get along" ??? Actually not really a rhetorical question.. Because after going 20 or 30 pages with some of the "black educators" here -- the most IMPORTANT thing you'll learn TP, is that they are afeared of stuff like "racial reconcilation".. Aint shopping for any improved "social interactions that might result from honest discussion.. Because IF that happened, THEY would become irrelevant.. In a Kumbaya world -- some of resident "grievance scholars" would be VERY unhappy that the PAST and history is IN the past..
Nobody here is scared of racial reconciliation but you. And you prove that with what you just told Paine. You believe that crazy shit. You are the one that cannot handle honest discussion. An honest discussion means you are able to accept that past racism has caused damage that continues now as well ads the fact that continuing racism by whites exacerbates the already unfixed damage. Instead you offer solutions like blacks moving into all white rural towns.
You are have no path within you for forgiveness....and you weren't even alive back then.....
I am alive now and have seen 59 years of continuing white racism.
You are incapable of seeing anything else.....
Did IM2 say anything like the above? He quoted many academic studies, and most of them were well worth reading. When he defends Obama — a genuinely well educated man; when he uses W.E.B. Dubois as his avatar — a man who could outthink any one of us in several languages, he doesn’t show disrespect for academic achievement. Yet he gets insulted by many here just for supporting his party and the party of Obama and most African-Americans!

Attempting to correct racial disparities requires a complete and open-minded exploration of the causes for those disparities.. Blaming racism before you DO THAT is too convenient and simplistic. MANY of those causes are SYSTEMIC -- and only affect the black community in an unequal manner BECAUSE of education and economic gaps.. The Big Three being education, economic income and access to EQUAL and ACCOMMODATING justice that takes into account the special needs of folks living on the edge of economic ruin.

NOWHERE did I mention Obama.. NOWHERE did I demean Dubois or ANY OTHER black high academic achiever.. In FACT -- I've REPEATEDLY suggested that SUCCESSFUL and high achieving blacks BE used as role models.. Don't give a damn about their politics.. IM2 in the past has posted mind numbing crap about "math and science" as being "racist".. He's DISSED high acheiving blacks that dont fit his political views REPEATEDLY.. Its VERY political how he excommunicates high achieving blacks that DO NOT FIT HIS POLITICS... I don't play that game, because I'm a FIXER of things. Not a demagogue.
Fair enough. I didn’t mean you when I said people insult IM2 — and others — just for supporting “the party of Obama and most African Americans.” I am happy if you respect the intelligence and academic achievement of men like W.E.B. DuBois, who himself lived a long life in which he was at different times a Lincoln-admiring Republican, a leader of the NAACP, a Socialist and a Pan-Africanist. I haven’t been here long, haven’t seen what you say about IM2, or know you or many people here well. If I strongly disagree with IM2 about such matters in the future, I hope I will find a way to express myself in a constructive way. That is sometimes all we can do when we disagree ... especially about politics.

Can't we all just "get along" ??? Actually not really a rhetorical question.. Because after going 20 or 30 pages with some of the "black educators" here -- the most IMPORTANT thing you'll learn TP, is that they are afeared of stuff like "racial reconcilation".. Aint shopping for any improved "social interactions that might result from honest discussion.. Because IF that happened, THEY would become irrelevant.. In a Kumbaya world -- some of resident "grievance scholars" would be VERY unhappy that the PAST and history is IN the past..
Nobody here is scared of racial reconciliation but you. And you prove that with what you just told Paine. You believe that crazy shit. You are the one that cannot handle honest discussion. An honest discussion means you are able to accept that past racism has caused damage that continues now as well ads the fact that continuing racism by whites exacerbates the already unfixed damage. Instead you offer solutions like blacks moving into all white rural towns.
You are have no path within you for forgiveness....and you weren't even alive back then.....
I am alive now and have seen 59 years of continuing white racism.
You are incapable of seeing anything else.....
Wrong. You just can't deal with a black person speaking the truth.
Did IM2 say anything like the above? He quoted many academic studies, and most of them were well worth reading. When he defends Obama — a genuinely well educated man; when he uses W.E.B. Dubois as his avatar — a man who could outthink any one of us in several languages, he doesn’t show disrespect for academic achievement. Yet he gets insulted by many here just for supporting his party and the party of Obama and most African-Americans!

Attempting to correct racial disparities requires a complete and open-minded exploration of the causes for those disparities.. Blaming racism before you DO THAT is too convenient and simplistic. MANY of those causes are SYSTEMIC -- and only affect the black community in an unequal manner BECAUSE of education and economic gaps.. The Big Three being education, economic income and access to EQUAL and ACCOMMODATING justice that takes into account the special needs of folks living on the edge of economic ruin.

NOWHERE did I mention Obama.. NOWHERE did I demean Dubois or ANY OTHER black high academic achiever.. In FACT -- I've REPEATEDLY suggested that SUCCESSFUL and high achieving blacks BE used as role models.. Don't give a damn about their politics.. IM2 in the past has posted mind numbing crap about "math and science" as being "racist".. He's DISSED high acheiving blacks that dont fit his political views REPEATEDLY.. Its VERY political how he excommunicates high achieving blacks that DO NOT FIT HIS POLITICS... I don't play that game, because I'm a FIXER of things. Not a demagogue.
Fair enough. I didn’t mean you when I said people insult IM2 — and others — just for supporting “the party of Obama and most African Americans.” I am happy if you respect the intelligence and academic achievement of men like W.E.B. DuBois, who himself lived a long life in which he was at different times a Lincoln-admiring Republican, a leader of the NAACP, a Socialist and a Pan-Africanist. I haven’t been here long, haven’t seen what you say about IM2, or know you or many people here well. If I strongly disagree with IM2 about such matters in the future, I hope I will find a way to express myself in a constructive way. That is sometimes all we can do when we disagree ... especially about politics.

Can't we all just "get along" ??? Actually not really a rhetorical question.. Because after going 20 or 30 pages with some of the "black educators" here -- the most IMPORTANT thing you'll learn TP, is that they are afeared of stuff like "racial reconcilation".. Aint shopping for any improved "social interactions that might result from honest discussion.. Because IF that happened, THEY would become irrelevant.. In a Kumbaya world -- some of resident "grievance scholars" would be VERY unhappy that the PAST and history is IN the past..
Nobody here is scared of racial reconciliation but you. And you prove that with what you just told Paine. You believe that crazy shit. You are the one that cannot handle honest discussion. An honest discussion means you are able to accept that past racism has caused damage that continues now as well ads the fact that continuing racism by whites exacerbates the already unfixed damage. Instead you offer solutions like blacks moving into all white rural towns.
You are have no path within you for forgiveness....and you weren't even alive back then.....
I am alive now and have seen 59 years of continuing white racism.
You are incapable of seeing anything else.....
Wrong. You just can't deal with a black person speaking the truth.
I bet I've known and lived with more African Americans than you ever don't know what you are talking about....
Did IM2 say anything like the above? He quoted many academic studies, and most of them were well worth reading. When he defends Obama — a genuinely well educated man; when he uses W.E.B. Dubois as his avatar — a man who could outthink any one of us in several languages, he doesn’t show disrespect for academic achievement. Yet he gets insulted by many here just for supporting his party and the party of Obama and most African-Americans!

Attempting to correct racial disparities requires a complete and open-minded exploration of the causes for those disparities.. Blaming racism before you DO THAT is too convenient and simplistic. MANY of those causes are SYSTEMIC -- and only affect the black community in an unequal manner BECAUSE of education and economic gaps.. The Big Three being education, economic income and access to EQUAL and ACCOMMODATING justice that takes into account the special needs of folks living on the edge of economic ruin.

NOWHERE did I mention Obama.. NOWHERE did I demean Dubois or ANY OTHER black high academic achiever.. In FACT -- I've REPEATEDLY suggested that SUCCESSFUL and high achieving blacks BE used as role models.. Don't give a damn about their politics.. IM2 in the past has posted mind numbing crap about "math and science" as being "racist".. He's DISSED high acheiving blacks that dont fit his political views REPEATEDLY.. Its VERY political how he excommunicates high achieving blacks that DO NOT FIT HIS POLITICS... I don't play that game, because I'm a FIXER of things. Not a demagogue.
Fair enough. I didn’t mean you when I said people insult IM2 — and others — just for supporting “the party of Obama and most African Americans.” I am happy if you respect the intelligence and academic achievement of men like W.E.B. DuBois, who himself lived a long life in which he was at different times a Lincoln-admiring Republican, a leader of the NAACP, a Socialist and a Pan-Africanist. I haven’t been here long, haven’t seen what you say about IM2, or know you or many people here well. If I strongly disagree with IM2 about such matters in the future, I hope I will find a way to express myself in a constructive way. That is sometimes all we can do when we disagree ... especially about politics.

Can't we all just "get along" ??? Actually not really a rhetorical question.. Because after going 20 or 30 pages with some of the "black educators" here -- the most IMPORTANT thing you'll learn TP, is that they are afeared of stuff like "racial reconcilation".. Aint shopping for any improved "social interactions that might result from honest discussion.. Because IF that happened, THEY would become irrelevant.. In a Kumbaya world -- some of resident "grievance scholars" would be VERY unhappy that the PAST and history is IN the past..
Nobody here is scared of racial reconciliation but you. And you prove that with what you just told Paine. You believe that crazy shit. You are the one that cannot handle honest discussion. An honest discussion means you are able to accept that past racism has caused damage that continues now as well ads the fact that continuing racism by whites exacerbates the already unfixed damage. Instead you offer solutions like blacks moving into all white rural towns.
You are have no path within you for forgiveness....and you weren't even alive back then.....
I am alive now and have seen 59 years of continuing white racism.
You are incapable of seeing anything else.....
Wrong. You just can't deal with a black person speaking the truth.

^^^^^^ bs ^^^^^^
IM2, you would not know the truth if it
came at you chicken fried and with
collard greens. You have been brain
washed by acid head sophists
Old style would say the Puritans came to America for the higher wages, that Jews liberated from concentration camps went to Israel for better wages, that Americans fought for independence just for money, that Americans went overseas to fight and die during WWII to advance their careers ...
IM2 would say that the Puritans came to American because of racism...that Jews went to Israel because of racism...that American fought the Revolutionary war because of racism...that they also fought and died in WWII because of racism. It's a one size fits all with IM2 and Milkweed. Racism...racism and racism!
No, I would say that puritans came to America to escape the class persecution that was going on in Europe at the time between the nobility and the serfs. I would say that the revolutionary war was fought by the white colonists over the unfairness of being subject the British rule without being represented. I would say that soldiers like my dad fought in WW2 to stop the Germans, Italians and Japanese. Only a retard like you thinks I make everything about racism. I make racism about racism. IT'S NOT MY FAULT THAT WHITES LIKE YOU CONTINUE THE RACISM IN THIS COUNTRY.
How dare you say anything about the Puritans! You're black and they were white! According to you...only a white person who's relatives were Puritans can know the TRUTH about the Puritans! (eye roll) ...
Your eye rolling to the contrary notwithstanding, you miss the point ... again.

I don’t need a lesson on why Puritans came to this country, either, thank you very much. IM2 is wrong, by the way. The Puritans DID NOT come to these shores “to escape the class persecution that was going on in Europe at the time between the nobility and the serfs.“

But IM2 of course would not, and did not, say it was because of racism.

I could go on and talk about the importance for historians to research actual historical accounts, diaries, and verbal interviews where possible to uncover motivation, as distinct from theorizing abstractly or being a crude “historical materialist.” I don’t know, but I fear that might be lost on you. It seems to me you are not approaching these questions objectively, but emotionally, just as you accuse IM2 of doing.

I think katsteve2012 has the best overall take on this question. He tries to see it in its many different dimensions.

Well said Mr. Paine.

The problem we have in discussing race is that many whites want to dismiss the impact of racism. Sure economics were part of the move north, but to say that it was the only or main reason just is not correct. The low wages blacks were paid in the south was due to the racial beliefs of whites therefore racism affected the economic status of southern blacks. Now that is a fact. It might hurt some whites here, but it hurts me to have to reconcile what blacks were forced to endure at the hands of whites in the south. And even in the north, blacks weren't paid the same as whites and met huge resistance from northern whites. There was all kinds of racial violence and implementation of policies at every level of government to deny equal rights to black people. The effects of these things extended into this century and are part of the problem blacks face today. Yet some of us here keep wanting to talk about how all that stuff was in the past and that blacks have full access to the laws and all the other standard avoidance commentary.

I focus on racism as from what I have seen, and I have seen the city halls of 3 cities fighting government policy at the local level, that racism is the cause of the problems blacks face. Time after time I have seen a majority white city council shoot down initiatives by blacks in the black community that would have done great things and would have gone a long way to address the issues in those communities while voting for white run initiatives that only half addressed the problem coming from places blacks in those communities could not get to due to transportation issues.

I have watched blacks advocate for businesses to come into theor communities in order to provide jobs and get them shot down while communities give tax abatements and TIFFS to businesses who locate way out in the suburbs where blacks cannot get to. Blacks end up paying taxes to help businesses locate outside of the black community and reduce opportunity for work.

For example, in one city in our state the Community and Economic Development department spent millions developing the west side of the city. That is a white community and all the jobs went out there. Meanwhile blacks were advocating for redevelopment of downtown and the eastside. Buses in that town stop service at 6pm. Jobs were available 24-7 but most blacks did not have the transportation to travel 30 miles across town every day to find a job. Still today that city has not increased bus service or developed the East side of the city with the exception of a state of the art county jail.

Far too many whites in here want to argue without ant experience in facing things like this. It's nice to want to believe that racism is no more or not a problem, but the reality is that is not so. And thinking that racism only comes in swastika wearing, confederate flag waving, white robe wear jackboot thugs is erroneous thought. We just had a man who was state attorney general who ran for governor in 2018 and almost won that was well known to have ties with white supremacists groups. Now what does that tell you about the citizens of this state? That racism is a thing of the past? No.

Retail Redlining: One of the Most Pervasive Forms of Racism Left in America?
APRIL 17, 2013

David Mekarski, the village administrator for the south Chicago suburb of Olympia Fields, told a startling story this week at the American Planning Association's annual conference about a debate he recently had with a restaurant official. Why, he wanted to know, wouldn't quality restaurants come to his mixed-race community, where the average annual household income is $77,000, above the county average?

The reply: "Black folks don’t tip, and so managers can’t maintain a quality staff. And if they can’t maintain a quality staff, they can’t maintain a quality restaurant.”

A gasp then rippled through the room in front of Mekarski. "This is one of the most pervasive and insidious forms of racism left in America today," he says.

There's a term for the phenomenon he's describing: retail redlining. The practice is a more recent and less studied variation on redlining as it's been historically recognized in the housing sector. In the context of retail, grocery stores, and restaurants, redlining refers to the "spatially discriminatory practice" of not serving certain communities because of their ethnic or racial composition, rather than their economic prospects.

It's a newer phenomenon in part because there are more upper-income minority communities in America today. Households that can afford the same stores and restaurants as comparable white communities now want to know where the retailers are. The practice is tricky to study, though, because these types of communities are still relatively few in number (with hard-to-find comparison communities), and because it's difficult to distinguish a retailer's "unconscious racism" from its legitimate business reasons for locating a store or a restaurant.

Did IM2 say anything like the above? He quoted many academic studies, and most of them were well worth reading. When he defends Obama — a genuinely well educated man; when he uses W.E.B. Dubois as his avatar — a man who could outthink any one of us in several languages, he doesn’t show disrespect for academic achievement. Yet he gets insulted by many here just for supporting his party and the party of Obama and most African-Americans!

Attempting to correct racial disparities requires a complete and open-minded exploration of the causes for those disparities.. Blaming racism before you DO THAT is too convenient and simplistic. MANY of those causes are SYSTEMIC -- and only affect the black community in an unequal manner BECAUSE of education and economic gaps.. The Big Three being education, economic income and access to EQUAL and ACCOMMODATING justice that takes into account the special needs of folks living on the edge of economic ruin.

NOWHERE did I mention Obama.. NOWHERE did I demean Dubois or ANY OTHER black high academic achiever.. In FACT -- I've REPEATEDLY suggested that SUCCESSFUL and high achieving blacks BE used as role models.. Don't give a damn about their politics.. IM2 in the past has posted mind numbing crap about "math and science" as being "racist".. He's DISSED high acheiving blacks that dont fit his political views REPEATEDLY.. Its VERY political how he excommunicates high achieving blacks that DO NOT FIT HIS POLITICS... I don't play that game, because I'm a FIXER of things. Not a demagogue.
Fair enough. I didn’t mean you when I said people insult IM2 — and others — just for supporting “the party of Obama and most African Americans.” I am happy if you respect the intelligence and academic achievement of men like W.E.B. DuBois, who himself lived a long life in which he was at different times a Lincoln-admiring Republican, a leader of the NAACP, a Socialist and a Pan-Africanist. I haven’t been here long, haven’t seen what you say about IM2, or know you or many people here well. If I strongly disagree with IM2 about such matters in the future, I hope I will find a way to express myself in a constructive way. That is sometimes all we can do when we disagree ... especially about politics.

Can't we all just "get along" ??? Actually not really a rhetorical question.. Because after going 20 or 30 pages with some of the "black educators" here -- the most IMPORTANT thing you'll learn TP, is that they are afeared of stuff like "racial reconcilation".. Aint shopping for any improved "social interactions that might result from honest discussion.. Because IF that happened, THEY would become irrelevant.. In a Kumbaya world -- some of resident "grievance scholars" would be VERY unhappy that the PAST and history is IN the past..
Nobody here is scared of racial reconciliation but you. And you prove that with what you just told Paine. You believe that crazy shit. You are the one that cannot handle honest discussion. An honest discussion means you are able to accept that past racism has caused damage that continues now as well ads the fact that continuing racism by whites exacerbates the already unfixed damage. Instead you offer solutions like blacks moving into all white rural towns.
You are have no path within you for forgiveness....and you weren't even alive back then.....
I am alive now and have seen 59 years of continuing white racism.
You are incapable of seeing anything else.....
Wrong. You just can't deal with a black person speaking the truth.
I bet I've known and lived with more African Americans than you ever don't know what you are talking about....
No you haven't and I do know. I happen to be black so shut up.
Did IM2 say anything like the above? He quoted many academic studies, and most of them were well worth reading. When he defends Obama — a genuinely well educated man; when he uses W.E.B. Dubois as his avatar — a man who could outthink any one of us in several languages, he doesn’t show disrespect for academic achievement. Yet he gets insulted by many here just for supporting his party and the party of Obama and most African-Americans!

Attempting to correct racial disparities requires a complete and open-minded exploration of the causes for those disparities.. Blaming racism before you DO THAT is too convenient and simplistic. MANY of those causes are SYSTEMIC -- and only affect the black community in an unequal manner BECAUSE of education and economic gaps.. The Big Three being education, economic income and access to EQUAL and ACCOMMODATING justice that takes into account the special needs of folks living on the edge of economic ruin.

NOWHERE did I mention Obama.. NOWHERE did I demean Dubois or ANY OTHER black high academic achiever.. In FACT -- I've REPEATEDLY suggested that SUCCESSFUL and high achieving blacks BE used as role models.. Don't give a damn about their politics.. IM2 in the past has posted mind numbing crap about "math and science" as being "racist".. He's DISSED high acheiving blacks that dont fit his political views REPEATEDLY.. Its VERY political how he excommunicates high achieving blacks that DO NOT FIT HIS POLITICS... I don't play that game, because I'm a FIXER of things. Not a demagogue.
Fair enough. I didn’t mean you when I said people insult IM2 — and others — just for supporting “the party of Obama and most African Americans.” I am happy if you respect the intelligence and academic achievement of men like W.E.B. DuBois, who himself lived a long life in which he was at different times a Lincoln-admiring Republican, a leader of the NAACP, a Socialist and a Pan-Africanist. I haven’t been here long, haven’t seen what you say about IM2, or know you or many people here well. If I strongly disagree with IM2 about such matters in the future, I hope I will find a way to express myself in a constructive way. That is sometimes all we can do when we disagree ... especially about politics.

Can't we all just "get along" ??? Actually not really a rhetorical question.. Because after going 20 or 30 pages with some of the "black educators" here -- the most IMPORTANT thing you'll learn TP, is that they are afeared of stuff like "racial reconcilation".. Aint shopping for any improved "social interactions that might result from honest discussion.. Because IF that happened, THEY would become irrelevant.. In a Kumbaya world -- some of resident "grievance scholars" would be VERY unhappy that the PAST and history is IN the past..
Nobody here is scared of racial reconciliation but you. And you prove that with what you just told Paine. You believe that crazy shit. You are the one that cannot handle honest discussion. An honest discussion means you are able to accept that past racism has caused damage that continues now as well ads the fact that continuing racism by whites exacerbates the already unfixed damage. Instead you offer solutions like blacks moving into all white rural towns.
You are have no path within you for forgiveness....and you weren't even alive back then.....
I am alive now and have seen 59 years of continuing white racism.
You are incapable of seeing anything else.....
Wrong. You just can't deal with a black person speaking the truth.

^^^^^^ bs ^^^^^^
IM2, you would not know the truth if it
came at you chicken fried and with
collard greens. You have been brain
washed by acid head sophists

It's funny how whites like you try telling me things. You are a white female. Maybe you should think about your condition.
Did IM2 say anything like the above? He quoted many academic studies, and most of them were well worth reading. When he defends Obama — a genuinely well educated man; when he uses W.E.B. Dubois as his avatar — a man who could outthink any one of us in several languages, he doesn’t show disrespect for academic achievement. Yet he gets insulted by many here just for supporting his party and the party of Obama and most African-Americans!

Attempting to correct racial disparities requires a complete and open-minded exploration of the causes for those disparities.. Blaming racism before you DO THAT is too convenient and simplistic. MANY of those causes are SYSTEMIC -- and only affect the black community in an unequal manner BECAUSE of education and economic gaps.. The Big Three being education, economic income and access to EQUAL and ACCOMMODATING justice that takes into account the special needs of folks living on the edge of economic ruin.

NOWHERE did I mention Obama.. NOWHERE did I demean Dubois or ANY OTHER black high academic achiever.. In FACT -- I've REPEATEDLY suggested that SUCCESSFUL and high achieving blacks BE used as role models.. Don't give a damn about their politics.. IM2 in the past has posted mind numbing crap about "math and science" as being "racist".. He's DISSED high acheiving blacks that dont fit his political views REPEATEDLY.. Its VERY political how he excommunicates high achieving blacks that DO NOT FIT HIS POLITICS... I don't play that game, because I'm a FIXER of things. Not a demagogue.
Fair enough. I didn’t mean you when I said people insult IM2 — and others — just for supporting “the party of Obama and most African Americans.” I am happy if you respect the intelligence and academic achievement of men like W.E.B. DuBois, who himself lived a long life in which he was at different times a Lincoln-admiring Republican, a leader of the NAACP, a Socialist and a Pan-Africanist. I haven’t been here long, haven’t seen what you say about IM2, or know you or many people here well. If I strongly disagree with IM2 about such matters in the future, I hope I will find a way to express myself in a constructive way. That is sometimes all we can do when we disagree ... especially about politics.

Can't we all just "get along" ??? Actually not really a rhetorical question.. Because after going 20 or 30 pages with some of the "black educators" here -- the most IMPORTANT thing you'll learn TP, is that they are afeared of stuff like "racial reconcilation".. Aint shopping for any improved "social interactions that might result from honest discussion.. Because IF that happened, THEY would become irrelevant.. In a Kumbaya world -- some of resident "grievance scholars" would be VERY unhappy that the PAST and history is IN the past..
Nobody here is scared of racial reconciliation but you. And you prove that with what you just told Paine. You believe that crazy shit. You are the one that cannot handle honest discussion. An honest discussion means you are able to accept that past racism has caused damage that continues now as well ads the fact that continuing racism by whites exacerbates the already unfixed damage. Instead you offer solutions like blacks moving into all white rural towns.
You are have no path within you for forgiveness....and you weren't even alive back then.....
I am alive now and have seen 59 years of continuing white racism.
You are incapable of seeing anything else.....
Wrong. You just can't deal with a black person speaking the truth.
I bet I've known and lived with more African Americans than you ever don't know what you are talking about....
No you haven't and I do know. I happen to be black so shut up.
Being black doesn't mean you have lived and worked with more black men and women than I have.....I served with men and women of all colors and creed for many years and I live in a retired military community with black neighbors and friends.....
I grew up off of Western Ave in south central Los Angeles and attended schools with a majority of black sleep overs as a kid were more diverse than anything you have ever been a part of....that is why I get so disgusted with your attitude and point of are a racist and its sickening....but with help you can can shed your anger and hate....maybe when Trump retires and your TDS diminishes you can give it a try....
Did IM2 say anything like the above? He quoted many academic studies, and most of them were well worth reading. When he defends Obama — a genuinely well educated man; when he uses W.E.B. Dubois as his avatar — a man who could outthink any one of us in several languages, he doesn’t show disrespect for academic achievement. Yet he gets insulted by many here just for supporting his party and the party of Obama and most African-Americans!

Attempting to correct racial disparities requires a complete and open-minded exploration of the causes for those disparities.. Blaming racism before you DO THAT is too convenient and simplistic. MANY of those causes are SYSTEMIC -- and only affect the black community in an unequal manner BECAUSE of education and economic gaps.. The Big Three being education, economic income and access to EQUAL and ACCOMMODATING justice that takes into account the special needs of folks living on the edge of economic ruin.

NOWHERE did I mention Obama.. NOWHERE did I demean Dubois or ANY OTHER black high academic achiever.. In FACT -- I've REPEATEDLY suggested that SUCCESSFUL and high achieving blacks BE used as role models.. Don't give a damn about their politics.. IM2 in the past has posted mind numbing crap about "math and science" as being "racist".. He's DISSED high acheiving blacks that dont fit his political views REPEATEDLY.. Its VERY political how he excommunicates high achieving blacks that DO NOT FIT HIS POLITICS... I don't play that game, because I'm a FIXER of things. Not a demagogue.
Fair enough. I didn’t mean you when I said people insult IM2 — and others — just for supporting “the party of Obama and most African Americans.” I am happy if you respect the intelligence and academic achievement of men like W.E.B. DuBois, who himself lived a long life in which he was at different times a Lincoln-admiring Republican, a leader of the NAACP, a Socialist and a Pan-Africanist. I haven’t been here long, haven’t seen what you say about IM2, or know you or many people here well. If I strongly disagree with IM2 about such matters in the future, I hope I will find a way to express myself in a constructive way. That is sometimes all we can do when we disagree ... especially about politics.

Can't we all just "get along" ??? Actually not really a rhetorical question.. Because after going 20 or 30 pages with some of the "black educators" here -- the most IMPORTANT thing you'll learn TP, is that they are afeared of stuff like "racial reconcilation".. Aint shopping for any improved "social interactions that might result from honest discussion.. Because IF that happened, THEY would become irrelevant.. In a Kumbaya world -- some of resident "grievance scholars" would be VERY unhappy that the PAST and history is IN the past..
Nobody here is scared of racial reconciliation but you. And you prove that with what you just told Paine. You believe that crazy shit. You are the one that cannot handle honest discussion. An honest discussion means you are able to accept that past racism has caused damage that continues now as well ads the fact that continuing racism by whites exacerbates the already unfixed damage. Instead you offer solutions like blacks moving into all white rural towns.
You are have no path within you for forgiveness....and you weren't even alive back then.....
I am alive now and have seen 59 years of continuing white racism.
You are incapable of seeing anything else.....
Wrong. You just can't deal with a black person speaking the truth.

^^^^^^ bs ^^^^^^
IM2, you would not know the truth if it
came at you chicken fried and with
collard greens. You have been brain
washed by acid head sophists

It's funny how whites like you try telling me things. You are a white female. Maybe you should think about your condition.

OH!!!!! you mean that I should go around INCESSANTLY quoting "THE FEMININE MYSTIQUE"
and define all of the human condition and history
of the WORLD as being a matter of PERVASIVE
MYSOGYNY? ------nope!!! no thanks----I will
not be the "white female" version of
Did IM2 say anything like the above? He quoted many academic studies, and most of them were well worth reading. When he defends Obama — a genuinely well educated man; when he uses W.E.B. Dubois as his avatar — a man who could outthink any one of us in several languages, he doesn’t show disrespect for academic achievement. Yet he gets insulted by many here just for supporting his party and the party of Obama and most African-Americans!

Attempting to correct racial disparities requires a complete and open-minded exploration of the causes for those disparities.. Blaming racism before you DO THAT is too convenient and simplistic. MANY of those causes are SYSTEMIC -- and only affect the black community in an unequal manner BECAUSE of education and economic gaps.. The Big Three being education, economic income and access to EQUAL and ACCOMMODATING justice that takes into account the special needs of folks living on the edge of economic ruin.

NOWHERE did I mention Obama.. NOWHERE did I demean Dubois or ANY OTHER black high academic achiever.. In FACT -- I've REPEATEDLY suggested that SUCCESSFUL and high achieving blacks BE used as role models.. Don't give a damn about their politics.. IM2 in the past has posted mind numbing crap about "math and science" as being "racist".. He's DISSED high acheiving blacks that dont fit his political views REPEATEDLY.. Its VERY political how he excommunicates high achieving blacks that DO NOT FIT HIS POLITICS... I don't play that game, because I'm a FIXER of things. Not a demagogue.
Fair enough. I didn’t mean you when I said people insult IM2 — and others — just for supporting “the party of Obama and most African Americans.” I am happy if you respect the intelligence and academic achievement of men like W.E.B. DuBois, who himself lived a long life in which he was at different times a Lincoln-admiring Republican, a leader of the NAACP, a Socialist and a Pan-Africanist. I haven’t been here long, haven’t seen what you say about IM2, or know you or many people here well. If I strongly disagree with IM2 about such matters in the future, I hope I will find a way to express myself in a constructive way. That is sometimes all we can do when we disagree ... especially about politics.

Can't we all just "get along" ??? Actually not really a rhetorical question.. Because after going 20 or 30 pages with some of the "black educators" here -- the most IMPORTANT thing you'll learn TP, is that they are afeared of stuff like "racial reconcilation".. Aint shopping for any improved "social interactions that might result from honest discussion.. Because IF that happened, THEY would become irrelevant.. In a Kumbaya world -- some of resident "grievance scholars" would be VERY unhappy that the PAST and history is IN the past..
Nobody here is scared of racial reconciliation but you. And you prove that with what you just told Paine. You believe that crazy shit. You are the one that cannot handle honest discussion. An honest discussion means you are able to accept that past racism has caused damage that continues now as well ads the fact that continuing racism by whites exacerbates the already unfixed damage. Instead you offer solutions like blacks moving into all white rural towns.
You are have no path within you for forgiveness....and you weren't even alive back then.....
I am alive now and have seen 59 years of continuing white racism.
You are incapable of seeing anything else.....
Wrong. You just can't deal with a black person speaking the truth.
I bet I've known and lived with more African Americans than you ever don't know what you are talking about....
No you haven't and I do know. I happen to be black so shut up.
Being black doesn't mean you have lived and worked with more black men and women than I have.....I served with men and women of all colors and creed for many years and I live in a retired military community with black neighbors and friends.....
I grew up off of Western Ave in south central Los Angeles and attended schools with a majority of black sleep overs as a kid were more diverse than anything you have ever been a part of....that is why I get so disgusted with your attitude and point of are a racist and its sickening....but with help you can can shed your anger and hate....maybe when Trump retires and your TDS diminishes you can give it a try....
LOL! Here we go with the white racist talking about his black friends and calling me a racist full of hate while never saying anything to whites for what they post here.

I'm black. Lived in the black neighborhood. Went to a majority white school system, a majority white university, partied and socialized with students from around the world Played rugby and competed and socialized with men and women from all over the world. No, you haven't been in more diverse situations than me and pointing out continuing white racism is not racist or hateful. The only people I have found to see it as such during my participation in these forums are whites who are racist.
I have worked in VERY CLOSE proximity to persons from
most of the world and socialized with persons from most of the world. I also read the crap written in the
1960s and 70s by crazed black "sociologists" ----and the nationalists that persisted in the obsessions and sophistry of those nuts. (an example is the crazed pile of manure, Farrakhan) ----I got news-----ALL GROUPS OF HUMANOIDS have a highly developed sense of
aggrievement based on their history of "oppression"
as a group. Name a group-----there is a narrative
of their oppression

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