So What Happened To Blacks After Slavery?

It has been estimated that approximately 40,000 former slaves received grants of land under Sherman's order.

Sounds like reparations have been paid already.
Only to people that cannot read.

It has been estimated that approximately 40,000 former slaves received grants of land under Sherman's order. But the land was taken away from them.

The Federal government compensated freed blacks for slavery. The Federal government didn't take that compensation back.

By 1910, Black land ownership, particularly in The South, was at a peak of 15,000,000 acres.
Wrong. And don't make me show you how wrong you are.

I look forward to your information.
This thread is specifically about what the government of these united states did to blacks after the years of slavery up until right now.

The republicans here want to take credit for ending slavery while simultaneously telling us that they should not be held responsible for what their ancestors did before they were born. In standard republican fashion everybody else must take responsibility but them. However in the 150 or so years after slavery things have happened that most of these guys don't want to discuss. It is time to take a look at what has happened.

Lincoln signed words on a piece of paper but were those words actually honored?

Not really.

At the time of "emancipation" 80 percent of Americas GNP was tied to slavery. America, not just the south. Blacks got none of the money. In January of 1865, Special Field Order 15 was issued. Special Field Orders No. 15 - Wikipedia In July 1865, Circular 13, Resource Sheet #7 was issued by General Howard which fully authorized the lease of 40 acres of land to the newly freed slaves. As a result of this action 40,000 former slaves began work on several hundred thousand acres of land.

President Andrew Johnson killed that by his doing so removed those 40,000 blacks off that land and destroyed any income they could make. Meanwhile Johnson advocated for the homestead act and wanted to take plantation land and distribute it to whites without money.

Johnson pardoned most of the confederate leaders and they regained their prior positions of state leadership. By doing this, Johnson unleashed a reign of terror on blacks that really was nothing short of attempted ethnic cleansing. Blacks were beaten, scalped, killed, set on fire with their bodies left in the streets to rot.

A representative from the Johnson administration traveled the south and reported seeing black women scalped, or had their ears cut off, thrown into rivers and drowned. Black men and boys were clubbed, beaten, shot, some chained on trees and burned to death. State to state this man witnessed the stench of dead decomposing black bodies hanging from tree limbs, lying in ditches, and piled up on the roadways.

But blacks were free, right?

Now if anyone goes off topic, I expect the post to be eliminated .
Who cares about past slavery? Its an interesting foot note, but thats it.

You know how little you care about Roman slaves? Thats how the rest of us feel about American slaves.

Since we aren't talking about slaves, your ignorance is noted. I don't know if you have noticed, but we don't live in Ancient Rome.
We dont live in the 1700-1800's either.

Too bad what I have just shown you happened in the 20-21st centuries.
This thread is specifically about what the government of these united states did to blacks after the years of slavery up until right now.

The republicans here want to take credit for ending slavery while simultaneously telling us that they should not be held responsible for what their ancestors did before they were born. In standard republican fashion everybody else must take responsibility but them. However in the 150 or so years after slavery things have happened that most of these guys don't want to discuss. It is time to take a look at what has happened.

Lincoln signed words on a piece of paper but were those words actually honored?

Not really.

At the time of "emancipation" 80 percent of Americas GNP was tied to slavery. America, not just the south. Blacks got none of the money. In January of 1865, Special Field Order 15 was issued. Special Field Orders No. 15 - Wikipedia In July 1865, Circular 13, Resource Sheet #7 was issued by General Howard which fully authorized the lease of 40 acres of land to the newly freed slaves. As a result of this action 40,000 former slaves began work on several hundred thousand acres of land.

President Andrew Johnson killed that by his doing so removed those 40,000 blacks off that land and destroyed any income they could make. Meanwhile Johnson advocated for the homestead act and wanted to take plantation land and distribute it to whites without money.

Johnson pardoned most of the confederate leaders and they regained their prior positions of state leadership. By doing this, Johnson unleashed a reign of terror on blacks that really was nothing short of attempted ethnic cleansing. Blacks were beaten, scalped, killed, set on fire with their bodies left in the streets to rot.

A representative from the Johnson administration traveled the south and reported seeing black women scalped, or had their ears cut off, thrown into rivers and drowned. Black men and boys were clubbed, beaten, shot, some chained on trees and burned to death. State to state this man witnessed the stench of dead decomposing black bodies hanging from tree limbs, lying in ditches, and piled up on the roadways.

But blacks were free, right?

Now if anyone goes off topic, I expect the post to be eliminated .
Who cares about past slavery? Its an interesting foot note, but thats it.

You know how little you care about Roman slaves? Thats how the rest of us feel about American slaves.

Since we aren't talking about slaves, your ignorance is noted. I don't know if you have noticed, but we don't live in Ancient Rome.
We dont live in the 1700-1800's either.

Too bad what I have just shown you happened in the 20-21st centuries.
I dont read your long propaganda posts. What i do know is we havent had slaves since Lincoln freed them. YOURE WELCOME!
It has been estimated that approximately 40,000 former slaves received grants of land under Sherman's order.

Sounds like reparations have been paid already.
Only to people that cannot read.

It has been estimated that approximately 40,000 former slaves received grants of land under Sherman's order. But the land was taken away from them.

The Federal government compensated freed blacks for slavery. The Federal government didn't take that compensation back.

By 1910, Black land ownership, particularly in The South, was at a peak of 15,000,000 acres.
Wrong. And don't make me show you how wrong you are.

I look forward to your information.
The acreage you claim was first taken from blacks by Johnson, then then by whites using questionable tactics.

From 15 Million Acres to 1 Million: How Black People Lost Their Land

At its height, Black land ownership was impressive. At the turn of the 20th century, formerly enslaved Black people and their heirs owned 15 million acres of land, primarily in the South, mostly used for farming. In 1920, the 925,000 African-American farms represented 14 percent of the farms in America. Sadly, things turned for the worse, as 600,000 Black farmers were forced off their land, with only 45,000 Black farms remaining in 1975. Now, Black folks are only 1 percent of rural landowners in the U.S., and under 2 percent of farmers. Of the 1 billion acres of arable land in America, Black people today own a little more than 1 million acres, according to AP.

Over the years, Black people have lost their land through a number of circumstances, including government action, deception and a reign of domestic terror in the South that forced Black people from their homes through threats of violence and lynching. That terror and economic exploitation precipitated the Great Migration, which resulted in the uprooting of over 6 million Black people from the South and their relocation to the North, Midwest and West between 1916 and 1970.

How we lost the land is an untold story. An investigation by AP documented the process by which people were tricked or intimated out of their property. In this study of 107 land takings in 13 Southern and border states, 406 landowners lost over 24,000 acres of farm and timber land and 85 properties such as city lots and stores. The property, which today is owned by white people and corporations, is valued in the tens of millions of dollars. In recent years, groups such as the Federation of Southern Cooperatives in Atlanta and the Land Loss Prevention Project in Durham, N.C., receive new reports of land takings on a regular basis, while the Penn Center in St. Helena Island, S.C., has gathered 2,000 such cases. One story from the AP provides the context by which families lost their land to thievery and violence:

After midnight on Oct. 4, 1908, 50 hooded white men surrounded the home of a black farmer in Hickman, Ky., and ordered him to come out for a whipping. When David Walker refused and shot at them instead, the mob poured coal oil on his house and set it afire, according to contemporary newspaper accounts. Pleading for mercy, Walker ran out the front door, followed by four screaming children and his wife, carrying a baby in her arms. The mob shot them all, wounding three children and killing the others. Walker’s oldest son never escaped the burning house. No one was ever charged with the killings, and the surviving children were deprived of the farm their father died defending. Land records show that Walker’s 2 1/2-acre farm was simply folded into the property of a white neighbor. The neighbor soon sold it to another man, whose daughter owns the undeveloped land today.

Black People’s Land Was Stolen
Any discussion of reparations must include how this happened, who did it, and the laws, policies and practices that allowed it.

In the decades after the end of Reconstruction, as the nation abandoned its black citizens and the South descended into the age of Jim Crow, African-Americans succeeded, against all odds, in acquiring a remarkable amount of land. By 1910, black people claimed ownership of nearly 16 million acres in America. They did so in spite of the constant threat of forced dispossession at the hands of white mobs and officials. Sometimes, black property owners faced sudden and violent attacks, such as the racial cleansing of Forsyth County, Ga., in 1912 and the destruction of “Black Wall Street” in Tulsa, Okla., in 1921.

As often, though, whites undermined black property ownership by more subtle means. White tax assessors routinely overvalued black-owned land, forcing black property owners to bear a heavier tax burden than whites (to pay for services they didn’t receive) and slowly draining families of earnings. If black-owned property became valuable or a black property owner challenged white supremacy, local officials could simply declare the property tax-delinquent and sell it at a tax sale. Writing in 1940, the N.A.A.C.P. special counsel Thurgood Marshall described the manipulation of tax-delinquency laws by white officials in the South as a practice and custom of “depriving Negroes of their property through subterfuge.”

Whites like you want to make comments trying to recite a half story that doesn't include everything that happened in order to keep perepatuat8ing a lie of black inferiority. Blacks have never been given reparations and reparations is not giving people land then killing them and taking it back..
This thread is specifically about what the government of these united states did to blacks after the years of slavery up until right now.

The republicans here want to take credit for ending slavery while simultaneously telling us that they should not be held responsible for what their ancestors did before they were born. In standard republican fashion everybody else must take responsibility but them. However in the 150 or so years after slavery things have happened that most of these guys don't want to discuss. It is time to take a look at what has happened.

Lincoln signed words on a piece of paper but were those words actually honored?

Not really.

At the time of "emancipation" 80 percent of Americas GNP was tied to slavery. America, not just the south. Blacks got none of the money. In January of 1865, Special Field Order 15 was issued. Special Field Orders No. 15 - Wikipedia In July 1865, Circular 13, Resource Sheet #7 was issued by General Howard which fully authorized the lease of 40 acres of land to the newly freed slaves. As a result of this action 40,000 former slaves began work on several hundred thousand acres of land.

President Andrew Johnson killed that by his doing so removed those 40,000 blacks off that land and destroyed any income they could make. Meanwhile Johnson advocated for the homestead act and wanted to take plantation land and distribute it to whites without money.

Johnson pardoned most of the confederate leaders and they regained their prior positions of state leadership. By doing this, Johnson unleashed a reign of terror on blacks that really was nothing short of attempted ethnic cleansing. Blacks were beaten, scalped, killed, set on fire with their bodies left in the streets to rot.

A representative from the Johnson administration traveled the south and reported seeing black women scalped, or had their ears cut off, thrown into rivers and drowned. Black men and boys were clubbed, beaten, shot, some chained on trees and burned to death. State to state this man witnessed the stench of dead decomposing black bodies hanging from tree limbs, lying in ditches, and piled up on the roadways.

But blacks were free, right?

Now if anyone goes off topic, I expect the post to be eliminated .
Who cares about past slavery? Its an interesting foot note, but thats it.

You know how little you care about Roman slaves? Thats how the rest of us feel about American slaves.

Since we aren't talking about slaves, your ignorance is noted. I don't know if you have noticed, but we don't live in Ancient Rome.
We dont live in the 1700-1800's either.

Too bad what I have just shown you happened in the 20-21st centuries.
I dont read your long propaganda posts. What i do know is we havent had slaves since Lincoln freed them. YOURE WELCOME!
Propaganda my ass. You're just a stormfront punk who can't face truth.
This thread is about what the UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT has done to blacks since slavery ended.

Long ago you fucking moron. Since then blacks have been the recipient of over 5 trillion dollars thanks to LBJs war on poverty.

You and your relatives deserve NOTHING.
No, it was not long ago nor have blacks been given 5 trillion dollars by anyone.

Yes, they have. Look up the war on poverty then get back to us.
No we have not been given 5 trillion dollars by anyone and the war on poverty was not for blacks only. If 5 trillion has gone into that over 60 years, you need to learn that 4 trillion went to whites.
It has been estimated that approximately 40,000 former slaves received grants of land under Sherman's order.

Sounds like reparations have been paid already.
Only to people that cannot read.

It has been estimated that approximately 40,000 former slaves received grants of land under Sherman's order. But the land was taken away from them.

Just because you can read doesn't mean you can understand. You deserve NOTHING. Get that through your thick skull.
We deserve what you owe us. And that is conservatively estimated to start at 15 trillion dollars.
It has been estimated that approximately 40,000 former slaves received grants of land under Sherman's order.

Sounds like reparations have been paid already.
Only to people that cannot read.

It has been estimated that approximately 40,000 former slaves received grants of land under Sherman's order. But the land was taken away from them.

Just because you can read doesn't mean you can understand. You deserve NOTHING. Get that through your thick skull.
We deserve what you owe us. And that is conservatively estimated to start at 15 trillion dollars.

Good luck with that ... I hope you kept the receipts.

It has been estimated that approximately 40,000 former slaves received grants of land under Sherman's order.

Sounds like reparations have been paid already.
Only to people that cannot read.

It has been estimated that approximately 40,000 former slaves received grants of land under Sherman's order. But the land was taken away from them.

Just because you can read doesn't mean you can understand. You deserve NOTHING. Get that through your thick skull.
We deserve what you owe us. And that is conservatively estimated to start at 15 trillion dollars.
You werent a slave. Quit trying to profit off the misery of others.
At its height, Black land ownership was impressive. At the turn of the 20th century, formerly enslaved Black people and their heirs owned 15 million acres of land, primarily in the South, mostly used for farming.

You're making my point for me. The slavery generation received substantial reparations. The people who actually suffered the wrongs, received the reparations.

If subsequent generations decided not to hold on to that land or decided that farming wasn't for them and sold that land to seek allegedly greener pastures in the inner cities of American metropolises, that doesn't change the fact that reparations have been paid.
It has been estimated that approximately 40,000 former slaves received grants of land under Sherman's order.

Sounds like reparations have been paid already.
Only to people that cannot read.

It has been estimated that approximately 40,000 former slaves received grants of land under Sherman's order. But the land was taken away from them.

Just because you can read doesn't mean you can understand. You deserve NOTHING. Get that through your thick skull.
We deserve what you owe us. And that is conservatively estimated to start at 15 trillion dollars.

Good luck with that ... I hope you kept the receipts.

View attachment 327540
The receipts are all available and you've been shown just a few.
110 years ago??? LOL 2020-110= say someone was 25 at the time, they would have to have been born 1885! LOL Who was that? What bearing does this have on your life today?
I can't be happy today because, er, back in 1900, er, well, something happened, something bad, yeah
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At its height, Black land ownership was impressive. At the turn of the 20th century, formerly enslaved Black people and their heirs owned 15 million acres of land, primarily in the South, mostly used for farming.

You're making my point for me. The slavery generation received substantial reparations. The people who actually suffered the wrongs, received the reparations.

If subsequent generations decided not to hold on to that land or decided that farming wasn't for them and sold that land to seek allegedly greener pastures in the inner cities of American metropolises, that doesn't change the fact that reparations have been paid.
No your point was not made. Whites continued committing atrocities which you owe us for. Subsequent generations did not just decide not to hold on to the land, they were fucking murdered and intimidated and land forcibly taken. You seem to ignore this in your attempt to gaslight but you don't get away with that here.

You want to cite one paragraph, but lets discuss the entire story.

So you start with this:

At its height, Black land ownership was impressive. At the turn of the 20th century, formerly enslaved Black people and their heirs owned 15 million acres of land, primarily in the South, mostly used for farming.

But you dare not discuss this part:

In 1920, the 925,000 African-American farms represented 14 percent of the farms in America. Sadly, things turned for the worse, as 600,000 Black farmers were forced off their land, with only 45,000 Black farms remaining in 1975.

What this says is 600,000 black farmers were forced off their property. Not that they decided to leave, chose to sell or determined that farming was not for them. On top of that, all blacks were not farmers.

So like I said, whites committed one atrocity which was slavery, then they committed another one after slavery by what was done to black landowners. Reparations are owed for each time an atrocity is committed. Had whites given blacks land and they really did what you claim, then reparations would not be asked for, but that is not what happened, you know that's not what happened therefore your point was not made and instead you have continued to validate my position by the fact I proved yours was incorrect and in fact false.
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It has been estimated that approximately 40,000 former slaves received grants of land under Sherman's order.

Sounds like reparations have been paid already.
Only to people that cannot read.

It has been estimated that approximately 40,000 former slaves received grants of land under Sherman's order. But the land was taken away from them.

Just because you can read doesn't mean you can understand. You deserve NOTHING. Get that through your thick skull.
We deserve what you owe us. And that is conservatively estimated to start at 15 trillion dollars.
You werent a slave. Quit trying to profit off the misery of others.
Since I am not talking about slavery, shut the fuck up.
I can't be happy today because, er, back in 1900, er, well, something happened, something bad, yeah

Teflon history doesn't exist. We are a country because something happened in 1776. We live by rules established in 1787. So your pussy excuses don't cut it here and so:

Let me start with this, In 2015 the NYC sheet metal workers union began paying 13 million dollars in compensation to African Americans who were union members but did not get the same number of job assignments as white union workers from 1991 until 2006. Similar litigation is going on in Chicago with pipefitters and in Philly with operating engineers.

Now since we have whites talking about what they have paid for, lets set the record straight. African Americans have less wealth than whites by a large margin and there are many reasons for this all related to white racism. However the one I will be showing tonight is the discriminatory manner in which property was assessed in the black community by white assessors.

White tax assessors used different percentages in assessing property in black communities. By doing so they extracted excessive taxes from African Americans. City governments over assessed properties in black communities while underassessing them in white ones. Now understand that this assessed value is not going to be the actual market value of the property. This was found in Albany, Boston, Buffalo, Chicago, Norfolk and Ft. Worth just to name a few places..

In a 1973 study of10 large US cities HUD found a systemic pattern of overassessment in African American communities and an underassessment in white ones. The study showed that a mostly white neighborhood in Baltimore was one ninth that of a black community in Baltimore. In Philadelphia the tax burden in white south Philly was one sixth of that in the black community in North Philly. In Chicago, the white neighborhood of Norwood paid one half of what blacks did in Woodlawn, yet the Department of Justice did nothing.

So what we are seeing is that in OUR LIFETIMES blacks were over taxed and did not get the services back in return while whites paid less taxes for property and have received all proper services, community development, as well as school funding. So much for the tales of whitey paying for us.

Source- "The Color of Law", pgs. 168-171
I can't be happy today because, er, back in 1900, er, well, something happened, something bad, yeah

Teflon history doesn't exist. We are a country because something happened in 1776. We live by rules established in 1787. So your pussy excuses don't cut it here and so:

Let me start with this, In 2015 the NYC sheet metal workers union began paying 13 million dollars in compensation to African Americans who were union members but did not get the same number of job assignments as white union workers from 1991 until 2006. Similar litigation is going on in Chicago with pipefitters and in Philly with operating engineers.

Now since we have whites talking about what they have paid for, lets set the record straight. African Americans have less wealth than whites by a large margin and there are many reasons for this all related to white racism. However the one I will be showing tonight is the discriminatory manner in which property was assessed in the black community by white assessors.

White tax assessors used different percentages in assessing property in black communities. By doing so they extracted excessive taxes from African Americans. City governments over assessed properties in black communities while underassessing them in white ones. Now understand that this assessed value is not going to be the actual market value of the property. This was found in Albany, Boston, Buffalo, Chicago, Norfolk and Ft. Worth just to name a few places..

In a 1973 study of10 large US cities HUD found a systemic pattern of overassessment in African American communities and an underassessment in white ones. The study showed that a mostly white neighborhood in Baltimore was one ninth that of a black community in Baltimore. In Philadelphia the tax burden in white south Philly was one sixth of that in the black community in North Philly. In Chicago, the white neighborhood of Norwood paid one half of what blacks did in Woodlawn, yet the Department of Justice did nothing.

So what we are seeing is that in OUR LIFETIMES blacks were over taxed and did not get the services back in return while whites paid less taxes for property and have received all proper services, community development, as well as school funding. So much for the tales of whitey paying for us.

Source- "The Color of Law", pgs. 168-171

LOL, are you a sheet metal worker?
History according to IM2! Let not the facts get in the way of your narrative, Kiddies!
This is United States of America history. Documented history that you can look up and verify for yourselves, if you were so inclined.
I graduated with a degree in History, Mariyam! What IM2 is spamming is simply one version of history and as usual with's not a very accurate version.

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