So What Happened To Blacks After Slavery?

By 1970, when the Great Migration was pretty much ended, its impact was unmistakable! In 1900, nine out of every 10 black Americans lived in the South, and three out of every four lived on farms, by 1970 the South was home to less than half of the country’s African-Americans, with only 25 percent living in the region’s rural areas. It was industrialization and two World Wars that caused most of those black southern farms to no longer exist. They were being offered a whole new life in the North and they leapt at the chance!
I know that doesn't work for your whole "reparations" narrative, IM2 but THAT is a part of our American history as well! That massive migration of blacks from the south to the north fundamentally changed our nation. You seem to have missed that though...didn't you?

I don't think you really want to get into this with me Oldstyle. I will fuck you up. That's guaranteed. Those 600,000 farmers did not lose their property because of the great migration. On top of that blacks left to go north ,many times to escape wholesale murder and attempted ethnic cleansing by whites. Furthermore, southern states, specifically local governments, did as much as they could do to deny the rights of blacks to try moving north and away from the persecution because they did not want to lose cheap labor. These are things you don't want to discuss but if you keep talking shit, I will make an example out of you.

Ooooooh, yet another internet tough guy....

Give it a rest...Francis.
I am going to make examples out of you guys and I will have no mercy on your stupid white asses.
Are you drinking?
Let me guess...NOW you're going to go study up on The Great Migration in an attempt to poke holes in my points? You'd probably look like less of an ASS if you did that before you post silly stuff like this! Just saying...
I'm waiting to get "schooled",

Well, he can't wait much longer he's being crushed..

(I'm thinking name calling and a hasty retreat is likely). has been awhile...hasn't it! IM2's problem is that everything with him is black and white...both literally and figuratively! He's in favor of reparations for black farmers and black farmers DO have a valid point as to how they were discriminated against but then he jumps from THAT to a claim that white racism forced blacks off of farms from the 1920's to the 1970's and that's not what happened! It was a simple case of supply and demand that caused that. White factory workers were taken away by a World War right as demand for goods for that war was growing. Northern industrialists turned to black farm workers in the South to replace those white workers and they lured them to the North with high wages and better living conditions. The fact of the matter is that if both World Wars hadn't occurred those Northern industrialists wouldn't have been inclined to do that and our nation would very well have a very different look right now!
I'm not going to pick on IM2 any more tonight. It's reached the point where I'm feeling like a bully.

It's funny to me that Malcohm X defined Black Democrats such as IM2 as "Chumps" and he hasn't caught up with that reality yet.
There is no question the Great Migration to the north was made possible by economic change. Poor whites also trekked north (and west) in huge numbers in this period, and unfortunately brought their racism into auto factories in Detroit and elsewhere.

But in the north blacks NEVER had an easy time. Fear of Negro job competition among Irish and other white immigrant workers had long reinforced white racism. Blacks had long been prevented from pursuing most occupations, facing open discrimination and exclusion, even by many otherwise progressive unions.

Many rural blacks left the South reluctantly, especially African-Americans who had deep roots in private land they had managed with such difficulty to acquire and defend. Often they left the land in the hands of relatives, but without young men to work it, and given the social and economic oppression of the times, much of it was lost. Southern blacks struggled hard and succeeded in building their own churches and middle class, establishing real roots even in Southern cities. Not everybody left, and with black soldiers returning from WWI and then WWII a new kind of African-American man returned, battling north and south for basic rights. Often, as after WWI in particular, Jim Crow brought terrible retribution on those who tried to stand up to the KKK, as the Klan in that period reached its greatest power across the whole nation.
I know that doesn't work for your whole "reparations" narrative, IM2 but THAT is a part of our American history as well! That massive migration of blacks from the south to the north fundamentally changed our nation. You seem to have missed that though...didn't you?

I don't think you really want to get into this with me Oldstyle. I will fuck you up. That's guaranteed. Those 600,000 farmers did not lose their property because of the great migration. On top of that blacks left to go north ,many times to escape wholesale murder and attempted ethnic cleansing by whites. Furthermore, southern states, specifically local governments, did as much as they could do to deny the rights of blacks to try moving north and away from the persecution because they did not want to lose cheap labor. These are things you don't want to discuss but if you keep talking shit, I will make an example out of you.

Ooooooh, yet another internet tough guy....

Give it a rest...Francis.
I am going to make examples out of you guys and I will have no mercy on your stupid white asses.

Good luck with that Francis. For some reason I am just not intimidated by you and your ilk.
Again, the 600,000 black farmers got their land stolen from them and the losses had nothing to do with the great migration. Blacks OWNED those farms so why are they moving north to work for someone else? See, this is the shit whites like Oldstyle miss when they try to dismiss the completeness of what whites have done to blacks.

Oldstyle wants to make this thing so sound so clean and easy, that blacks just left the land they owned and went north, and that it was the offer of jobs that made blacks sell their land to whites so the could go north and work for someone else. LOL,.

Whitecapping is not mentioned by Oldstyle and this is part of the overall dishonesty of the white racist argument any time blacks start discussing what happened to us during American history. Whitecapping was ethnic cleansing whereby whites would just swoop in on blacks kill up a family and take the property. Blacks were limited to what they called the dixie limit. If they got too prosperous, whitecapping occurred. In parts of the south you could go for miles and see noone black and that was because of whitecapping. But certainly this had nothing to do with the farms blacks lost, they lost them because they decided to move north.

When 500,000 blacks moved north between 1917-1918, whites in the south became alarmed. Blacks moving north was now a threat to their very way of life. Why the whites there could not understand why blacks were moving to the north like that. They figured blacks were happy getting white capped, black women routinely raped, unable to make money, their property forcibly taken with no protection from the law. So they figured that of course that somebody was telling blacks how to think, sound familiar?

And whites had to stop that.

Whites created statutes to stop blacks from being recruited by northern factories. Recruiters coming from the north to recruit blacks to work in northern factories suddenly were charged huge licensing fees and could be given prison sentences for enticing blacks to leave the south. In Macon Georgia officials made it a rule that a company had to pay 25,000 for a labor recruiting license along with recommendations from 10 local ministers, 10 manufacturers and 25 other businessmen in that community. That 25,000 was the equivalent of 2.6 million dollars today. Of course they could not get 45 such people to allow them to recruit their blacks. Jacksonville required a 1,000 dollar fee for the same license and failure to pay while recruiting blacks was a 600 dollar fine and 60 days in jail. The Georgia legislature made it a felony to recruit blacks to leave the state punishable by 7 years in prison.

Anyone suspected of being a labor agent was arrested and could be whipped or killed for giving blacks train tickets to go north.

As blacks went north they found that the only difference between a southern white and a northern one was geography. When blacks went north, so did lynchings. They are recorded as race riots, but that's disingenuous considering what happened. The reality is there were a series of massacres of blacks by whites in these years due to the northern migration of blacks trying to escape the conditions they had to endure in the south. Historians call what happened riots in the general “American” tradition of trying to reduce the seriousness of the atrocities.

The May and July East St. Louis massacres in 1917 caused the estimated deaths of 250 African Americans. Another 6,000 blacks were left homeless. These were labor and race related as whites felt threatened by the blacks migrating from the south. The damage caused by the rioting and vandalism cost the equivalent of 7.9 million in todays dollars. These massacres are said to be some of the worst “race riots” in the history of America.

I'll stop with that one, but there is a lot more to this and Oldstyles dishonest argument fails in the reality that blacks did not just move north and got good jobs. The faced terrible resistance in the north also.

But the 600,000 farms that were taken were not lost because blacks moved north.

In the decades after the end of Reconstruction, as the nation abandoned its black citizens and the South descended into the age of Jim Crow, African-Americans succeeded, against all odds, in acquiring a remarkable amount of land. By 1910, black people claimed ownership of nearly 16 million acres in America. They did so in spite of the constant threat of forced dispossession at the hands of white mobs and officials. Sometimes, black property owners faced sudden and violent attacks, such as the racial cleansing of Forsyth County, Ga., in 1912 and the destruction of “Black Wall Street” in Tulsa, Okla., in 1921.

As often, though, whites undermined black property ownership by more subtle means. White tax assessors routinely overvalued black-owned land, forcing black property owners to bear a heavier tax burden than whites (to pay for services they didn’t receive) and slowly draining families of earnings. If black-owned property became valuable or a black property owner challenged white supremacy, local officials could simply declare the property tax-delinquent and sell it at a tax sale.

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I know that doesn't work for your whole "reparations" narrative, IM2 but THAT is a part of our American history as well! That massive migration of blacks from the south to the north fundamentally changed our nation. You seem to have missed that though...didn't you?

I don't think you really want to get into this with me Oldstyle. I will fuck you up. That's guaranteed. Those 600,000 farmers did not lose their property because of the great migration. On top of that blacks left to go north ,many times to escape wholesale murder and attempted ethnic cleansing by whites. Furthermore, southern states, specifically local governments, did as much as they could do to deny the rights of blacks to try moving north and away from the persecution because they did not want to lose cheap labor. These are things you don't want to discuss but if you keep talking shit, I will make an example out of you.

Ooooooh, yet another internet tough guy....

Give it a rest...Francis.
I am going to make examples out of you guys and I will have no mercy on your stupid white asses.

Good luck with that Francis. For some reason I am just not intimidated by you and your ilk.
You're a joke junior. An idiot pure and simple. I don't want you to be intimidated. I love schooling you each and every time I do it.
This thread is specifically about what the government of these united states did to blacks after the years of slavery up until right now.

The republicans here want to take credit for ending slavery while simultaneously telling us that they should not be held responsible for what their ancestors did before they were born. In standard republican fashion everybody else must take responsibility but them. However in the 150 or so years after slavery things have happened that most of these guys don't want to discuss. It is time to take a look at what has happened.

Lincoln signed words on a piece of paper but were those words actually honored?

Not really.

At the time of "emancipation" 80 percent of Americas GNP was tied to slavery. America, not just the south. Blacks got none of the money. In January of 1865, Special Field Order 15 was issued. Special Field Orders No. 15 - Wikipedia In July 1865, Circular 13, Resource Sheet #7 was issued by General Howard which fully authorized the lease of 40 acres of land to the newly freed slaves. As a result of this action 40,000 former slaves began work on several hundred thousand acres of land.

President Andrew Johnson killed that by his doing so removed those 40,000 blacks off that land and destroyed any income they could make. Meanwhile Johnson advocated for the homestead act and wanted to take plantation land and distribute it to whites without money.

Johnson pardoned most of the confederate leaders and they regained their prior positions of state leadership. By doing this, Johnson unleashed a reign of terror on blacks that really was nothing short of attempted ethnic cleansing. Blacks were beaten, scalped, killed, set on fire with their bodies left in the streets to rot.

A representative from the Johnson administration traveled the south and reported seeing black women scalped, or had their ears cut off, thrown into rivers and drowned. Black men and boys were clubbed, beaten, shot, some chained on trees and burned to death. State to state this man witnessed the stench of dead decomposing black bodies hanging from tree limbs, lying in ditches, and piled up on the roadways.

But blacks were free, right?

Now if anyone goes off topic, I expect the post to be eliminated .

Andrew Johnson was a Democrat.. funny you just didn't happen to mention that..
Andrew Johnson was white. Rutherford Hayes ended reconstruction and he was republican.
Blacks OWNED those farms so why are they moving north to work for someone else?

Have you ever farmed? In 1920's America it wasn't a path to prosperity for many people, regardless of color.

By 1970, when the Great Migration was pretty much ended, its impact was unmistakable! In 1900, nine out of every 10 black Americans lived in the South, and three out of every four lived on farms, by 1970 the South was home to less than half of the country’s African-Americans, with only 25 percent living in the region’s rural areas. It was industrialization and two World Wars that caused most of those black southern farms to no longer exist. They were being offered a whole new life in the North and they leapt at the chance!
Blacks OWNED those farms so why are they moving north to work for someone else?

Have you ever farmed? In 1920's America it wasn't a path to prosperity for many people, regardless of color.

View attachment 327641
Look idiot, I live in a farm state. I know what farming is and isn't. But I also know that these excuses you whites are trying to make are not true based on my having relatives that stayed in the south instead of moving north.
I know that doesn't work for your whole "reparations" narrative, IM2 but THAT is a part of our American history as well! That massive migration of blacks from the south to the north fundamentally changed our nation. You seem to have missed that though...didn't you?

I don't think you really want to get into this with me Oldstyle. I will fuck you up. That's guaranteed. Those 600,000 farmers did not lose their property because of the great migration. On top of that blacks left to go north ,many times to escape wholesale murder and attempted ethnic cleansing by whites. Furthermore, southern states, specifically local governments, did as much as they could do to deny the rights of blacks to try moving north and away from the persecution because they did not want to lose cheap labor. These are things you don't want to discuss but if you keep talking shit, I will make an example out of you.

Ooooooh, yet another internet tough guy....

Give it a rest...Francis.
I am going to make examples out of you guys and I will have no mercy on your stupid white asses.

Good luck with that Francis. For some reason I am just not intimidated by you and your ilk.
You're a joke junior. An idiot pure and simple. I don't want you to be intimidated. I love schooling you each and every time I do it.

You have never schooled a single person here save for your butt buddy, essian.

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