So What Happened To Blacks After Slavery?

"Look, idiot." --- if you're going to call someone an idiot, you lose credibility when you don't punctuate it properly.

IM2 has two, maybe a dozen, levels of writing. His own, which is the level you are referring to and a level much higher, depending on who he plagiarized the work from and that he refuses to give credit despite the copyright.
I am not going to listen to a republican telling me about a party they hate

That's the thing about hatred ... it tends to distort perception.

That's true, regardless of what you hate and how justified you believe your hatred to be.
Facts are what I am dealing with. You want to whine about hate because I'm pointing out wrongs done by those like you.

I can honestly say I've never forced anyone off of a farm. I once seduced a farmer's daughter ... but she stayed on the farm.

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Eliminate the white fragility and learn that this is what has happened to blacks since slavery, in your lifetime, by whites like you, who never owned slaves. Then understand that is one of the reasons why there are blacks in the position they are in and recognize that whenever I say the root cause of the problem blacks face is white racism.
"Look, idiot." --- if you're going to call someone an idiot, you lose credibility when you don't punctuate it properly.

IM2 has two, maybe a dozen, levels of writing. His own, which is the level you are referring to and a level much higher, depending on who he plagiarized the work from and that he refuses to give credit despite the copyright.
Wrong. I write quite well. Better than you. Which is why I have been published in papers and have been awarded loads of money from grants.
This thread is specifically about what the government of these united states did to blacks after the years of slavery up until right now.

The republicans here want to take credit for ending slavery while simultaneously telling us that they should not be held responsible for what their ancestors did before they were born. In standard republican fashion everybody else must take responsibility but them. However in the 150 or so years after slavery things have happened that most of these guys don't want to discuss. It is time to take a look at what has happened.

Lincoln signed words on a piece of paper but were those words actually honored?

Not really.

At the time of "emancipation" 80 percent of Americas GNP was tied to slavery. America, not just the south. Blacks got none of the money. In January of 1865, Special Field Order 15 was issued. Special Field Orders No. 15 - Wikipedia In July 1865, Circular 13, Resource Sheet #7 was issued by General Howard which fully authorized the lease of 40 acres of land to the newly freed slaves. As a result of this action 40,000 former slaves began work on several hundred thousand acres of land.

President Andrew Johnson killed that by his doing so removed those 40,000 blacks off that land and destroyed any income they could make. Meanwhile Johnson advocated for the homestead act and wanted to take plantation land and distribute it to whites without money.

Johnson pardoned most of the confederate leaders and they regained their prior positions of state leadership. By doing this, Johnson unleashed a reign of terror on blacks that really was nothing short of attempted ethnic cleansing. Blacks were beaten, scalped, killed, set on fire with their bodies left in the streets to rot.

A representative from the Johnson administration traveled the south and reported seeing black women scalped, or had their ears cut off, thrown into rivers and drowned. Black men and boys were clubbed, beaten, shot, some chained on trees and burned to death. State to state this man witnessed the stench of dead decomposing black bodies hanging from tree limbs, lying in ditches, and piled up on the roadways.

But blacks were free, right?

Now if anyone goes off topic, I expect the post to be eliminated .

Teflon Theory of History
Sat Oct 9th 2010 by abagond

The Teflon Theory of American History
says that anything that took place over 30 years ago is Ancient History. It has Absolutely No Effect on the present. Or not much. Unless it was something good like the light bulb or the Declaration of Independence. Therefore those who make a big deal of the bad stuff in the past, like slavery, are Living in the Past and need to Get Over It.

For example:
Jim Crow laws were overturned by the civil rights movement in the 1950s and 1960s. Therefore according to Teflon Theory the Jim Crow period is now Ancient History. It has Absolutely No Effect on how White Americans alive today think and act. None whatsoever. Or not much. So racism is pretty much dead.

Instead of Jim Crow’s effect slowly weakening over time like you would expect, Teflon Theory would have you suppose that it just disappeared like magic one afternoon sometime in the late 1960s. Even though many White Americans alive now were alive back in Jim Crow times. Even though many others were brought up and shaped by those who were alive back then: parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, teachers, writers, film directors, television producers, news editors and so on.

Few sit on a mountain top to come up with their beliefs all on their own. Instead most people pretty much go along with what everyone else already believes with maybe a few twists here and there. Such beliefs come from the past.

So then why is Teflon Theory believed?
  • Because of how American history is taught:
    • American history is taught as dates and people and facts that have little to do with each other. Sometimes the Effects of the the Civil War or Industrialization are studied, for example, but not so for the evil stuff – like how slavery and genocide led to present-day White American wealth, power and racism.
    • American history as taught rarely comes up to the present day. History becomes something in the past, in a book, not something we live in right now.
  • Because of the needs of White American self-image:
    • White Americans want to think they are Basically Good and their society is Basically Just. Without Teflon Theory that becomes laughable since it flies in the face of history, common sense and human nature.
    • White Americans avoid honestly facing up to their past because deep down they know it is ugly. Teflon Theory acts as a guard against having to take it seriously.
  • Because middle-class whites are protected from the ugly present:
    • Those who live in Apple-pie America rarely see first-hand the injustice that their comfortable lives are built on. And what injustice they do see on occasion, like black ghettos or wars on television fought overseas in their name, they have already learned to not see as injustice. But being protected from the ugly present makes the ugly past seem like another world, like it truly is ancient history with no bearing on the present.
Let me continue with the facts because whites like you guys are always going to make excuses in order to dismiss what you're still doing.

Despite this, at the dawn of the civil rights era, African-Americans still held substantial amounts of land, mostly in the South, a major portion of which was in some of the region’s fastest-growing areas and hottest real estate markets. Thanks to huge federal investments during the New Deal, the South in the mid-20th century went from being what President Franklin Roosevelt described as the “nation’s No. 1 economic problem” in the 1930s to the booming Sun Belt by the 1960s. The region’s rapid growth, along with the emergence of new industries like vacationing and tourism in rural and coastal areas, created an insatiable demand for land and made black property owners targets for removal by white officials and plunder by profit-seeking speculators. Both exploited the byproducts of blacks’ history of oppression to achieve their objectives.

The story of Evelina Jenkins, a black South Carolina Sea Islands native, offers a case in point. She owned dozens of acres of property — including an entire island — at a time in the early 1970s when land values along the state’s coastline were skyrocketing. As a result of the state’s pitiful expenditures on “colored” schools, Ms. Jenkins had received only minimal education and never learned to read. Decades of disfranchisement and white control of local government and the courts had taught her that whatever rights and protections it afforded did not apply to her. Even venturing inside the local government offices where people registered for licenses or paid their taxes was an invitation to be mistreated and humiliated, and was something to avoid.

So Ms. Jenkins entrusted a white neighbor who had befriended her to take her annual property tax payments to town for her. But rather than submitting Ms. Jenkins’s payments, he pocketed them, then waited for her taxes to fall delinquent, whereupon he bought the lien to her property at the county’s annual tax auction. Then, after the statutory redemption window closed, he gained title to her landholdings, island and all, which he subsequently resold to a developer. In the decades since, the land Jenkins once owned has generated untold amounts of wealth. Houses on the island she once owned today sell for upward of $400,000. Ms. Jenkins, though, never saw a dime of it. Rather than leave her children an ample inheritance, she died penniless, forced to live out her last days in her daughter’s mobile home.

While Ms. Jenkins’s case was particularly egregious, the legal theft of black land in similar ways was not uncommon. In booming real estate markets like Hilton Head and surrounding Sea Islands, tax sales afforded investors a lucrative opportunity to acquire valuable property for pennies on the dollar. Here and elsewhere, local tax assessors served as accessories before the fact, deliberately overvaluing black-owned land or enacting sharp, capricious assessment spikes as development crept near, all aimed at forcing poor black farming families to sell under duress or steering them into tax delinquency.

Tax sales were just one of several ways speculators and developers manipulated property and tax laws, and exploited historic inequities, to expropriate black people’s land. Another was the forced partition sale. Because whites controlled the courts, blacks who acquired property during Jim Crow often opted to handle matters of inheritance informally, outside of the legal system. Instead of probating their wills, black property owners tended to bequeath their property to descendants in the form of undivided shares — an arrangement under which heirs become co-owners of a property, each with the right to sell his or her own interest. Predatory land speculators would search for a person who had recently inherited land this way and was willing to sell his or her share. Once the sale went through, the speculator — now a co-owner of the property — would have the right to petition the courts to order a sale of the entire tract of land (against the wishes of those family members who lived on it) and would then buy it.

These partition sales invariably resulted in the land being sold at well below its market value, enriching the buyer while leaving the displaced and dispossessed family members with nothing. Speculators have used this legal trick to force the sale of millions of acres of black-owned land over the past several decades. Only in the past couple of years have some states begun to adopt a uniform law designed to curb the most predatory abuses of heirs property laws. Much of the damage, though, has been done.

Indeed, many of the techniques used to take black-owned land remain legal today.

So let me break off this for those who want to post big ass memes with todays date on it.

I am so tired of hearing and reading the excuse from people of how you can’t blame people of the past for things they did not do, or how you cannot assess today’s standards to those of the past. This is an absolute refusal to accept accountability for continuing racism as well as a denial of the fact that past policies and laws have created damage that affect these modern times. This excuse is always the response when those of us not white speak on the hypocrisy between written words and resulting action of white leaders in our history.

I call this an excuse because it is one. I could understand if this standard was applied to all past events, ideas, beliefs and philosophy but to seems that only when racial injustices are bought up is this excuse used. For example, we have had a political movement called conservatism which tells us that we need to reduce government as they claim was believed by the founders. None of the founders are here now. They are people of the past. We can credit them for ideas they had then. We can assess today’s standards to their words. We are told how we need to return to those standards. Yet if you say “No, I can’t do that because they owned slaves which means they did not truly believe the words they spoke”, suddenly you can’t hold people from the past responsible or you cannot provide today’s standards to their beliefs. People believe this is rational, logical thought. It is an immature childish ability to refuse both responsibility and accountability by some white people for problems created by whites.

This is not about holding anyone from the past to modern standards. I bristle when I hear this, especially after I must hear about how great the founders were. They are being held to the standards they put on parchment themselves. As for the,” I wasn’t alive then” excuse, none of these men are here today, if we cannot hold them accountable for their racism then why can we credit them? Is there anyone here today who was around for the revolutionary war?

This is where another great contradiction comes into play. Why? July 4th, 1776 is recognized aa the victory date of the revolutionary war American colonies fought with Britain. But for blacks that did not happen. It began even worse tyranny for all who were not white. To be specific, white males. So how far is this nation willing to go to maintain a belief in white supremacy? July 4t,h ,1776 was a day when WHITES were free from British tyranny. We as blacks were still enslaved. Yet the story is told to us that we won our freedom from England on that day. But how is that when slaves existed? Here is when the talk of not holding people of the past to modern standards looks crazy. Is freedom now only a 21st century standard? Second if the past has no impact on now then why is an event from over 240 years ago given credit for our existence today?

Why is it that we cannot mention this? Why is it that when we do, we are told how we cannot hold those accountable who are being praised for winning freedom from Britain at the same time? It happened during same period of time we are not to talk about because that was too long ago and no one today was there. But we can give them all the worship and honors to credit them for things we were not around to see. It is possible at that point to attribute today’s standards to those times any time we chose to give credit to these white men. We can be told the feel good story of Crispus Attucks and we are to be grateful by holding him in high esteem because he was a slave who was reported to be the first to die for a freedom he was never going to get had he lived.

Let me continue with this “reasoning”. Nobody here was alive on July 4th, 1776. But every year we fire up the barbeque, shoot off fireworks and declare how the past is why we are a free nation. Nobody here was alive on September 17, 1787. So if the past standards do not apply now, then why do we refer to a document signed on that day by people who are not here? None of us signed the constitution, so if past standards are irrelevant then so is this document. If the past doesn’t have anything to do with today, we need a new set of laws that do. But to mention this will send people to looptown because we can only consider what’s important relative to the past as whites want it seen.

“But the truth is that what so often passes for American history is really a record of white priorities or conquests set as white achievement.”

Michael Eric Dyson

Do we have the white double standard here? Can we only talk about the past if it glorifies whites? Whites can use the past at their disposal to talk badly about anyone else not white. Whites give themselves every right to excuse themselves from past wrongs by saying they weren't there. I was not freed on July 4th, 1776. For the people so quick to say I was never a slave, you weren't part of the so-called revolution. My ancestors were not freed on July 4th, 1776. July 4th is fake news for blacks, Native Americans, Asians, and Hispanics. And since whites today weren’t around for what was done to us, you weren't around for July 4th, 1776 either.


So shut the fuck up Markle, because today is April 25, 2020 and whites are still participating in racism. The United States Message Board is a prime example of the continuance of white racism today.
So let me break off this for those who want to post big ass memes with todays date on it.

I am so tired of hearing and reading the excuse from people of how you can’t blame people of the past for things they did not do, or how you cannot assess today’s standards to those of the past. This is an absolute refusal to accept accountability for continuing racism as well as a denial of the fact that past policies and laws have created damage that affect these modern times. This excuse is always the response when those of us not white speak on the hypocrisy between written words and resulting action of white leaders in our history.

I call this an excuse because it is one. I could understand if this standard was applied to all past events, ideas, beliefs and philosophy but to seems that only when racial injustices are bought up is this excuse used. For example, we have had a political movement called conservatism which tells us that we need to reduce government as they claim was believed by the founders. None of the founders are here now. They are people of the past. We can credit them for ideas they had then. We can assess today’s standards to their words. We are told how we need to return to those standards. Yet if you say “No, I can’t do that because they owned slaves which means they did not truly believe the words they spoke”, suddenly you can’t hold people from the past responsible or you cannot provide today’s standards to their beliefs. People believe this is rational, logical thought. It is an immature childish ability to refuse both responsibility and accountability by some white people for problems created by whites.

This is not about holding anyone from the past to modern standards. I bristle when I hear this, especially after I must hear about how great the founders were. They are being held to the standards they put on parchment themselves. As for the,” I wasn’t alive then” excuse, none of these men are here today, if we cannot hold them accountable for their racism then why can we credit them? Is there anyone here today who was around for the revolutionary war?

This is where another great contradiction comes into play. Why? July 4th, 1776 is recognized aa the victory date of the revolutionary war American colonies fought with Britain. But for blacks that did not happen. It began even worse tyranny for all who were not white. To be specific, white males. So how far is this nation willing to go to maintain a belief in white supremacy? July 4t,h ,1776 was a day when WHITES were free from British tyranny. We as blacks were still enslaved. Yet the story is told to us that we won our freedom from England on that day. But how is that when slaves existed? Here is when the talk of not holding people of the past to modern standards looks crazy. Is freedom now only a 21st century standard? Second if the past has no impact on now then why is an event from over 240 years ago given credit for our existence today?

Why is it that we cannot mention this? Why is it that when we do, we are told how we cannot hold those accountable who are being praised for winning freedom from Britain at the same time? It happened during same period of time we are not to talk about because that was too long ago and no one today was there. But we can give them all the worship and honors to credit them for things we were not around to see. It is possible at that point to attribute today’s standards to those times any time we chose to give credit to these white men. We can be told the feel good story of Crispus Attucks and we are to be grateful by holding him in high esteem because he was a slave who was reported to be the first to die for a freedom he was never going to get had he lived.

Let me continue with this “reasoning”. Nobody here was alive on July 4th, 1776. But every year we fire up the barbeque, shoot off fireworks and declare how the past is why we are a free nation. Nobody here was alive on September 17, 1787. So if the past standards do not apply now, then why do we refer to a document signed on that day by people who are not here? None of us signed the constitution, so if past standards are irrelevant then so is this document. If the past doesn’t have anything to do with today, we need a new set of laws that do. But to mention this will send people to looptown because we can only consider what’s important relative to the past as whites want it seen.

“But the truth is that what so often passes for American history is really a record of white priorities or conquests set as white achievement.”

Michael Eric Dyson

Do we have the white double standard here? Can we only talk about the past if it glorifies whites? Whites can use the past at their disposal to talk badly about anyone else not white. Whites give themselves every right to excuse themselves from past wrongs by saying they weren't there. I was not freed on July 4th, 1776. For the people so quick to say I was never a slave, you weren't part of the so-called revolution. My ancestors were not freed on July 4th, 1776. July 4th is fake news for blacks, Native Americans, Asians, and Hispanics. And since whites today weren’t around for what was done to us, you weren't around for July 4th, 1776 either.


So shut the fuck up Markle, because today is April 25, 2020 and whites are still participating in racism. The United States Message Board is a prime example of the continuance of white racism today.
TL ; DR, No check for you! Spend your Trumpcheck wisely, dumbass. A hooker or 2 is OK, any more than that and you're squandering.

No way you have a wife. You are wayyy too uptight for that.
So let me break off this for those who want to post big ass memes with todays date on it.

I am so tired of hearing and reading the excuse from people of how you can’t blame people of the past for things they did not do, or how you cannot assess today’s standards to those of the past. This is an absolute refusal to accept accountability for continuing racism as well as a denial of the fact that past policies and laws have created damage that affect these modern times. This excuse is always the response when those of us not white speak on the hypocrisy between written words and resulting action of white leaders in our history.

I call this an excuse because it is one. I could understand if this standard was applied to all past events, ideas, beliefs and philosophy but to seems that only when racial injustices are bought up is this excuse used. For example, we have had a political movement called conservatism which tells us that we need to reduce government as they claim was believed by the founders. None of the founders are here now. They are people of the past. We can credit them for ideas they had then. We can assess today’s standards to their words. We are told how we need to return to those standards. Yet if you say “No, I can’t do that because they owned slaves which means they did not truly believe the words they spoke”, suddenly you can’t hold people from the past responsible or you cannot provide today’s standards to their beliefs. People believe this is rational, logical thought. It is an immature childish ability to refuse both responsibility and accountability by some white people for problems created by whites.

This is not about holding anyone from the past to modern standards. I bristle when I hear this, especially after I must hear about how great the founders were. They are being held to the standards they put on parchment themselves. As for the,” I wasn’t alive then” excuse, none of these men are here today, if we cannot hold them accountable for their racism then why can we credit them? Is there anyone here today who was around for the revolutionary war?

This is where another great contradiction comes into play. Why? July 4th, 1776 is recognized aa the victory date of the revolutionary war American colonies fought with Britain. But for blacks that did not happen. It began even worse tyranny for all who were not white. To be specific, white males. So how far is this nation willing to go to maintain a belief in white supremacy? July 4t,h ,1776 was a day when WHITES were free from British tyranny. We as blacks were still enslaved. Yet the story is told to us that we won our freedom from England on that day. But how is that when slaves existed? Here is when the talk of not holding people of the past to modern standards looks crazy. Is freedom now only a 21st century standard? Second if the past has no impact on now then why is an event from over 240 years ago given credit for our existence today?

Why is it that we cannot mention this? Why is it that when we do, we are told how we cannot hold those accountable who are being praised for winning freedom from Britain at the same time? It happened during same period of time we are not to talk about because that was too long ago and no one today was there. But we can give them all the worship and honors to credit them for things we were not around to see. It is possible at that point to attribute today’s standards to those times any time we chose to give credit to these white men. We can be told the feel good story of Crispus Attucks and we are to be grateful by holding him in high esteem because he was a slave who was reported to be the first to die for a freedom he was never going to get had he lived.

Let me continue with this “reasoning”. Nobody here was alive on July 4th, 1776. But every year we fire up the barbeque, shoot off fireworks and declare how the past is why we are a free nation. Nobody here was alive on September 17, 1787. So if the past standards do not apply now, then why do we refer to a document signed on that day by people who are not here? None of us signed the constitution, so if past standards are irrelevant then so is this document. If the past doesn’t have anything to do with today, we need a new set of laws that do. But to mention this will send people to looptown because we can only consider what’s important relative to the past as whites want it seen.

“But the truth is that what so often passes for American history is really a record of white priorities or conquests set as white achievement.”

Michael Eric Dyson

Do we have the white double standard here? Can we only talk about the past if it glorifies whites? Whites can use the past at their disposal to talk badly about anyone else not white. Whites give themselves every right to excuse themselves from past wrongs by saying they weren't there. I was not freed on July 4th, 1776. For the people so quick to say I was never a slave, you weren't part of the so-called revolution. My ancestors were not freed on July 4th, 1776. July 4th is fake news for blacks, Native Americans, Asians, and Hispanics. And since whites today weren’t around for what was done to us, you weren't around for July 4th, 1776 either.


So shut the fuck up Markle, because today is April 25, 2020 and whites are still participating in racism. The United States Message Board is a prime example of the continuance of white racism today.
The racism at this particular moment, is in between your ears, fucktard. Something talls me it will stay there and you will be derp.
So let me break off this for those who want to post big ass memes with todays date on it.

I am so tired of hearing and reading the excuse from people of how you can’t blame people of the past for things they did not do, or how you cannot assess today’s standards to those of the past. This is an absolute refusal to accept accountability for continuing racism as well as a denial of the fact that past policies and laws have created damage that affect these modern times. This excuse is always the response when those of us not white speak on the hypocrisy between written words and resulting action of white leaders in our history.

I call this an excuse because it is one. I could understand if this standard was applied to all past events, ideas, beliefs and philosophy but to seems that only when racial injustices are bought up is this excuse used. For example, we have had a political movement called conservatism which tells us that we need to reduce government as they claim was believed by the founders. None of the founders are here now. They are people of the past. We can credit them for ideas they had then. We can assess today’s standards to their words. We are told how we need to return to those standards. Yet if you say “No, I can’t do that because they owned slaves which means they did not truly believe the words they spoke”, suddenly you can’t hold people from the past responsible or you cannot provide today’s standards to their beliefs. People believe this is rational, logical thought. It is an immature childish ability to refuse both responsibility and accountability by some white people for problems created by whites.

This is not about holding anyone from the past to modern standards. I bristle when I hear this, especially after I must hear about how great the founders were. They are being held to the standards they put on parchment themselves. As for the,” I wasn’t alive then” excuse, none of these men are here today, if we cannot hold them accountable for their racism then why can we credit them? Is there anyone here today who was around for the revolutionary war?

This is where another great contradiction comes into play. Why? July 4th, 1776 is recognized aa the victory date of the revolutionary war American colonies fought with Britain. But for blacks that did not happen. It began even worse tyranny for all who were not white. To be specific, white males. So how far is this nation willing to go to maintain a belief in white supremacy? July 4t,h ,1776 was a day when WHITES were free from British tyranny. We as blacks were still enslaved. Yet the story is told to us that we won our freedom from England on that day. But how is that when slaves existed? Here is when the talk of not holding people of the past to modern standards looks crazy. Is freedom now only a 21st century standard? Second if the past has no impact on now then why is an event from over 240 years ago given credit for our existence today?

Why is it that we cannot mention this? Why is it that when we do, we are told how we cannot hold those accountable who are being praised for winning freedom from Britain at the same time? It happened during same period of time we are not to talk about because that was too long ago and no one today was there. But we can give them all the worship and honors to credit them for things we were not around to see. It is possible at that point to attribute today’s standards to those times any time we chose to give credit to these white men. We can be told the feel good story of Crispus Attucks and we are to be grateful by holding him in high esteem because he was a slave who was reported to be the first to die for a freedom he was never going to get had he lived.

Let me continue with this “reasoning”. Nobody here was alive on July 4th, 1776. But every year we fire up the barbeque, shoot off fireworks and declare how the past is why we are a free nation. Nobody here was alive on September 17, 1787. So if the past standards do not apply now, then why do we refer to a document signed on that day by people who are not here? None of us signed the constitution, so if past standards are irrelevant then so is this document. If the past doesn’t have anything to do with today, we need a new set of laws that do. But to mention this will send people to looptown because we can only consider what’s important relative to the past as whites want it seen.

“But the truth is that what so often passes for American history is really a record of white priorities or conquests set as white achievement.”

Michael Eric Dyson

Do we have the white double standard here? Can we only talk about the past if it glorifies whites? Whites can use the past at their disposal to talk badly about anyone else not white. Whites give themselves every right to excuse themselves from past wrongs by saying they weren't there. I was not freed on July 4th, 1776. For the people so quick to say I was never a slave, you weren't part of the so-called revolution. My ancestors were not freed on July 4th, 1776. July 4th is fake news for blacks, Native Americans, Asians, and Hispanics. And since whites today weren’t around for what was done to us, you weren't around for July 4th, 1776 either.


So shut the fuck up Markle, because today is April 25, 2020 and whites are still participating in racism. The United States Message Board is a prime example of the continuance of white racism today.

History according to IM2! Let not the facts get in the way of your narrative, Kiddies!
This is United States of America history. Documented history that you can look up and verify for yourselves, if you were so inclined.
I graduated with a degree in History, Mariyam! What IM2 is spamming is simply one version of history and as usual with's not a very accurate version.
I can't say that I agree that history has different versions although I understand that there are different perspectives. The North had a different view of the civil war than the south had, they each had their own perspectives and in all liklihood had their own best interests at heart. And accordingly, white Americans have a different perspective of the injustices perpetuated against Black Americans than Black Americans do. And while each of our perspectives may color our views of history, they don't change the facts and I would venture the guess that at least 70% of what IM2 has posted and referenced is factually (historically) correct.

And I only say 70% because I have not personally fact checked his references in this thread but am very familiar with his work and his knowledge of these topics from other threads discussing the continuing racism against people of African descent in the United States of America.
The tax-sale law that allowed someone to steal Ms. Jenkins’s land remains on the books in South Carolina and many other states, and continues to be used to extract wealth from poor and vulnerable communities across America. Tax buying thrived in the wake of the 2008 housing foreclosure crisis, as the number of tax-delinquent homes mushroomed, and today in gentrifying cities, where rising property assessments function as a self-fulfilling prophecy, predicting the changes local officials hope to bring and forcing low-income people out.

Many local governments have resisted calls to protect homeowners from predatory tax buying and have instead sought to increase profitability for investors; other cities have taken aggressive steps to foreclose on tax-delinquent properties. Between 2011 and 2015, Detroit initiated tax foreclosures on one out of every four properties in the city, an epidemic of tax delinquency caused, in large measure, by the illegal over-assessment of lower-valued properties. Then and now, the victims of discriminatory overtaxation and predatory tax buying are disproportionately black.

These continuing practices, more than the government’s broken promise of 40 acres and a mule 150 years ago, explain why black families today have 10 cents to every dollar held by white households and why that gap continues to widen. It’s why the history of black land-taking should be at the center of the reparations debate, not only because the scale of the loss was so great but also because it forces us to confront the uncomfortable truth that American prosperity has not bypassed black Americans so much as it has come directly at their expense. It’s no coincidence that African-American communities on the Sea Islands suffered their heaviest land losses in the 1970s and 1980s, the same decades when the area experienced its most rapid economic growth.

Indeed, slavery and Jim Crow not only excluded generations of black Americans from benefits and opportunities enjoyed by white Americans; it also exposed them to the most predatory features of our capitalist system. It turned black people’s earnest attempts to build wealth the American way — through property ownership — into an opportunity for others to profit at their expense.
If we ever hope to repair the damage racism has done to America, and address the dividends it continues to pay to white Americans, we cannot simply open to black Americans previously closed doors of opportunity or merely provide some form of compensation for past injustices. We must also work to dismantle the laws and policies that sanction the continued extraction of property and resources from black communities.

Andrew W. Kahrl (@andrewkahrl) is an associate professor of history and African-American studies at the University of Virginia.

Whites like Oldstyle and the standard suspects want to try dismissing things that do not validate their view of race relations in America. No one denies what they present, but it is only half, and that's being nice, of the story. The part I am presenting is the part they refuse to submit to the open. Those who do are ostracized. If someone white presents this, they are called anti white racists. or self hating whites who kiss black ass. If a black person or anyone of color presents this information they are called, whiners losers who are blaming whites for their failures, victims, or racists by the white racists who want to keep this part of history hidden.

The story they want to believe is impossible. Blacks just were not given all the things they claim and just blew it. We as blacks know this. Blacks did not just run off southern land they owned in order to come north. The government did not spend 5 trillion dollars on blacks for welfare but blacks just couldn't cut it. Blacks have been legally freed from slavery by decree but not equality was not afforded to blacks by operation of governments at every level. Blacks have not EVER had the exact same rights as white in this country ever. Words on paper have never mattered to whites except among themselves and even then you have whites who don't honor laws and agreements with one another. So the tall tale whereby blacks have been free for 150 years but somehow have never been able to make it is a false narrative. So is the notion of now that racism was ended 55 years ago that we have complete equal opportunity with no obstacles . And to say everyone had it tough is a lie as well.

The information I posted was an article written by a professor of African American studies. at the University of Virginia. He is an expert, not some white dude with an undergrad degree in history trying to argue in order to support his racist opinion about blacks. Things did not happen as Oldstyle claims. Blacks did not get reparations for damages caused after slavery and those damages are numerous and are part of the reason blacks suffer right now. So the claim being made of what whites did not own is irrelevant and meritless, because the consistent excuses made to deny the damage continuing racism has done is exactly the same thing every other generation of whites have done in America.
Let me continue with the facts because whites like you guys are always going to make excuses in order to dismiss what you're still doing.

Despite this, at the dawn of the civil rights era, African-Americans still held substantial amounts of land, mostly in the South, a major portion of which was in some of the region’s fastest-growing areas and hottest real estate markets. Thanks to huge federal investments during the New Deal, the South in the mid-20th century went from being what President Franklin Roosevelt described as the “nation’s No. 1 economic problem” in the 1930s to the booming Sun Belt by the 1960s. The region’s rapid growth, along with the emergence of new industries like vacationing and tourism in rural and coastal areas, created an insatiable demand for land and made black property owners targets for removal by white officials and plunder by profit-seeking speculators. Both exploited the byproducts of blacks’ history of oppression to achieve their objectives.

The story of Evelina Jenkins, a black South Carolina Sea Islands native, offers a case in point. She owned dozens of acres of property — including an entire island — at a time in the early 1970s when land values along the state’s coastline were skyrocketing. As a result of the state’s pitiful expenditures on “colored” schools, Ms. Jenkins had received only minimal education and never learned to read. Decades of disfranchisement and white control of local government and the courts had taught her that whatever rights and protections it afforded did not apply to her. Even venturing inside the local government offices where people registered for licenses or paid their taxes was an invitation to be mistreated and humiliated, and was something to avoid.

So Ms. Jenkins entrusted a white neighbor who had befriended her to take her annual property tax payments to town for her. But rather than submitting Ms. Jenkins’s payments, he pocketed them, then waited for her taxes to fall delinquent, whereupon he bought the lien to her property at the county’s annual tax auction. Then, after the statutory redemption window closed, he gained title to her landholdings, island and all, which he subsequently resold to a developer. In the decades since, the land Jenkins once owned has generated untold amounts of wealth. Houses on the island she once owned today sell for upward of $400,000. Ms. Jenkins, though, never saw a dime of it. Rather than leave her children an ample inheritance, she died penniless, forced to live out her last days in her daughter’s mobile home.

While Ms. Jenkins’s case was particularly egregious, the legal theft of black land in similar ways was not uncommon. In booming real estate markets like Hilton Head and surrounding Sea Islands, tax sales afforded investors a lucrative opportunity to acquire valuable property for pennies on the dollar. Here and elsewhere, local tax assessors served as accessories before the fact, deliberately overvaluing black-owned land or enacting sharp, capricious assessment spikes as development crept near, all aimed at forcing poor black farming families to sell under duress or steering them into tax delinquency.

Tax sales were just one of several ways speculators and developers manipulated property and tax laws, and exploited historic inequities, to expropriate black people’s land. Another was the forced partition sale. Because whites controlled the courts, blacks who acquired property during Jim Crow often opted to handle matters of inheritance informally, outside of the legal system. Instead of probating their wills, black property owners tended to bequeath their property to descendants in the form of undivided shares — an arrangement under which heirs become co-owners of a property, each with the right to sell his or her own interest. Predatory land speculators would search for a person who had recently inherited land this way and was willing to sell his or her share. Once the sale went through, the speculator — now a co-owner of the property — would have the right to petition the courts to order a sale of the entire tract of land (against the wishes of those family members who lived on it) and would then buy it.

These partition sales invariably resulted in the land being sold at well below its market value, enriching the buyer while leaving the displaced and dispossessed family members with nothing. Speculators have used this legal trick to force the sale of millions of acres of black-owned land over the past several decades. Only in the past couple of years have some states begun to adopt a uniform law designed to curb the most predatory abuses of heirs property laws. Much of the damage, though, has been done.

Indeed, many of the techniques used to take black-owned land remain legal today.

The tax-sale law that allowed someone to steal Ms. Jenkins’s land remains on the books in South Carolina and many other states, and continues to be used to extract wealth from poor and vulnerable communities across America. Tax buying thrived in the wake of the 2008 housing foreclosure crisis, as the number of tax-delinquent homes mushroomed, and today in gentrifying cities, where rising property assessments function as a self-fulfilling prophecy, predicting the changes local officials hope to bring and forcing low-income people out.

Many local governments have resisted calls to protect homeowners from predatory tax buying and have instead sought to increase profitability for investors; other cities have taken aggressive steps to foreclose on tax-delinquent properties. Between 2011 and 2015, Detroit initiated tax foreclosures on one out of every four properties in the city, an epidemic of tax delinquency caused, in large measure, by the illegal over-assessment of lower-valued properties. Then and now, the victims of discriminatory overtaxation and predatory tax buying are disproportionately black.

These continuing practices, more than the government’s broken promise of 40 acres and a mule 150 years ago, explain why black families today have 10 cents to every dollar held by white households and why that gap continues to widen. It’s why the history of black land-taking should be at the center of the reparations debate, not only because the scale of the loss was so great but also because it forces us to confront the uncomfortable truth that American prosperity has not bypassed black Americans so much as it has come directly at their expense. It’s no coincidence that African-American communities on the Sea Islands suffered their heaviest land losses in the 1970s and 1980s, the same decades when the area experienced its most rapid economic growth.

Indeed, slavery and Jim Crow not only excluded generations of black Americans from benefits and opportunities enjoyed by white Americans; it also exposed them to the most predatory features of our capitalist system. It turned black people’s earnest attempts to build wealth the American way — through property ownership — into an opportunity for others to profit at their expense.
If we ever hope to repair the damage racism has done to America, and address the dividends it continues to pay to white Americans, we cannot simply open to black Americans previously closed doors of opportunity or merely provide some form of compensation for past injustices. We must also work to dismantle the laws and policies that sanction the continued extraction of property and resources from black communities.

Andrew W. Kahrl (@andrewkahrl) is an associate professor of history and African-American studies at the University of Virginia.

Whites like Oldstyle and the standard suspects want to try dismissing things that do not validate their view of race relations in America. No one denies what they present, but it is only half, and that's being nice, of the story. The part I am presenting is the part they refuse to submit to the open. Those who do are ostracized. If someone white presents this, they are called anti white racists. or self hating whites who kiss black ass. If a black person or anyone of color presents this information they are called, whiners losers who are blaming whites for their failures, victims, or racists by the white racists who want to keep this part of history hidden.

The story they want to believe is impossible. Blacks just were not given all the things they claim and just blew it. We as blacks know this. Blacks did not just run off southern land they owned in order to come north. The government did not spend 5 trillion dollars on blacks for welfare but blacks just couldn't cut it. Blacks have been legally freed from slavery by decree but not equality was not afforded to blacks by operation of governments at every level. Blacks have not EVER had the exact same rights as white in this country ever. Words on paper have never mattered to whites except among themselves and even then you have whites who don't honor laws and agreements with one another. So the tall tale whereby blacks have been free for 150 years but somehow have never been able to make it is a false narrative. So is the notion of now that racism was ended 55 years ago that we have complete equal opportunity with no obstacles . And to say everyone had it tough is a lie as well.

The information I posted was an article written by a professor of African American studies. at the University of Virginia. He is an expert, not some white dude with an undergrad degree in history trying to argue in order to support his racist opinion about blacks. Things did not happen as Oldstyle claims. Blacks did not get reparations for damages caused after slavery and those damages are numerous and are part of the reason blacks suffer right now. So the claim being made of what whites did not own is irrelevant and meritless, because the consistent excuses made to deny the damage continuing racism has done is exactly the same thing every other generation of whites have done in America.

Why are you always lying?

First there is the tale from our fiction writer IM2 and then there is the TRUTH.

How Long You Get to Redeem Your Property After a South Carolina Tax Sale
Under South Carolina law, you get a specific amount of time (called a "redemption period") to pay off the tax debt (called "redeeming" the property) after the sale before the winning bidder from the auction gets title to your home.

In South Carolina, you get twelve months after the sale date to redeem. (S.C. Code Ann. § 12-51-90). If you don’t redeem within this time frame, then the high bidder gets a deed (a tax deed) to your home.

Notice Before You Lose Title to Your Home
Between 45 days and 20 days before the end of the redemption period, the tax collector must mail you a notice by certified mail, return receipt requested, which lets you know that the end of your redemption period is approaching. (S.C. Code Ann. § 12-51-120).

How Much Will It Cost to Redeem My South Carolina Home After a Tax Sale?
To redeem your home, you must pay the tax collector the delinquent taxes, penalties, costs, assessments, and interest due to the bidder up to 12%. (S.C. Code Ann. § 12-51-90).

How Much Interest You’ll Have to Pay
The amount of interest you’ll have to pay depends on when you redeem the home.
  • If you redeem during the first three months of the redemption period, you must pay 3% of the bid amount.
  • If you redeem during month four, five, or six of the redemption period, you’ll have to pay 6% of the bid amount.
  • If you redeem in month seven, eight, or nine, then you must pay 9% of the bid amount.
  • If you redeem during the final three months of your redemption period, you must pay 12% of the bid amount. (S.C. Code Ann. § 12-51-90).
Let me guess...NOW you're going to go study up on The Great Migration in an attempt to poke holes in my points? You'd probably look like less of an ASS if you did that before you post silly stuff like this! Just saying...
I don't need to study up on the great migration. You need to go back to that college you attended and retake those history courses yo u say that you graduated in.

Now you got your ass kicked but what is going to happen is that the other white numbskulls will gang up on me and you will think that means you proved something. And that will allow yo to puff up and keep talking crazy and you will be consistently torn apart until you quit.

You obviously didn't understand needed to study up on The Great Migration! There WAS a reason why so many black farmers left the South and moved north but it wasn't because they were driven off their lands. The truth is...they were induced to leave by the promise of a better life in the north!
It's laughable that you think you're tearing anyone apart! You still haven't refuted my point. I don't think you have the intellectual "chops" to carry on a real debate. You cut and paste. Claim it as your own and then whine about racism if anyone questions what you posted!
"Look, idiot." --- if you're going to call someone an idiot, you lose credibility when you don't punctuate it properly.

IM2 has two, maybe a dozen, levels of writing. His own, which is the level you are referring to and a level much higher, depending on who he plagiarized the work from and that he refuses to give credit despite the copyright.
Wrong. I write quite well. Better than you. Which is why I have been published in papers and have been awarded loads of money from grants.

Seriously? Dude, people SEE what you write here! If you're not cut and pasting the work of someone else without giving credit for it...your level of writing is pitiful!
The tax-sale law that allowed someone to steal Ms. Jenkins’s land remains on the books in South Carolina and many other states, and continues to be used to extract wealth from poor and vulnerable communities across America. Tax buying thrived in the wake of the 2008 housing foreclosure crisis, as the number of tax-delinquent homes mushroomed, and today in gentrifying cities, where rising property assessments function as a self-fulfilling prophecy, predicting the changes local officials hope to bring and forcing low-income people out.

Many local governments have resisted calls to protect homeowners from predatory tax buying and have instead sought to increase profitability for investors; other cities have taken aggressive steps to foreclose on tax-delinquent properties. Between 2011 and 2015, Detroit initiated tax foreclosures on one out of every four properties in the city, an epidemic of tax delinquency caused, in large measure, by the illegal over-assessment of lower-valued properties. Then and now, the victims of discriminatory overtaxation and predatory tax buying are disproportionately black.

These continuing practices, more than the government’s broken promise of 40 acres and a mule 150 years ago, explain why black families today have 10 cents to every dollar held by white households and why that gap continues to widen. It’s why the history of black land-taking should be at the center of the reparations debate, not only because the scale of the loss was so great but also because it forces us to confront the uncomfortable truth that American prosperity has not bypassed black Americans so much as it has come directly at their expense. It’s no coincidence that African-American communities on the Sea Islands suffered their heaviest land losses in the 1970s and 1980s, the same decades when the area experienced its most rapid economic growth.

Indeed, slavery and Jim Crow not only excluded generations of black Americans from benefits and opportunities enjoyed by white Americans; it also exposed them to the most predatory features of our capitalist system. It turned black people’s earnest attempts to build wealth the American way — through property ownership — into an opportunity for others to profit at their expense.
If we ever hope to repair the damage racism has done to America, and address the dividends it continues to pay to white Americans, we cannot simply open to black Americans previously closed doors of opportunity or merely provide some form of compensation for past injustices. We must also work to dismantle the laws and policies that sanction the continued extraction of property and resources from black communities.

Andrew W. Kahrl (@andrewkahrl) is an associate professor of history and African-American studies at the University of Virginia.

Whites like Oldstyle and the standard suspects want to try dismissing things that do not validate their view of race relations in America. No one denies what they present, but it is only half, and that's being nice, of the story. The part I am presenting is the part they refuse to submit to the open. Those who do are ostracized. If someone white presents this, they are called anti white racists. or self hating whites who kiss black ass. If a black person or anyone of color presents this information they are called, whiners losers who are blaming whites for their failures, victims, or racists by the white racists who want to keep this part of history hidden.

The story they want to believe is impossible. Blacks just were not given all the things they claim and just blew it. We as blacks know this. Blacks did not just run off southern land they owned in order to come north. The government did not spend 5 trillion dollars on blacks for welfare but blacks just couldn't cut it. Blacks have been legally freed from slavery by decree but not equality was not afforded to blacks by operation of governments at every level. Blacks have not EVER had the exact same rights as white in this country ever. Words on paper have never mattered to whites except among themselves and even then you have whites who don't honor laws and agreements with one another. So the tall tale whereby blacks have been free for 150 years but somehow have never been able to make it is a false narrative. So is the notion of now that racism was ended 55 years ago that we have complete equal opportunity with no obstacles . And to say everyone had it tough is a lie as well.

The information I posted was an article written by a professor of African American studies. at the University of Virginia. He is an expert, not some white dude with an undergrad degree in history trying to argue in order to support his racist opinion about blacks. Things did not happen as Oldstyle claims. Blacks did not get reparations for damages caused after slavery and those damages are numerous and are part of the reason blacks suffer right now. So the claim being made of what whites did not own is irrelevant and meritless, because the consistent excuses made to deny the damage continuing racism has done is exactly the same thing every other generation of whites have done in America.

Why are you always lying?

First there is the tale from our fiction writer IM2 and then there is the TRUTH.

How Long You Get to Redeem Your Property After a South Carolina Tax Sale
Under South Carolina law, you get a specific amount of time (called a "redemption period") to pay off the tax debt (called "redeeming" the property) after the sale before the winning bidder from the auction gets title to your home.

In South Carolina, you get twelve months after the sale date to redeem. (S.C. Code Ann. § 12-51-90). If you don’t redeem within this time frame, then the high bidder gets a deed (a tax deed) to your home.

Notice Before You Lose Title to Your Home
Between 45 days and 20 days before the end of the redemption period, the tax collector must mail you a notice by certified mail, return receipt requested, which lets you know that the end of your redemption period is approaching. (S.C. Code Ann. § 12-51-120).

How Much Will It Cost to Redeem My South Carolina Home After a Tax Sale?
To redeem your home, you must pay the tax collector the delinquent taxes, penalties, costs, assessments, and interest due to the bidder up to 12%. (S.C. Code Ann. § 12-51-90).

How Much Interest You’ll Have to Pay
The amount of interest you’ll have to pay depends on when you redeem the home.
  • If you redeem during the first three months of the redemption period, you must pay 3% of the bid amount.
  • If you redeem during month four, five, or six of the redemption period, you’ll have to pay 6% of the bid amount.
  • If you redeem in month seven, eight, or nine, then you must pay 9% of the bid amount.
  • If you redeem during the final three months of your redemption period, you must pay 12% of the bid amount. (S.C. Code Ann. § 12-51-90).
You send this to Dr. Andrew W. Kahrl (@andrewkahrl) is an associate professor of history and African-American studies at the University of Virginia. Tell him what he has researched is a lie. Understand? In short, you are posting policies as if they are followed equally for everyone and we know as black people that does not happen.
Let me guess...NOW you're going to go study up on The Great Migration in an attempt to poke holes in my points? You'd probably look like less of an ASS if you did that before you post silly stuff like this! Just saying...
I don't need to study up on the great migration. You need to go back to that college you attended and retake those history courses yo u say that you graduated in.

Now you got your ass kicked but what is going to happen is that the other white numbskulls will gang up on me and you will think that means you proved something. And that will allow yo to puff up and keep talking crazy and you will be consistently torn apart until you quit.

You obviously didn't understand needed to study up on The Great Migration! There WAS a reason why so many black farmers left the South and moved north but it wasn't because they were driven off their lands. The truth is...they were induced to leave by the promise of a better life in the north!
It's laughable that you think you're tearing anyone apart! You still haven't refuted my point. I don't think you have the intellectual "chops" to carry on a real debate. You cut and paste. Claim it as your own and then whine about racism if anyone questions what you posted!
No fool I don't. You are the asshole arguing about Obama grades without evidence. I know all about the great migration as I am black. I know why black farmers left the south and that what you say is only part of the story and not the reason. It's what you want the reason to be in order to deny the damage created by white racism,. But those 600,000 farms were taken before, during and after the great migration. So your excuse has no merit and your argument is bullshit. Now you go do some more research junior before you try arguing with a black person about how things have been for blacks in America again.

I have posted factual information that supports my argument and am not claiming anything as my own, but you are really reaching and trying to use strawmen in order to save your ass from the embarrassment of getting worked over. And thinking you are saying something because other brain dead ignorant of the history of race in America whites like you is a false thought coming from your mind. You aren't able to hold an intellectual debate on this for if you were then you recognize that some blacks may have left due to the great migration but the when the description of how the farms were taken are written in the same article and you ignore that to post your fake news about how the only reason blacks lost their farms was because they all sold them to go north shows that you are intellectually lazy or dishonest.

Many blacks who went north were not farmers and sharecroppers did not own land. My fathers family were sharecroppers and they went north because of the way sharecropping was done,

So let's review.

Sharecropping was a system of agriculture instituted in the American South during the period of Reconstruction after the Civil War. It essentially replaced the plantation system which had relied on slave labor and effectively created a new system of bondage.

Under the system of sharecropping, a poor farmer who did not own land would work a plot belonging to a landowner. The farmer would receive a share of the harvest as payment.

So while the former slave was technically free, he would still find himself bound to the land, which was often the very same land he had farmed while enslaved. And in practice, the newly freed slave faced a life of extremely limited economic opportunity.

Generally speaking, sharecropping doomed freed slaves to a life of poverty. And the system of sharecropping, in actual practice, doomed generations of American in the South to an impoverished existence in an economically stunted region.

Beginning of the Sharecropping System
Following the elimination of slavery, the plantation system in the South could no longer exist. Landowners, such as cotton planters who had owned vast plantations, had to face a new economic reality. They may have owned vast amounts of land, but they did not have the labor to work it, and they did not have the money to hire farm workers.

The millions of freed slaves also had to face a new way of life. Though freed from bondage, they had to cope with numerous problems in the post-slavery economy.

Many freed slaves were illiterate, and all they knew was farm work. And they were unfamiliar with the concept of working for wages.

Indeed, with freedom, many former slaves aspired to become independent farmers owning land. And such aspirations were fueled by rumors that the U.S. government would help them get a start as farmers with a promise of "forty acres and a mule."

In reality, former slaves were seldom able to establish themselves as independent farmers. And as plantation owners broke up their estates into smaller farms, many former slaves became sharecroppers on the land of their former masters.

How Sharecropping Worked
In a typical situation, a landowner would supply a farmer and his family with a house, which may have been a shack previously used as a slave cabin.

The landowner would also supply seeds, farming tools, and other necessary materials. The cost of such items would later be deducted from anything the farmer earned.

Much of the farming done as sharecropping was essentially the same type of labor-intensive cotton farming which had been done under slavery.

At harvest time, the crop was taken by the landowner to market and sold. From the money received, the landowner would first deduct the cost of seeds and any other supplies.

The proceeds of what was left would be split between the landowner and the farmer. In a typical scenario, the farmer would receive half, though sometimes the share given to the farmer would be less.

In such a situation, the farmer, or sharecropper, was essentially powerless. And if the harvest was bad, the sharecropper could actually wind up in debt to the landowner.

Such debts were virtually impossible to overcome, so sharecropping often created situations where farmers were locked into a life of poverty. Sharecropping is thus often known as slavery by another name, or debt slavery.

"Sharecropping." Gale Encyclopedia of U.S. Economic History, edited by Thomas Carson and Mary Bonk, vol. 2, Gale, 2000, pp. 912-913. Gale Virtual Reference Library.

Hyde, Samuel C., Jr. "Sharecropping and Tenant Farming." Americans at War, edited by John P. Resch, vol. 2: 1816-1900, Macmillan Reference USA, 2005, pp. 156-157. Gale Virtual Reference Library.

You chose to dismiss the practice of whitecapping to try making the claim that blacks just sold their land to move north because it offered a better life.

Many sharecroppers who challenged the accuracy of the owners accounting or charges were beaten and killed. These guys did not sell farms to move north. For example, in 1910, 37 percent of 291,000 farms in Georgia were operated by sharecroppers. Sharecroppers left and they had nothing to sell. Again, blacks who owned property were driven off their land by beatings, killings, intimidation and devious legal tactics by whites. They all just did not run to the north because the north offered them a better life. I know that's the sanitized version whites like you want to believe but it's not the truth.
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Let me guess...NOW you're going to go study up on The Great Migration in an attempt to poke holes in my points? You'd probably look like less of an ASS if you did that before you post silly stuff like this! Just saying...
I don't need to study up on the great migration. You need to go back to that college you attended and retake those history courses yo u say that you graduated in.

Now you got your ass kicked but what is going to happen is that the other white numbskulls will gang up on me and you will think that means you proved something. And that will allow yo to puff up and keep talking crazy and you will be consistently torn apart until you quit.

You obviously didn't understand needed to study up on The Great Migration! There WAS a reason why so many black farmers left the South and moved north but it wasn't because they were driven off their lands. The truth is...they were induced to leave by the promise of a better life in the north!
It's laughable that you think you're tearing anyone apart! You still haven't refuted my point. I don't think you have the intellectual "chops" to carry on a real debate. You cut and paste. Claim it as your own and then whine about racism if anyone questions what you posted!
No fool I don't. You are the asshole arguing about Obama graders without evidence. I know all about the great migration as I am black. ....

Wow. Claiming superior historical knowledge because of Race.


And he insists that he is not racist.

It is hilarious that he is soo stupid, that he can say such stupid shit, and not realize how fucking stupid it makes him look.

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