So What Happened To Blacks After Slavery?

I'm not going to pick on IM2 any more tonight. It's reached the point where I'm feeling like a bully.

It's funny to me that Malcohm X defined Black Democrats such as IM2 as "Chumps" and he hasn't caught up with that reality yet.
It's pathetic that you are trying to tell me about what Malcolm X said in the 1960s knowing that todays democratic party is not the same party.
I know that doesn't work for your whole "reparations" narrative, IM2 but THAT is a part of our American history as well! That massive migration of blacks from the south to the north fundamentally changed our nation. You seem to have missed that though...didn't you?

I don't think you really want to get into this with me Oldstyle. I will fuck you up. That's guaranteed. Those 600,000 farmers did not lose their property because of the great migration. On top of that blacks left to go north ,many times to escape wholesale murder and attempted ethnic cleansing by whites. Furthermore, southern states, specifically local governments, did as much as they could do to deny the rights of blacks to try moving north and away from the persecution because they did not want to lose cheap labor. These are things you don't want to discuss but if you keep talking shit, I will make an example out of you.

Ooooooh, yet another internet tough guy....

Give it a rest...Francis.
I am going to make examples out of you guys and I will have no mercy on your stupid white asses.

Good luck with that Francis. For some reason I am just not intimidated by you and your ilk.
You're a joke junior. An idiot pure and simple. I don't want you to be intimidated. I love schooling you each and every time I do it.

You have never schooled a single person here save for your butt buddy, essian.
I school you almost daily.
This thread is specifically about what the government of these united states did to blacks after the years of slavery up until right now.

The republicans here want to take credit for ending slavery while simultaneously telling us that they should not be held responsible for what their ancestors did before they were born. In standard republican fashion everybody else must take responsibility but them. However in the 150 or so years after slavery things have happened that most of these guys don't want to discuss. It is time to take a look at what has happened.

Lincoln signed words on a piece of paper but were those words actually honored?

Not really.

At the time of "emancipation" 80 percent of Americas GNP was tied to slavery. America, not just the south. Blacks got none of the money. In January of 1865, Special Field Order 15 was issued. Special Field Orders No. 15 - Wikipedia In July 1865, Circular 13, Resource Sheet #7 was issued by General Howard which fully authorized the lease of 40 acres of land to the newly freed slaves. As a result of this action 40,000 former slaves began work on several hundred thousand acres of land.

President Andrew Johnson killed that by his doing so removed those 40,000 blacks off that land and destroyed any income they could make. Meanwhile Johnson advocated for the homestead act and wanted to take plantation land and distribute it to whites without money.

Johnson pardoned most of the confederate leaders and they regained their prior positions of state leadership. By doing this, Johnson unleashed a reign of terror on blacks that really was nothing short of attempted ethnic cleansing. Blacks were beaten, scalped, killed, set on fire with their bodies left in the streets to rot.

A representative from the Johnson administration traveled the south and reported seeing black women scalped, or had their ears cut off, thrown into rivers and drowned. Black men and boys were clubbed, beaten, shot, some chained on trees and burned to death. State to state this man witnessed the stench of dead decomposing black bodies hanging from tree limbs, lying in ditches, and piled up on the roadways.

But blacks were free, right?

Now if anyone goes off topic, I expect the post to be eliminated .
You have no clue as to what happened, but you damn sho want you a reparations check, derp!

The ones that made it are not wanting or needing any reparations checks. ;)

Apparently you are among the "derp" faction.
Blacks OWNED those farms so why are they moving north to work for someone else?

Have you ever farmed? In 1920's America it wasn't a path to prosperity for many people, regardless of color.

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Look idiot, I live in a farm state. I know what farming is and isn't. But I also know that these excuses you whites are trying to make are not true based on my having relatives that stayed in the south instead of moving north.

"Look, idiot." --- if you're going to call someone an idiot, you lose credibility when you don't punctuate it properly.

1920's farming bears very little resemblance to modern commercial farming.
I'm not going to pick on IM2 any more tonight. It's reached the point where I'm feeling like a bully.

It's funny to me that Malcohm X defined Black Democrats such as IM2 as "Chumps" and he hasn't caught up with that reality yet.
It's pathetic that you are trying to tell me about what Malcolm X said in the 1960s knowing that todays democratic party is not the same party.

Yeah, they are. They hid it well for a long time but now they are pretty open with their contempt for minorities and the middle class.

Slaves, like you, ignore reality and chase phantoms.
IM2 is on the right here, derp!
Let me guess...NOW you're going to go study up on The Great Migration in an attempt to poke holes in my points? You'd probably look like less of an ASS if you did that before you post silly stuff like this! Just saying...
I don't need to study up on the great migration. You need to go back to that college you attended and retake those history courses yo u say that you graduated in.

Now you got your ass kicked but what is going to happen is that the other white numbskulls will gang up on me and you will think that means you proved something. And that will allow yo to puff up and keep talking crazy and you will be consistently torn apart until you quit.
Blacks OWNED those farms so why are they moving north to work for someone else?

Have you ever farmed? In 1920's America it wasn't a path to prosperity for many people, regardless of color.

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Look idiot, I live in a farm state. I know what farming is and isn't. But I also know that these excuses you whites are trying to make are not true based on my having relatives that stayed in the south instead of moving north.

"Look, idiot." --- if you're going to call someone an idiot, you lose credibility when you don't punctuate it properly.

1920's farming bears very little resemblance to modern commercial farming.

I don't really worry too much about grammar in here son. The fact is that I am correct in what I have said and you along with the other whites here trying to make excuses are not. Things did not happen as you say. That's the way it is.
Let me guess...NOW you're going to go study up on The Great Migration in an attempt to poke holes in my points? You'd probably look like less of an ASS if you did that before you post silly stuff like this! Just saying...
I don't need to study up on the great migration. You need to go back to that college you attended and retake those history courses yo u say that you graduated in.

Now you got your ass kicked but what is going to happen is that the other white numbskulls will gang up on me and you will think that means you proved something. And that will allow yo to puff up and keep talking crazy and you will be consistently torn apart until you quit.

Yeah, sport, you are delusional as always!

Thanks for the laugh!
Let me guess...NOW you're going to go study up on The Great Migration in an attempt to poke holes in my points? You'd probably look like less of an ASS if you did that before you post silly stuff like this! Just saying...
I don't need to study up on the great migration. You need to go back to that college you attended and retake those history courses yo u say that you graduated in.

Now you got your ass kicked but what is going to happen is that the other white numbskulls will gang up on me and you will think that means you proved something. And that will allow yo to puff up and keep talking crazy and you will be consistently torn apart until you quit.

Yeah, sport, you are delusional as always!

Thanks for the laugh!
I am not the delusional one here pod nuh. You can't dispute one word I have said. Neither can Oldstyle, fnnceo or any other racist here.
I don't really worry too much about grammar in here son.

Obviously ... "... grammar in here, Son".

You're not right. Farm ownership in America has been falling precipitously for ALL races since Depression Era America.

In 1920, the number of people living on farms was nearly 32 million, or 30.2 percent of the population of 105.7 million.

In 1987, 4,986,000 people lived on farms, or 2 percent of the United States population of 243.4 million.

A plummet of more than 28% in just over 50 years ... for ALL races.

The largest racial group of American farmers forced off their land were Japanese in 1942 ... most of them lost all the land they had and were never allowed to return to it ... having been forced to sell at pennies on the dollar.

Many of the huge commercial farms of the California Central Valley were once owned by displaced Japanese truck farmers.
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I don't really worry too much about grammar in here son.

Obviously ... "... grammar in here, Son".

You're not right. Farm ownership in America has been falling precipitously for ALL races since Depression Era America.

In 1920, the number of people living on farms was nearly 32 million, or 30.2 percent of the population of 105.7 million.

In 1987, 4,986,000 people lived on farms, or 2 percent of the United States population of 243.4 million.

A plummet of more than 28% in just over 50 years ... for ALL races.

The largest racial group of American farmers forced off their land were Japanese in 1942 ... most of them lost all the land they had and were never allowed to return to it ... having been forced to sell at pennies on the dollar.

Many of the huge commercial farms of the California Central Valley were once owned by displaced Japanese truck farmers.

Yup, the Nisei were royally screwed over. A friends wife got a 25,000 check for a 40 acre farm, and home, that were taken from them near Fort Ord.

Land that today would be worth a couple of million dollars. Morons like im2 here are simply losers who have never accomplished anything.
Let me guess...NOW you're going to go study up on The Great Migration in an attempt to poke holes in my points? You'd probably look like less of an ASS if you did that before you post silly stuff like this! Just saying...
I don't need to study up on the great migration. You need to go back to that college you attended and retake those history courses yo u say that you graduated in.

Now you got your ass kicked but what is going to happen is that the other white numbskulls will gang up on me and you will think that means you proved something. And that will allow yo to puff up and keep talking crazy and you will be consistently torn apart until you quit.

Yeah, sport, you are delusional as always!

Thanks for the laugh!
I am not the delusional one here pod nuh. You can't dispute one word I have said. Neither can Oldstyle, fnnceo or any other racist here.
You're a chump, pahtnuh!
A pahtnuh chump that's never going to get a reparations check, ever!

I'm not going to pick on IM2 any more tonight. It's reached the point where I'm feeling like a bully.

It's funny to me that Malcohm X defined Black Democrats such as IM2 as "Chumps" and he hasn't caught up with that reality yet.
It's pathetic that you are trying to tell me about what Malcolm X said in the 1960s knowing that todays democratic party is not the same party.

Yeah, they are. They hid it well for a long time but now they are pretty open with their contempt for minorities and the middle class.

Slaves, like you, ignore reality and chase phantoms.
Wrong. Look dumb ass, I am not going to listen to a republican telling me about a party they hate. You won't be telling the truth and you are going to try making your party out to be what it isn't.
Let me continue with the facts because whites like you guys are always going to make excuses in order to dismiss what you're still doing.

Despite this, at the dawn of the civil rights era, African-Americans still held substantial amounts of land, mostly in the South, a major portion of which was in some of the region’s fastest-growing areas and hottest real estate markets. Thanks to huge federal investments during the New Deal, the South in the mid-20th century went from being what President Franklin Roosevelt described as the “nation’s No. 1 economic problem” in the 1930s to the booming Sun Belt by the 1960s. The region’s rapid growth, along with the emergence of new industries like vacationing and tourism in rural and coastal areas, created an insatiable demand for land and made black property owners targets for removal by white officials and plunder by profit-seeking speculators. Both exploited the byproducts of blacks’ history of oppression to achieve their objectives.

The story of Evelina Jenkins, a black South Carolina Sea Islands native, offers a case in point. She owned dozens of acres of property — including an entire island — at a time in the early 1970s when land values along the state’s coastline were skyrocketing. As a result of the state’s pitiful expenditures on “colored” schools, Ms. Jenkins had received only minimal education and never learned to read. Decades of disfranchisement and white control of local government and the courts had taught her that whatever rights and protections it afforded did not apply to her. Even venturing inside the local government offices where people registered for licenses or paid their taxes was an invitation to be mistreated and humiliated, and was something to avoid.

So Ms. Jenkins entrusted a white neighbor who had befriended her to take her annual property tax payments to town for her. But rather than submitting Ms. Jenkins’s payments, he pocketed them, then waited for her taxes to fall delinquent, whereupon he bought the lien to her property at the county’s annual tax auction. Then, after the statutory redemption window closed, he gained title to her landholdings, island and all, which he subsequently resold to a developer. In the decades since, the land Jenkins once owned has generated untold amounts of wealth. Houses on the island she once owned today sell for upward of $400,000. Ms. Jenkins, though, never saw a dime of it. Rather than leave her children an ample inheritance, she died penniless, forced to live out her last days in her daughter’s mobile home.

While Ms. Jenkins’s case was particularly egregious, the legal theft of black land in similar ways was not uncommon. In booming real estate markets like Hilton Head and surrounding Sea Islands, tax sales afforded investors a lucrative opportunity to acquire valuable property for pennies on the dollar. Here and elsewhere, local tax assessors served as accessories before the fact, deliberately overvaluing black-owned land or enacting sharp, capricious assessment spikes as development crept near, all aimed at forcing poor black farming families to sell under duress or steering them into tax delinquency.

Tax sales were just one of several ways speculators and developers manipulated property and tax laws, and exploited historic inequities, to expropriate black people’s land. Another was the forced partition sale. Because whites controlled the courts, blacks who acquired property during Jim Crow often opted to handle matters of inheritance informally, outside of the legal system. Instead of probating their wills, black property owners tended to bequeath their property to descendants in the form of undivided shares — an arrangement under which heirs become co-owners of a property, each with the right to sell his or her own interest. Predatory land speculators would search for a person who had recently inherited land this way and was willing to sell his or her share. Once the sale went through, the speculator — now a co-owner of the property — would have the right to petition the courts to order a sale of the entire tract of land (against the wishes of those family members who lived on it) and would then buy it.

These partition sales invariably resulted in the land being sold at well below its market value, enriching the buyer while leaving the displaced and dispossessed family members with nothing. Speculators have used this legal trick to force the sale of millions of acres of black-owned land over the past several decades. Only in the past couple of years have some states begun to adopt a uniform law designed to curb the most predatory abuses of heirs property laws. Much of the damage, though, has been done.

Indeed, many of the techniques used to take black-owned land remain legal today.

I am not going to listen to a republican telling me about a party they hate

That's the thing about hatred ... it tends to distort perception.

That's true, regardless of what you hate and how justified you believe your hatred to be.
Facts are what I am dealing with. You want to whine about hate because I'm pointing out wrongs done by those like you.
I am not going to listen to a republican telling me about a party they hate

That's the thing about hatred ... it tends to distort perception.

That's true, regardless of what you hate and how justified you believe your hatred to be.
Facts are what I am dealing with. You want to whine about hate because I'm pointing out wrongs done by those like you.

I can honestly say I've never forced anyone off of a farm. I once seduced a farmer's daughter ... but she stayed on the farm.

This thread is specifically about what the government of these united states did to blacks after the years of slavery up until right now.

The republicans here want to take credit for ending slavery while simultaneously telling us that they should not be held responsible for what their ancestors did before they were born. In standard republican fashion everybody else must take responsibility but them. However in the 150 or so years after slavery things have happened that most of these guys don't want to discuss. It is time to take a look at what has happened.

Lincoln signed words on a piece of paper but were those words actually honored?

Not really.

At the time of "emancipation" 80 percent of Americas GNP was tied to slavery. America, not just the south. Blacks got none of the money. In January of 1865, Special Field Order 15 was issued. Special Field Orders No. 15 - Wikipedia In July 1865, Circular 13, Resource Sheet #7 was issued by General Howard which fully authorized the lease of 40 acres of land to the newly freed slaves. As a result of this action 40,000 former slaves began work on several hundred thousand acres of land.

President Andrew Johnson killed that by his doing so removed those 40,000 blacks off that land and destroyed any income they could make. Meanwhile Johnson advocated for the homestead act and wanted to take plantation land and distribute it to whites without money.

Johnson pardoned most of the confederate leaders and they regained their prior positions of state leadership. By doing this, Johnson unleashed a reign of terror on blacks that really was nothing short of attempted ethnic cleansing. Blacks were beaten, scalped, killed, set on fire with their bodies left in the streets to rot.

A representative from the Johnson administration traveled the south and reported seeing black women scalped, or had their ears cut off, thrown into rivers and drowned. Black men and boys were clubbed, beaten, shot, some chained on trees and burned to death. State to state this man witnessed the stench of dead decomposing black bodies hanging from tree limbs, lying in ditches, and piled up on the roadways.

But blacks were free, right?

Now if anyone goes off topic, I expect the post to be eliminated .

This thread is specifically about what the government of these united states did to blacks after the years of slavery up until right now.

The republicans here want to take credit for ending slavery while simultaneously telling us that they should not be held responsible for what their ancestors did before they were born. In standard republican fashion everybody else must take responsibility but them. However in the 150 or so years after slavery things have happened that most of these guys don't want to discuss. It is time to take a look at what has happened.

Lincoln signed words on a piece of paper but were those words actually honored?

Not really.

At the time of "emancipation" 80 percent of Americas GNP was tied to slavery. America, not just the south. Blacks got none of the money. In January of 1865, Special Field Order 15 was issued. Special Field Orders No. 15 - Wikipedia In July 1865, Circular 13, Resource Sheet #7 was issued by General Howard which fully authorized the lease of 40 acres of land to the newly freed slaves. As a result of this action 40,000 former slaves began work on several hundred thousand acres of land.

President Andrew Johnson killed that by his doing so removed those 40,000 blacks off that land and destroyed any income they could make. Meanwhile Johnson advocated for the homestead act and wanted to take plantation land and distribute it to whites without money.

Johnson pardoned most of the confederate leaders and they regained their prior positions of state leadership. By doing this, Johnson unleashed a reign of terror on blacks that really was nothing short of attempted ethnic cleansing. Blacks were beaten, scalped, killed, set on fire with their bodies left in the streets to rot.

A representative from the Johnson administration traveled the south and reported seeing black women scalped, or had their ears cut off, thrown into rivers and drowned. Black men and boys were clubbed, beaten, shot, some chained on trees and burned to death. State to state this man witnessed the stench of dead decomposing black bodies hanging from tree limbs, lying in ditches, and piled up on the roadways.

But blacks were free, right?

Now if anyone goes off topic, I expect the post to be eliminated .


Where DID all the time go?!

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