So What Happened To Blacks After Slavery?

Some of you whites here have a real bad habit of trying to argue with blacks about how we have interpreted history. You fail to understand that by me being almost 60, that most of the things I say about blacks come in my opinion based on what we saw and what older blacks told us as we grew up while actually participating in some of the activities you whites have read in books. Correll for example continues having a running argument with katsteve about the civil rights movement when katsteve was an actual participated in activities in that movement. katsteve saw what happened to his parents during desegregation live and with a front row seat. He did not take a class to learn about it.

My farther was a Baptist minister, he was a community leader in civil rights in our town. My parents, grandmother and great uncle on my dads side and uncle on my moms moved north as part of the great migration. They told us kids all about how things were in the south. My moms sister lived in the south her entire life so did one of my uncles on my moms side. When we visited them, they told us how things were as children and we saw how things were and are now.

This gaslighting by some whites here whereby they try telling us that everything we say didn't happen and only what they say did is just not going to be tolerated. Things did not happen as you say and the information I use is 100 percent historically correct .
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Some of you whites here have a real bad habit of trying to argue with blacks about how we have interpreted history. You fail to understand that by me being almost 60, that most of the things I say about blacks come in my opinion based on what we saw and what older blacks told us as we grew up while actually participating in some of the activities you whites have read in books. Correll for example continues having a running argument with katsteve about the civil rights movement when katsteve was an actual participated in activities in that movement. katsteve saw what happened to his parents during desegregation live and with a front row seat. He did not take a class to learn about it.

My farther was a Baptist minister, he was a community leader in civil rights in our town. My parents, grandmother and great uncle on my dads side and uncle on my moms moved north as part of the great migration. They told us kids all about how things were in the south. My moms sister lived in the south her entire life so did one of my uncles on my moms side. When we visited them, they told us how things were as children and we saw how things were and are now.

This gaslighting by some whites here whereby they try telling us that everything we say didn't happen and only what they say did is just not going to be tolerated. Things did not happen as you say and the information I use is 100 percent historically correct .

My disagreement with Katstevie was not about the events of the time but what they reflected on the internal beliefs of the republicans of the time.

ie, he felt that the republicans of the time were insulting the blacks of the time.
Some of you whites here have a real bad habit of trying to argue with blacks about how we have interpreted history. You fail to understand that by me being almost 60, that most of the things I say about blacks come in my opinion based on what we saw and what older blacks told us as we grew up while actually participating in some of the activities you whites have read in books. Correll for example continues having a running argument with katsteve about the civil rights movement when katsteve was an actual participated in activities in that movement. katsteve saw what happened to his parents during desegregation live and with a front row seat. He did not take a class to learn about it.

My farther was a Baptist minister, he was a community leader in civil rights in our town. My parents, grandmother and great uncle on my dads side and uncle on my moms moved north as part of the great migration. They told us kids all about how things were in the south. My moms sister lived in the south her entire life so did one of my uncles on my moms side. When we visited them, they told us how things were as children and we saw how things were and are now.

This gaslighting by some whites here whereby they try telling us that everything we say didn't happen and only what they say did is just not going to be tolerated. Things did not happen as you say and the information I use is 100 percent historically correct .

My disagreement with Katstevie was not about the events of the time but what they reflected on the internal beliefs of the republicans of the time.

ie, he felt that the republicans of the time were insulting the blacks of the time.

If you are going to quote me, at least be honest. I specifically stated that GOLDWATERS position on the civil rights act, was an insult to black citizens, and resulted in many blacks exiting the GOP.

And it absolutely was.
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"My disagreement with Katstevie was not about the events of the time but what they reflected on the internal beliefs of the republicans of the time.

ie, he felt that the republicans of the time were insulting the blacks of the time."

Since katsteve was a black of that time, I do think he can more accurately state how blacks of that time felt than you can. You see Correll, whites like you have lived with the delusion that blacks have been satisfied and happy with things when in fact we were very pissed off. During that same time of Goldwater, whites actually believed that there was no race problem and southern whites felt blacks were happy in the jim crow system and that the only reason why blacks were opposing it was due to northern liberal agitators telling them how to think. Katsteve was right as that is what older blacks like my parents were talking about during that same time. It is why blacks who were still republicans left the republican party and because the party still reflects Goldwaters extremism, we remain democrats now.
The tax-sale law that allowed someone to steal Ms. Jenkins’s land remains on the books in South Carolina and many other states, and continues to be used to extract wealth from poor and vulnerable communities across America. Tax buying thrived in the wake of the 2008 housing foreclosure crisis, as the number of tax-delinquent homes mushroomed, and today in gentrifying cities, where rising property assessments function as a self-fulfilling prophecy, predicting the changes local officials hope to bring and forcing low-income people out.

Many local governments have resisted calls to protect homeowners from predatory tax buying and have instead sought to increase profitability for investors; other cities have taken aggressive steps to foreclose on tax-delinquent properties. Between 2011 and 2015, Detroit initiated tax foreclosures on one out of every four properties in the city, an epidemic of tax delinquency caused, in large measure, by the illegal over-assessment of lower-valued properties. Then and now, the victims of discriminatory overtaxation and predatory tax buying are disproportionately black.

These continuing practices, more than the government’s broken promise of 40 acres and a mule 150 years ago, explain why black families today have 10 cents to every dollar held by white households and why that gap continues to widen. It’s why the history of black land-taking should be at the center of the reparations debate, not only because the scale of the loss was so great but also because it forces us to confront the uncomfortable truth that American prosperity has not bypassed black Americans so much as it has come directly at their expense. It’s no coincidence that African-American communities on the Sea Islands suffered their heaviest land losses in the 1970s and 1980s, the same decades when the area experienced its most rapid economic growth.

Indeed, slavery and Jim Crow not only excluded generations of black Americans from benefits and opportunities enjoyed by white Americans; it also exposed them to the most predatory features of our capitalist system. It turned black people’s earnest attempts to build wealth the American way — through property ownership — into an opportunity for others to profit at their expense.
If we ever hope to repair the damage racism has done to America, and address the dividends it continues to pay to white Americans, we cannot simply open to black Americans previously closed doors of opportunity or merely provide some form of compensation for past injustices. We must also work to dismantle the laws and policies that sanction the continued extraction of property and resources from black communities.

Andrew W. Kahrl (@andrewkahrl) is an associate professor of history and African-American studies at the University of Virginia.

Whites like Oldstyle and the standard suspects want to try dismissing things that do not validate their view of race relations in America. No one denies what they present, but it is only half, and that's being nice, of the story. The part I am presenting is the part they refuse to submit to the open. Those who do are ostracized. If someone white presents this, they are called anti white racists. or self hating whites who kiss black ass. If a black person or anyone of color presents this information they are called, whiners losers who are blaming whites for their failures, victims, or racists by the white racists who want to keep this part of history hidden.

The story they want to believe is impossible. Blacks just were not given all the things they claim and just blew it. We as blacks know this. Blacks did not just run off southern land they owned in order to come north. The government did not spend 5 trillion dollars on blacks for welfare but blacks just couldn't cut it. Blacks have been legally freed from slavery by decree but not equality was not afforded to blacks by operation of governments at every level. Blacks have not EVER had the exact same rights as white in this country ever. Words on paper have never mattered to whites except among themselves and even then you have whites who don't honor laws and agreements with one another. So the tall tale whereby blacks have been free for 150 years but somehow have never been able to make it is a false narrative. So is the notion of now that racism was ended 55 years ago that we have complete equal opportunity with no obstacles . And to say everyone had it tough is a lie as well.

The information I posted was an article written by a professor of African American studies. at the University of Virginia. He is an expert, not some white dude with an undergrad degree in history trying to argue in order to support his racist opinion about blacks. Things did not happen as Oldstyle claims. Blacks did not get reparations for damages caused after slavery and those damages are numerous and are part of the reason blacks suffer right now. So the claim being made of what whites did not own is irrelevant and meritless, because the consistent excuses made to deny the damage continuing racism has done is exactly the same thing every other generation of whites have done in America.

Why are you always lying?

First there is the tale from our fiction writer IM2 and then there is the TRUTH.

How Long You Get to Redeem Your Property After a South Carolina Tax Sale
Under South Carolina law, you get a specific amount of time (called a "redemption period") to pay off the tax debt (called "redeeming" the property) after the sale before the winning bidder from the auction gets title to your home.

In South Carolina, you get twelve months after the sale date to redeem. (S.C. Code Ann. § 12-51-90). If you don’t redeem within this time frame, then the high bidder gets a deed (a tax deed) to your home.

Notice Before You Lose Title to Your Home
Between 45 days and 20 days before the end of the redemption period, the tax collector must mail you a notice by certified mail, return receipt requested, which lets you know that the end of your redemption period is approaching. (S.C. Code Ann. § 12-51-120).

How Much Will It Cost to Redeem My South Carolina Home After a Tax Sale?
To redeem your home, you must pay the tax collector the delinquent taxes, penalties, costs, assessments, and interest due to the bidder up to 12%. (S.C. Code Ann. § 12-51-90).

How Much Interest You’ll Have to Pay
The amount of interest you’ll have to pay depends on when you redeem the home.
  • If you redeem during the first three months of the redemption period, you must pay 3% of the bid amount.
  • If you redeem during month four, five, or six of the redemption period, you’ll have to pay 6% of the bid amount.
  • If you redeem in month seven, eight, or nine, then you must pay 9% of the bid amount.
  • If you redeem during the final three months of your redemption period, you must pay 12% of the bid amount. (S.C. Code Ann. § 12-51-90).
You send this to Dr. Andrew W. Kahrl (@andrewkahrl) is an associate professor of history and African-American studies at the University of Virginia. Tell him what he has researched is a lie. Understand? In short, you are posting policies as if they are followed equally for everyone and we know as black people that does not happen.


The population of Detroit Michigan was 952,262 in the year 2000. In 2016 the population of Detroit is 672,795 or a loss of 279,467 citizens. What happens to the value of a property when such a drop in population occurs?

You do love making a fool of yourself, don't you?

I showed you were lying about the procedure to sell a property in South Carolina when taxes are not paid, here is the procedure in Michigan.

  • Real property tax delinquency entails a three-year forfeiture and foreclosure process in Michigan. Parcels are forfeited to the county treasurers when the real property taxes are in the second year of delinquency. Real property taxes which remain unpaid as of March 31 in the third year of delinquency are foreclosed upon by the Foreclosing Governmental Unit (FGU). The FGU is responsible for inspecting forfeited property, providing due process notifications and subsequent disposition of the tax foreclosed property. Click on the following links for more detailed information regarding the real property tax forfeiture and foreclosure process.
Some of you whites here have a real bad habit of trying to argue with blacks about how we have interpreted history. You fail to understand that by me being almost 60, that most of the things I say about blacks come in my opinion based on what we saw and what older blacks told us as we grew up while actually participating in some of the activities you whites have read in books. Correll for example continues having a running argument with katsteve about the civil rights movement when katsteve was an actual participated in activities in that movement. katsteve saw what happened to his parents during desegregation live and with a front row seat. He did not take a class to learn about it.

My farther was a Baptist minister, he was a community leader in civil rights in our town. My parents, grandmother and great uncle on my dads side and uncle on my moms moved north as part of the great migration. They told us kids all about how things were in the south. My moms sister lived in the south her entire life so did one of my uncles on my moms side. When we visited them, they told us how things were as children and we saw how things were and are now.

This gaslighting by some whites here whereby they try telling us that everything we say didn't happen and only what they say did is just not going to be tolerated. Things did not happen as you say and the information I use is 100 percent historically correct .

My disagreement with Katstevie was not about the events of the time but what they reflected on the internal beliefs of the republicans of the time.

ie, he felt that the republicans of the time were insulting the blacks of the time.

If you are going to quote me, at least be honest. I specifically stated that GOLDWATERS position on the civil rights act, was an insult to black citizens, and resulted in many blacks exiting the GOP.

And it absolutely was.

And I pointed out that it was not meant that way. And that the choice to take it as an insult, was their choice, nothing to do with his intent.

My perspective on what Goldwater meant by his words, is just as valid as yours. IM2's, pretense that you have special insight into an old dead white guy's internal thought processes, because of your black skin,

is racist and absurd.
The tax-sale law that allowed someone to steal Ms. Jenkins’s land remains on the books in South Carolina and many other states, and continues to be used to extract wealth from poor and vulnerable communities across America. Tax buying thrived in the wake of the 2008 housing foreclosure crisis, as the number of tax-delinquent homes mushroomed, and today in gentrifying cities, where rising property assessments function as a self-fulfilling prophecy, predicting the changes local officials hope to bring and forcing low-income people out.

Many local governments have resisted calls to protect homeowners from predatory tax buying and have instead sought to increase profitability for investors; other cities have taken aggressive steps to foreclose on tax-delinquent properties. Between 2011 and 2015, Detroit initiated tax foreclosures on one out of every four properties in the city, an epidemic of tax delinquency caused, in large measure, by the illegal over-assessment of lower-valued properties. Then and now, the victims of discriminatory overtaxation and predatory tax buying are disproportionately black.

These continuing practices, more than the government’s broken promise of 40 acres and a mule 150 years ago, explain why black families today have 10 cents to every dollar held by white households and why that gap continues to widen. It’s why the history of black land-taking should be at the center of the reparations debate, not only because the scale of the loss was so great but also because it forces us to confront the uncomfortable truth that American prosperity has not bypassed black Americans so much as it has come directly at their expense. It’s no coincidence that African-American communities on the Sea Islands suffered their heaviest land losses in the 1970s and 1980s, the same decades when the area experienced its most rapid economic growth.

Indeed, slavery and Jim Crow not only excluded generations of black Americans from benefits and opportunities enjoyed by white Americans; it also exposed them to the most predatory features of our capitalist system. It turned black people’s earnest attempts to build wealth the American way — through property ownership — into an opportunity for others to profit at their expense.
If we ever hope to repair the damage racism has done to America, and address the dividends it continues to pay to white Americans, we cannot simply open to black Americans previously closed doors of opportunity or merely provide some form of compensation for past injustices. We must also work to dismantle the laws and policies that sanction the continued extraction of property and resources from black communities.

Andrew W. Kahrl (@andrewkahrl) is an associate professor of history and African-American studies at the University of Virginia.

Whites like Oldstyle and the standard suspects want to try dismissing things that do not validate their view of race relations in America. No one denies what they present, but it is only half, and that's being nice, of the story. The part I am presenting is the part they refuse to submit to the open. Those who do are ostracized. If someone white presents this, they are called anti white racists. or self hating whites who kiss black ass. If a black person or anyone of color presents this information they are called, whiners losers who are blaming whites for their failures, victims, or racists by the white racists who want to keep this part of history hidden.

The story they want to believe is impossible. Blacks just were not given all the things they claim and just blew it. We as blacks know this. Blacks did not just run off southern land they owned in order to come north. The government did not spend 5 trillion dollars on blacks for welfare but blacks just couldn't cut it. Blacks have been legally freed from slavery by decree but not equality was not afforded to blacks by operation of governments at every level. Blacks have not EVER had the exact same rights as white in this country ever. Words on paper have never mattered to whites except among themselves and even then you have whites who don't honor laws and agreements with one another. So the tall tale whereby blacks have been free for 150 years but somehow have never been able to make it is a false narrative. So is the notion of now that racism was ended 55 years ago that we have complete equal opportunity with no obstacles . And to say everyone had it tough is a lie as well.

The information I posted was an article written by a professor of African American studies. at the University of Virginia. He is an expert, not some white dude with an undergrad degree in history trying to argue in order to support his racist opinion about blacks. Things did not happen as Oldstyle claims. Blacks did not get reparations for damages caused after slavery and those damages are numerous and are part of the reason blacks suffer right now. So the claim being made of what whites did not own is irrelevant and meritless, because the consistent excuses made to deny the damage continuing racism has done is exactly the same thing every other generation of whites have done in America.

Why are you always lying?

First there is the tale from our fiction writer IM2 and then there is the TRUTH.

How Long You Get to Redeem Your Property After a South Carolina Tax Sale
Under South Carolina law, you get a specific amount of time (called a "redemption period") to pay off the tax debt (called "redeeming" the property) after the sale before the winning bidder from the auction gets title to your home.

In South Carolina, you get twelve months after the sale date to redeem. (S.C. Code Ann. § 12-51-90). If you don’t redeem within this time frame, then the high bidder gets a deed (a tax deed) to your home.

Notice Before You Lose Title to Your Home
Between 45 days and 20 days before the end of the redemption period, the tax collector must mail you a notice by certified mail, return receipt requested, which lets you know that the end of your redemption period is approaching. (S.C. Code Ann. § 12-51-120).

How Much Will It Cost to Redeem My South Carolina Home After a Tax Sale?
To redeem your home, you must pay the tax collector the delinquent taxes, penalties, costs, assessments, and interest due to the bidder up to 12%. (S.C. Code Ann. § 12-51-90).

How Much Interest You’ll Have to Pay
The amount of interest you’ll have to pay depends on when you redeem the home.
  • If you redeem during the first three months of the redemption period, you must pay 3% of the bid amount.
  • If you redeem during month four, five, or six of the redemption period, you’ll have to pay 6% of the bid amount.
  • If you redeem in month seven, eight, or nine, then you must pay 9% of the bid amount.
  • If you redeem during the final three months of your redemption period, you must pay 12% of the bid amount. (S.C. Code Ann. § 12-51-90).
You send this to Dr. Andrew W. Kahrl (@andrewkahrl) is an associate professor of history and African-American studies at the University of Virginia. Tell him what he has researched is a lie. Understand? In short, you are posting policies as if they are followed equally for everyone and we know as black people that does not happen.


The population of Detroit Michigan was 952,262 in the year 2000. In 2016 the population of Detroit is 672,795 or a loss of 279,467 citizens. What happens to the value of a property when such a drop in population occurs?

You do love making a fool of yourself, don't you?

I showed you were lying about the procedure to sell a property in South Carolina when taxes are not paid, here is the procedure in Michigan.

  • Real property tax delinquency entails a three-year forfeiture and foreclosure process in Michigan. Parcels are forfeited to the county treasurers when the real property taxes are in the second year of delinquency. Real property taxes which remain unpaid as of March 31 in the third year of delinquency are foreclosed upon by the Foreclosing Governmental Unit (FGU). The FGU is responsible for inspecting forfeited property, providing due process notifications and subsequent disposition of the tax foreclosed property. Click on the following links for more detailed information regarding the real property tax forfeiture and foreclosure process.

Again you go talk to the professor who wrote the article. He documented what occurred and that's the way it happened. Your posting of what is supposed to happen doesn't cover for the FACT that what is supposed to happen doesn't always happen for black people.

You have shown me how the procedure is supposed to happen. This is a common mistake whites like you do when trying to argue against the facts blacks show you relative to racism.

One-Fifth of Detroit's Population Could Lose Their Homes
Many families could stay put for just a few hundred dollars, if only they knew how to work the system.
OCTOBER 22, 2014

Evone Brown, a 55-year-old former machine operator, survives on $850 a month from retirement and disability checks, which wasn't enough to cover the roughly $8,000 she owed in property taxes on her home on the east side of Detroit. This year, because she was at least three years behind on her tax payments (most of which she inherited when she bought the house in 2011), Wayne County's treasurer foreclosed on her. As a result, her house is up for sale this week in Wayne County’s online foreclosure auction, at a starting bid of just $500. She will most likely be evicted this January.

She’s not alone: As Detroit seeks to leave bankruptcy behind and get back on its feet—ramping up development with construction of a light rail and a new hockey arena that will cost the city hundreds of millions of dollars—it is simultaneously bearing witness to a process that could evict up to 142,000 of its residents, many of whom are too poor to pay their property taxes.

Detroit is 83 percent African-American, and 38 percent of its population lives below the poverty line. But the older, blacker Detroit starkly contrasts with a whiter, wealthier new Detroit that's been wooed in by tax breaks and living incentives—which gives these evictions a heavily racial subtext.

This year in Detroit, there have been 22,000 foreclosures on properties whose owners failed to pay property taxes three years in a row. Of those, 10,000 are estimated to be occupied, meaning this year's foreclosures are set to oust about 27,000 Detroiters from their homes.

That’s a large number in a dwindling city with fewer than 700,000 residents, but the figures are set to get even worse. In the next couple of months, Wayne County's treasurer will be serving foreclosure notices on 75,000 more properties, 62,000 of which are in Detroit, according to its chief deputy treasurer David Szymanski.* With half of those Detroit properties estimated to be occupied, this means a further 115,000 Detroiters might lose their homes next year. (There are 110,000 properties in Wayne County that are eligible to be foreclosed on next year, 85,000 of which are in Detroit.)

In a city supposedly trying to attract residents rather than lose them, this means a potential 142,000 Detroiters—one-fifth of the city’s population—will be shown the door within the next year and a half. The city has yet to announce plans for accommodating those who get evicted.

Detroit’s tax-delinquent residents, who together occupy more than half of the city’s properties according to local data firm Loveland Technologies, are frequently blamed for the city’s underfunded, poorly functioning public infrastructure and are considered part of the reason the city went bankrupt in the first place.

The city’s still relatively new mayor, Mike Duggan, likes to say at press conferences and town-hall meetings that he wants to work with Detroit’s “good” residents—those who seek to pay their bills and mow their lawns. But with little active effort put into retaining residents who are behind on their bills and facing foreclosure, some are beginning to feel like the evictions are a part of a bigger ploy to rid the city of large chunks of its poorer residents—a modern-day form of forced relocation.

“It’s a tragic and extreme version of a familiar pattern,” says Cheryl Harris, a professor of civil rights and civil liberties at the UCLA School of Law. Harris calls the Detroit auction a massive form of “racial dispossession.”

Forced relocation is a sensitive subject in Detroit, where, in the 1950s, large chunks of poorer, black neighborhoods were razed to make way for highway development. Black residents were violently kept out of whiter areas of the city until the '60s.
Harris says that these evictions should be viewed alongside the “legacy of specifically racialized housing policies that put these [black-owned] properties and these [black] property owners at a distinct disadvantage within the relative marketplace, and located them as devalued to begin with.”

In a seminal book on Detroit's inequality, Thomas Sugrue, a professor of history and sociology at the University of Pennsylvania, highlighted the long-lasting effects of postwar housing-discrimination policies, including redlining, which categorized neighborhoods with even a small handful of black people living in it as unfit for investment or mortgage loans. (In the July issue of The Atlantic earlier this year, Ta-Nehisi Coates extensively mapped how these practices played out in Chicago.)

The establishment of two segregated housing markets strongly favored white people, blocking black people from federally sponsored low-interest housing loans and making them vulnerable to extortion from opportunistic lenders. These dual markets set the scene for Detroit’s 1967 race riots and accelerated the pace of white flight. Ongoing, growing wealth disparities between white and black families—a recent estimate is that white families are an average of six times wealthier than their black counterparts—can in part be explained by a continuing history of housing discrimination.

Why couldn't the same incentives have been provided to those blacks already living there?

After all that is how it is supposed to work. I am sure you could post up the rules and the call me a lair because you think the rules are being followed the same for everybody, but they aren't.

And you know that.
Let me guess...NOW you're going to go study up on The Great Migration in an attempt to poke holes in my points? You'd probably look like less of an ASS if you did that before you post silly stuff like this! Just saying...
I don't need to study up on the great migration. You need to go back to that college you attended and retake those history courses yo u say that you graduated in.

Now you got your ass kicked but what is going to happen is that the other white numbskulls will gang up on me and you will think that means you proved something. And that will allow yo to puff up and keep talking crazy and you will be consistently torn apart until you quit.

You obviously didn't understand needed to study up on The Great Migration! There WAS a reason why so many black farmers left the South and moved north but it wasn't because they were driven off their lands. The truth is...they were induced to leave by the promise of a better life in the north!
It's laughable that you think you're tearing anyone apart! You still haven't refuted my point. I don't think you have the intellectual "chops" to carry on a real debate. You cut and paste. Claim it as your own and then whine about racism if anyone questions what you posted!
No fool I don't. You are the asshole arguing about Obama graders without evidence. I know all about the great migration as I am black. ....

Wow. Claiming superior historical knowledge because of Race.


And he insists that he is not racist.

It is hilarious that he is soo stupid, that he can say such stupid shit, and not realize how fucking stupid it makes him look.

I'm amused by IM2! In his eyes everyone else has to be a racist...based on their pigmentation...while in his eyes he is a genius...based on his pigmentation!
What's sad is that if you take away his cut and paste posts...he's one of the more simple minded people on this board. I say that because truly intelligent people don't need to cut and paste OTHER people's ideas in order to appear intelligent!
Let me guess...NOW you're going to go study up on The Great Migration in an attempt to poke holes in my points? You'd probably look like less of an ASS if you did that before you post silly stuff like this! Just saying...
I don't need to study up on the great migration. You need to go back to that college you attended and retake those history courses yo u say that you graduated in.

Now you got your ass kicked but what is going to happen is that the other white numbskulls will gang up on me and you will think that means you proved something. And that will allow yo to puff up and keep talking crazy and you will be consistently torn apart until you quit.

You obviously didn't understand needed to study up on The Great Migration! There WAS a reason why so many black farmers left the South and moved north but it wasn't because they were driven off their lands. The truth is...they were induced to leave by the promise of a better life in the north!
It's laughable that you think you're tearing anyone apart! You still haven't refuted my point. I don't think you have the intellectual "chops" to carry on a real debate. You cut and paste. Claim it as your own and then whine about racism if anyone questions what you posted!
No fool I don't. You are the asshole arguing about Obama graders without evidence. I know all about the great migration as I am black. ....

Wow. Claiming superior historical knowledge because of Race.


And he insists that he is not racist.

It is hilarious that he is soo stupid, that he can say such stupid shit, and not realize how fucking stupid it makes him look.

I'm amused by IM2! In his eyes everyone else has to be a racist...based on their pigmentation...while in his eyes he is a genius...based on his pigmentation!
What's sad is that if you take away his cut and paste posts...he's one of the more simple minded people on this board. I say that because truly intelligent people don't need to cut and paste OTHER people's ideas in order to appear intelligent!
lol! Lol! LOL! LOL!

Everybody else is not a racist. But you are. So is Correll, westvall, and the other standard suspects who do all the whining about how blacks are racists.

Your posts show that you are ignorant. And Correll is straight retarded.

I do think that blacks who lived in the 1960's and were part of the 1960's, who were involved in the situations that occurred in the 1960's, who were told during the 1960's by older blacks about the political situation as seen by blacks in the 1960's, know more about how blacks felt about what republicans were doing and how blacks felt in the 1960's than some white person who happens to be a racist.

You continue talking about me cutting and pasting but if I don't then dumb asses like you start asking for links. So when one writes an opinion, if they are intelligent, they post supporting evidence to that opinion. I have done that and will continue doing so. Anyone can post an opinion and as one famous person has said, "opinions are like assholes, everybody has one." Intelligent people will prove their opinions. I have done that and you have lost.
Let me guess...NOW you're going to go study up on The Great Migration in an attempt to poke holes in my points? You'd probably look like less of an ASS if you did that before you post silly stuff like this! Just saying...
I don't need to study up on the great migration. You need to go back to that college you attended and retake those history courses yo u say that you graduated in.

Now you got your ass kicked but what is going to happen is that the other white numbskulls will gang up on me and you will think that means you proved something. And that will allow yo to puff up and keep talking crazy and you will be consistently torn apart until you quit.

You obviously didn't understand needed to study up on The Great Migration! There WAS a reason why so many black farmers left the South and moved north but it wasn't because they were driven off their lands. The truth is...they were induced to leave by the promise of a better life in the north!
It's laughable that you think you're tearing anyone apart! You still haven't refuted my point. I don't think you have the intellectual "chops" to carry on a real debate. You cut and paste. Claim it as your own and then whine about racism if anyone questions what you posted!
No fool I don't. You are the asshole arguing about Obama graders without evidence. I know all about the great migration as I am black. ....

Wow. Claiming superior historical knowledge because of Race.


And he insists that he is not racist.

It is hilarious that he is soo stupid, that he can say such stupid shit, and not realize how fucking stupid it makes him look.

I'm amused by IM2! In his eyes everyone else has to be a racist...based on their pigmentation...while in his eyes he is a genius...based on his pigmentation!
What's sad is that if you take away his cut and paste posts...he's one of the more simple minded people on this board. I say that because truly intelligent people don't need to cut and paste OTHER people's ideas in order to appear intelligent!
lol! Lol! LOL! LOL!

Everybody else is not a racist. But you are. So is Correll, westvall, and the other standard suspects who do all the whining about how blacks are racists.

Your posts show that you are ignorant. And Correll is straight retarded.

I do think that blacks who lived in the 1960's and were part of the 1960's, who were involved in the situations that occurred in the 1960's, who were told during the 1960's by older blacks about the political situation as seen by blacks in the 1960's, know more about how blacks felt about what republicans were doing and how blacks felt in the 1960's than some white person who happens to be a racist.

You continue talking about me cutting and pasting but if I don't then dumb asses like you start asking for links. So when one writes an opinion, if they are intelligent, they post supporting evidence to that opinion. I have done that and will continue doing so. Anyone can post an opinion and as one famous person has said, "opinions are like assholes, everybody has one." Intelligent people will prove their opinions. I have done that and you have lost.
It's not that you cut & paste,'s that whatever you DON'T cut & paste isn't well thought out or intelligently presented! To be blunt...your "opinions" by themselves don't carry much intellectual weight!
I'm still waiting to hear why The Great Migration WASN'T caused by the promise of a better life in the North, IM2! You've totally failed to discredit that...other than blustering and calling names, of course.
As for your claim that people pay you to write things for them?

"I do think that blacks who lived in the 1960's and were part of the 1960's, who were involved in the situations that occurred in the 1960's, who were told during the 1960's by older blacks about the political situation as seen by blacks in the 1960's, know more about how blacks felt about what republicans were doing and how blacks felt in the 1960's than some white person who happens to be a racist."

I'm sorry but THAT gibberish is not the work of a writer that anyone would pay! Nor is it anything that a 9th Grade English teacher wouldn't tear to shreds. You're the poster child for run on sentences!
Let me guess...NOW you're going to go study up on The Great Migration in an attempt to poke holes in my points? You'd probably look like less of an ASS if you did that before you post silly stuff like this! Just saying...
I don't need to study up on the great migration. You need to go back to that college you attended and retake those history courses yo u say that you graduated in.

Now you got your ass kicked but what is going to happen is that the other white numbskulls will gang up on me and you will think that means you proved something. And that will allow yo to puff up and keep talking crazy and you will be consistently torn apart until you quit.

You obviously didn't understand needed to study up on The Great Migration! There WAS a reason why so many black farmers left the South and moved north but it wasn't because they were driven off their lands. The truth is...they were induced to leave by the promise of a better life in the north!
It's laughable that you think you're tearing anyone apart! You still haven't refuted my point. I don't think you have the intellectual "chops" to carry on a real debate. You cut and paste. Claim it as your own and then whine about racism if anyone questions what you posted!
No fool I don't. You are the asshole arguing about Obama graders without evidence. I know all about the great migration as I am black. ....

Wow. Claiming superior historical knowledge because of Race.


And he insists that he is not racist.

It is hilarious that he is soo stupid, that he can say such stupid shit, and not realize how fucking stupid it makes him look.

I'm amused by IM2! In his eyes everyone else has to be a racist...based on their pigmentation...while in his eyes he is a genius...based on his pigmentation!
What's sad is that if you take away his cut and paste posts...he's one of the more simple minded people on this board. I say that because truly intelligent people don't need to cut and paste OTHER people's ideas in order to appear intelligent!
lol! Lol! LOL! LOL!

Everybody else is not a racist. But you are. So is Correll, westvall, and the other standard suspects who do all the whining about how blacks are racists.

Your posts show that you are ignorant. And Correll is straight retarded.

I do think that blacks who lived in the 1960's and were part of the 1960's, who were involved in the situations that occurred in the 1960's, who were told during the 1960's by older blacks about the political situation as seen by blacks in the 1960's, know more about how blacks felt about what republicans were doing and how blacks felt in the 1960's than some white person who happens to be a racist.

You continue talking about me cutting and pasting but if I don't then dumb asses like you start asking for links. So when one writes an opinion, if they are intelligent, they post supporting evidence to that opinion. I have done that and will continue doing so. Anyone can post an opinion and as one famous person has said, "opinions are like assholes, everybody has one." Intelligent people will prove their opinions. I have done that and you have lost.
It's not that you cut & paste,'s that whatever you DON'T cut & paste isn't well thought out or intelligently presented! To be blunt...your "opinions" by themselves don't carry much intellectual weight!
Wrong. You have shown that you are not only intellectually lazy, but ignorant. My opinions have been supported by fact, your tactics are common in places like this oldstyle. I have stated that the root cause of the problems blacks face is white racism. You cannot present an argument that rebuts that. This thread about what has happened after slavery was presented with the view that this government at every level has initiated policies that have fostered racism and denied blacks of opportunity. I started with an op that presented an example of what government did almost directly after slavery and you ran your mouth off about history according to IM2. Except what I posted were facts that did occur. Your latest attempt to deny what I have presented is you trying to make a case whereby 600,000 black farmers were not forced off their lands but chose to move despite the fact that the evidence is documented as to why the farmers left and it was not because of an offer to move north to get better jobs.

"Over the years, Black people have lost their land through a number of circumstances, including government action, deception and a reign of domestic terror in the South that forced Black people from their homes through threats of violence and lynching. That terror and economic exploitation precipitated the Great Migration, which resulted in the uprooting of over 6 million Black people from the South and their relocation to the North, Midwest and West between 1916 and 1970."

Notice what the words in red say oldstyle. The terror and exploitation precipitated the migration. Not offers of better work. So then your argument is dead right there. Your personal attacks on my intelligence do not erase this fact and the reality here is that your opinion of my writing skills mean nothing since I know what I have accomplished and that opinions from some dim witted idiot white racists on the internet practicing aversive racism does not change the fact that I have whipped your ass and the other racists in every attempt you have tried taking me on.
I'm still waiting to hear why The Great Migration WASN'T caused by the promise of a better life in the North, IM2! You've totally failed to discredit that...other than blustering and calling names, of course.

"Over the years, Black people have lost their land through a number of circumstances, including government action, deception and a reign of domestic terror in the South that forced Black people from their homes through threats of violence and lynching. That terror and economic exploitation precipitated the Great Migration, which resulted in the uprooting of over 6 million Black people from the South and their relocation to the North, Midwest and West between 1916 and 1970."
History according to IM2! Let not the facts get in the way of your narrative, Kiddies!
This is United States of America history. Documented history that you can look up and verify for yourselves, if you were so inclined.
I graduated with a degree in History, Mariyam! What IM2 is spamming is simply one version of history and as usual with's not a very accurate version.
It is completely accurate. You are here trying to argue halfstory and not history in its totality. Now what specific history did you get your degree in. Because there are many different versions. I cited the works of a professor employed by a top university with a phd in African American history. It is apparent you don't have that history as a degree or that level of knowledge..
As for your claim that people pay you to write things for them?

"I do think that blacks who lived in the 1960's and were part of the 1960's, who were involved in the situations that occurred in the 1960's, who were told during the 1960's by older blacks about the political situation as seen by blacks in the 1960's, know more about how blacks felt about what republicans were doing and how blacks felt in the 1960's than some white person who happens to be a racist."

I'm sorry but THAT gibberish is not the work of a writer that anyone would pay! Nor is it anything that a 9th Grade English teacher wouldn't tear to shreds. You're the poster child for run on sentences!

If you provide me with a contract where I get paid 10 percent of a grant for 250,000, then you will see a more professional style of writing from me that is spell checked and edited several times to correct any grammatical error. But since this is a hobby I don't really worry too much about my English nor do I harp in the grammatical errors you make consistently in your posts as well is the errors in logic. What I have found is when a person cannot win a debate in one of these forums they begin doing what you are right now.
It is completely accurate. You are here trying to argue halfstory and not history in its totality. Now what specific history did you get your degree in. Because there are many different versions. I cited the works of a professor employed by a top university with a phd in African American history. It is apparent you don't have that history as a degree or that level of knowledge..

All you've proven is that history is history.

That history shows us hundreds of thousands of foreclosures in Detroit...and hundreds of thousands of people who left Detroit. WOW, I wonder if they have anything to do with one another.

IM2, you're a joke, just a joke.

It is completely accurate. You are here trying to argue halfstory and not history in its totality. Now what specific history did you get your degree in. Because there are many different versions. I cited the works of a professor employed by a top university with a phd in African American history. It is apparent you don't have that history as a degree or that level of knowledge..

All you've proven is that history is history.

That history shows us hundreds of thousands of foreclosures in Detroit...and hundreds of thousands of people who left Detroit. WOW, I wonder if they have anything to do with one another.

IM2, you're a joke, just a joke.


Yeah, sure, OK. I understand that you can't handle the truth. And today on April 25th 2020, whites are still practicing the same racism they have practiced in America as they did on April 25, 1920.
History according to IM2! Let not the facts get in the way of your narrative, Kiddies!
This is United States of America history. Documented history that you can look up and verify for yourselves, if you were so inclined.
I graduated with a degree in History, Mariyam! What IM2 is spamming is simply one version of history and as usual with's not a very accurate version.
It is completely accurate. You are here trying to argue halfstory and not history in its totality. Now what specific history did you get your degree in. Because there are many different versions. I cited the works of a professor employed by a top university with a phd in African American history. It is apparent you don't have that history as a degree or that level of knowledge..
I was a History major with a concentration in American History actually. What pray tell is "halfstory" and how am I arguing it? I simply pointed out that your contention that it was Southern racism causing The Great Migration was simplistic at best! Your African American history professor would be hard pressed to make that argument stand up to even a cursory examination of what took place. It's you that wants to argue half truths. You want to ignore what isn't convenient to your narrative, something that a real historian wouldn't do.

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