So what IS the best way to reduce or prevent mass shootings?

The more you put in jail the less of them there are. But no, laws won't deter somebody from breaking them. Our prisons are like get-away weekends for lowlifes. Three squares plus snacks, a football field, a workout room, a library, cable television and even a little room for you to have sex with your wife in.

Wow, you're kidding, right? Or maybe you are just so racist you think what we have in our awful prison system is a good thing.


The thing is, those Europeans Socialist States only lock up 60,000 to 78,000 of their citizens.

We lock up 2 million. We have another 7 million on probation.

Part of it is becuase we have too many guns out there.

Part of it is because of our insane war on drugs that treats addiction as a criminal problem (if you are poor) instead of a medical one.

But the major reason is we've made prisons a profitable business for some companies.

Guns aren't the issue…fatherless boys are the issue.

  • Australian mass murders - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
  • Australian mass murders - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
  • Childers Palace Fire - In June 2000, drifter and con-artist Robert Long started a fire at the Childers Palace backpackers hostel that killed 15 people.
  • Monash University shooting - In October 2002, Huan Yun Xiang, a student, shot his classmates and teacher, killing two and injuring five.
  • Churchill Fire - 10 confirmed deaths due to a deliberately lit fire. The fire was lit on 7 February 2009.[5]
  • Lin family murders - On July 2009, Lian Bin "Robert" Xie killed his sister, her husband and three members of their family (5 persons from the Lin family) with a hammer. The faces of the victims were so disfigured that forensics had to be used to identify them. The motivation for the family massacre were partly because Lin had criticised Xie for not having a job.
  • 2011 Hectorville siege - A shooting that took place on 29 April 2011, in Hectorville, South Australia. It began after a 39-year-old male, Donato Anthony Corbo, shot four people on a neighbouring property (three of whom died), and also wounded two police officers, before being arrested by Special Operations police after an eight-hour siege.[6]
  • Quakers Hill Nursing Home Fire - 10 confirmed and as many as 21 people may have died as a result of a deliberately lit fire in a Quakers Hill nursing home. The fire was lit early on 18 November 2011.[7]
  • Hunt family murders - Geoff Hunt killed his wife and three children before turning the gun on himself on September 9, 2014.[8]
  • Cairns stabbings - A woman stabbed 8 children to death on 19 December 2014. 7 of them were her own.[9]
The Hunt family murder was the only shooting that took over four lives, and that was a family affair, not something done randomly like the shootings in our schools.

However, in reality, the whole list sounds like a very quiet month for us. And most of the deaths in that file are from fire. I am sure that we can find equally bad fires for the US for the same period. No Sandy Hook or Virginia Tech for Australia.

I see where you went wrong…well first, you are a lefty…but as to the post…..I gave you the wrong link… is the correct link with highlights on all the shootings…

Timeline of major crimes in Australia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Compared to the shootings in the U S that's like comparing a fart to a whirlwind. The cold, hard numbers about deaths and injuries due to guns seem to be significant. Guns were used in 11,422 homicides and 19,392 suicides in 2010, according to the CDC, and were used either intentionally or accidentally to wound 59,208 people in 2011.

Overall...a small price to pay so that Joe(guy with the little dick) can make himself feel omnipotent......oops!! impotent! oops!! important!! Yep.....that's it!

In 2014 there were 8,124 gun murders by criminals breaking the law….according to the 2013 CDC final statistics table 10 there were only 505 accidental gun deaths….and since Japan, China and South Korea, all countries with absolute gun control have 2 times the suicde rates that we do suicides do not count.

According to bill clinton and the gun self defense study conducted by his Department of Justice….Americans use guns to stop violent crimes and save lives 1.5 million times a year……

So…out of 320 million guns in private hands…we have criminals using guns to commit 8,124 gun murders…..

out of 320 million guns in private hands we have in total….505 accidental gun deaths in 2013…..

We have 12.8 million people carrying guns for self defense….and again, only 505 accidental gun deaths.

1.5 self defense uses of guns vs. 8,124 criminals using guns to commit murder.

so…in total, guns are a positive force for normal people to keep themselves and their families safe from criminals created by single, teenage mothers in fatherless homes…..

  • Australian mass murders - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
  • Australian mass murders - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
  • Childers Palace Fire - In June 2000, drifter and con-artist Robert Long started a fire at the Childers Palace backpackers hostel that killed 15 people.
  • Monash University shooting - In October 2002, Huan Yun Xiang, a student, shot his classmates and teacher, killing two and injuring five.
  • Churchill Fire - 10 confirmed deaths due to a deliberately lit fire. The fire was lit on 7 February 2009.[5]
  • Lin family murders - On July 2009, Lian Bin "Robert" Xie killed his sister, her husband and three members of their family (5 persons from the Lin family) with a hammer. The faces of the victims were so disfigured that forensics had to be used to identify them. The motivation for the family massacre were partly because Lin had criticised Xie for not having a job.
  • 2011 Hectorville siege - A shooting that took place on 29 April 2011, in Hectorville, South Australia. It began after a 39-year-old male, Donato Anthony Corbo, shot four people on a neighbouring property (three of whom died), and also wounded two police officers, before being arrested by Special Operations police after an eight-hour siege.[6]
  • Quakers Hill Nursing Home Fire - 10 confirmed and as many as 21 people may have died as a result of a deliberately lit fire in a Quakers Hill nursing home. The fire was lit early on 18 November 2011.[7]
  • Hunt family murders - Geoff Hunt killed his wife and three children before turning the gun on himself on September 9, 2014.[8]
  • Cairns stabbings - A woman stabbed 8 children to death on 19 December 2014. 7 of them were her own.[9]
The Hunt family murder was the only shooting that took over four lives, and that was a family affair, not something done randomly like the shootings in our schools.

However, in reality, the whole list sounds like a very quiet month for us. And most of the deaths in that file are from fire. I am sure that we can find equally bad fires for the US for the same period. No Sandy Hook or Virginia Tech for Australia.

I see where you went wrong…well first, you are a lefty…but as to the post…..I gave you the wrong link… is the correct link with highlights on all the shootings…

Timeline of major crimes in Australia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Compared to the shootings in the U S that's like comparing a fart to a whirlwind. The cold, hard numbers about deaths and injuries due to guns seem to be significant. Guns were used in 11,422 homicides and 19,392 suicides in 2010, according to the CDC, and were used either intentionally or accidentally to wound 59,208 people in 2011.

Overall...a small price to pay so that Joe(guy with the little dick) can make himself feel omnipotent......oops!! impotent! oops!! important!! Yep.....that's it!

In 2014 there were 8,124 gun murders by criminals breaking the law….according to the 2013 CDC final statistics table 10 there were only 505 accidental gun deaths….and since Japan, China and South Korea, all countries with absolute gun control have 2 times the suicde rates that we do suicides do not count.

According to bill clinton and the gun self defense study conducted by his Department of Justice….Americans use guns to stop violent crimes and save lives 1.5 million times a year……

So…out of 320 million guns in private hands…we have criminals using guns to commit 8,124 gun murders…..

out of 320 million guns in private hands we have in total….505 accidental gun deaths in 2013…..

We have 12.8 million people carrying guns for self defense….and again, only 505 accidental gun deaths.

1.5 self defense uses of guns vs. 8,124 criminals using guns to commit murder.

so…in total, guns are a positive force for normal people to keep themselves and their families safe from criminals created by single, teenage mothers in fatherless homes…..
The progressives have no way to apply these numbers with common sense... They have none.

Guns are not the problem, the problem is the breakdown of the traditional American family.
No,the difference is the criminal culture……their criminals get guns as easily as ours do…they just don't use them as much…..culture, economics and race relations all dictate violence levels….and sadly for them, their criminal culture is getting more violent and using guns more……in all of those countries…..

And in Europe…their criminals prefer fully automatic military rifles….and grenades…….

Criminal culture?

There aren't that many shootings in Prison (where the criminal culture is something like 100%). You know why? There are no guns. You eliminate guns; you eliminate shootings.

Again, are you insane?

Our laws eliminate recreational drugs. What was the outcome of that?

Different group of subject and different instrument of desire. Good question though.

Unlike some, I'll elaborate using facts.

The want to feel good by use of recreational drugs is universal. It appeals to a wide band of people regardless of socioeconomic status. So the demand is there regardless of staus, regardless of race, color, sex, ethnicity, religion, etc... At a certain age, guns are no longer appealing to everyone. I wouldn't have a gun in my house, for example. Those who I know have guns rarely use them and when they do it is for punching paper perhaps twice a year. As for drugs, The demand will be there regardless of what we do. We can remove the danger aspect of the illegal drug trade by making private use of recreational drugs legal. Nobody has seen a noticeable uptick in crime in Colorado due to increased drug use. So it's a non-starter.

Secondly, the costs to get high are much less for recreational drugs than it is to purchase firearms. Comparing the two is much like saying apples are more popular than steak and not factoring in that apples may cost as low as 5 cents each and steak is rarely below a few dollars a pound. Or course apples are going to be more ubitquitous than steaks at that price differential.
There aren't any facts in there fruitcake. It's all your looney opinion unsubstantiated by a single fact....and you know that or you wouldn't have started out with the lie that you were laying out facts.

You have no fucking clue what you're talking about. Why are conservatives so lazy?
Please show me one statement you made in that sad rant, that is also a "fact".
So don't limit the mentally ill, limit guns so the mentally ill can't get them.

Yet another typical liberal solution that's failed from the beginning.

Except every other country does exactly that solution, and they don't have a fraction of the carnage we have.

I mean, fucking Japan... you ever met any Japanese people? Japan is to Crazy what the Middle East is to Oil. they have more than enough reserves to meet all the world's needs. yet they don't let citizens buy guns and you never hear about some Japanese person going into a school and shooting up a bunch of kids. Imagine that.

Singapore has very little problems with recreational drugs. Why? Because if you are caught with illegal drugs, you are executed.

Maybe we can learn something from countries that have less of a problem with drugs than we do?

90% of shooters already have one prior conviction….and as the Chicago police commissioner says, a criminal caught in an illegal possession of a gun is a gate way crime to eventually committing murder….

If only the gun grabbers would focus on the sociopaths who are using guns to commit crimes and leave the other 99% of the normal gun owning population alone….we wouldn't have the problem with guns that we have….but when they focus on normal gun owners…and ignore the actual shooters…it is not a surprise we have more gun crime.
The gun grabbers ARE the sociopaths.
The only problem is that Israel actually has quite strong gun restrictions and very low gun ownership rates, some of the lowest in the developed world. This confusion has gotten so bad that even Israeli government officials are now chiming in to knock back the claims, though the NRA is seen as a close ally of the U.S. Republican party, which positions itself as strongly backing Israel.

LaPierre appeared to take his Israel-model advocacy a step too far when he declared on Meet the Press this weekend, "Israel had a whole lot of school shootings, until they did one thing. They said we’re going to stop it and they put armed security in every school and they have not had a problem since then."

A spokesperson for the Israeli Foreign Ministry told the New York Daily Newsthat this was simply wrong. "We didn’t have a series of school shootings, and they had nothing to do with the issue at hand in the United States. We had to deal with terrorism," he said. "What removed the danger was not the armed guards but an overall anti-terror policy and anti-terror operations which brought street terrorism down to nearly zero over a number of years.” The spokesperson added, “It would be better not to drag Israel into what is an internal American discussion."

Israeli guns laws, it turns out, are much stricter than America's gun laws. This may help explain why Israeli gun ownership is just one thirteenth of what it is in the U.S. To bring that number into focus, it would likely be even lower if not for mandatory military service, which means Israelis are more likely to be familiar with guns. Israel's unique security challenges and its periodic bouts with terrorism would also seem to bolster an NRA-style case for allowing more privately owned guns so that more citizens can defend themselves. And yet, there are far fewer guns in private citizens' hands, and far less gun crime.
Israeli gun laws are much stricter than some U.S. gun advocates suggest

Israel dismisses NRA’s claims about guns laws
School shootings were never common here, and Israel should not be invoked as ostensible proof of need for more weapons, experts say
Israel dismisses NRA’s claims about guns laws

One of things that strike most visitors to Israel is the number of guns they see people carrying everywhere. But most people don’t realize that Israel’s gun laws are both stricter and very different from those in the U.S.

Personal weapons are more difficult to come by in Israel. A lot of vetting is done by the government, the police, a doctor, and the gun range that must train and test the potential gun owner before they, too, sign their approval. And the Israeli government prefers to limit gun licenses to those with army experience, if possible.

Even then, one normally is permitted to only own one gun, and a limited amount of ammunition (although one can buy as many bullets as one wishes at the gun range). Some admittedly feel that the single gun limit, is too restrictive.

Appearances aside, in Israel there are fewer personal weapons per capita, and fewer homicides involving guns, than in the U.K., which has very strong and restrictive gun laws.
The US Should Learn from Israel How to Permit, Not Outlaw Guns

Israel’s gun-control laws are among the toughest in the world.

In Israel, carrying a gun is not a right granted by the constitution, but rather a privilege given to those few who pass background checks and who can demonstrate a real need for possessing firearms.

The list of requirements is long. Israelis seeking to own a gun need to be a citizen or permanent resident over the age of 27 (or 21 for those who have completed military service). They must have a basic knowledge of Hebrew. Applicants for a gun permit also need to show a clean criminal record and to have the Ministry of Health certify that they are physically and mentally capable of using a gun.

After passing this initial screening, Israelis wishing to own a gun need to demonstrate a genuine need for it. This need can be based on several criteria: living or working in specially designated areas (mainly Jewish settlements in the occupied West Bank and areas close to the boarders); working as a civilian security guard, or being an active or reserve officer in the Israel Defense Forces and holding the rank of captain or higher. Registered hunters and sportsmen belonging to certified gun clubs can also qualify.

For most, licenses are given for handguns only, and need to be renewed every three years. Gun owners also have to undergo practice in a shooting range before receiving or renewing a license. Yakov Amit, head of the firearms licensing department at the Ministry of Public Security, said 80% of the license requests are turned down each year.

As a result of these restrictive policies, gun possession in Israel is low compared with that of the United States. Only 7.3 out of every 100 Israelis possessed a gun in 2009, compared with 88.8 of every 100 Americans.
Israel Has Fewer Guns, Fewer Deaths Than U.S. - Israel
In Israel, carrying a gun is not a right granted by the constitution, but rather a privilege given to those few who pass background checks and who can demonstrate a real need for possessing firearms.

See…if the above quote is true that is indeed a lesson of not learning the lessons of history…….gun ownership in 1930s Germany was not a right granted by their government either…..and how did that turn out for the Jews exactly?
The only problem is that Israel actually has quite strong gun restrictions and very low gun ownership rates, some of the lowest in the developed world. This confusion has gotten so bad that even Israeli government officials are now chiming in to knock back the claims, though the NRA is seen as a close ally of the U.S. Republican party, which positions itself as strongly backing Israel.

LaPierre appeared to take his Israel-model advocacy a step too far when he declared on Meet the Press this weekend, "Israel had a whole lot of school shootings, until they did one thing. They said we’re going to stop it and they put armed security in every school and they have not had a problem since then."

A spokesperson for the Israeli Foreign Ministry told the New York Daily Newsthat this was simply wrong. "We didn’t have a series of school shootings, and they had nothing to do with the issue at hand in the United States. We had to deal with terrorism," he said. "What removed the danger was not the armed guards but an overall anti-terror policy and anti-terror operations which brought street terrorism down to nearly zero over a number of years.” The spokesperson added, “It would be better not to drag Israel into what is an internal American discussion."

Israeli guns laws, it turns out, are much stricter than America's gun laws. This may help explain why Israeli gun ownership is just one thirteenth of what it is in the U.S. To bring that number into focus, it would likely be even lower if not for mandatory military service, which means Israelis are more likely to be familiar with guns. Israel's unique security challenges and its periodic bouts with terrorism would also seem to bolster an NRA-style case for allowing more privately owned guns so that more citizens can defend themselves. And yet, there are far fewer guns in private citizens' hands, and far less gun crime.
Israeli gun laws are much stricter than some U.S. gun advocates suggest

Israel dismisses NRA’s claims about guns laws
School shootings were never common here, and Israel should not be invoked as ostensible proof of need for more weapons, experts say
Israel dismisses NRA’s claims about guns laws

One of things that strike most visitors to Israel is the number of guns they see people carrying everywhere. But most people don’t realize that Israel’s gun laws are both stricter and very different from those in the U.S.

Personal weapons are more difficult to come by in Israel. A lot of vetting is done by the government, the police, a doctor, and the gun range that must train and test the potential gun owner before they, too, sign their approval. And the Israeli government prefers to limit gun licenses to those with army experience, if possible.

Even then, one normally is permitted to only own one gun, and a limited amount of ammunition (although one can buy as many bullets as one wishes at the gun range). Some admittedly feel that the single gun limit, is too restrictive.

Appearances aside, in Israel there are fewer personal weapons per capita, and fewer homicides involving guns, than in the U.K., which has very strong and restrictive gun laws.
The US Should Learn from Israel How to Permit, Not Outlaw Guns

Israel’s gun-control laws are among the toughest in the world.

In Israel, carrying a gun is not a right granted by the constitution, but rather a privilege given to those few who pass background checks and who can demonstrate a real need for possessing firearms.

The list of requirements is long. Israelis seeking to own a gun need to be a citizen or permanent resident over the age of 27 (or 21 for those who have completed military service). They must have a basic knowledge of Hebrew. Applicants for a gun permit also need to show a clean criminal record and to have the Ministry of Health certify that they are physically and mentally capable of using a gun.

After passing this initial screening, Israelis wishing to own a gun need to demonstrate a genuine need for it. This need can be based on several criteria: living or working in specially designated areas (mainly Jewish settlements in the occupied West Bank and areas close to the boarders); working as a civilian security guard, or being an active or reserve officer in the Israel Defense Forces and holding the rank of captain or higher. Registered hunters and sportsmen belonging to certified gun clubs can also qualify.

For most, licenses are given for handguns only, and need to be renewed every three years. Gun owners also have to undergo practice in a shooting range before receiving or renewing a license. Yakov Amit, head of the firearms licensing department at the Ministry of Public Security, said 80% of the license requests are turned down each year.

As a result of these restrictive policies, gun possession in Israel is low compared with that of the United States. Only 7.3 out of every 100 Israelis possessed a gun in 2009, compared with 88.8 of every 100 Americans.
Israel Has Fewer Guns, Fewer Deaths Than U.S. - Israel

The low crime rate, excluding muslim terrorism is explained not by a lack of guns…but by the demographics…the majority of the population are Jewish, religious Jews make up a huge percent of the population and the muslims living inside Israel itself are obviously more law abiding than those who live surrounding Israel….so again, every Jewish citizen could carry a gun and their crime rate would still be low…because they are not criminals.
1. Ban all automatic and semi-automatic long rifles and pistols.
2. Limit the number of rounds to six.
3. Make gun manufacturers liable for misuse of their products.
4. Tag and track all guns and bullets sold.
5. Perform extensive background checks on buyers. No felons, people with histories of abusing drugs and alcohol, people with mental problems can own guns.
6. Mandatory licensing after passing a test demonstrating that the potential buyer knows best practices.
7. Gun sales restricted to licensed dealers.
8. Restrict Concealed Carry permits to folks that can prove a need (Carrying lots of valuable items).
9. Complete ban on guns where large groups of people congregate.

i would like to pick apart every one of your idiotic proposals, but for now i will concentrate on just the most stupid one,
#3 Make gun manufacturers liable for misuse of their products.
then we need to make automobile makers liable, knife makers, ball bats, pens and pencils, scissors, medicines, poisons etc. in fact any thing that can be used as a potential weapon. :up:

:fu: ... :asshole: and :up_yours: with a garden fork :lmao:

Well no.

Unlike that list of products you provided, none are used for the specific purpose of killing human beings. Guns, however, are used to kill human beings.

Additionally, the manufacturers of the products you mention are liable in many cases if their product harms or kills a human being.

That unique property of a firearm adds a great deal of danger to the public. The "General Welfare" clause of the Constitution, includes keeping American citizens relatively safe, both from foreign and domestic threats.

We have a pretty big problem in this country with firearms. That would place the solution in either the public and/or private realms. Right now? Neither is doing much of anything and the current situation is entirely unacceptable.

So unless gun manufacturers enact some sort of protocol that minimizes the risk to human beings, they should be held responsible if their product does harm.

Simple enough.
1. Ban all automatic and semi-automatic long rifles and pistols.
2. Limit the number of rounds to six.
3. Make gun manufacturers liable for misuse of their products.
4. Tag and track all guns and bullets sold.
5. Perform extensive background checks on buyers. No felons, people with histories of abusing drugs and alcohol, people with mental problems can own guns.
6. Mandatory licensing after passing a test demonstrating that the potential buyer knows best practices.
7. Gun sales restricted to licensed dealers.
8. Restrict Concealed Carry permits to folks that can prove a need (Carrying lots of valuable items).
9. Complete ban on guns where large groups of people congregate.

i would like to pick apart every one of your idiotic proposals, but for now i will concentrate on just the most stupid one,
#3 Make gun manufacturers liable for misuse of their products.
then we need to make automobile makers liable, knife makers, ball bats, pens and pencils, scissors, medicines, poisons etc. in fact any thing that can be used as a potential weapon. :up:

:fu: ... :asshole: and :up_yours: with a garden fork :lmao:

Well no.

Unlike that list of products you provided, none are used for the specific purpose of killing human beings. Guns, however, are used to kill human beings.

Additionally, the manufacturers of the products you mention are liable in many cases if their product harms or kills a human being.

That unique property of a firearm adds a great deal of danger to the public. The "General Welfare" clause of the Constitution, includes keeping American citizens relatively safe, both from foreign and domestic threats.

We have a pretty big problem in this country with firearms. That would place the solution in either the public and/or private realms. Right now? Neither is doing much of anything and the current situation is entirely unacceptable.

So unless gun manufacturers enact some sort of protocol that minimizes the risk to human beings, they should be held responsible if their product does harm.

Simple enough.
Your little list, would cause millions to die on both sides of the issue if the federal government were to try to force into law...
Last edited:
if someone gets killed with a gun that product worked exactly the way it was designed to. why do you idiots on the Left want the manufacturer to pay for their product working the way it was intended???

That statement contains about as much sense as a screen door on a battleship
if someone gets killed with a gun that product worked exactly the way it was designed to. why do you idiots on the Left want the manufacturer to pay for their product working the way it was intended???

That statement contains about as much sense as a screen door on a battleship

do tell all the normal people here what is wrong with that logic!!!

  • Australian mass murders - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
  • Australian mass murders - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
  • Childers Palace Fire - In June 2000, drifter and con-artist Robert Long started a fire at the Childers Palace backpackers hostel that killed 15 people.
  • Monash University shooting - In October 2002, Huan Yun Xiang, a student, shot his classmates and teacher, killing two and injuring five.
  • Churchill Fire - 10 confirmed deaths due to a deliberately lit fire. The fire was lit on 7 February 2009.[5]
  • Lin family murders - On July 2009, Lian Bin "Robert" Xie killed his sister, her husband and three members of their family (5 persons from the Lin family) with a hammer. The faces of the victims were so disfigured that forensics had to be used to identify them. The motivation for the family massacre were partly because Lin had criticised Xie for not having a job.
  • 2011 Hectorville siege - A shooting that took place on 29 April 2011, in Hectorville, South Australia. It began after a 39-year-old male, Donato Anthony Corbo, shot four people on a neighbouring property (three of whom died), and also wounded two police officers, before being arrested by Special Operations police after an eight-hour siege.[6]
  • Quakers Hill Nursing Home Fire - 10 confirmed and as many as 21 people may have died as a result of a deliberately lit fire in a Quakers Hill nursing home. The fire was lit early on 18 November 2011.[7]
  • Hunt family murders - Geoff Hunt killed his wife and three children before turning the gun on himself on September 9, 2014.[8]
  • Cairns stabbings - A woman stabbed 8 children to death on 19 December 2014. 7 of them were her own.[9]
The Hunt family murder was the only shooting that took over four lives, and that was a family affair, not something done randomly like the shootings in our schools.

However, in reality, the whole list sounds like a very quiet month for us. And most of the deaths in that file are from fire. I am sure that we can find equally bad fires for the US for the same period. No Sandy Hook or Virginia Tech for Australia.

I see where you went wrong…well first, you are a lefty…but as to the post…..I gave you the wrong link… is the correct link with highlights on all the shootings…

Timeline of major crimes in Australia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Compared to the shootings in the U S that's like comparing a fart to a whirlwind. The cold, hard numbers about deaths and injuries due to guns seem to be significant. Guns were used in 11,422 homicides and 19,392 suicides in 2010, according to the CDC, and were used either intentionally or accidentally to wound 59,208 people in 2011.

Overall...a small price to pay so that Joe(guy with the little dick) can make himself feel omnipotent......oops!! impotent! oops!! important!! Yep.....that's it!

In 2014 there were 8,124 gun murders by criminals breaking the law….according to the 2013 CDC final statistics table 10 there were only 505 accidental gun deaths….and since Japan, China and South Korea, all countries with absolute gun control have 2 times the suicde rates that we do suicides do not count.

According to bill clinton and the gun self defense study conducted by his Department of Justice….Americans use guns to stop violent crimes and save lives 1.5 million times a year……

So…out of 320 million guns in private hands…we have criminals using guns to commit 8,124 gun murders…..

out of 320 million guns in private hands we have in total….505 accidental gun deaths in 2013…..

We have 12.8 million people carrying guns for self defense….and again, only 505 accidental gun deaths.

1.5 self defense uses of guns vs. 8,124 criminals using guns to commit murder.

so…in total, guns are a positive force for normal people to keep themselves and their families safe from criminals created by single, teenage mothers in fatherless homes…..
The progressives have no way to apply these numbers with common sense... They have none.

Guns are not the problem, the problem is the breakdown of the traditional American family.

We've kicked your right wing asses in the last two presidential elections and I suggest you pucker up 'cause Hillary is about to do it again!! Do yourself a favor.......learn to say Madame President.

  • Australian mass murders - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
  • Australian mass murders - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
  • Childers Palace Fire - In June 2000, drifter and con-artist Robert Long started a fire at the Childers Palace backpackers hostel that killed 15 people.
  • Monash University shooting - In October 2002, Huan Yun Xiang, a student, shot his classmates and teacher, killing two and injuring five.
  • Churchill Fire - 10 confirmed deaths due to a deliberately lit fire. The fire was lit on 7 February 2009.[5]
  • Lin family murders - On July 2009, Lian Bin "Robert" Xie killed his sister, her husband and three members of their family (5 persons from the Lin family) with a hammer. The faces of the victims were so disfigured that forensics had to be used to identify them. The motivation for the family massacre were partly because Lin had criticised Xie for not having a job.
  • 2011 Hectorville siege - A shooting that took place on 29 April 2011, in Hectorville, South Australia. It began after a 39-year-old male, Donato Anthony Corbo, shot four people on a neighbouring property (three of whom died), and also wounded two police officers, before being arrested by Special Operations police after an eight-hour siege.[6]
  • Quakers Hill Nursing Home Fire - 10 confirmed and as many as 21 people may have died as a result of a deliberately lit fire in a Quakers Hill nursing home. The fire was lit early on 18 November 2011.[7]
  • Hunt family murders - Geoff Hunt killed his wife and three children before turning the gun on himself on September 9, 2014.[8]
  • Cairns stabbings - A woman stabbed 8 children to death on 19 December 2014. 7 of them were her own.[9]
The Hunt family murder was the only shooting that took over four lives, and that was a family affair, not something done randomly like the shootings in our schools.

However, in reality, the whole list sounds like a very quiet month for us. And most of the deaths in that file are from fire. I am sure that we can find equally bad fires for the US for the same period. No Sandy Hook or Virginia Tech for Australia.

I see where you went wrong…well first, you are a lefty…but as to the post…..I gave you the wrong link… is the correct link with highlights on all the shootings…

Timeline of major crimes in Australia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Compared to the shootings in the U S that's like comparing a fart to a whirlwind. The cold, hard numbers about deaths and injuries due to guns seem to be significant. Guns were used in 11,422 homicides and 19,392 suicides in 2010, according to the CDC, and were used either intentionally or accidentally to wound 59,208 people in 2011.

Overall...a small price to pay so that Joe(guy with the little dick) can make himself feel omnipotent......oops!! impotent! oops!! important!! Yep.....that's it!

In 2014 there were 8,124 gun murders by criminals breaking the law….according to the 2013 CDC final statistics table 10 there were only 505 accidental gun deaths….and since Japan, China and South Korea, all countries with absolute gun control have 2 times the suicde rates that we do suicides do not count.

According to bill clinton and the gun self defense study conducted by his Department of Justice….Americans use guns to stop violent crimes and save lives 1.5 million times a year……

So…out of 320 million guns in private hands…we have criminals using guns to commit 8,124 gun murders…..

out of 320 million guns in private hands we have in total….505 accidental gun deaths in 2013…..

We have 12.8 million people carrying guns for self defense….and again, only 505 accidental gun deaths.

1.5 self defense uses of guns vs. 8,124 criminals using guns to commit murder.

so…in total, guns are a positive force for normal people to keep themselves and their families safe from criminals created by single, teenage mothers in fatherless homes…..
The progressives have no way to apply these numbers with common sense... They have none.

Guns are not the problem, the problem is the breakdown of the traditional American family.

We've kicked your right wing asses in the last two presidential elections and I suggest you pucker up 'cause Hillary is about to do it again!! Do yourself a favor.......learn to say Madame President.
Your deflecting...

  • Australian mass murders - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
  • Australian mass murders - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
  • Childers Palace Fire - In June 2000, drifter and con-artist Robert Long started a fire at the Childers Palace backpackers hostel that killed 15 people.
  • Monash University shooting - In October 2002, Huan Yun Xiang, a student, shot his classmates and teacher, killing two and injuring five.
  • Churchill Fire - 10 confirmed deaths due to a deliberately lit fire. The fire was lit on 7 February 2009.[5]
  • Lin family murders - On July 2009, Lian Bin "Robert" Xie killed his sister, her husband and three members of their family (5 persons from the Lin family) with a hammer. The faces of the victims were so disfigured that forensics had to be used to identify them. The motivation for the family massacre were partly because Lin had criticised Xie for not having a job.
  • 2011 Hectorville siege - A shooting that took place on 29 April 2011, in Hectorville, South Australia. It began after a 39-year-old male, Donato Anthony Corbo, shot four people on a neighbouring property (three of whom died), and also wounded two police officers, before being arrested by Special Operations police after an eight-hour siege.[6]
  • Quakers Hill Nursing Home Fire - 10 confirmed and as many as 21 people may have died as a result of a deliberately lit fire in a Quakers Hill nursing home. The fire was lit early on 18 November 2011.[7]
  • Hunt family murders - Geoff Hunt killed his wife and three children before turning the gun on himself on September 9, 2014.[8]
  • Cairns stabbings - A woman stabbed 8 children to death on 19 December 2014. 7 of them were her own.[9]
The Hunt family murder was the only shooting that took over four lives, and that was a family affair, not something done randomly like the shootings in our schools.

However, in reality, the whole list sounds like a very quiet month for us. And most of the deaths in that file are from fire. I am sure that we can find equally bad fires for the US for the same period. No Sandy Hook or Virginia Tech for Australia.

I see where you went wrong…well first, you are a lefty…but as to the post…..I gave you the wrong link… is the correct link with highlights on all the shootings…

Timeline of major crimes in Australia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Compared to the shootings in the U S that's like comparing a fart to a whirlwind. The cold, hard numbers about deaths and injuries due to guns seem to be significant. Guns were used in 11,422 homicides and 19,392 suicides in 2010, according to the CDC, and were used either intentionally or accidentally to wound 59,208 people in 2011.

Overall...a small price to pay so that Joe(guy with the little dick) can make himself feel omnipotent......oops!! impotent! oops!! important!! Yep.....that's it!

In 2014 there were 8,124 gun murders by criminals breaking the law….according to the 2013 CDC final statistics table 10 there were only 505 accidental gun deaths….and since Japan, China and South Korea, all countries with absolute gun control have 2 times the suicde rates that we do suicides do not count.

According to bill clinton and the gun self defense study conducted by his Department of Justice….Americans use guns to stop violent crimes and save lives 1.5 million times a year……

So…out of 320 million guns in private hands…we have criminals using guns to commit 8,124 gun murders…..

out of 320 million guns in private hands we have in total….505 accidental gun deaths in 2013…..

We have 12.8 million people carrying guns for self defense….and again, only 505 accidental gun deaths.

1.5 self defense uses of guns vs. 8,124 criminals using guns to commit murder.

so…in total, guns are a positive force for normal people to keep themselves and their families safe from criminals created by single, teenage mothers in fatherless homes…..
The progressives have no way to apply these numbers with common sense... They have none.

Guns are not the problem, the problem is the breakdown of the traditional American family.

We've kicked your right wing asses in the last two presidential elections and I suggest you pucker up 'cause Hillary is about to do it again!! Do yourself a favor.......learn to say Madame President.

idiot; do you mind answering the question? how is my logic faulty???
Unlike that list of products you provided, none are used for the specific purpose of killing human beings. Guns, however, are used to kill human beings.
So are liots of other things.
Additionally, the manufacturers of the products you mention are liable in many cases if their product harms or kills a human being.
No manufacturer is liable for anything should their product be stolen from their legal owner and then intentionally used in a crime.
We have a pretty big problem in this country with firearms.
300,000,000 gun in the US.
What % of them are not involved in a murder?
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We've kicked your right wing asses in the last two presidential elections and I suggest you pucker up 'cause Hillary is about to do it again!!

The Iraqi Information Minister has been out of sight for a long time.

I think he just resurfaced.

That statement contains about as much sense as a screen door on a battleship
Manufacturers are liable for damages due to defects.
They are not liable for damages due to intentional misuse.
They are CERTAINLY not liable for damages when their product is stolen from a legal purchaser and then intentionally used to commit a crime.
There's no sound reason to treat gun manufacturers any different than GM or Jim Beam.
We've kicked your right wing asses in the last two presidential elections and I suggest you pucker up 'cause Hillary is about to do it again!! Do yourself a favor.......learn to say Madame President.
Meaningless commentary, having nothing to do with anything.
We've kicked your right wing asses in the last two presidential elections and I suggest you pucker up 'cause Hillary is about to do it again!! Do yourself a favor.......learn to say Madame President.
Meaningless commentary, having nothing to do with anything.
That's just frustration talking.

Democrats are so weak in the coming election, they'll say anything, claim anything, predict anything.

Because the reality of what's coming, is just too painful for them to contemplate.

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