So what IS the best way to reduce or prevent mass shootings?

The highlighted shootings are shootings that either qualify as mass shootings or missed being mass shootings only because the shooter didn't decide to be a mass shooter…in each case, they could easily have murdered more people, targeted schools, or theaters and some actually did target malls..

So no….gun control in Australia did not work.
9 shootings over a decade....some failure.

Are you insane?

those are the big ones moron…….and they each could have been as bad as Port Arthur, the shooters all had guns in a country that confiscated guns and in particular pistols………and just last week a 15 year old immigrant teenager got a gun and murdered the police employee………he could have just walked into his school….

And these are just the crimes they reported on in wikipedia…drive by shootings are up, teenagers carrying guns is up, gun crime is going up in Australia…but our media won't cover that because they need Australia to work…..

So gun violence there is a very small % of what it is here and the difference is media coverage?

Again, are you insane?

No,the difference is the criminal culture……their criminals get guns as easily as ours do…they just don't use them as much…..culture, economics and race relations all dictate violence levels….and sadly for them, their criminal culture is getting more violent and using guns more……in all of those countries…..

And in Europe…their criminals prefer fully automatic military rifles….and grenades…….

Criminal culture?

There aren't that many shootings in Prison (where the criminal culture is something like 100%). You know why? There are no guns. You eliminate guns; you eliminate shootings.

Again, are you insane?

Our laws eliminate recreational drugs. What was the outcome of that?
If parents do not take parenting seriously and get help for their children when they are having trouble adjusting, the school should have hearings and assessments on students who show traits of mental issues. Parents should be held responsible for not locking up guns or other weapons in their homes and the kids get them and act out their vicious fantasies.

I also blame video games for the violence that our children are exposed to. I liked it when a sheriff refused to name the student who shot innocents recently. Don't let these kids think that their names will be known through the media for the evil they do.
This kid was 25 years old. He went to a special school for crazies. He was diagnosed with aspergers and his screen name included the word lithium in it. At some point we have to acknowledge that some people...and many are intelligent....just can't be mainstreamed and pose a threat to themselves and others and need to be locked away even though they haven't had an opportunity to act out their crazy fantasies. I think if a person is insane, and repeatedly states a desire to kill or harm...that should be enough.

Yeah, but then you're back to the book 1984 where they had thought police.

We used to lock people up (committed) who acted or did weird things, but liberals put a stop to that calling the institutions crime-less prisons. Even people with mental issues have the Constitutional right to be free in a free country.

If you call the police because you suspect somebody is going to harm you, they will come out, shrug their shoulders and tell you there is nothing they can do until a crime is committed.

Our Constitution is a great thing, but sometimes it works against us and we have to live with that. It guarantees us the right to own and use firearms, but it also gives us a right to a fair trial and judgement IF we commit a crime.
If they ACT crazy, it has nothing to do with thought policing.

If people are crazy enough to say they want to kill people, and crazy enough that the people they say it to believe they might, then they ought to be locked up.
This kid was 25 years old. He went to a special school for crazies. He was diagnosed with aspergers and his screen name included the word lithium in it. At some point we have to acknowledge that some people...and many are intelligent....just can't be mainstreamed and pose a threat to themselves and others and need to be locked away even though they haven't had an opportunity to act out their crazy fantasies. I think if a person is insane, and repeatedly states a desire to kill or harm...that should be enough.

Or we can just keep them from getting guns.

I do love how you right wingers, who usually stepped over a homeless guy sleeping on a grate to get somewhere, are suddenly concerned abuot the mentally ill when someone suggests limiting gun ownership to non-crazy people.
This kid was 25 years old. He went to a special school for crazies. He was diagnosed with aspergers and his screen name included the word lithium in it. At some point we have to acknowledge that some people...and many are intelligent....just can't be mainstreamed and pose a threat to themselves and others and need to be locked away even though they haven't had an opportunity to act out their crazy fantasies. I think if a person is insane, and repeatedly states a desire to kill or harm...that should be enough.

Or we can just keep them from getting guns.

I do love how you right wingers, who usually stepped over a homeless guy sleeping on a grate to get somewhere, are suddenly concerned abuot the mentally ill when someone suggests limiting gun ownership to non-crazy people.

So don't limit the mentally ill, limit guns so the mentally ill can't get them.

Yet another typical liberal solution that's failed from the beginning.
So don't limit the mentally ill, limit guns so the mentally ill can't get them.

Yet another typical liberal solution that's failed from the beginning.

Except every other country does exactly that solution, and they don't have a fraction of the carnage we have.

I mean, fucking Japan... you ever met any Japanese people? Japan is to Crazy what the Middle East is to Oil. they have more than enough reserves to meet all the world's needs. yet they don't let citizens buy guns and you never hear about some Japanese person going into a school and shooting up a bunch of kids. Imagine that.
9 shootings over a decade....some failure.

Are you insane?

those are the big ones moron…….and they each could have been as bad as Port Arthur, the shooters all had guns in a country that confiscated guns and in particular pistols………and just last week a 15 year old immigrant teenager got a gun and murdered the police employee………he could have just walked into his school….

And these are just the crimes they reported on in wikipedia…drive by shootings are up, teenagers carrying guns is up, gun crime is going up in Australia…but our media won't cover that because they need Australia to work…..

So gun violence there is a very small % of what it is here and the difference is media coverage?

Again, are you insane?

No,the difference is the criminal culture……their criminals get guns as easily as ours do…they just don't use them as much…..culture, economics and race relations all dictate violence levels….and sadly for them, their criminal culture is getting more violent and using guns more……in all of those countries…..

And in Europe…their criminals prefer fully automatic military rifles….and grenades…….

Criminal culture?

There aren't that many shootings in Prison (where the criminal culture is something like 100%). You know why? There are no guns. You eliminate guns; you eliminate shootings.

Again, are you insane?

Our laws eliminate recreational drugs. What was the outcome of that?

Different group of subject and different instrument of desire. Good question though.

Unlike some, I'll elaborate using facts.

The want to feel good by use of recreational drugs is universal. It appeals to a wide band of people regardless of socioeconomic status. So the demand is there regardless of staus, regardless of race, color, sex, ethnicity, religion, etc... At a certain age, guns are no longer appealing to everyone. I wouldn't have a gun in my house, for example. Those who I know have guns rarely use them and when they do it is for punching paper perhaps twice a year. As for drugs, The demand will be there regardless of what we do. We can remove the danger aspect of the illegal drug trade by making private use of recreational drugs legal. Nobody has seen a noticeable uptick in crime in Colorado due to increased drug use. So it's a non-starter.

Secondly, the costs to get high are much less for recreational drugs than it is to purchase firearms. Comparing the two is much like saying apples are more popular than steak and not factoring in that apples may cost as low as 5 cents each and steak is rarely below a few dollars a pound. Or course apples are going to be more ubitquitous than steaks at that price differential.
Try and figure out what the common denominator is in every shooting and work from there.
Hmmmmm....thinking caps on...

It's crazy.

Its almost like there are two companies across the street from one another. One spends $10 to fix a leaky roof in their posh HQ and we spend $400 to merely patch the roof in ours.

When you ask what the difference is in the two companies and why can't we be smart like they are... you're told
  • We like being wet, always have.
  • It doesn't rain on their side of the street
  • They have different colored employees
  • Ha ha...once in a while one of them gets wet too so quit yer bitchin
  • Those of us who got wet are wet not because we do not fix the roof but because they lived on the wrong we don't care.
It's perverse in it's bloodlust.
See, I think it sounds like you are mentally ill. Crazy people speak to a dialogue that only they can hear.

Yet, here you are responding....

Weird post; even for you.
those are the big ones moron…….and they each could have been as bad as Port Arthur, the shooters all had guns in a country that confiscated guns and in particular pistols………and just last week a 15 year old immigrant teenager got a gun and murdered the police employee………he could have just walked into his school….

And these are just the crimes they reported on in wikipedia…drive by shootings are up, teenagers carrying guns is up, gun crime is going up in Australia…but our media won't cover that because they need Australia to work…..

So gun violence there is a very small % of what it is here and the difference is media coverage?

Again, are you insane?

No,the difference is the criminal culture……their criminals get guns as easily as ours do…they just don't use them as much…..culture, economics and race relations all dictate violence levels….and sadly for them, their criminal culture is getting more violent and using guns more……in all of those countries…..

And in Europe…their criminals prefer fully automatic military rifles….and grenades…….

Criminal culture?

There aren't that many shootings in Prison (where the criminal culture is something like 100%). You know why? There are no guns. You eliminate guns; you eliminate shootings.

Again, are you insane?

Our laws eliminate recreational drugs. What was the outcome of that?

Different group of subject and different instrument of desire. Good question though.

Unlike some, I'll elaborate using facts.

The want to feel good by use of recreational drugs is universal. It appeals to a wide band of people regardless of socioeconomic status. So the demand is there regardless of staus, regardless of race, color, sex, ethnicity, religion, etc... At a certain age, guns are no longer appealing to everyone. I wouldn't have a gun in my house, for example. Those who I know have guns rarely use them and when they do it is for punching paper perhaps twice a year. As for drugs, The demand will be there regardless of what we do. We can remove the danger aspect of the illegal drug trade by making private use of recreational drugs legal. Nobody has seen a noticeable uptick in crime in Colorado due to increased drug use. So it's a non-starter.

Secondly, the costs to get high are much less for recreational drugs than it is to purchase firearms. Comparing the two is much like saying apples are more popular than steak and not factoring in that apples may cost as low as 5 cents each and steak is rarely below a few dollars a pound. Or course apples are going to be more ubitquitous than steaks at that price differential.
There aren't any facts in there fruitcake. It's all your looney opinion unsubstantiated by a single fact....and you know that or you wouldn't have started out with the lie that you were laying out facts.
Try and figure out what the common denominator is in every shooting and work from there.
Hmmmmm....thinking caps on...

It's crazy.

Its almost like there are two companies across the street from one another. One spends $10 to fix a leaky roof in their posh HQ and we spend $400 to merely patch the roof in ours.

When you ask what the difference is in the two companies and why can't we be smart like they are... you're told
  • We like being wet, always have.
  • It doesn't rain on their side of the street
  • They have different colored employees
  • Ha ha...once in a while one of them gets wet too so quit yer bitchin
  • Those of us who got wet are wet not because we do not fix the roof but because they lived on the wrong we don't care.
It's perverse in it's bloodlust.
See, I think it sounds like you are mentally ill. Crazy people speak to a dialogue that only they can hear.

Yet, here you are responding....

Weird post; even for you.
It's not weird at all. Like I said, you're out of touch with reality.
Only an idiot thinks buying a firearm compels someone to start shooting other people...

Millions of people own firearms... And millions are not going to be shooting anyone else, ever.

No new gun laws will ever cut down on gun crimes...
The only difference between a jaded youth in Lisbon and the jaded youth in Littleton is the ability to acquire an Arsenal.
Utterly false again.

It is really sad that you have no idea how vastly different cultural realities and population norms are across the globe.

Come back when you bother to have an inkling that the world is not actually like America sans one amendment.

You're obviously devoid of any knowledge outside of your own experiences which are few; you fill in the rest with prejudices and jizz from the NRA.

You declare that I do not know what I am talking about when I bring facts to the table.

You are one of the most moronic and idiotic posters here candy. Fuck off.

Really....what fact did you bring to the table? It is a fact that our cultures are the same in terms of music movies, books, etc. That if you want to talk about violence being part of it, Europe has seen exponential sums of war compared to us.

Well let's hear it.

they also respect authority more than out thugs do....
Link for this crazy statement?

they trust the government more than our people do
Now that's funny. Because eventually every one of you guys throw up a cute little meme of their government big wigs overseeing disarmament and eagerly report the effects like the Holocaust.

I think what you meant to say is that there is no for-profit organization over there stoking the fires of paranoia like the NRA does here.

They do a better job educating their kids and thus inoculating them from snake oil salesmen like the NRA; that is true.

...they have a the remnants of a social class,system where the peasants were unarmed...and yes, they lived through the destruction of both World wars. the First World war had massive casualties, amd the second saw their cities affected them in ways we didn't yes...we have different cultures.
Seems like they are the ones with the culure based on violence. As you just admitted.

We never experienced feudalism and it's,effects,in a culture...and we fought a war for independence from them....they freely gave up their guns and were willing to accept more violent crime rates.....we won't give up our guns and our violent crime rates are going down, not up.

Nonsense; we have mass murders every month except during the summer when there are fewer schools in session.

Australia would have to have a 2100% increase to equal our gun rate. You yourself only found 10 gun murders to report in about 10 years
those are the big ones moron…….and they each could have been as bad as Port Arthur, the shooters all had guns in a country that confiscated guns and in particular pistols………and just last week a 15 year old immigrant teenager got a gun and murdered the police employee………he could have just walked into his school….

And these are just the crimes they reported on in wikipedia…drive by shootings are up, teenagers carrying guns is up, gun crime is going up in Australia…but our media won't cover that because they need Australia to work…..

So gun violence there is a very small % of what it is here and the difference is media coverage?

Again, are you insane?

No,the difference is the criminal culture……their criminals get guns as easily as ours do…they just don't use them as much…..culture, economics and race relations all dictate violence levels….and sadly for them, their criminal culture is getting more violent and using guns more……in all of those countries…..

And in Europe…their criminals prefer fully automatic military rifles….and grenades…….

Criminal culture?

There aren't that many shootings in Prison (where the criminal culture is something like 100%). You know why? There are no guns. You eliminate guns; you eliminate shootings.

Again, are you insane?

Our laws eliminate recreational drugs. What was the outcome of that?

Different group of subject and different instrument of desire. Good question though.

Unlike some, I'll elaborate using facts.

The want to feel good by use of recreational drugs is universal. It appeals to a wide band of people regardless of socioeconomic status. So the demand is there regardless of staus, regardless of race, color, sex, ethnicity, religion, etc... At a certain age, guns are no longer appealing to everyone. I wouldn't have a gun in my house, for example. Those who I know have guns rarely use them and when they do it is for punching paper perhaps twice a year. As for drugs, The demand will be there regardless of what we do. We can remove the danger aspect of the illegal drug trade by making private use of recreational drugs legal. Nobody has seen a noticeable uptick in crime in Colorado due to increased drug use. So it's a non-starter.

Secondly, the costs to get high are much less for recreational drugs than it is to purchase firearms. Comparing the two is much like saying apples are more popular than steak and not factoring in that apples may cost as low as 5 cents each and steak is rarely below a few dollars a pound. Or course apples are going to be more ubitquitous than steaks at that price differential.

What you are ignoring is that laws don't work. That's the reason for the comparison.

The United States has the second highest percentage of her population locked up in prisons compared to that of any other industrialized nation in the world. The reason? Drugs.

Now what age are you talking about where guns are no longer appealing? What age is it that you lose your desire to protect yourself and your family?

I do know many people (including myself) that gave up pot because of age progression, however I don't know any that gave up their desire for self-defense and if anything, that desire to protect oneself increases as we become less physically able to do it without a firearm.

As for myself, I'm 6'3" and a blackbelt in Karate. At a younger age, I was muscular and fit. Today I'm 55 years old and my physique has diminished somewhat due to age and medical conditions. If anything, I need a firearm more than ever in my life for self-defense. I am not what I used to be, and that goes double for the neighborhood which I live.
So don't limit the mentally ill, limit guns so the mentally ill can't get them.

Yet another typical liberal solution that's failed from the beginning.

Except every other country does exactly that solution, and they don't have a fraction of the carnage we have.

I mean, fucking Japan... you ever met any Japanese people? Japan is to Crazy what the Middle East is to Oil. they have more than enough reserves to meet all the world's needs. yet they don't let citizens buy guns and you never hear about some Japanese person going into a school and shooting up a bunch of kids. Imagine that.

Singapore has very little problems with recreational drugs. Why? Because if you are caught with illegal drugs, you are executed.

Maybe we can learn something from countries that have less of a problem with drugs than we do?
Last edited:
Only an idiot thinks buying a firearm compels someone to start shooting other people...

Millions of people own firearms... And millions are not going to be shooting anyone else, ever.

No new gun laws will ever cut down on gun crimes...

Its a cannard that humans cannot (at least in part) solve problems created by humans. Problems do have solutions. The solution for gun crime is pretty obvious. Get rid of the guns. Now what that means to some liberals is eliminate guns all together. What that means to conservatives is that I want to eliminate guns altogether.

Not only is it against the law, it is impractical; along the lines of people who think you can deport 12 million illegal aliens. So lets remove that from the argument. There are few absolutes in life.

Will you eliminate all multiple homicides due to guns? No. But no measure be it surveilance cameras or high fences or gurad dogs prevents crime so is there a point to having any measure if the 100% effectiveness standard isn't met?

I would submit that it is well worth our effort to not only try to prevent multiple homicides but to continue the efforts on multiple fronts.
Utterly false again.

It is really sad that you have no idea how vastly different cultural realities and population norms are across the globe.

Come back when you bother to have an inkling that the world is not actually like America sans one amendment.

You're obviously devoid of any knowledge outside of your own experiences which are few; you fill in the rest with prejudices and jizz from the NRA.

You declare that I do not know what I am talking about when I bring facts to the table.

You are one of the most moronic and idiotic posters here candy. Fuck off.

Really....what fact did you bring to the table? It is a fact that our cultures are the same in terms of music movies, books, etc. That if you want to talk about violence being part of it, Europe has seen exponential sums of war compared to us.

Well let's hear it.

they also respect authority more than out thugs do....
Link for this crazy statement?

they trust the government more than our people do
Now that's funny. Because eventually every one of you guys throw up a cute little meme of their government big wigs overseeing disarmament and eagerly report the effects like the Holocaust.

I think what you meant to say is that there is no for-profit organization over there stoking the fires of paranoia like the NRA does here.

They do a better job educating their kids and thus inoculating them from snake oil salesmen like the NRA; that is true.

...they have a the remnants of a social class,system where the peasants were unarmed...and yes, they lived through the destruction of both World wars. the First World war had massive casualties, amd the second saw their cities affected them in ways we didn't yes...we have different cultures.
Seems like they are the ones with the culure based on violence. As you just admitted.

We never experienced feudalism and it's,effects,in a culture...and we fought a war for independence from them....they freely gave up their guns and were willing to accept more violent crime rates.....we won't give up our guns and our violent crime rates are going down, not up.

Nonsense; we have mass murders every month except during the summer when there are fewer schools in session.

Australia would have to have a 2100% increase to equal our gun rate. You yourself only found 10 gun murders to report in about 10 years
We should move Chicago to Australia. Then they'd have the problem.
Only an idiot thinks buying a firearm compels someone to start shooting other people...

Millions of people own firearms... And millions are not going to be shooting anyone else, ever.

No new gun laws will ever cut down on gun crimes...

Its a cannard that humans cannot (at least in part) solve problems created by humans. Problems do have solutions. The solution for gun crime is pretty obvious. Get rid of the guns. Now what that means to some liberals is eliminate guns all together. What that means to conservatives is that I want to eliminate guns altogether.

Not only is it against the law, it is impractical; along the lines of people who think you can deport 12 million illegal aliens. So lets remove that from the argument. There are few absolutes in life.

Will you eliminate all multiple homicides due to guns? No. But no measure be it surveilance cameras or high fences or gurad dogs prevents crime so is there a point to having any measure if the 100% effectiveness standard isn't met?

I would submit that it is well worth our effort to not only try to prevent multiple homicides but to continue the efforts on multiple fronts.
Sanity is wasted here but great post.
So gun violence there is a very small % of what it is here and the difference is media coverage?

Again, are you insane?

No,the difference is the criminal culture……their criminals get guns as easily as ours do…they just don't use them as much…..culture, economics and race relations all dictate violence levels….and sadly for them, their criminal culture is getting more violent and using guns more……in all of those countries…..

And in Europe…their criminals prefer fully automatic military rifles….and grenades…….

Criminal culture?

There aren't that many shootings in Prison (where the criminal culture is something like 100%). You know why? There are no guns. You eliminate guns; you eliminate shootings.

Again, are you insane?

Our laws eliminate recreational drugs. What was the outcome of that?

Different group of subject and different instrument of desire. Good question though.

Unlike some, I'll elaborate using facts.

The want to feel good by use of recreational drugs is universal. It appeals to a wide band of people regardless of socioeconomic status. So the demand is there regardless of staus, regardless of race, color, sex, ethnicity, religion, etc... At a certain age, guns are no longer appealing to everyone. I wouldn't have a gun in my house, for example. Those who I know have guns rarely use them and when they do it is for punching paper perhaps twice a year. As for drugs, The demand will be there regardless of what we do. We can remove the danger aspect of the illegal drug trade by making private use of recreational drugs legal. Nobody has seen a noticeable uptick in crime in Colorado due to increased drug use. So it's a non-starter.

Secondly, the costs to get high are much less for recreational drugs than it is to purchase firearms. Comparing the two is much like saying apples are more popular than steak and not factoring in that apples may cost as low as 5 cents each and steak is rarely below a few dollars a pound. Or course apples are going to be more ubitquitous than steaks at that price differential.

What you are ignoring is that laws don't work. That's the reason for the comparison.

The United States has the second highest percentage of her population locked up in prisons compared to that of any other industrialized nation in the world. The reason? Drugs.

Now what age are you talking about where guns are no longer appealing? What age is it that you lose your desire to protect yourself and your family?

I do know many people (including myself) that gave up pot because of age progression, however I don't know any that gave up their desire for self-defense and if anything, that desire to protect oneself increases as we become less physically able to do it without a firearm.

As for myself, I'm 6'3" and a blackbelt in Karate. At a younger age, I was muscular and fit. Today I'm 55 years old and my physique has diminished somewhat due to age and medical conditions. If anything, I need a firearm more than ever in my life for self-defense. I am not what I used to be, and that goes double for the neighborhood which I live.
What you are ignoring is that laws don't work. That's the reason for the comparison.

The United States has the second highest percentage of her population locked up in prisons compared to that of any other industrialized nation in the world. The reason? Drugs.
I thought your answer for the illegal ownership of firearms was to put more people in jail.
Now you're saying that won't work?
The only problem is that Israel actually has quite strong gun restrictions and very low gun ownership rates, some of the lowest in the developed world. This confusion has gotten so bad that even Israeli government officials are now chiming in to knock back the claims, though the NRA is seen as a close ally of the U.S. Republican party, which positions itself as strongly backing Israel.

LaPierre appeared to take his Israel-model advocacy a step too far when he declared on Meet the Press this weekend, "Israel had a whole lot of school shootings, until they did one thing. They said we’re going to stop it and they put armed security in every school and they have not had a problem since then."

A spokesperson for the Israeli Foreign Ministry told the New York Daily Newsthat this was simply wrong. "We didn’t have a series of school shootings, and they had nothing to do with the issue at hand in the United States. We had to deal with terrorism," he said. "What removed the danger was not the armed guards but an overall anti-terror policy and anti-terror operations which brought street terrorism down to nearly zero over a number of years.” The spokesperson added, “It would be better not to drag Israel into what is an internal American discussion."

Israeli guns laws, it turns out, are much stricter than America's gun laws. This may help explain why Israeli gun ownership is just one thirteenth of what it is in the U.S. To bring that number into focus, it would likely be even lower if not for mandatory military service, which means Israelis are more likely to be familiar with guns. Israel's unique security challenges and its periodic bouts with terrorism would also seem to bolster an NRA-style case for allowing more privately owned guns so that more citizens can defend themselves. And yet, there are far fewer guns in private citizens' hands, and far less gun crime.
Israeli gun laws are much stricter than some U.S. gun advocates suggest

Israel dismisses NRA’s claims about guns laws
School shootings were never common here, and Israel should not be invoked as ostensible proof of need for more weapons, experts say
Israel dismisses NRA’s claims about guns laws

One of things that strike most visitors to Israel is the number of guns they see people carrying everywhere. But most people don’t realize that Israel’s gun laws are both stricter and very different from those in the U.S.

Personal weapons are more difficult to come by in Israel. A lot of vetting is done by the government, the police, a doctor, and the gun range that must train and test the potential gun owner before they, too, sign their approval. And the Israeli government prefers to limit gun licenses to those with army experience, if possible.

Even then, one normally is permitted to only own one gun, and a limited amount of ammunition (although one can buy as many bullets as one wishes at the gun range). Some admittedly feel that the single gun limit, is too restrictive.

Appearances aside, in Israel there are fewer personal weapons per capita, and fewer homicides involving guns, than in the U.K., which has very strong and restrictive gun laws.
The US Should Learn from Israel How to Permit, Not Outlaw Guns

Israel’s gun-control laws are among the toughest in the world.

In Israel, carrying a gun is not a right granted by the constitution, but rather a privilege given to those few who pass background checks and who can demonstrate a real need for possessing firearms.

The list of requirements is long. Israelis seeking to own a gun need to be a citizen or permanent resident over the age of 27 (or 21 for those who have completed military service). They must have a basic knowledge of Hebrew. Applicants for a gun permit also need to show a clean criminal record and to have the Ministry of Health certify that they are physically and mentally capable of using a gun.

After passing this initial screening, Israelis wishing to own a gun need to demonstrate a genuine need for it. This need can be based on several criteria: living or working in specially designated areas (mainly Jewish settlements in the occupied West Bank and areas close to the boarders); working as a civilian security guard, or being an active or reserve officer in the Israel Defense Forces and holding the rank of captain or higher. Registered hunters and sportsmen belonging to certified gun clubs can also qualify.

For most, licenses are given for handguns only, and need to be renewed every three years. Gun owners also have to undergo practice in a shooting range before receiving or renewing a license. Yakov Amit, head of the firearms licensing department at the Ministry of Public Security, said 80% of the license requests are turned down each year.

As a result of these restrictive policies, gun possession in Israel is low compared with that of the United States. Only 7.3 out of every 100 Israelis possessed a gun in 2009, compared with 88.8 of every 100 Americans.
Israel Has Fewer Guns, Fewer Deaths Than U.S. - Israel
You're obviously devoid of any knowledge outside of your own experiences which are few; you fill in the rest with prejudices and jizz from the NRA.

You declare that I do not know what I am talking about when I bring facts to the table.

You are one of the most moronic and idiotic posters here candy. Fuck off.

Really....what fact did you bring to the table? It is a fact that our cultures are the same in terms of music movies, books, etc. That if you want to talk about violence being part of it, Europe has seen exponential sums of war compared to us.

Well let's hear it.

they also respect authority more than out thugs do....
Link for this crazy statement?

they trust the government more than our people do
Now that's funny. Because eventually every one of you guys throw up a cute little meme of their government big wigs overseeing disarmament and eagerly report the effects like the Holocaust.

I think what you meant to say is that there is no for-profit organization over there stoking the fires of paranoia like the NRA does here.

They do a better job educating their kids and thus inoculating them from snake oil salesmen like the NRA; that is true.

...they have a the remnants of a social class,system where the peasants were unarmed...and yes, they lived through the destruction of both World wars. the First World war had massive casualties, amd the second saw their cities affected them in ways we didn't yes...we have different cultures.
Seems like they are the ones with the culure based on violence. As you just admitted.

We never experienced feudalism and it's,effects,in a culture...and we fought a war for independence from them....they freely gave up their guns and were willing to accept more violent crime rates.....we won't give up our guns and our violent crime rates are going down, not up.

Nonsense; we have mass murders every month except during the summer when there are fewer schools in session.

Australia would have to have a 2100% increase to equal our gun rate. You yourself only found 10 gun murders to report in about 10 years
We should move Chicago to Australia. Then they'd have the problem.

Or transport the people who swear there is no remedy to Australia so they can see how wrong they are.
So don't limit the mentally ill, limit guns so the mentally ill can't get them.

Yet another typical liberal solution that's failed from the beginning.

Except every other country does exactly that solution, and they don't have a fraction of the carnage we have.

I mean, fucking Japan... you ever met any Japanese people? Japan is to Crazy what the Middle East is to Oil. they have more than enough reserves to meet all the world's needs. yet they don't let citizens buy guns and you never hear about some Japanese person going into a school and shooting up a bunch of kids. Imagine that.

Singapore has very little problems with recreational drugs. Why? Because if you are caught with illegal drugs, you are executed.

Maybe we can learn something from countries that have less of a problem with drugs than we do?

Hey, I'm with you on that. You use a gun in a crime (not fire it; just tell the guy you have a gun), I think you should go away to a federal pen for 10 years for the first one; 30 for the 2nd. You won't be around for a third.

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