So what will Obama do after Tuesday?

These are his plans:

Obama said, "you know, in a post-presidency, the thing that I think I would enjoy most is spending time working with kids,” Obama said. “I love teaching, I miss teaching, and you know, I’m not sure it would necessarily be in a classroom, but the idea of being able to go around in various cities and helping to create mentorships, and apprenticeships, giving young people the sense of possibility and opportunity, and using whatever spotlight I can shine to show how much incredible talent there is out there.”

Obama to Work With Kids After Presidency, He Tells ‘The View’ - ABC News

He can start next February.
These are his plans:

Obama said, "you know, in a post-presidency, the thing that I think I would enjoy most is spending time working with kids,” Obama said. “I love teaching, I miss teaching, and you know, I’m not sure it would necessarily be in a classroom, but the idea of being able to go around in various cities and helping to create mentorships, and apprenticeships, giving young people the sense of possibility and opportunity, and using whatever spotlight I can shine to show how much incredible talent there is out there.”

Obama to Work With Kids After Presidency, He Tells ‘The View’ - ABC News

He can start next February.

Perhaps he will....then we can see what Romney can do to help us.
I am not asking you too
I can only speak for myself
and my word is good

Besides, really...
if Papa Obama wins I will have more serious things to worry about
then this avatar

George W. Bush inherited a strong economy, a budget surplus, and a nation at peace.

Eight years later, he left Obama with a shattered economy, a trillion dollar deficit, and two useless wars.

Obama saved the country from another Great Depression, rebuilt GM, reformed healthcare, reformed Wall Street, doubled the stock market, created 12 straight quarters of GDP growth, created 32 straight months of private sector job growth, got Bin Laden, got Gaddafi, and got us out of Iraq.

And now with the automatic spending cuts and the expiration of the Bush tax cuts in 2012, Obama has solved the deficit problem as well.

Obama has done a very good job.

Whatever Chris.....

If I am wrong then I will have the new picture up on the first Friday after election day
and sit in place for one month (30 days).

I will be busy up to and after the election

Chris is to much of a pussy to really make a real leaving the board if he loses (and his departure would be our gain).

Why don't you make him write "Obama sucked for four years" five hundred times (hand written) scan it and post it.
These are his plans:

Obama said, "you know, in a post-presidency, the thing that I think I would enjoy most is spending time working with kids,” Obama said. “I love teaching, I miss teaching, and you know, I’m not sure it would necessarily be in a classroom, but the idea of being able to go around in various cities and helping to create mentorships, and apprenticeships, giving young people the sense of possibility and opportunity, and using whatever spotlight I can shine to show how much incredible talent there is out there.”

Obama to Work With Kids After Presidency, He Tells ‘The View’ - ABC News

He can start next February.

Perhaps he will....then we can see what Romney can do to help us.

Depends on what help looks like.

I am under no illusions that anything useful will come out of D.C.

I am more interested in reducing the amount of harm that comes out that hole.

He can start next February.

Perhaps he will....then we can see what Romney can do to help us.

Depends on what help looks like.

I am under no illusions that anything useful will come out of D.C.

I am more interested in reducing the amount of harm that comes out that hole.

Based on my experience with Romney he cuts from necessary programs and those that are unnecessary. I would be lying if I said I was not concerned about Romney's effect on the US. However, I am game if he gets elected. I identify with his business like mind, however, that may not work effectively in the public sector.
Perhaps he will....then we can see what Romney can do to help us.

Depends on what help looks like.

I am under no illusions that anything useful will come out of D.C.

I am more interested in reducing the amount of harm that comes out that hole.

Based on my experience with Romney he cuts from necessary programs and those that are unnecessary. I would be lying if I said I was not concerned about Romney's effect on the US. However, I am game if he gets elected. I identify with his business like mind, however, that may not work effectively in the public sector.

That's the joke on all of us.

We elect a President, not a king.

Congress represents the collective thinking of the people in two different ways (by district and by state). They really are supposed to run the joint.

What Romney might be able to do is stay engaged and facilitate compromise. Obama seems somehow to detached (and his idea of compromise scares me).

Romney CAN lay out a set of principles that will guide cuts and tax increases. If Harry Reid decides to get in the way....Harry and Co. can account. If people don't like Romney, they can fire him in four years (two taking the house away from they did from Obama in 2010).

Either way...we have a say.
Quote: Originally Posted by Listening View Post
Quote: Originally Posted by Connery View Post
Quote: Originally Posted by Listening View Post

He can start next February.
Perhaps he will....then we can see what Romney can do to help us.
Depends on what help looks like.

I am under no illusions that anything useful will come out of D.C.

I am more interested in reducing the amount of harm that comes out that hole.
Based on my experience with Romney he cuts from necessary programs and those that are unnecessary. I would be lying if I said I was not concerned about Romney's effect on the US. However, I am game if he gets elected. I identify with his business like mind, however, that may not work effectively in the public sector.
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I always assumed people that made fun of folks with a drinking problem would also jump up and down in front of a parapalegic yelling 'Whassmatter 'Wheels', don't ya wanna dance?

Most people with a drinking problem it's their own fault. Vast majority of paraplegics not the case...

Wow, Grump, that's practically medieval thinking. Unbelievable in this day and age.
I always assumed people that made fun of folks with a drinking problem would also jump up and down in front of a parapalegic yelling 'Whassmatter 'Wheels', don't ya wanna dance?

Most people with a drinking problem it's their own fault. Vast majority of paraplegics not the case...

Wow, Grump, that's practically medieval thinking. Unbelievable in this day and age.

In this "day and age" drunks are rightfully considered a public menace...especially when they get behind the wheel.
Most people with a drinking problem it's their own fault. Vast majority of paraplegics not the case...

Wow, Grump, that's practically medieval thinking. Unbelievable in this day and age.

In this "day and age" drunks are rightfully considered a public menace...especially when they get behind the wheel.

I know I shouldn't be surprized anymore but it still blows my mind to realize how far behind the curve many people are in this country.
Nobody was talking about drunk driving, but kudos for getting that little lib-like non-sequiter in there.:D
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Assume he loses the election. What does he do next? This has kind of been bugging me. Nobody is talking about it. Clinton put in an effort to launch Hillarys political career and become Irish. Bush retired to his Texas ranch to breed cattle or something. What will Obama do?

He'll flee back to kenya and seek protection against fraud and high crimes and misdemeanors charges.
Vote the constitution. While we still have one!

Keep our 2nd. Amendment.
UN treaty will:
-Enact tougher licensing requirements, creating additional bureaucratic red tape for legal firearms ownership.

-Confiscate and destroy all “unauthorized” civilian firearms (exempting those owned by our government of course).

-Ban the trade, sale and private ownership of all semi-automatic weapons (any that have magazines even though they still operate in the same one trigger pull – one single “bang” manner as revolvers, a simple fact the anti-gun media never seem to grasp).

-Create an international gun registry, clearly setting the stage for full-scale gun confiscation.

In short, overriding our national sovereignty, and in the process, providing license for the federal government to assert preemptive powers over state regulatory powers guaranteed by the Tenth Amendment in addition to our Second Amendment rights.”

According to various White House insiders, Barack Hussein Obama has not been idle, saying, “I just want you to know that we are working on it,” he continues …“We have to go through a few processes, but under the radar.”

And our 1st Amendment right to free speech, and peaceful assembly:

And yet another 'bill' signed into law in secret. HR 347. Obama does it again. This time the attack is against the First Amendment and free speech. This new law makes 'No Free Speech" Zones wherever the Secret Service says so

Anyone trying to dismantle our constitution has no place in the White House.

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