So What Would Be Your "Agonizing Jail Sentence" For Dylann Roof?

Since he IS a democrat maybe Obozo will pardon him.
you mean if Obama had a white son, he would look like Dylann?
No more like guno.
just put him in jail and feed him baloni sandwitches and grape soda until his stomache explodes

Come on man!!! At least spell baloney right!!
thats how we spell it in Florida lol
actually lets make it Gefelte Fish sandwitches, yummy!
Since he IS a democrat maybe Obozo will pardon him.
you mean if Obama had a white son, he would look like Dylann?
No more like guno.
just put him in jail and feed him baloni sandwitches and grape soda until his stomache explodes

Come on man!!! At least spell baloney right!!
thats how we spell it in Florida lol

Must be Italian bologna.:biggrin:
Since he IS a democrat maybe Obozo will pardon him.
you mean if Obama had a white son, he would look like Dylann?
No more like guno.
just put him in jail and feed him baloni sandwitches and grape soda until his stomache explodes

Come on man!!! At least spell baloney right!!
thats how we spell it in Florida lol

You mean FloriDuh?
actually one of many "Fates Worse Than Death" would be sentenced to spend 24 hours in a jail cell with Hillary Clinton bitching about everything she can think of for the whole duration. then again, the criminal would of commited suicide within the first two hours.
actually one of many "Fates Worse Than Death" would be sentenced to spend 24 hours in a jail cell with Hillary Clinton bitching about everything she can think of for the whole duration. then again, the criminal would of commited suicide within the first two hours.
That punishment fails. It requires Hillary to think.
actually one of many "Fates Worse Than Death" would be sentenced to spend 24 hours in a jail cell with Hillary Clinton bitching about everything she can think of for the whole duration. then again, the criminal would of commited suicide within the first two hours.
That punishment fails. It requires Hillary to think.
oh, i forgot about her brain, but hey, maybe they can just recharge her brain? isnt she a robot?
here is an example. put him in a crappy jail cell( of course) it has a speaker on the ceiling, and all that is played is Micheal Bolton music, 24/7.
Make him eat nothing but Slim Jim products...No toilet paper allowed...
no, then he might die in three days, we need him to eat a meal that will make his stomache burst in at least 7 days.
What good does torturing him do?

I think, when found guilty, that the families should get to decide sentence.

Put in in the general population and there will be no need for him to be executed, he will go the way of Dalmer.
If you were a Republican, it's a clear case of "stand your ground". So where should they send the money?
Most on here figured you creamed your jeans when you heard about how he killed Christians, rdean. Probably laughed with excitement like a little school girl I bet.
Why would I feel that way? Oh, you have real Christians confused with right wing, let him die, feed the poor and they will breed Christians. What right wingers have done to the Christian religion is something they will pay dearly for.
Yo, bring back the guillotine, put it on all national stations so everyone can see it! Put the cameras up close and personal, this way you can see the blood shooting out of his veins from his neck!

Then show the head up close and say, this is what is going to happen to all animals who can`t coexist with other humans! I think this would scare all of the nuts straight, and they would take another path in life!!!


Watch this:

america is calling.jpg

and killers!
Yo, bring back the guillotine, put it on all national stations so everyone can see it! Put the cameras up close and personal, this way you can see the blood shooting out of his veins from his neck!

Then show the head up close and say, this is what is going to happen to all animals who can`t coexist with other humans! I think this would scare all of the nuts straight, and they would take another path in life!!!


Watch this:

View attachment 42844
and killers!

so you want to go back to the days of King George?
:shock::bang3: :bang3: Put yourself in the Judges Chair. You make the call. The death penalty is
actually a more kind sentence in comparison to what this murderer deserves.
Maybe he needs to spend 25 years in a 8x8(ish) cell with a sheet of plywood
as a bed and a bucket for a toilet? Or how about a cell that only shows MSNBC
all day and night long? What would you do? What does this kid deserve in
regards to the conditions of his jail cell for the first 15 to 20 years of so?

If there is a God....please please please let this 21 year old coward, spend the rest of his life with the photo's of those he killed taped to his wall, as Buba his big black cell mate, turn this btch into a real btch....and every single day of his life....may he suffer.
Yo, bring back the guillotine, put it on all national stations so everyone can see it! Put the cameras up close and personal, this way you can see the blood shooting out of his veins from his neck!

Then show the head up close and say, this is what is going to happen to all animals who can`t coexist with other humans! I think this would scare all of the nuts straight, and they would take another path in life!!!


Watch this:

View attachment 42844
and killers!

so you want to go back to the days of King George?

Yo, its a deterent!!! If not that, then bring back the draft and make these boys men!!!


:shock::bang3: :bang3: Put yourself in the Judges Chair. You make the call. The death penalty is
actually a more kind sentence in comparison to what this murderer deserves.
Maybe he needs to spend 25 years in a 8x8(ish) cell with a sheet of plywood
as a bed and a bucket for a toilet? Or how about a cell that only shows MSNBC
all day and night long? What would you do? What does this kid deserve in
regards to the conditions of his jail cell for the first 15 to 20 years of so?
Stacked life sentence, one for each charge.
Just stick him in general pop.
actually one of many "Fates Worse Than Death" would be sentenced to spend 24 hours in a jail cell with Hillary Clinton bitching about everything she can think of for the whole duration. then again, the criminal would of commited suicide within the first two hours.
An even worse fate would be being forced to spend a day with the likes of you, in a situation where he couldn't make you go away with the click of a mouse, as we can thankfully do..!!!
Not in favor of death penalty so serving a life sentence under black prison guards seems appropriate enough punishment. Well, that and a husband named DeShawn.

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