So whats your response to bidens speech?

I watched a little bit of it, but was trying to eat dinner at the time. It looked like old Joe was giving it his most valiant, garbled effort, but watching Nancy in the background looking like she was going through some delirium tremons proved too much for me.

For those who watched it, did Joe trot out his plan for the sexual liberation of 8 year old girls, or is he waiting until next year, right before Kamala takes over?
No, he didn't trot it out, seeing that no one has found evidence there is a need for such a plan. But maybe that interests you?
My response: THANK YOU for starting with Ukraine right off the bat and supporting them. Watching Lauren Boebert and the GOP goons stand up for Putin and Russia is a laughable stance, so I'm glad you went right for that.

THANK YOU for nominating a new SCOTUS justice who is quite liberal - she will replace RBG well.

THANK YOU for being President during these troubling times. I am deathly afraid of what Donald Trump would be tweeting right now in support of Russia's disgusting war against Ukraine. I am so glad it is you and not the (R) guy.

THANK YOU for standing up for NATO when the last guy wanted the other countries to "pay their fair share" and try to leave NATO. America is the beacon to the world as Reagan said, and you are leading by example.

Just, thank you Joe.
You're one of the more "confused" posters I've seen on here, Pinky!
Let's address your post...shall we?
Has Biden REALLY supported Ukraine? Trump sent them weapons to defend themselves. Biden didn't. They were blowing up Russian tanks with the Javelin anti tank weapons that Donald Trump gave them. When those are gone they are well and truly screwed thanks to Biden's refusal to give them what they so desperately needed. Now it's probably too late!
Who cares about Trump's "tweets"? Putin didn't invade any countries when Trump was in office. He did when Joe Biden was Vice President and when he was President! Putin views Biden as weak. He didn't view Trump that way. That's why the Ukraine is under attack.
As for NATO? Trump held our NATO "partner's" feet to the fire...shaming them into living up to their promised investments in defense. Barack Obama never did that. Neither has Biden. That makes NATO weaker...not stronger! Do you think that countries like Germany wish they'd invested more in their military now that their perceived weakness is enticing Putin to invade other nations? Reagan believed in a strong defense.
It's a sickness of the soul. A psychological sickness. Folks are looking to fill something, that self-awareness brings of ones own mortality, and the limited place in the universe.

Look up terms like the Gnostic concept of, "archons," or the Native American concept of "wetico."

What it is? Is an intellectual and spiritual laziness. . . folks no longer want to look for a relationship with creation, or have been cut off from the path of the source of their own being. SO? The establishment just makes substitution of the destruction of the mother as an easy and false alternative, by taking everything, until it all is destroyed and dead.

Incredible post! Thanks! Most will gloss over it as meaningless. We have lost ourselves. The native tribes from the various countries always understood their relationship with the creator. It's why they never tried to manipulate it negatively. Everything they used or consumed went back to the soil. And for me, and I suspect you, that's the wisdom we need to embrace and get back to. We must learn to know "thyself." When we do, if we do, then, and only then will we reverse the damage we have done.

Your article is so far over their head, and even more inconvenient. I picked this paragraph from your link, that keeps me up at night sometimes wondering if we will ever recognize, that the true danger is ourselves, and that our savior is the health of the planet; We would presumably all agree that the behavior of the European colonialists in North America can be described as cannibalistic. Their drive for conquest and material accumulation was a violent act of consumption. The engine of the invading culture sucked in the lives and resources of millions of humans and other animals, and turned them into wealth and power for themselves. The figures are still disputed, but it is safe to place the numbers of humans killed in the ‘founding of the New World’ at tens of millions. It was certainly one of the most brutal genocides in history. And the impact on more-than-human life was equally vast. These heinous acts were enacted with a moral certainty rationalizing the destruction in the name of ‘progress’ and ‘civilization.’ I'm hoping all of us one day will truly understand this, because the survival of all living things, depends on reversing this travesty. I'm not going to hold my breath.
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Monkey see Monkey do right? What a fucking dick. Did one Indian tribe destroy the other Indian tribes way of life? No! We get all the credit for that.
You're rather ignorant when it comes to American Indian history, BWK. The Iroquois basically wiped out the Huron nation. The Blackfeet did the same to the Flatheads. Indian tribes were at war with each other a lot and it was going on long before "whites" got here!
You're one of the more "confused" posters I've seen on here, Pinky!
Let's address your post...shall we?
Has Biden REALLY supported Ukraine? Trump sent them weapons to defend themselves. Biden didn't. They were blowing up Russian tanks with the Javelin anti tank weapons that Donald Trump gave them. When those are gone they are well and truly screwed thanks to Biden's refusal to give them what they so desperately needed. Now it's probably too late!
Who cares about Trump's "tweets"? Putin didn't invade any countries when Trump was in office. He did when Joe Biden was Vice President and when he was President! Putin views Biden as weak. He didn't view Trump that way. That's why the Ukraine is under attack.
As for NATO? Trump held our NATO "partner's" feet to the fire...shaming them into living up to their promised investments in defense. Barack Obama never did that. Neither has Biden. That makes NATO weaker...not stronger! Do you think that countries like Germany wish they'd invested more in their military now that their perceived weakness is enticing Putin to invade other nations? Reagan believed in a strong defense.
Trump was impeached because he needed a favor from Zelensky over getting dirt on Biden that didn't exist. You can't afford to talk to us about what Trump did. Trump needed conditions so Ukraine could defend itself. Biden hasn't demanded shit from Ukraine. So take your stupid argument some where else.
You're rather ignorant when it comes to American Indian history, BWK. The Iroquois basically wiped out the Huron nation. The Blackfeet did the same to the Flatheads. Indian tribes were at war with each other a lot and it was going on long before "whites" got here!
Been over that, read all that, and that argument is for losers who need an excuse. None of the tribes changed the way they live. They didn't send each other on reservations that a cockroach couldn't live on. Show me an American Indian history book that tells us different.
Monkey see Monkey do right? What a fucking dick. Did one Indian tribe destroy the other Indian tribes way of life? No! We get all the credit for that.

Of course they did ya fucken idiot.
You seem to be stuck on the noble savage bit when they weren't anything of the sort.
They tortured and enslaved the tribes they beat and showed them no mercy.
They drove hundreds of buffalo off of cliffs at a time. They took what could carry and left the rest to rot.
You should probably go to the nearest res and suck some brave dick to south your soul.
He now wants our border secure, right after he agreed with his fellow Dims who all want you the American taxpayer to pay for the healthcare of illegals who breed like fruit flies.

All Democrats At Main Debate Agree Illegal Immigrants Should Get Health Care Coverage​

Of course they did ya fucken idiot.
You seem to be stuck on the noble savage bit when they weren't anything of the sort.
They tortured and enslaved the tribes they beat and showed them no mercy.
They drove hundreds of buffalo off of cliffs at a time. They took what could carry and left the rest to rot.
You should probably go to the nearest res and suck some brave dick to south your soul.
OMG! Folks, you can't fix stupid. Did the Indians embrace the industrial revolution? NO!
He now wants our border secure, right after he agreed with his fellow Dims who all want you the American taxpayer to pay for the healthcare of illegals who breed like fruit flies.

All Democrats At Main Debate Agree Illegal Immigrants Should Get Health Care Coverage​

View attachment 609837
Why not? Didn't we destroy their lives when we turned their countries into refugee camps?
OMG! Folks, you can't fix stupid. Did the Indians embrace the industrial revolution? NO!

In the end they did or they'd still be on foot since the spaniards were the ones who brought them horses.
And last time I checked they were driving cars these days.
Amazingly they also gave up the teepee and live in houses with heat and AC.
Some of them even advanced so much they know how to use a computer and get on the internet.
Shocking I know but it's true.
Incredible post! Thanks! Most will gloss over it as meaningless. We have lost ourselves. The native tribes from the various countries always understood their relationship with the creator. It's why they never tried to manipulate it negatively. Everything they used or consumed went back to the soil. And for me, and I suspect you, that's the wisdom we need to embrace and get back to. We must learn to know "thyself." When we do, if we do, then, and only then will we reverse the damage we have done.

Your article is so far over their head, and even more inconvenient. I picked this paragraph from your link, that keeps me up at night sometimes wondering if we will ever recognize, that the true danger is ourselves, and that our savior is the health of the planet; We would presumably all agree that the behavior of the European colonialists in North America can be described as cannibalistic. Their drive for conquest and material accumulation was a violent act of consumption. The engine of the invading culture sucked in the lives and resources of millions of humans and other animals, and turned them into wealth and power for themselves. The figures are still disputed, but it is safe to place the numbers of humans killed in the ‘founding of the New World’ at tens of millions. It was certainly one of the most brutal genocides in history. And the impact on more-than-human life was equally vast. These heinous acts were enacted with a moral certainty rationalizing the destruction in the name of ‘progress’ and ‘civilization.’ I'm hoping all of us one day will truly understand this, because the survival of all living things, depends on reversing this travesty. I'm not going to hold my breath.
The topic title is whats your response to Biden's SOTU

Not what's your response to PinktheFloyd88's post.

Shut up.

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