So when is the impeachment vote?

Dems have been creaming themselves for 2 weeks. But no vote. What's wrong?
  • After More Secret Hearings for which The American People are denied the right to read The Transcripts.
  • After several more anonymous accusers retelling gossip, hearsay, and rumors for which The President is denied Due Process and the right to face his accuser.
  • After more lies from Adam Schiff and after The Democrats have already dreamed up the next assault on Democracy to replace yet another failed attempt at a COUP.

Then....then they will vote on it.


Secret Hearings, Fluid Rules, and Anonymous Accusers does not sound like a Transparent Democracy to me.
Dems have been creaming themselves for 2 weeks. But no vote. What's wrong?

There will never be an impeachment vote.

This has never been anything but Kabuki theater.

The Stalinists are demagogues. In conjunction with the fascist thug media that they control, they live based on slander, lies, and innuendo. This current affair exists ONLY to give the little Goebbels of CNN and the Antisemites of the NY Times shit to lie about.

An actual vote would be counterproductive to the disinformation war being waged.
Dems have been creaming themselves for 2 weeks. But no vote. What's wrong?

There will never be an impeachment vote.

This has never been anything but Kabuki theater.

The Stalinists are demagogues. In conjunction with the fascist thug media that they control, they live based on slander, lies, and innuendo. This current affair exists ONLY to give the little Goebbels of CNN and the Antisemites of the NY Times shit to lie about.

An actual vote would be counterproductive to the disinformation war being waged.

The Dems have a real old fashioned KGB type operation they're implementing.
Dems have been creaming themselves for 2 weeks. But no vote. What's wrong?

There will never be an impeachment vote.

This has never been anything but Kabuki theater.

The Stalinists are demagogues. In conjunction with the fascist thug media that they control, they live based on slander, lies, and innuendo. This current affair exists ONLY to give the little Goebbels of CNN and the Antisemites of the NY Times shit to lie about.

An actual vote would be counterproductive to the disinformation war being waged.

The Dems have a real old fashioned KGB type operation they're implementing.

Embedding a CIA operative in the White House is flat out treason. Adam Schitt is guilty of waging war against the Constitution of the United States and should be executed for his crime.
So Pelosi promised fair. Do you see fair yet?

The democrats are the party of Joseph Stalin. To the democrats there is no law, no constitution. All party members are immune from all law save the favor of the party. All non-party members, the Americans are guilty. What you are guilty of doesn't matter, the party will punish you as the party sees fit. Party members are free to lie, cheat, steal, murder, rape, molest children or animals, or any other crime in a civilized society. As long as the party member is in favor with the rulers these things are overlooked and are of no concern. For the Americans, you are guilty. You are out of favor, you will be charged with some fabricated offense when the party decides to deal with you.

The Stalinists are a savage group, you cannot obey laws that don't exist. They cannot break laws when there are no laws.
Birther Trump's attempt to forcibly remove Obama from office took six years.
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Dems have been creaming themselves for 2 weeks. But no vote. What's wrong?
The Benghazi hearings took four years.

There will never be a vote Comrade, that was never the intent of you Communists.

Democrat Al Green: Trump Will Get Reelected If We Don’t Impeach!

You vile scum are doing this to try and interfere with the election. You Stalinist pigs howled that Russia spent 50 bucks on memes on Facebook, while your bought off media slanders and libels enemies of the party at every turn and you bought fabricated dirt from Russia to rig the election.

Hey, you're frauds and criminals, it's the Marxist way..
When the HoR is done with their inquiry, they will call for a vote. The President will be impeached. It’s just a matter of time.
Dems have been creaming themselves for 2 weeks. But no vote. What's wrong?

There will never be an impeachment vote.

This has never been anything but Kabuki theater.

The Stalinists are demagogues. In conjunction with the fascist thug media that they control, they live based on slander, lies, and innuendo. This current affair exists ONLY to give the little Goebbels of CNN and the Antisemites of the NY Times shit to lie about.

An actual vote would be counterproductive to the disinformation war being waged.
Yep. Two days after Pelosi said impeach they realized they just found themselves in the middle of a minefield they planted.
Dems have been creaming themselves for 2 weeks. But no vote. What's wrong?
The Benghazi hearings took four years.

Benghazi took two years and the house had to vote, by law, to open the investigation. Otherwise, it was meaningless. The house hasn't voted yet so this impeachment thing is meaningless untill the house actually votes.
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