So when is the impeachment vote?

Dems have been creaming themselves for 2 weeks. But no vote. What's wrong?
The Benghazi hearings took four years.

Benghazi took two years and the house had to vote, by law, to open the investigation. Otherwise, it was meaningless. The house hasn't voted yet so this impeachment thing is meaningless untill the house actually votes.

10-4 that.

Just pure slimy politics. That's all!
I'd be surprised if they ever take that vote.

Many of the Dems know its bullshit and they always look out for number one. None of them will want to look like fools.

The Stalinists who won in red or purple districts by lying about being moderates don't dare go on record supporting impeachment. A vote is suicide for the Marxist party and they know it.

BUT it's already too late, they have destroyed their chance to keep the house in 2020.
I'd like to think you and logic are right. But I'm always reminded of the old saying, never underestimate the power of stupid people in large numbers.
It took the Republicans four years to investigate Bill Clinton, and all they could get him on was a blowjob.

They set the bar for impeachment really, really low.
Dems have been creaming themselves for 2 weeks. But no vote. What's wrong?
The Benghazi hearings took four years.

Benghazi took two years and the house had to vote, by law, to open the investigation. Otherwise, it was meaningless. The house hasn't voted yet so this impeachment thing is meaningless untill the house actually votes.

Simply not true in any way.

Feel free to post your source for that.
Dems have been creaming themselves for 2 weeks. But no vote. What's wrong?
The Benghazi hearings took four years.

Benghazi took two years and the house had to vote, by law, to open the investigation.
It's amazing how you can take a lie that was fed to you, and not only bleev it, but to then apply it retroactively! Wow!


Trump depends on people being as stupid as you are being right now.
33 hearings on Benghazi.

The Republicans set the bar.

Look at them whining now! :lol:
FIVE House committees investigated Benghazi, with TEN investigations.

There were THREE whistleblowers in the Benghazi hearings.

The Republicans set the bar.

Look at them whining now! :lol:
Dems have been creaming themselves for 2 weeks. But no vote. What's wrong?
They don't want a real vote because then it's serious, the Republicans gain some power they can use for themselves, and they have to go on record. Democrats hate to go on record. That's why Pelosi is carrying on this charade, making the rubes believe there's actually a real impeachment going on. It hasn't even started yet.
It took the Republicans four years to investigate Bill Clinton, and all they could get him on was a blowjob.

They set the bar for impeachment really, really low.
Bill Clinton was caught giving a blowjob?

I thought he was impeached for lying about taking advantage of a young intern.
When the legal procedures are begun to be undertaken then you will have the initial steps toward impeachment
Flinging edicts demands and subpoenas around like frisbees only gets you the derision you deserve
Dems have been creaming themselves for 2 weeks. But no vote. What's wrong?

Do you actually believe that a person isn't investigated before their indicted? The meaning of the word of impeach is to indict or or charge with a crime.

If so, how totalitarian of you. All that's needed is for someone to just say something and a person is indicted? That's not how it works here in America.

Here in America the government needs factual proof and evidence of a crime. That only comes from an investigation.

The impeachment inquiry or investigation is happening now. When they're done they will either impeach or not. We will have to wait and see.

Why do you want trump to be railroaded and not allowed to have the same rights as all other presidents?
Four years trying to take down Bill Clinton.

First, with Whitewater. When that didn't pan out, the Republicans moved on to TrooperGate.

When that didn't pan out, the Republicans moved on to TravelGate.

When that didn't pan out, the Republicans finally landed on a blue dress.

The Republicans set the benchmarks.

Look at them whining now! :lol:
Democrats have dug themselves a hole with this impeachment BS. Voters are smart enough to see what they’re doing.

It’s almost laughable to watch this latest attempt by democrats to undo an election they clearly lost.
This level of desperation to stop the investigations into the corruption and lawlessness by the previous administration speaks volumes about democrats.
Trump spent six years trying to get Obama forcibly removed from office with a birther hoax.

Trump set the bar.

Look at him whining now!
Trump spent six years trying to get Obama forcibly removed from office with a birther hoax.

Trump set the bar.

Look at him whining now!
Remember these predictions?..... lol

We are now doing better under Trump than any other president in the past several decades. :)
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