So when is the impeachment vote?

When the HoR is done with their inquiry, they will call for a vote. The President will be impeached. It’s just a matter of time.

The House has nothing to do with this charade, this is the Stalinists - period.

The Stalinist democrats will be done with their parade of investigations when the American people vote the vile pigs out of office in 2020.

democrats are traitors. No decent person can vote for any democrat in 2020. If you vote for a democrat, you're a pile of shit with no honor or integrity.
Birther Trump's attempt to forcibly remove Obama from office took six years.

What did they do to try to remove O?
Birther Trump spent six years trying to prove Obama was born in Kenya so Obama could be forcibly removed from office.

Trump also wanted his friend Nancy Pelosi to impeach Bush and forcibly remove him from office. He was very disappointed she didn't.

Karma's a BITCH!
Dems have been creaming themselves for 2 weeks. But no vote. What's wrong?

There will never be an impeachment vote.

This has never been anything but Kabuki theater.

The Stalinists are demagogues. In conjunction with the fascist thug media that they control, they live based on slander, lies, and innuendo. This current affair exists ONLY to give the little Goebbels of CNN and the Antisemites of the NY Times shit to lie about.

An actual vote would be counterproductive to the disinformation war being waged.
Yep. Two days after Pelosi said impeach they realized they just found themselves in the middle of a minefield they planted.

As vile pig Al Green said, the Stalinists think that the only way to keep Trump from being reelected is this impeachment charade. They are wrong of course, they have ensured that they will lose the house, Trump will still win reelection.

I suspect the Stalinists will become violent this time though.
Birther Trump's attempt to forcibly remove Obama from office took six years.

What did they do to try to remove O?
Birther Trump spent six years trying to prove Obama was born in Kenya so Obama could be forcibly removed from office.

Trump also wanted his friend Nancy Pelosi to forcibly remove Bush from office. He was very disappointed she didn't.

Karma's a BITCH!

Bush is the one who should have been removed from office.
Birther Trump's attempt to forcibly remove Obama from office took six years.

What did they do to try to remove O?
Birther Trump spent six years trying to prove Obama was born in Kenya so Obama could be forcibly removed from office.

Trump also wanted his friend Nancy Pelosi to forcibly remove Bush from office. He was very disappointed she didn't.

Karma's a BITCH!

Bush is the one who should have been removed from office.
Trump wanted both forcibly removed.

Now he's getting bitch slapped around by karma.
Birther Trump's attempt to forcibly remove Obama from office took six years.

What did they do to try to remove O?
Birther Trump spent six years trying to prove Obama was born in Kenya so Obama could be forcibly removed from office.

Trump also wanted his friend Nancy Pelosi to impeach Bush and forcibly remove him from office. He was very disappointed she didn't.

Karma's a BITCH!

So then, "they" did nothing at all, and you're just lying to justify your treason. :thup:
Dems have been creaming themselves for 2 weeks. But no vote. What's wrong?

There will never be an impeachment vote.

This has never been anything but Kabuki theater.

The Stalinists are demagogues. In conjunction with the fascist thug media that they control, they live based on slander, lies, and innuendo. This current affair exists ONLY to give the little Goebbels of CNN and the Antisemites of the NY Times shit to lie about.

An actual vote would be counterproductive to the disinformation war being waged.
Yep. Two days after Pelosi said impeach they realized they just found themselves in the middle of a minefield they planted.

As vile pig Al Green said, the Stalinists think that the only way to keep Trump from being reelected is this impeachment charade. They are wrong of course, they have ensured that they will lose the house, Trump will still win reelection.

I suspect the Stalinists will become violent this time though.
They are actually right. A coup attempt or assassination is the only way to remove Trump.

President Pence has a nice ring to it.
Maxine Watters declared for the impeachment 2 1/2 years ago. That's official enough for the Democrat party. They make up the rules as they go. See sanctuary cities. They're unfit to rule as evidenced by the chaotic state of their own party.
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Birther Trump's attempt to forcibly remove Obama from office took six years.

What did they do to try to remove O?
Birther Trump spent six years trying to prove Obama was born in Kenya so Obama could be forcibly removed from office.

Trump also wanted his friend Nancy Pelosi to forcibly remove Bush from office. He was very disappointed she didn't.

Karma's a BITCH!

Bush is the one who should have been removed from office.
Trump wanted both forcibly removed.

Now he's getting bitch slapped around by karma.

First off, you don't know that, but lack honor and will say anything to slander those you hate.

Secondly, Trump had zero power over either of them. Even if he had wanted it, it's irrelevant.

You're just a Communist hack, lying to justify the treason you support.
I'd be surprised if they ever take that vote.

Many of the Dems know its bullshit and they always look out for number one. None of them will want to look like fools.
I'd be surprised if they ever take that vote.

Many of the Dems know its bullshit and they always look out for number one. None of them will want to look like fools.

The Stalinists who won in red or purple districts by lying about being moderates don't dare go on record supporting impeachment. A vote is suicide for the Marxist party and they know it.

BUT it's already too late, they have destroyed their chance to keep the house in 2020.
Birther Trump's attempt to forcibly remove Obama from office took six years.

What did they do to try to remove O?
Birther Trump spent six years trying to prove Obama was born in Kenya so Obama could be forcibly removed from office.

Trump also wanted his friend Nancy Pelosi to forcibly remove Bush from office. He was very disappointed she didn't.

Karma's a BITCH!

Bush is the one who should have been removed from office.
Trump wanted both forcibly removed.

Now he's getting bitch slapped around by karma.
Don’t try to sell the birther shit. Even if born in Kenya to an American mother and an alcoholic Kenyan father one is still an American.

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