So when representives from 190 countries come together on an agreement on climate change...

If those same nations had gotten together to make a pact to reduce pollution of air and water, that would mean something, but to spout the AGW hoax is just plain stupid.

Fact: The Chinese and Indians are not going to stop burning coal because if they did their people would starve and their economies would crumble.

This whole thing is PC horseshit.

You people are hopeless dumbasses. Why am I not surprised? Anyone who would vote for George W. Bush has to be stupid......real stupid:


not as dumb as those who voted twice for obozo the Kenyan clown prince.
or who voted for a Harvard law school grad raised by a PhD anthropologist in Hawaii.
and educated in a muslim madrassa in Indonesia.
If those same nations had gotten together to make a pact to reduce pollution of air and water, that would mean something, but to spout the AGW hoax is just plain stupid.

Fact: The Chinese and Indians are not going to stop burning coal because if they did their people would starve and their economies would crumble.

This whole thing is PC horseshit.

You people are hopeless dumbasses. Why am I not surprised? Anyone who would vote for George W. Bush has to be stupid......real stupid:


not as dumb as those who voted twice for obozo the Kenyan clown prince.

Just a few examples for the illiterate:

When Obama took over the stock market had tanked. Bush had handed the banks $800 billion to prevent a depression. Two wars in the middle east were blazing hot and dead Americans were coming home in their coffins every day. Bush had doubled the national debt from $5.7 trillion to $12 trillion because of tax cuts for the wealthy. The housing mortgage markets were subjected to a government fiasco.

Now the wars are over and all the young Americans are safe....many of them back home. The stock market has doubled on the DOW Jones. Housing has settled to a reasonable market. The increase in government spending is the lowest in 50 years. You folks just simply don't get it!!

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If those same nations had gotten together to make a pact to reduce pollution of air and water, that would mean something, but to spout the AGW hoax is just plain stupid.

Fact: The Chinese and Indians are not going to stop burning coal because if they did their people would starve and their economies would crumble.

This whole thing is PC horseshit.

You people are hopeless dumbasses. Why am I not surprised? Anyone who would vote for George W. Bush has to be stupid......real stupid:


not as dumb as those who voted twice for obozo the Kenyan clown prince.

Just a few examples for the illiterate:

When Obama took over the stock market had tanked. Bush had handed the banks $800 billion to prevent a depression. Two wars in the middle east were blazing hot and dead Americans were coming home in their coffins every day. Bush had doubled the national debt from $5.7 trillion to $12 trillion. The housing mortgage markets were subjected to a government fiasco.

Now the wars are over and all the young Americans are safe....many of them back home. The stock market has doubled on the DOW Jones. Housing has settled to a reasonable market. The increase in government spending is the lowest in 50 years. You folks just simply don't get it!!


your chart conveniently ignores the impact of 9/11. Remember 9/11? The muslim attack on NYC and DC that Clinton could have prevented If he had taken OBL when offered by Sudan.

Also, deficit and debt are two different fiscal measures. The debt will have doubled under Obama, from 10T to over 20T. Obama will have added more to the national debt than all previous presidents combined.
But they all got to visit Paris and enjoy some fine wines and caviar. And a big ole group hug, what a great event.
If those same nations had gotten together to make a pact to reduce pollution of air and water, that would mean something, but to spout the AGW hoax is just plain stupid.

Fact: The Chinese and Indians are not going to stop burning coal because if they did their people would starve and their economies would crumble.

This whole thing is PC horseshit.

You people are hopeless dumbasses. Why am I not surprised? Anyone who would vote for George W. Bush has to be stupid......real stupid:


not as dumb as those who voted twice for obozo the Kenyan clown prince.
or who voted for a Harvard law school grad raised by a PhD anthropologist in Hawaii.
and educated in a muslim madrassa in Indonesia.
And attending a PUBLIC school in Indonesia for 4 years makes him more qualified to judge Muslims than you or Trump.
If those same nations had gotten together to make a pact to reduce pollution of air and water, that would mean something, but to spout the AGW hoax is just plain stupid.

Fact: The Chinese and Indians are not going to stop burning coal because if they did their people would starve and their economies would crumble.

This whole thing is PC horseshit.

You people are hopeless dumbasses. Why am I not surprised? Anyone who would vote for George W. Bush has to be stupid......real stupid:


not as dumb as those who voted twice for obozo the Kenyan clown prince.

Just a few examples for the illiterate:

When Obama took over the stock market had tanked. Bush had handed the banks $800 billion to prevent a depression. Two wars in the middle east were blazing hot and dead Americans were coming home in their coffins every day. Bush had doubled the national debt from $5.7 trillion to $12 trillion because of tax cuts for the wealthy. The housing mortgage markets were subjected to a government fiasco.

Now the wars are over and all the young Americans are safe....many of them back home. The stock market has doubled on the DOW Jones. Housing has settled to a reasonable market. The increase in government spending is the lowest in 50 years. You folks just simply don't get it!!


No, y'all really do bury your head to ignore the sobering realities of your shitty president.
If those same nations had gotten together to make a pact to reduce pollution of air and water, that would mean something, but to spout the AGW hoax is just plain stupid.

Fact: The Chinese and Indians are not going to stop burning coal because if they did their people would starve and their economies would crumble.

This whole thing is PC horseshit.

You people are hopeless dumbasses. Why am I not surprised? Anyone who would vote for George W. Bush has to be stupid......real stupid:


not as dumb as those who voted twice for obozo the Kenyan clown prince.

Just a few examples for the illiterate:

When Obama took over the stock market had tanked. Bush had handed the banks $800 billion to prevent a depression. Two wars in the middle east were blazing hot and dead Americans were coming home in their coffins every day. Bush had doubled the national debt from $5.7 trillion to $12 trillion. The housing mortgage markets were subjected to a government fiasco.

Now the wars are over and all the young Americans are safe....many of them back home. The stock market has doubled on the DOW Jones. Housing has settled to a reasonable market. The increase in government spending is the lowest in 50 years. You folks just simply don't get it!!


your chart conveniently ignores the impact of 9/11. Remember 9/11? The muslim attack on NYC and DC that Clinton could have prevented If he had taken OBL when offered by Sudan.

Also, deficit and debt are two different fiscal measures. The debt will have doubled under Obama, from 10T to over 20T. Obama will have added more to the national debt than all previous presidents combined.
Do you also remember that Bush Jr promised to avenge 9/11 and get OBL, which he FAILED to do for 7 years afterwards?
Since you didn't read the article from Scientific American I linked to above, herein is the final paragraph:

We shall be able to test the carbon dioxide theory against other theories of climatic change quite conclusively during the next half-century. Since we now can measure the sun's energy output independent of the distorting influence of the atmosphere, we shall see whether the earth's temperature trend correlates with measured fluctuations in solar radiation. If volcanic dust is the more important factor, then we may observe the earth's temperature following fluctuations in the number of large volcanic eruptions. But if carbon dioxide is the most important factor, long-term temperature records will rise continuously as long as man consumes the earth's reserves of fossil fuels.

This is what the science is about, you and the other assholes who pretend to know the truth as told by Limbaugh, Murdoc an Koch remain full of shit.

And right on cue to run the far left narrative without question or hesitation..

Still zero scientific proof that CO2 drives climate, just a religious narrative..

There is no evidence you're not mentally retarded, in fact there is plenty to determine you are. You and the other fools continue to post your opinions, with the occasional blog by someone with no credentials who echoes the same bullshit / propaganda of the oil and coal producers.

I've posted enough evidence to evoke the curiosity of a child, and still you and the other fools continue to post ad hominems, sans any evidence to prove human activity has no impact on the worlds climate.

Are you as stupid as you appear to be, or simply a liar who benefits from and puts your greed before our progeny?

What you posted is called "attacking the messenger." It's a logical fallacy. And for your information, Mr. science lover, according to the scientific method we aren't required to prove a negative. You and your ilk are required to prove that your "the sky is falling" theory is true. So far you have utterly failed to do that.

You also engaged quite liberally in the ad hominem fallacy, even after you whined about your critic doing so.

Wrong, you really need to google before you post. Your ignorance is beyond belief.

90% of what Google turns up is bullshit. You obviously can't distinguish it from the facts.

Well the facts you post (are there any?) must come from somewhere. What source(s) of information provide you with the .... um ... insane (seems to be the best word to describe your posts) comments?
If those same nations had gotten together to make a pact to reduce pollution of air and water, that would mean something, but to spout the AGW hoax is just plain stupid.

Fact: The Chinese and Indians are not going to stop burning coal because if they did their people would starve and their economies would crumble.

This whole thing is PC horseshit.

You people are hopeless dumbasses. Why am I not surprised? Anyone who would vote for George W. Bush has to be stupid......real stupid:


not as dumb as those who voted twice for obozo the Kenyan clown prince.
or who voted for a Harvard law school grad raised by a PhD anthropologist in Hawaii.
and educated in a muslim madrassa in Indonesia.
And attending a PUBLIC school in Indonesia for 4 years makes him more qualified to judge Muslims than you or Trump.

nope, it makes him one of them. the purpose of a madrassa education is to indoctrinate children in muslim doctrine.
If those same nations had gotten together to make a pact to reduce pollution of air and water, that would mean something, but to spout the AGW hoax is just plain stupid.

Fact: The Chinese and Indians are not going to stop burning coal because if they did their people would starve and their economies would crumble.

This whole thing is PC horseshit.

You people are hopeless dumbasses. Why am I not surprised? Anyone who would vote for George W. Bush has to be stupid......real stupid:


not as dumb as those who voted twice for obozo the Kenyan clown prince.

Just a few examples for the illiterate:

When Obama took over the stock market had tanked. Bush had handed the banks $800 billion to prevent a depression. Two wars in the middle east were blazing hot and dead Americans were coming home in their coffins every day. Bush had doubled the national debt from $5.7 trillion to $12 trillion. The housing mortgage markets were subjected to a government fiasco.

Now the wars are over and all the young Americans are safe....many of them back home. The stock market has doubled on the DOW Jones. Housing has settled to a reasonable market. The increase in government spending is the lowest in 50 years. You folks just simply don't get it!!


your chart conveniently ignores the impact of 9/11. Remember 9/11? The muslim attack on NYC and DC that Clinton could have prevented If he had taken OBL when offered by Sudan.

Also, deficit and debt are two different fiscal measures. The debt will have doubled under Obama, from 10T to over 20T. Obama will have added more to the national debt than all previous presidents combined.
Do you also remember that Bush Jr promised to avenge 9/11 and get OBL, which he FAILED to do for 7 years afterwards?

intel gathered during the bush admin allowed Obama to give the ok to take him out.
...I can't help but feel embarrassed for republicans and their denial of AGW. Apparently the global summit and the world wide scientific consensus on climate change isn't enough for them to be mature enough to admit they have been wrong all along. I mean it's pretty pathetic that average joe republicans believe it to be a myth just because their republican officials and rightwing bullshit media like Fox News tells them it is.

Climate negotiators say global deal is close in Paris
190 countries didn't come together. politicians from 190 countries came together. How many of these countries have the best interests of the Unites States in mind?

None, obviously.

The United States = The World?

You're so stupid, you don't even know it.
What problem? AGW is a myth, not a problem. Idiots like you who agree with the politicians from 190 countries are the problem.

No one can take you seriously with that piece of human shit in your signature.

So, FAIL you.
If those same nations had gotten together to make a pact to reduce pollution of air and water, that would mean something, but to spout the AGW hoax is just plain stupid.

Fact: The Chinese and Indians are not going to stop burning coal because if they did their people would starve and their economies would crumble.

This whole thing is PC horseshit.

You people are hopeless dumbasses. Why am I not surprised? Anyone who would vote for George W. Bush has to be stupid......real stupid:


not as dumb as those who voted twice for obozo the Kenyan clown prince.

Just a few examples for the illiterate:

When Obama took over the stock market had tanked. Bush had handed the banks $800 billion to prevent a depression. Two wars in the middle east were blazing hot and dead Americans were coming home in their coffins every day. Bush had doubled the national debt from $5.7 trillion to $12 trillion. The housing mortgage markets were subjected to a government fiasco.

Now the wars are over and all the young Americans are safe....many of them back home. The stock market has doubled on the DOW Jones. Housing has settled to a reasonable market. The increase in government spending is the lowest in 50 years. You folks just simply don't get it!!


your chart conveniently ignores the impact of 9/11. Remember 9/11? The muslim attack on NYC and DC that Clinton could have prevented If he had taken OBL when offered by Sudan.

Also, deficit and debt are two different fiscal measures. The debt will have doubled under Obama, from 10T to over 20T. Obama will have added more to the national debt than all previous presidents combined.
Do you also remember that Bush Jr promised to avenge 9/11 and get OBL, which he FAILED to do for 7 years afterwards?

Bush couldn't, OBL was already dead after Tora Bora.
From The Economics (11/28 - 12/4/2015)

"Climate Change is happening, that it is very likely man-made and that is exceedingly dangerous, are all now hard to deny (thought America's leading Republican presidential candidates routinely try)."

14- page article: "Clear Thinking on Climate Change".

Those who read it might stop posting stupid comments, though it is unlikely because most of those who post stupid comments are stupid.
They pulled off their World Government heist. So can they now STFU? The Global Warming Boogeyman fear mongering has gotten to be so old and tired. They acheived their World Government takeover, now it's time to STFU about Global Warming. Time to move on.
They pulled off their World Government heist. So can they now STFU? The Global Warming Boogeyman fear mongering has gotten to be so old and tired. They acheived their World Government takeover, now it's time to STFU about Global Warming. Time to move on.

Stupid post #1.

Where is the evidence to support this conspiracy theory?

Bring it on Deniers!
They pulled off their World Government heist. So can they now STFU? The Global Warming Boogeyman fear mongering has gotten to be so old and tired. They acheived their World Government takeover, now it's time to STFU about Global Warming. Time to move on.

Stupid post #1.

Where is the evidence to support this conspiracy theory?

Bring it on Deniers!

No conspiracy, just arrogance mixed in with politics, Grant money and social economic justice.

"There are people who just need a cause that’s bigger than themselves,Then they can feel virtuous and say other people are not virtuous"~ William Happer Princton physicists
...I can't help but feel embarrassed for republicans and their denial of AGW. Apparently the global summit and the world wide scientific consensus on climate change isn't enough for them to be mature enough to admit they have been wrong all along. I mean it's pretty pathetic that average joe republicans believe it to be a myth just because their republican officials and rightwing bullshit media like Fox News tells them it is.

Climate negotiators say global deal is close in Paris

The clown bus was only a US circus. Now it is becoming a worldwide comedy act. Embarrassing......
Climate change has been going on since the creation of the planet, its called evolution. What is rather humerus is that the very liberals that believe in evolution don't actually believe in evolution at all for they feel superior in the sense that climate is theirs to control thus stop or alter the very process they pretend to embrace for they see themselves as greater then God's design.

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