So when representives from 190 countries come together on an agreement on climate change...

They pulled off their World Government heist. So can they now STFU? The Global Warming Boogeyman fear mongering has gotten to be so old and tired. They acheived their World Government takeover, now it's time to STFU about Global Warming. Time to move on.

Stupid post #1.

Where is the evidence to support this conspiracy theory?

Bring it on Deniers!

No conspiracy, just arrogance mixed in with politics, Grant money and social economic justice.

"There are people who just need a cause that’s bigger than themselves,Then they can feel virtuous and say other people are not virtuous"~ William Happer Princton physicists

Stupid post #2
Climate change has been going on since the creation of the planet, its called evolution. What is rather humerus is that the very liberals that believe in evolution don't actually believe in evolution at all for they feel superior in the sense that climate is theirs to control thus stop or alter the very process they pretend to embrace for they see themselves as greater then God's design.
They pulled off their World Government heist. So can they now STFU? The Global Warming Boogeyman fear mongering has gotten to be so old and tired. They acheived their World Government takeover, now it's time to STFU about Global Warming. Time to move on.

Stupid post #1.

Where is the evidence to support this conspiracy theory?

Bring it on Deniers!

No conspiracy, just arrogance mixed in with politics, Grant money and social economic justice.

"There are people who just need a cause that’s bigger than themselves,Then they can feel virtuous and say other people are not virtuous"~ William Happer Princton physicists

Another stupid post, and one more parrot of crazy right wing meme.
Poor baby, it's cloudy and 78 here. It was 85 yesterday, but cooler temps and rain are due in tonight.



CO2 makes up .039% of the atmosphere. Nice chartsmanship, but its bullshit. Do understand what PPM ( parts per million) means. Do you understand that going from 250 to 300 PPM is a tiny change? The reality is that CO2 cannot be accurately measured to the level of detail.

The whole AGW cult is bullshit.

Not if you're dealing with poisonous chemicals it's not. Yes....250-300ppm is a miniscule amount but we're talking about the entire atmosphere.

You might want to read your post again objectively and try to realize exactly how stupid you sound. Minuscule is minuscule no matter the quantity in question.

If you're dealing with poisonous chemicals it's not:

Concentration Symptoms of Hydrogen Sulfide(for example)

5-9 ppm Increased blood lactate concentration, decreased skeletal muscle citrate synthase activity

0-10 ppm Irritation of eyes, nose, and throat.

20 ppm Bronchial constriction in asthmatic individuals, spontaneous abortion

10-50 ppm Headache, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, coughing, difficulty breathing

50-200 ppm Severe respiratory tract irritation, eye irritation/acute conjunctivitis, shock, convulsions, coma and death in severe cases

If one works with poisonous chemicals appropriate handing procedures are adhered to.....I used to do it for a living(no pun intended)

Oh OK, you were getting your ass kicked on the subject at hand (CO2), so you changed the subject to something totally unrelated, how regressivecrat of you.
The question isn't how intelligent you are but it is a question about the faith you have in what people tell you.

I have faith in the scientific community, and the visual cues like these




and articles like this:

Sea Temperature Rise -- Pristine Seas -- National Geographic

Nothing posted by the deniers carries facts, photos or credible evidence to even wonder if climate change is not happening and if human activity is not a least partly responsible.

It appears you're a sucker for brightly colored posters. Yes, you do have "faith" in the so-called scientists. That's all it is, faith. You aren't capable of considering two opposing arguments and using facts and logic to determine which is more likely to be correct. You're an obedient little drone who believes whatever the Party tells you to believe.

There is NO opposing argument on the fact that the climate is changing. The argument, if you want to call it that, from your side is not based on evidence (in your case and the case of many others it is based on stupidity).

The only dispute is whether the changing climate is caused by human interaction (which fools deny) or naturally occurring events.

I haven't argued that the changes are all the result of humanity, but the evidence I've read from scientific community has convinced me some or most of the cause are the by products of the Industrial revolution and the destruction of forests - both products of humanity.

It's unfathomable that so many of you right wingers can be so stupid, but I guess that comes with being a right winger.

Maybe you should consider that temps are driving the CO2 instead of the other way round. Temps have moderated and CO2 may follow.

What I've read is that temperatures have risen and will continue to rise; do you have a source to suggest the temp. of the Oceans have moderated?

Indeed I do.

Ocean temps chart.gif
From The Economics (11/28 - 12/4/2015)

"Climate Change is happening, that it is very likely man-made and that is exceedingly dangerous, are all now hard to deny (thought America's leading Republican presidential candidates routinely try)."

14- page article: "Clear Thinking on Climate Change".

Those who read it might stop posting stupid comments, though it is unlikely because most of those who post stupid comments are stupid.

Does anyone see the irony in this statement? Calling anyone who doesn't "believe brother lest ye be damned!" in AGW stupid and the fucking moron can't even post the link correctly. It is from THE ECONOMIST you boob!

Here's the link you imbecile...

The Economist - 28TH November - 4TH December 2015 | Free eBooks Download - EBOOKEE!
...I can't help but feel embarrassed for republicans and their denial of AGW. Apparently the global summit and the world wide scientific consensus on climate change isn't enough for them to be mature enough to admit they have been wrong all along. I mean it's pretty pathetic that average joe republicans believe it to be a myth just because their republican officials and rightwing bullshit media like Fox News tells them it is.

Climate negotiators say global deal is close in Paris

The clown bus was only a US circus. Now it is becoming a worldwide comedy act. Embarrassing......

the prophet algore said that there would be no polar ice caps by now and that florida and most of the east coast would be under water. Was he lying or just plain stupid? It has to be one or the other, which is it?
From The Economics (11/28 - 12/4/2015)

"Climate Change is happening, that it is very likely man-made and that is exceedingly dangerous, are all now hard to deny (thought America's leading Republican presidential candidates routinely try)."

14- page article: "Clear Thinking on Climate Change".

Those who read it might stop posting stupid comments, though it is unlikely because most of those who post stupid comments are stupid.

Does anyone see the irony in this statement? Calling anyone who doesn't "believe brother lest ye be damned!" in AGW stupid and the fucking moron can't even post the link correctly. It is from THE ECONOMIST you boob!

Here's the link you imbecile...

The Economist - 28TH November - 4TH December 2015 | Free eBooks Download - EBOOKEE!

Mea culpa, I made a mistake. Your comment has zero substance, something all ad hominems have in common. But if you are proud of your post, I'm happy for you even as a pity you.
...I can't help but feel embarrassed for republicans and their denial of AGW. Apparently the global summit and the world wide scientific consensus on climate change isn't enough for them to be mature enough to admit they have been wrong all along. I mean it's pretty pathetic that average joe republicans believe it to be a myth just because their republican officials and rightwing bullshit media like Fox News tells them it is.

Climate negotiators say global deal is close in Paris

The clown bus was only a US circus. Now it is becoming a worldwide comedy act. Embarrassing......

the prophet algore said that there would be no polar ice caps by now and that florida and most of the east coast would be under water. Was he lying or just plain stupid? It has to be one or the other, which is it?

He said that? Maybe he did, post the link so we can read what he is alleged by you to have said in context.


"A false dilemma (also called false dichotomy, false binary, black-and-white thinking, bifurcation, denying a conjunct, the either–or fallacy, fallacy of exhaustive hypotheses, the fallacy of false choice, the fallacy of the false alternative, or the fallacy of the excluded middle) is a type of informal fallacy that involves a situation in which only limited alternatives are considered, when in fact there is at least one additional option"

Link, False dilemma - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

read it, you might (though that's highly unlikely) learn something.
Nations Approve Landmark Climate Accord in Paris

LE BOURGET, France - With the sudden bang of a gavel Saturday night, representatives of 195 nations reached a landmark accord that will, for the first time, commit nearly every country to lowering planet-warming greenhouse gas emissions to help stave ...

I wish them all the best.

Let's see the criteria for a report card before they start.

That way when we are ten years down the road, we'll be able to tell when they have not changed a darn thing.
I have faith in the scientific community, and the visual cues like these




and articles like this:

Sea Temperature Rise -- Pristine Seas -- National Geographic

Nothing posted by the deniers carries facts, photos or credible evidence to even wonder if climate change is not happening and if human activity is not a least partly responsible.

It appears you're a sucker for brightly colored posters. Yes, you do have "faith" in the so-called scientists. That's all it is, faith. You aren't capable of considering two opposing arguments and using facts and logic to determine which is more likely to be correct. You're an obedient little drone who believes whatever the Party tells you to believe.

There is NO opposing argument on the fact that the climate is changing. The argument, if you want to call it that, from your side is not based on evidence (in your case and the case of many others it is based on stupidity).

The only dispute is whether the changing climate is caused by human interaction (which fools deny) or naturally occurring events.

I haven't argued that the changes are all the result of humanity, but the evidence I've read from scientific community has convinced me some or most of the cause are the by products of the Industrial revolution and the destruction of forests - both products of humanity.

It's unfathomable that so many of you right wingers can be so stupid, but I guess that comes with being a right winger.

Maybe you should consider that temps are driving the CO2 instead of the other way round. Temps have moderated and CO2 may follow.

What I've read is that temperatures have risen and will continue to rise; do you have a source to suggest the temp. of the Oceans have moderated?

Indeed I do.

View attachment 56795
Oh my, Tex, are you just stupid, or just a liar? Or both? Yes, that was the ENSO and water temp. 2010. Now let us move to the present.

They pulled off their World Government heist. So can they now STFU? The Global Warming Boogeyman fear mongering has gotten to be so old and tired. They acheived their World Government takeover, now it's time to STFU about Global Warming. Time to move on.

Stupid post #1.

Where is the evidence to support this conspiracy theory?

Bring it on Deniers!

No conspiracy, just arrogance mixed in with politics, Grant money and social economic justice.

"There are people who just need a cause that’s bigger than themselves,Then they can feel virtuous and say other people are not virtuous"~ William Happer Princton physicists

Stupid post #2
Climate change has been going on since the creation of the planet, its called evolution. What is rather humerus is that the very liberals that believe in evolution don't actually believe in evolution at all for they feel superior in the sense that climate is theirs to control thus stop or alter the very process they pretend to embrace for they see themselves as greater then God's design.
They pulled off their World Government heist. So can they now STFU? The Global Warming Boogeyman fear mongering has gotten to be so old and tired. They acheived their World Government takeover, now it's time to STFU about Global Warming. Time to move on.

Stupid post #1.

Where is the evidence to support this conspiracy theory?

Bring it on Deniers!

No conspiracy, just arrogance mixed in with politics, Grant money and social economic justice.

"There are people who just need a cause that’s bigger than themselves,Then they can feel virtuous and say other people are not virtuous"~ William Happer Princton physicists

Another stupid post, and one more parrot of crazy right wing meme.

Well this irony impaired drone is at again..
It appears you're a sucker for brightly colored posters. Yes, you do have "faith" in the so-called scientists. That's all it is, faith. You aren't capable of considering two opposing arguments and using facts and logic to determine which is more likely to be correct. You're an obedient little drone who believes whatever the Party tells you to believe.

There is NO opposing argument on the fact that the climate is changing. The argument, if you want to call it that, from your side is not based on evidence (in your case and the case of many others it is based on stupidity).

The only dispute is whether the changing climate is caused by human interaction (which fools deny) or naturally occurring events.

I haven't argued that the changes are all the result of humanity, but the evidence I've read from scientific community has convinced me some or most of the cause are the by products of the Industrial revolution and the destruction of forests - both products of humanity.

It's unfathomable that so many of you right wingers can be so stupid, but I guess that comes with being a right winger.

Maybe you should consider that temps are driving the CO2 instead of the other way round. Temps have moderated and CO2 may follow.

What I've read is that temperatures have risen and will continue to rise; do you have a source to suggest the temp. of the Oceans have moderated?

Indeed I do.

View attachment 56795
Oh my, Tex, are you just stupid, or just a liar? Or both? Yes, that was the ENSO and water temp. 2010. Now let us move to the present.


Says the AGW cult member that believes computer models over Observations..


CO2 has never controlled climate..
It appears you're a sucker for brightly colored posters. Yes, you do have "faith" in the so-called scientists. That's all it is, faith. You aren't capable of considering two opposing arguments and using facts and logic to determine which is more likely to be correct. You're an obedient little drone who believes whatever the Party tells you to believe.

There is NO opposing argument on the fact that the climate is changing. The argument, if you want to call it that, from your side is not based on evidence (in your case and the case of many others it is based on stupidity).

The only dispute is whether the changing climate is caused by human interaction (which fools deny) or naturally occurring events.

I haven't argued that the changes are all the result of humanity, but the evidence I've read from scientific community has convinced me some or most of the cause are the by products of the Industrial revolution and the destruction of forests - both products of humanity.

It's unfathomable that so many of you right wingers can be so stupid, but I guess that comes with being a right winger.

Maybe you should consider that temps are driving the CO2 instead of the other way round. Temps have moderated and CO2 may follow.

What I've read is that temperatures have risen and will continue to rise; do you have a source to suggest the temp. of the Oceans have moderated?

Indeed I do.

View attachment 56795
Oh my, Tex, are you just stupid, or just a liar? Or both? Yes, that was the ENSO and water temp. 2010. Now let us move to the present.


I guess you really think your smart, only thing both graphs prove is there is no trend in a single direction, water temps are in consent flux up and down. Of course you're either too stupid or a liar to recognize that. If by 2020 it hasn't gone back down, get back to me, you might have a trend.
They pulled off their World Government heist. So can they now STFU? The Global Warming Boogeyman fear mongering has gotten to be so old and tired. They acheived their World Government takeover, now it's time to STFU about Global Warming. Time to move on.

Stupid post #1.

Where is the evidence to support this conspiracy theory?

Bring it on Deniers!

No conspiracy, just arrogance mixed in with politics, Grant money and social economic justice.

"There are people who just need a cause that’s bigger than themselves,Then they can feel virtuous and say other people are not virtuous"~ William Happer Princton physicists

Stupid post #2
Climate change has been going on since the creation of the planet, its called evolution. What is rather humerus is that the very liberals that believe in evolution don't actually believe in evolution at all for they feel superior in the sense that climate is theirs to control thus stop or alter the very process they pretend to embrace for they see themselves as greater then God's design.
They pulled off their World Government heist. So can they now STFU? The Global Warming Boogeyman fear mongering has gotten to be so old and tired. They acheived their World Government takeover, now it's time to STFU about Global Warming. Time to move on.

Stupid post #1.

Where is the evidence to support this conspiracy theory?

Bring it on Deniers!

No conspiracy, just arrogance mixed in with politics, Grant money and social economic justice.

"There are people who just need a cause that’s bigger than themselves,Then they can feel virtuous and say other people are not virtuous"~ William Happer Princton physicists

Another stupid post, and one more parrot of crazy right wing meme.

Well this irony impaired drone is at again..

Another ad hominem sans substance.
They pulled off their World Government heist. So can they now STFU? The Global Warming Boogeyman fear mongering has gotten to be so old and tired. They acheived their World Government takeover, now it's time to STFU about Global Warming. Time to move on.

Stupid post #1.

Where is the evidence to support this conspiracy theory?

Bring it on Deniers!

No conspiracy, just arrogance mixed in with politics, Grant money and social economic justice.

"There are people who just need a cause that’s bigger than themselves,Then they can feel virtuous and say other people are not virtuous"~ William Happer Princton physicists

Stupid post #2
Climate change has been going on since the creation of the planet, its called evolution. What is rather humerus is that the very liberals that believe in evolution don't actually believe in evolution at all for they feel superior in the sense that climate is theirs to control thus stop or alter the very process they pretend to embrace for they see themselves as greater then God's design.
They pulled off their World Government heist. So can they now STFU? The Global Warming Boogeyman fear mongering has gotten to be so old and tired. They acheived their World Government takeover, now it's time to STFU about Global Warming. Time to move on.

Stupid post #1.

Where is the evidence to support this conspiracy theory?

Bring it on Deniers!

No conspiracy, just arrogance mixed in with politics, Grant money and social economic justice.

"There are people who just need a cause that’s bigger than themselves,Then they can feel virtuous and say other people are not virtuous"~ William Happer Princton physicists

Another stupid post, and one more parrot of crazy right wing meme.

Well this irony impaired drone is at again..

Another ad hominem sans substance.

well if you believe this shit. What are you personally doing to stop it? are you riding a bike rather than driving a car, turned off your heat and A/C? stopped using electric lights? stopped eating meat?

Oh, you haven't done anything? you just want the rest of us to do those things? Well GFU you fricken hypocrite.
They pulled off their World Government heist. So can they now STFU? The Global Warming Boogeyman fear mongering has gotten to be so old and tired. They acheived their World Government takeover, now it's time to STFU about Global Warming. Time to move on.

Stupid post #1.

Where is the evidence to support this conspiracy theory?

Bring it on Deniers!

No conspiracy, just arrogance mixed in with politics, Grant money and social economic justice.

"There are people who just need a cause that’s bigger than themselves,Then they can feel virtuous and say other people are not virtuous"~ William Happer Princton physicists

Stupid post #2
Climate change has been going on since the creation of the planet, its called evolution. What is rather humerus is that the very liberals that believe in evolution don't actually believe in evolution at all for they feel superior in the sense that climate is theirs to control thus stop or alter the very process they pretend to embrace for they see themselves as greater then God's design.
They pulled off their World Government heist. So can they now STFU? The Global Warming Boogeyman fear mongering has gotten to be so old and tired. They acheived their World Government takeover, now it's time to STFU about Global Warming. Time to move on.

Stupid post #1.

Where is the evidence to support this conspiracy theory?

Bring it on Deniers!

No conspiracy, just arrogance mixed in with politics, Grant money and social economic justice.

"There are people who just need a cause that’s bigger than themselves,Then they can feel virtuous and say other people are not virtuous"~ William Happer Princton physicists

Another stupid post, and one more parrot of crazy right wing meme.

Well this irony impaired drone is at again..

Another ad hominem sans substance.

Ok post the datasets with source code that proves the AGW religion, that CO2 controls climate..

Let us see if this far left drone can do it..
Stupid post #1.

Where is the evidence to support this conspiracy theory?

Bring it on Deniers!

No conspiracy, just arrogance mixed in with politics, Grant money and social economic justice.

"There are people who just need a cause that’s bigger than themselves,Then they can feel virtuous and say other people are not virtuous"~ William Happer Princton physicists

Stupid post #2
Climate change has been going on since the creation of the planet, its called evolution. What is rather humerus is that the very liberals that believe in evolution don't actually believe in evolution at all for they feel superior in the sense that climate is theirs to control thus stop or alter the very process they pretend to embrace for they see themselves as greater then God's design.
Stupid post #1.

Where is the evidence to support this conspiracy theory?

Bring it on Deniers!

No conspiracy, just arrogance mixed in with politics, Grant money and social economic justice.

"There are people who just need a cause that’s bigger than themselves,Then they can feel virtuous and say other people are not virtuous"~ William Happer Princton physicists

Another stupid post, and one more parrot of crazy right wing meme.

Well this irony impaired drone is at again..

Another ad hominem sans substance.

Ok post the datasets with source code that proves the AGW religion, that CO2 controls climate..

Let us see if this far left drone can do it..

he can't but you can count on having some more insults sent your way for asking the question.
No conspiracy, just arrogance mixed in with politics, Grant money and social economic justice.

"There are people who just need a cause that’s bigger than themselves,Then they can feel virtuous and say other people are not virtuous"~ William Happer Princton physicists

Stupid post #2
Climate change has been going on since the creation of the planet, its called evolution. What is rather humerus is that the very liberals that believe in evolution don't actually believe in evolution at all for they feel superior in the sense that climate is theirs to control thus stop or alter the very process they pretend to embrace for they see themselves as greater then God's design.
No conspiracy, just arrogance mixed in with politics, Grant money and social economic justice.

"There are people who just need a cause that’s bigger than themselves,Then they can feel virtuous and say other people are not virtuous"~ William Happer Princton physicists

Another stupid post, and one more parrot of crazy right wing meme.

Well this irony impaired drone is at again..

Another ad hominem sans substance.

Ok post the datasets with source code that proves the AGW religion, that CO2 controls climate..

Let us see if this far left drone can do it..

he can't but you can count on having some more insults sent your way for asking the question.

That is why it easier to call them far left drones as you can not have a discussion with facts and reality with one..

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