So when representives from 190 countries come together on an agreement on climate change...

Well this irony impaired drone is at again..

Another ad hominem sans substance.

Ok post the datasets with source code that proves the AGW religion, that CO2 controls climate..

Let us see if this far left drone can do it..

First you prove human activity has no link to our changing climate. Then I'll post more links to NOAA, Scientific American, National Geographic and other credible sources as evidence you and other deniers are full of shit.
The skeptics don't have to prove a thing. You and the rest of the cult have to prove that y our theories are valid.

Linking to NOAA is proof that your a gullible moron, and nothing more.

"Rationalism and Empiricism. An important philosophical war took place in the 17th and 18th centuries between two schools of thought. Most briefly, first there were rationalists from continental Europe who were critical of sense experience and felt that genuine knowledge was acquired non-experientially through reason. The leaders on this side were René Descartes, Benedict Spinoza, and Gottfried Leibniz. Second there were empiricists from the British Isles who felt that non-experiential reasoning would give us nothing, and experience was the only path to knowledge. John Locke, George Berkeley and David Hume were the leaders on this side. The war finally ended when Immanuel Kant proposed a compromise: true knowledge depends on a mixture of experiential and non-experiential knowledge. We need both, Kant argued, otherwise our whole mental system will not operate properly."


The idea that no solutions exists never occurs to you; we need both, and you and other parrots don't have either.

Are you capable of articulating a thought on your own or is your intellectual input limited to what you can find on wiki?
Do you really want to play this game? You attack me personally and then post stuff not linked to a source. I'll continue the volley of ad hominems but search the web and provide data with links.

Bring it on and continue being an asshole, being an asshole makes your argument much stronger (sarcasm), a 'fact' believed by most conservative fools (fact).

your so-called sources have been debunked many times. The acts of man are not causing the climate of planet earth to change-------never have, never will.

Do you want to know what controls the climate of our planet? Look up in the sky during the day, do you see that big ball of fire? its called the sun. It controls earth's climate. Always has, always will.
...I can't help but feel embarrassed for republicans and their denial of AGW. Apparently the global summit and the world wide scientific consensus on climate change isn't enough for them to be mature enough to admit they have been wrong all along. I mean it's pretty pathetic that average joe republicans believe it to be a myth just because their republican officials and rightwing bullshit media like Fox News tells them it is.

Climate negotiators say global deal is close in Paris

It's a feckless agreement that accomplishes nothing. ISIS is rampant, creating havoc gobally, and President Dunderhead declares public enemy #1 to be AGW.

THAT is embarrassing.
...I can't help but feel embarrassed for republicans and their denial of AGW. Apparently the global summit and the world wide scientific consensus on climate change isn't enough for them to be mature enough to admit they have been wrong all along. I mean it's pretty pathetic that average joe republicans believe it to be a myth just because their republican officials and rightwing bullshit media like Fox News tells them it is.

Climate negotiators say global deal is close in Paris
The NWO Globalist assholes got what they wanted. Now they need to STFU about their Global Warming Boogeyman. Most are sick of the fear mongering whining. Time to turn the page.

Time for you to get your head out of the sand.

The World Government Elites got their taxes and control. Now they can shut up about 'Global Warming.' The fear mongering is so bleepin old & tired.
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Ok post the datasets with source code that proves the AGW religion, that CO2 controls climate..

Let us see if this far left drone can do it..

First you prove human activity has no link to our changing climate. Then I'll post more links to NOAA, Scientific American, National Geographic and other credible sources as evidence you and other deniers are full of shit.

Science works the other way silly boy. YOU have to show through empirical data that mankind is having an effect. Not a computer model and the links to your pet agencies merely go to their OPINION statements. Not data. For someone who claims to be so smart how is it that you can't figure out the difference between fiction and fact...

Silly boy has concluded you're a punk and an asshole. SB also wonders why the crazy right wing hates the earth, and posits a conclusion based their local weather report.

Yes, it may be cold outside, but that is the dumbest comment of some of the stupidest people. Science creates models and tests theories; fools turn on Fox News or Rush Limbaugh and parrot the bullshit which protects polluters. I suppose the reason people like you deny the theory that climate change is a product of human activity is a product of how successful the propaganda is on the minds of biddable people.

In 300 pages not one denier has made a credible argument that human activity does not impact our changing climate. The prevailing theory by the fools is tens of thousands of scientists provided data manipulated so as to garner more government money to add to their lavish lifestyle.

How silly is that, boy!

I don't give a crap what a silly boy like you thinks about me. What I do care about is the perversion of science that you asshats have allowed to occur because you are so fucking stupid you don't know even the basics. The scientific method, which your faithers violate at every turn DEMANDS that if YOU make the claim it is YOU that has to support it. Not us. All we have to do is present factual data that you are wrong. Which we have done with every stupid claim about AGW that you imbeciles have ever made.

In 300 pages there has not been one shred of empirical data that SUPPORTS the idea that man has an impact. In fact there are THOUSANDS of pieces of empirical data that shows you are all full of shit. You no longer rely on facts, silly boy, you rely on faith. Faith is religious not scientific.

Learn the difference.

Really? Post 10 of the "THOUSANDS of pieces of empirical data that shows you are all full of shit."

Show me anything which contradicts with credible evidence the facts in the link here:

Climate Change: Vital Signs of the Planet: Causes

Otherwise I will conclude you are a member of the Ostrich Party, shown below:


Couple of nice asses on the Ostriches in the lower left hand corner.

Even a moonbat progressive lib would follow those around....

Do you really want to play this game? You attack me personally and then post stuff not linked to a source. I'll continue the volley of ad hominems but search the web and provide data with links.

Bring it on and continue being an asshole, being an asshole makes your argument much stronger (sarcasm), a 'fact' believed by most conservative fools (fact).

Everything is linked silly boy. Right click any image I posted and it will take you to the URL. The only one playing games is you silly boy. In your post above they make this claim....

"This decrease has resulted from the uptake of atmospheric CO2 derived from fossil fuel combustion and deforestation." That is OPINION. There is no fact to support it. Furthermore the statement..."The calculated average net oceanic CO2 uptake is 2.1 gigatons of carbon per year." is from a MODEL. Once again, NO EMPIRICAL data! Do you even know what empirical means?

And we already know the CO2 is increasing silly boy. It has been increasing since the Medieval Warming Period. Further to my point. Hansen claimed that increasing CO2 will "inexorably" (his word) lead to increased warming. The warming has stopped. Even with vastly more CO2 than even he predicted on his most wild computer model, the temperatures have remained flat. The current claim of a "new global temp record" is horseshit. They claim a .038 increase when the instruments can't measure more precisely than .10 degrees as admitted to by NOAA.

The only asshole is you and you can't stand it when your bullshit is thrown back at you. How dare the peons question your authority!

Well piss on you and your supposed authority, asshole. You passed a fucking civil servant test that my 9 year old daughter could pass. You're nothing special.

You are, a very special kind of asshole.

Yes, I am. I rely on facts and not opinions to generate my understanding of the natural world. You don't. You are so dimwitted, or politically motivated, that you ignore factual data that refutes your preconceived ideas.
Do you really want to play this game? You attack me personally and then post stuff not linked to a source. I'll continue the volley of ad hominems but search the web and provide data with links.

Bring it on and continue being an asshole, being an asshole makes your argument much stronger (sarcasm), a 'fact' believed by most conservative fools (fact).

Everything is linked silly boy. Right click any image I posted and it will take you to the URL. The only one playing games is you silly boy. In your post above they make this claim....

"This decrease has resulted from the uptake of atmospheric CO2 derived from fossil fuel combustion and deforestation." That is OPINION. There is no fact to support it. Furthermore the statement..."The calculated average net oceanic CO2 uptake is 2.1 gigatons of carbon per year." is from a MODEL. Once again, NO EMPIRICAL data! Do you even know what empirical means?

And we already know the CO2 is increasing silly boy. It has been increasing since the Medieval Warming Period. Further to my point. Hansen claimed that increasing CO2 will "inexorably" (his word) lead to increased warming. The warming has stopped. Even with vastly more CO2 than even he predicted on his most wild computer model, the temperatures have remained flat. The current claim of a "new global temp record" is horseshit. They claim a .038 increase when the instruments can't measure more precisely than .10 degrees as admitted to by NOAA.

The only asshole is you and you can't stand it when your bullshit is thrown back at you. How dare the peons question your authority!

Well piss on you and your supposed authority, asshole. You passed a fucking civil servant test that my 9 year old daughter could pass. You're nothing special.

You are, a very special kind of asshole.

Yes, I am. I rely on facts and not opinions to generate my understanding of the natural world. You don't. You are so dimwitted, or politically motivated, that you ignore factual data that refutes your preconceived ideas.

Enough with the personal attacks.

Time will tell who is right and who is wrong. The obvious take away from this issue is if the Scientists are correct and nothing is done to mitigate the damage done by industry, we are harming the planet and our children and their children.

If your side is correct, any harm done by the regulators will have little or no impact on future generations. It's very odd that your side has great concern for the national debt, and how it will harm future generations. Yet seem to have no concern for the health and well being of the generations to come.

We've learned that environmental concern and the regulations which have been promulgated have reduced SMOG, cleaned our air, soil and water, and we've cleaned up love canal and some of the other Superfund Sites, whose existence would seem to offer a red flag to those with an open mind.

The bottom line is not the bottom line, putting profit before prudence is foolish.
Common sense suggests we prepare for climate change and reduce the volume of pollutants / elements and chemical compounds released into the air, water and soil.
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...I can't help but feel embarrassed for republicans and their denial of AGW. Apparently the global summit and the world wide scientific consensus on climate change isn't enough for them to be mature enough to admit they have been wrong all along. I mean it's pretty pathetic that average joe republicans believe it to be a myth just because their republican officials and rightwing bullshit media like Fox News tells them it is.

Climate negotiators say global deal is close in Paris
190 countries didn't come together. politicians from 190 countries came together. How many of these countries have the best interests of the Unites States in mind?

None, obviously.
You repubs are such egocentric toddlers. You think the world should come together to fix the US's problems? Are our problems more important than other nation's problems?
what problems are you referring to?
...I can't help but feel embarrassed for republicans and their denial of AGW. Apparently the global summit and the world wide scientific consensus on climate change isn't enough for them to be mature enough to admit they have been wrong all along. I mean it's pretty pathetic that average joe republicans believe it to be a myth just because their republican officials and rightwing bullshit media like Fox News tells them it is.

Climate negotiators say global deal is close in Paris

190 countries and 97% of scientists vs Republicans and big oil

I wonder who will win?
190 people, not countries. shit can't you all talk right.
Common sense suggests we prepare for climate change and reduce the volume of pollutants / chemicals and chemical compounds released into the air, water and soil.
based on what? What do you experience that makes your common sense make such a statement? Name one thing.

Lead in gasoline

btw, I edited the post above by replacing "chemicals" with "elements" after proof reading my original post.

"Water Pollution from Coal includes negative health and environmental effects from the mining, processing, burning, and waste storage of coal, including acid mine drainage, thermal pollution from coal plants, acid rain, and contamination of groundwater, streams, rivers, and seas from heavy metals, mercury, and other toxins and pollutants found in coal ash, coal sludge, and coal waste."

Water pollution from coal - SourceWatch
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Common sense suggests we prepare for climate change

That statement is idiotic. Okay dokay give up everything you have, run around half naked, hunt bafaloo and go live in a tepee.

and reduce the volume of pollutants / elements and chemical compounds released into the air, water and soil.

You do know that has nothing to do with climate change, quit confusing the two.

Jesus fucking Christ.
190 countries and 97% of scientists vs Republicans and big oil

I wonder who will win?
190 countries and '97% of (all) scientists (??? - LINK!) versus 'Republicans and big oil'....

and a Nobel Prize winning Scientist:

Nobel Laureate Ivar Giaever: Obama Is 'Dead Wrong' on Climate Change
Nobel Prize winner Ivar Giaever said that President Obama was "dead wrong" on climate change during a speech at the 65th Nobel Laureate Meeting in Germany.
LINK: Nobel Laureate Ivar Giaever: Obama Is 'Dead Wrong' on Climate Change

MAN, you Liberals are so FULL OF SHITE, making these ridiculous LIES in an attempt to make your B$ seem undeniable!

190 jackasses pushing the same scam / agenda is not evidence.
CLAIMING that 97% of all scientists believe in Global warming is not's un-substantiated B$!

List of scientists opposing the mainstream scientific assessment of global warming
LINK: List of scientists opposing the mainstream scientific assessment of global warming - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

SORRY, but based on this post you have been found to be completely WRONG and 'Un-Reliable', as in NO CREDIBILITY!
Common sense suggests we prepare for climate change

That statement is idiotic. Okay dokay give up everything you have, run around half naked, hunt bafaloo and go live in a tepee.

and reduce the volume of pollutants / elements and chemical compounds released into the air, water and soil.

You do know that has nothing to do with climate change, quit confusing the two.

Jesus fucking Christ.

Wow, if you could spell and prepare an argument to as to why we should not prepare for rising ocean waters, for example, you might have some credibility. That you can't suggests you're angry because what you've been told to believe is under attack.

I did not confuse the two, both are the result of human behavior (IMO and that of the Scientific Community) and are of the same mindset of people like you, biddable people who parrot the propaganda of the industry's which pollute the environment and will continue to do so unless government monitors their behavior.
Common sense suggests we prepare for climate change

That statement is idiotic. Okay dokay give up everything you have, run around half naked, hunt bafaloo and go live in a tepee.

and reduce the volume of pollutants / elements and chemical compounds released into the air, water and soil.

You do know that has nothing to do with climate change, quit confusing the two.

Jesus fucking Christ.

Wow, if you could spell and prepare an argument to as to why we should not prepare for rising ocean waters, for example, you might have some credibility. That you can't suggests you're angry because what you've been told to believe is under attack.

I did not confuse the two, both are the result of human behavior (IMO and that of the Scientific Community) and are of the same mindset of people like you, biddable people who parrot the propaganda of the industry's which pollute the environment and will continue to do so unless government monitors their behavior.

I don't parrot shit, and the government monitors they're behavior? The same government who monitored the oil well in the gulf? The crap has nothing to do with this thread.

When you blend in climate change with pollution all you are doing is fear mongering and trying to push another agenda which is economic social justice as your hero Naomi Klein puts it.
Common sense suggests we prepare for climate change and reduce the volume of pollutants / elements and chemical compounds released into the air, water and soil.

No that isn't what "common sense" suggests. That's what hysterical environmental wacko paranoia suggests. Common senses suggests that we don't spend trillions of dollars and destroy our economy unless we have fairly credible proof that's absolutely required, and we don't have anything like that.
Common sense suggests we prepare for climate change

That statement is idiotic. Okay dokay give up everything you have, run around half naked, hunt bafaloo and go live in a tepee.

and reduce the volume of pollutants / elements and chemical compounds released into the air, water and soil.

You do know that has nothing to do with climate change, quit confusing the two.

Jesus fucking Christ.

Wow, if you could spell and prepare an argument to as to why we should not prepare for rising ocean waters, for example, you might have some credibility. That you can't suggests you're angry because what you've been told to believe is under attack.

I did not confuse the two, both are the result of human behavior (IMO and that of the Scientific Community) and are of the same mindset of people like you, biddable people who parrot the propaganda of the industry's which pollute the environment and will continue to do so unless government monitors their behavior.

I don't parrot shit, and the government monitors they're behavior? The same government who monitored the oil well in the gulf? The crap has nothing to do with this thread.

When you blend in climate change with pollution all you are doing is fear mongering and trying to push another agenda which is economic social justice as your hero Naomi Klein puts it.

LOL, well, thanks for sharing, you post is so informative ... (sarcasm).
Do you really want to play this game? You attack me personally and then post stuff not linked to a source. I'll continue the volley of ad hominems but search the web and provide data with links.

Bring it on and continue being an asshole, being an asshole makes your argument much stronger (sarcasm), a 'fact' believed by most conservative fools (fact).

Everything is linked silly boy. Right click any image I posted and it will take you to the URL. The only one playing games is you silly boy. In your post above they make this claim....

"This decrease has resulted from the uptake of atmospheric CO2 derived from fossil fuel combustion and deforestation." That is OPINION. There is no fact to support it. Furthermore the statement..."The calculated average net oceanic CO2 uptake is 2.1 gigatons of carbon per year." is from a MODEL. Once again, NO EMPIRICAL data! Do you even know what empirical means?

And we already know the CO2 is increasing silly boy. It has been increasing since the Medieval Warming Period. Further to my point. Hansen claimed that increasing CO2 will "inexorably" (his word) lead to increased warming. The warming has stopped. Even with vastly more CO2 than even he predicted on his most wild computer model, the temperatures have remained flat. The current claim of a "new global temp record" is horseshit. They claim a .038 increase when the instruments can't measure more precisely than .10 degrees as admitted to by NOAA.

The only asshole is you and you can't stand it when your bullshit is thrown back at you. How dare the peons question your authority!

Well piss on you and your supposed authority, asshole. You passed a fucking civil servant test that my 9 year old daughter could pass. You're nothing special.

You are, a very special kind of asshole.

Yes, I am. I rely on facts and not opinions to generate my understanding of the natural world. You don't. You are so dimwitted, or politically motivated, that you ignore factual data that refutes your preconceived ideas.

Enough with the personal attacks.

Time will tell who is right and who is wrong. The obvious take away from this issue is if the Scientists are correct and nothing is done to mitigate the damage done by industry, we are harming the planet and our children and their children.

If your side is correct, any harm done by the regulators will have little or no impact on future generations. It's very odd that your side has great concern for the national debt, and how it will harm future generations. Yet seem to have no concern for the health and well being of the generations to come.

We've learned that environmental concern and the regulations which have been promulgated have reduced SMOG, cleaned our air, soil and water, and we've cleaned up love canal and some of the other Superfund Sites, whose existence would seem to offer a red flag to those with an open mind.

The bottom line is not the bottom line, putting profit before prudence is foolish.

The future generations will have less cash to deal with real pollution so your assertion is false. There is NO mandate from ANY of the schemes put forward by your hero's to actually reduce pollution. Not one. A thinking person would wonder why that is. A thinking person would wonder how it is possible that with all of the screaming going on the only solution has been to come up with a tax that transfers vast sums of money from the poor and middle class to the wealthy.

That is the only real thing that has been accomplished with all of the this bullshit.
Common sense suggests we prepare for climate change and reduce the volume of pollutants / chemicals and chemical compounds released into the air, water and soil.
based on what? What do you experience that makes your common sense make such a statement? Name one thing.

Lead in gasoline

btw, I edited the post above by replacing "chemicals" with "elements" after proof reading my original post.

"Water Pollution from Coal includes negative health and environmental effects from the mining, processing, burning, and waste storage of coal, including acid mine drainage, thermal pollution from coal plants, acid rain, and contamination of groundwater, streams, rivers, and seas from heavy metals, mercury, and other toxins and pollutants found in coal ash, coal sludge, and coal waste."

Water pollution from coal - SourceWatch

Those problems are all virtually nonexistent. They have all been controlled.

"Thermal pollution?" You really think that's a major problem? You're an idiot.

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