So when representives from 190 countries come together on an agreement on climate change...

Stupid post #1.

Where is the evidence to support this conspiracy theory?

Bring it on Deniers!

No conspiracy, just arrogance mixed in with politics, Grant money and social economic justice.

"There are people who just need a cause that’s bigger than themselves,Then they can feel virtuous and say other people are not virtuous"~ William Happer Princton physicists

Stupid post #2
Climate change has been going on since the creation of the planet, its called evolution. What is rather humerus is that the very liberals that believe in evolution don't actually believe in evolution at all for they feel superior in the sense that climate is theirs to control thus stop or alter the very process they pretend to embrace for they see themselves as greater then God's design.
Stupid post #1.

Where is the evidence to support this conspiracy theory?

Bring it on Deniers!

No conspiracy, just arrogance mixed in with politics, Grant money and social economic justice.

"There are people who just need a cause that’s bigger than themselves,Then they can feel virtuous and say other people are not virtuous"~ William Happer Princton physicists

Another stupid post, and one more parrot of crazy right wing meme.

Well this irony impaired drone is at again..

Another ad hominem sans substance.

well if you believe this shit. What are you personally doing to stop it? are you riding a bike rather than driving a car, turned off your heat and A/C? stopped using electric lights? stopped eating meat?

Oh, you haven't done anything? you just want the rest of us to do those things? Well GFU you fricken hypocrite.

It's all about the World Government takeover. Now they'll get their taxes and control of the People. Mandatory rationing of things like meat and electricity will likely happen at some point. And if you don't obey, you'll be fined or imprisoned.

It's all about the money and control. It always is. After their Global Warming Boogeyman, they'll invent something else to scare and control the People. Stay tuned.
...I can't help but feel embarrassed for republicans and their denial of AGW. Apparently the global summit and the world wide scientific consensus on climate change isn't enough for them to be mature enough to admit they have been wrong all along. I mean it's pretty pathetic that average joe republicans believe it to be a myth just because their republican officials and rightwing bullshit media like Fox News tells them it is.

Climate negotiators say global deal is close in Paris
190 countries didn't come together. politicians from 190 countries came together. How many of these countries have the best interests of the Unites States in mind?

None, obviously.
You repubs are such egocentric toddlers. You think the world should come together to fix the US's problems? Are our problems more important than other nation's problems?

What problem? AGW is a myth, not a problem. Idiots like you who agree with the politicians from 190 countries are the problem.
No I agree with the scientific consensus. Those 190 countries are mature enough to agree. You disbelieve it simply because your republican leaders and Fox News told you to. Have you noticed that MSNBC didn't come up with idea?
Billy, you're not smart enough to agree with a sunny day, much less a "scientific consensus." Hint: Science does not work by consensus. Science works by facts and demonstrable phenomena. And with global warming there aint any.

Mob Rule. One day even the Global Warming fanatics will likely regret handing all that power & control over to World Government. Wait till the rationing of things like electricity begins. If they don't obey, they'll be fined or tossed into prison.

That's why i've always said, i value my Freedom & Liberty much more than i fear a Global Warming Boogeyman. This massive World Government takeover will not end well.
Well this irony impaired drone is at again..

Another ad hominem sans substance.

Ok post the datasets with source code that proves the AGW religion, that CO2 controls climate..

Let us see if this far left drone can do it..

First you prove human activity has no link to our changing climate. Then I'll post more links to NOAA, Scientific American, National Geographic and other credible sources as evidence you and other deniers are full of shit.

Science works the other way silly boy. YOU have to show through empirical data that mankind is having an effect. Not a computer model and the links to your pet agencies merely go to their OPINION statements. Not data. For someone who claims to be so smart how is it that you can't figure out the difference between fiction and fact...

Silly boy has concluded you're a punk and an asshole. SB also wonders why the crazy right wing hates the earth, and posits a conclusion based their local weather report.

Yes, it may be cold outside, but that is the dumbest comment of some of the stupidest people. Science creates models and tests theories; fools turn on Fox News or Rush Limbaugh and parrot the bullshit which protects polluters. I suppose the reason people like you deny the theory that climate change is a product of human activity is a product of how successful the propaganda is on the minds of biddable people.

In 300 pages not one denier has made a credible argument that human activity does not impact our changing climate. The prevailing theory by the fools is tens of thousands of scientists provided data manipulated so as to garner more government money to add to their lavish lifestyle.

How silly is that, boy!

I don't give a crap what a silly boy like you thinks about me. What I do care about is the perversion of science that you asshats have allowed to occur because you are so fucking stupid you don't know even the basics. The scientific method, which your faithers violate at every turn DEMANDS that if YOU make the claim it is YOU that has to support it. Not us. All we have to do is present factual data that you are wrong. Which we have done with every stupid claim about AGW that you imbeciles have ever made.

In 300 pages there has not been one shred of empirical data that SUPPORTS the idea that man has an impact. In fact there are THOUSANDS of pieces of empirical data that shows you are all full of shit. You no longer rely on facts, silly boy, you rely on faith. Faith is religious not scientific.

Learn the difference.
Another ad hominem sans substance.

Ok post the datasets with source code that proves the AGW religion, that CO2 controls climate..

Let us see if this far left drone can do it..

First you prove human activity has no link to our changing climate. Then I'll post more links to NOAA, Scientific American, National Geographic and other credible sources as evidence you and other deniers are full of shit.

Science works the other way silly boy. YOU have to show through empirical data that mankind is having an effect. Not a computer model and the links to your pet agencies merely go to their OPINION statements. Not data. For someone who claims to be so smart how is it that you can't figure out the difference between fiction and fact...

Silly boy has concluded you're a punk and an asshole. SB also wonders why the crazy right wing hates the earth, and posits a conclusion based their local weather report.

Yes, it may be cold outside, but that is the dumbest comment of some of the stupidest people. Science creates models and tests theories; fools turn on Fox News or Rush Limbaugh and parrot the bullshit which protects polluters. I suppose the reason people like you deny the theory that climate change is a product of human activity is a product of how successful the propaganda is on the minds of biddable people.

In 300 pages not one denier has made a credible argument that human activity does not impact our changing climate. The prevailing theory by the fools is tens of thousands of scientists provided data manipulated so as to garner more government money to add to their lavish lifestyle.

How silly is that, boy!

I don't give a crap what a silly boy like you thinks about me. What I do care about is the perversion of science that you asshats have allowed to occur because you are so fucking stupid you don't know even the basics. The scientific method, which your faithers violate at every turn DEMANDS that if YOU make the claim it is YOU that has to support it. Not us. All we have to do is present factual data that you are wrong. Which we have done with every stupid claim about AGW that you imbeciles have ever made.

In 300 pages there has not been one shred of empirical data that SUPPORTS the idea that man has an impact. In fact there are THOUSANDS of pieces of empirical data that shows you are all full of shit. You no longer rely on facts, silly boy, you rely on faith. Faith is religious not scientific.

Learn the difference.

Really? Post 10 of the "THOUSANDS of pieces of empirical data that shows you are all full of shit."

Show me anything which contradicts with credible evidence the facts in the link here:

Climate Change: Vital Signs of the Planet: Causes

Otherwise I will conclude you are a member of the Ostrich Party, shown below:

The NWO Globalist assholes got what they wanted. Now they need to STFU about their Global Warming Boogeyman. Most are sick of the fear mongering whining. Time to turn the page.
Ok post the datasets with source code that proves the AGW religion, that CO2 controls climate..

Let us see if this far left drone can do it..

First you prove human activity has no link to our changing climate. Then I'll post more links to NOAA, Scientific American, National Geographic and other credible sources as evidence you and other deniers are full of shit.

Science works the other way silly boy. YOU have to show through empirical data that mankind is having an effect. Not a computer model and the links to your pet agencies merely go to their OPINION statements. Not data. For someone who claims to be so smart how is it that you can't figure out the difference between fiction and fact...

Silly boy has concluded you're a punk and an asshole. SB also wonders why the crazy right wing hates the earth, and posits a conclusion based their local weather report.

Yes, it may be cold outside, but that is the dumbest comment of some of the stupidest people. Science creates models and tests theories; fools turn on Fox News or Rush Limbaugh and parrot the bullshit which protects polluters. I suppose the reason people like you deny the theory that climate change is a product of human activity is a product of how successful the propaganda is on the minds of biddable people.

In 300 pages not one denier has made a credible argument that human activity does not impact our changing climate. The prevailing theory by the fools is tens of thousands of scientists provided data manipulated so as to garner more government money to add to their lavish lifestyle.

How silly is that, boy!

I don't give a crap what a silly boy like you thinks about me. What I do care about is the perversion of science that you asshats have allowed to occur because you are so fucking stupid you don't know even the basics. The scientific method, which your faithers violate at every turn DEMANDS that if YOU make the claim it is YOU that has to support it. Not us. All we have to do is present factual data that you are wrong. Which we have done with every stupid claim about AGW that you imbeciles have ever made.

In 300 pages there has not been one shred of empirical data that SUPPORTS the idea that man has an impact. In fact there are THOUSANDS of pieces of empirical data that shows you are all full of shit. You no longer rely on facts, silly boy, you rely on faith. Faith is religious not scientific.

Learn the difference.

Really? Post 10 of the "THOUSANDS of pieces of empirical data that shows you are all full of shit."

Show me anything which contradicts with credible evidence the facts in the link here:

Climate Change: Vital Signs of the Planet: Causes

Otherwise I will conclude you are a member of the Ostrich Party, shown below:


Shows beyond doubt that CO2 LAGS temperature. ONE.


Shows beyond doubt that long wave IR can only penetrate microns deep into the very ocean that it is supposed to warm.. TWO


Shows beyond doubt that 90% of the glacial retreat has occurred BEFORE the year 1900. THREE


Shows beyond doubt that the Arctic ice is greater than in 2007 despite claims it would be gone by 2013. FOUR

Shows beyond doubt that the Antarctic sea ice level is still at near record level (even though it is summer there) and the claim by your faithers was that it would be the canary in the coal mine and be at LOW levels. FIVE

In 2008 the IPCC claimed that by 2010 there would be between 30 and 50 million climate refugees from islands in the Carribean and the pacific ocean. The reality is their populations have INCREASED. Then the UN tried to disappear that claim and even failed to do that properly......SIX.

What happened to the climate refugees?

The PAUSE continues... The black line is reality, the green lines are the models....SEVEN


The Recent Slowing in the Rise of Global Temperatures | Remote Sensing Systems

Trenberth claims that the ocean ate the heat. ARGO shows no increase in temperature in either the mid or deep ocean temps. EIGHT


AGW propagandists tell us that the non existent ocean warming is bleaching the corals. New studies show that the real cause is the chemicals in sunscreen.... NINE

Sunscreen Chemical Threatens Coral Reefs
Additive used in personal-care products since the 1960s to protect against ultraviolet light

Sunscreen Chemical Threatens Coral Reefs

The claim that snow would become a thing of the past as early as 2013! All claims made by AGW faithers, all sucked up by morons like you, and all shown to be wrong to the point that they disowned those claims and now proclaim with a straight face that global warming causes more snow. TEN

1. “Due to global warming, the coming winters in the local regions will become milder.”
Stefan Rahmstorf, Potsdam Institute of Climate Impact Research, University of Potsdam, February 8, 2006


2. “Milder winters, drier summers: Climate study shows a need to adapt in Saxony Anhalt.”
Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research, Press Release, January 10, 2010.


3. “More heat waves, no snow in the winter… Climate models… over 20 times more precise than the UN IPCC global models. In no other country do we have more precise calculations of climate consequences. They should form the basis for political planning… Temperatures in the wintertime will rise the most… there will be less cold air coming to Central Europe from the east…In the Alps winters will be 2°C warmer already between 2021 and 2050.”

Max Planck Institute for Meteorology, Hamburg, September 2, 2008.

106. June 8, 1972, Christian Science Monitor: “Arctic specialist Bernt Balchen says a general warming trend over the North Pole is melting the polar ice cap and may produce an ice-free Arctic Ocean by the year 2000.”


107. May 15, 1989, Associated Press: “Using computer models, researchers concluded that global warming would raise average annual temperatures nationwide [USA] two degrees by 2010.”

The big list of failed climate predictions

The big list of failed climate predictions
First you prove human activity has no link to our changing climate. Then I'll post more links to NOAA, Scientific American, National Geographic and other credible sources as evidence you and other deniers are full of shit.

Science works the other way silly boy. YOU have to show through empirical data that mankind is having an effect. Not a computer model and the links to your pet agencies merely go to their OPINION statements. Not data. For someone who claims to be so smart how is it that you can't figure out the difference between fiction and fact...

Silly boy has concluded you're a punk and an asshole. SB also wonders why the crazy right wing hates the earth, and posits a conclusion based their local weather report.

Yes, it may be cold outside, but that is the dumbest comment of some of the stupidest people. Science creates models and tests theories; fools turn on Fox News or Rush Limbaugh and parrot the bullshit which protects polluters. I suppose the reason people like you deny the theory that climate change is a product of human activity is a product of how successful the propaganda is on the minds of biddable people.

In 300 pages not one denier has made a credible argument that human activity does not impact our changing climate. The prevailing theory by the fools is tens of thousands of scientists provided data manipulated so as to garner more government money to add to their lavish lifestyle.

How silly is that, boy!

I don't give a crap what a silly boy like you thinks about me. What I do care about is the perversion of science that you asshats have allowed to occur because you are so fucking stupid you don't know even the basics. The scientific method, which your faithers violate at every turn DEMANDS that if YOU make the claim it is YOU that has to support it. Not us. All we have to do is present factual data that you are wrong. Which we have done with every stupid claim about AGW that you imbeciles have ever made.

In 300 pages there has not been one shred of empirical data that SUPPORTS the idea that man has an impact. In fact there are THOUSANDS of pieces of empirical data that shows you are all full of shit. You no longer rely on facts, silly boy, you rely on faith. Faith is religious not scientific.

Learn the difference.

Really? Post 10 of the "THOUSANDS of pieces of empirical data that shows you are all full of shit."

Show me anything which contradicts with credible evidence the facts in the link here:

Climate Change: Vital Signs of the Planet: Causes

Otherwise I will conclude you are a member of the Ostrich Party, shown below:


Shows beyond doubt that CO2 LAGS temperature. ONE.


Shows beyond doubt that long wave IR can only penetrate microns deep into the very ocean that it is supposed to warm.. TWO


Shows beyond doubt that 90% of the glacial retreat has occurred BEFORE the year 1900. THREE


Shows beyond doubt that the Arctic ice is greater than in 2007 despite claims it would be gone by 2013. FOUR

Shows beyond doubt that the Antarctic sea ice level is still at near record level (even though it is summer there) and the claim by your faithers was that it would be the canary in the coal mine and be at LOW levels. FIVE

In 2008 the IPCC claimed that by 2010 there would be between 30 and 50 million climate refugees from islands in the Carribean and the pacific ocean. The reality is their populations have INCREASED. Then the UN tried to disappear that claim and even failed to do that properly......SIX.

What happened to the climate refugees?

The PAUSE continues... The black line is reality, the green lines are the models....SEVEN


The Recent Slowing in the Rise of Global Temperatures | Remote Sensing Systems

Trenberth claims that the ocean ate the heat. ARGO shows no increase in temperature in either the mid or deep ocean temps. EIGHT


AGW propagandists tell us that the non existent ocean warming is bleaching the corals. New studies show that the real cause is the chemicals in sunscreen.... NINE

Sunscreen Chemical Threatens Coral Reefs
Additive used in personal-care products since the 1960s to protect against ultraviolet light

Sunscreen Chemical Threatens Coral Reefs

The claim that snow would become a thing of the past as early as 2013! All claims made by AGW faithers, all sucked up by morons like you, and all shown to be wrong to the point that they disowned those claims and now proclaim with a straight face that global warming causes more snow. TEN

1. “Due to global warming, the coming winters in the local regions will become milder.”
Stefan Rahmstorf, Potsdam Institute of Climate Impact Research, University of Potsdam, February 8, 2006


2. “Milder winters, drier summers: Climate study shows a need to adapt in Saxony Anhalt.”
Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research, Press Release, January 10, 2010.


3. “More heat waves, no snow in the winter… Climate models… over 20 times more precise than the UN IPCC global models. In no other country do we have more precise calculations of climate consequences. They should form the basis for political planning… Temperatures in the wintertime will rise the most… there will be less cold air coming to Central Europe from the east…In the Alps winters will be 2°C warmer already between 2021 and 2050.”

Max Planck Institute for Meteorology, Hamburg, September 2, 2008.

106. June 8, 1972, Christian Science Monitor: “Arctic specialist Bernt Balchen says a general warming trend over the North Pole is melting the polar ice cap and may produce an ice-free Arctic Ocean by the year 2000.”


107. May 15, 1989, Associated Press: “Using computer models, researchers concluded that global warming would raise average annual temperatures nationwide [USA] two degrees by 2010.”

The big list of failed climate predictions

The big list of failed climate predictions


" The δ13C value of the dissolved inorganic carbon in the surface waters of the Pacific Ocean has decreased by about 0.4 per mil between 1970 and 1990. This decrease has resulted from the uptake of atmospheric CO2derived from fossil fuel combustion and deforestation. The net amounts of CO2 taken up by the oceans and released from the biosphere between 1970 and 1990 have been determined from the changes in three measured values: the concentration of atmospheric CO2, the δ13C of atmospheric CO2 and the δ13C value of dissolved inorganic carbon in the ocean. The calculated average net oceanic CO2 uptake is 2.1 gigatons of carbon per year. This amount implies that the ocean is the dominant net sink for anthropogenically produced CO2 and that there has been no significant net CO2 released from the biosphere during the last 20 years"
Link: Oceanic Uptake of Fossil Fuel CO2: Carbon-13 Evidence
Do you really want to play this game? You attack me personally and then post stuff not linked to a source. I'll continue the volley of ad hominems but search the web and provide data with links.

Bring it on and continue being an asshole, being an asshole makes your argument much stronger (sarcasm), a 'fact' believed by most conservative fools (fact).
Do you really want to play this game? You attack me personally and then post stuff not linked to a source. I'll continue the volley of ad hominems but search the web and provide data with links.

Bring it on and continue being an asshole, being an asshole makes your argument much stronger (sarcasm), a 'fact' believed by most conservative fools (fact).

Everything is linked silly boy. Right click any image I posted and it will take you to the URL. The only one playing games is you silly boy. In your post above they make this claim....

"This decrease has resulted from the uptake of atmospheric CO2 derived from fossil fuel combustion and deforestation." That is OPINION. There is no fact to support it. Furthermore the statement..."The calculated average net oceanic CO2 uptake is 2.1 gigatons of carbon per year." is from a MODEL. Once again, NO EMPIRICAL data! Do you even know what empirical means?

And we already know the CO2 is increasing silly boy. It has been increasing since the Medieval Warming Period. Further to my point. Hansen claimed that increasing CO2 will "inexorably" (his word) lead to increased warming. The warming has stopped. Even with vastly more CO2 than even he predicted on his most wild computer model, the temperatures have remained flat. The current claim of a "new global temp record" is horseshit. They claim a .038 increase when the instruments can't measure more precisely than .10 degrees as admitted to by NOAA.

The only asshole is you and you can't stand it when your bullshit is thrown back at you. How dare the peons question your authority!

Well piss on you and your supposed authority, asshole. You passed a fucking civil servant test that my 9 year old daughter could pass. You're nothing special.
Do you really want to play this game? You attack me personally and then post stuff not linked to a source. I'll continue the volley of ad hominems but search the web and provide data with links.

Bring it on and continue being an asshole, being an asshole makes your argument much stronger (sarcasm), a 'fact' believed by most conservative fools (fact).

BTW, the links provided do not discount human activity as a contributing factor to climate change, they offer other possible explanations or causes for climate change. The fact that the climate is and has been undergoing change since the advent of the Industrial Revolutions seems to be accepted by most of the world's non fools.
Do you really want to play this game? You attack me personally and then post stuff not linked to a source. I'll continue the volley of ad hominems but search the web and provide data with links.

Bring it on and continue being an asshole, being an asshole makes your argument much stronger (sarcasm), a 'fact' believed by most conservative fools (fact).

Everything is linked silly boy. Right click any image I posted and it will take you to the URL. The only one playing games is you silly boy. In your post above they make this claim....

"This decrease has resulted from the uptake of atmospheric CO2 derived from fossil fuel combustion and deforestation." That is OPINION. There is no fact to support it. Furthermore the statement..."The calculated average net oceanic CO2 uptake is 2.1 gigatons of carbon per year." is from a MODEL. Once again, NO EMPIRICAL data! Do you even know what empirical means?

And we already know the CO2 is increasing silly boy. It has been increasing since the Medieval Warming Period. Further to my point. Hansen claimed that increasing CO2 will "inexorably" (his word) lead to increased warming. The warming has stopped. Even with vastly more CO2 than even he predicted on his most wild computer model, the temperatures have remained flat. The current claim of a "new global temp record" is horseshit. They claim a .038 increase when the instruments can't measure more precisely than .10 degrees as admitted to by NOAA.

The only asshole is you and you can't stand it when your bullshit is thrown back at you. How dare the peons question your authority!

Well piss on you and your supposed authority, asshole. You passed a fucking civil servant test that my 9 year old daughter could pass. You're nothing special.

You are, a very special kind of asshole.
...I can't help but feel embarrassed for republicans and their denial of AGW. Apparently the global summit and the world wide scientific consensus on climate change isn't enough for them to be mature enough to admit they have been wrong all along. I mean it's pretty pathetic that average joe republicans believe it to be a myth just because their republican officials and rightwing bullshit media like Fox News tells them it is.

Climate negotiators say global deal is close in Paris

Climate change will do nothing other than tax energy.

What government on the planet would not like a big pot of money worth trillions?
Oh how the courtiers of King Canute think they are so blessed and empowered to control the climate of the world. Talk about illusions of grandeur, importance, and stupidity.
No conspiracy, just arrogance mixed in with politics, Grant money and social economic justice.

"There are people who just need a cause that’s bigger than themselves,Then they can feel virtuous and say other people are not virtuous"~ William Happer Princton physicists

Stupid post #2
Climate change has been going on since the creation of the planet, its called evolution. What is rather humerus is that the very liberals that believe in evolution don't actually believe in evolution at all for they feel superior in the sense that climate is theirs to control thus stop or alter the very process they pretend to embrace for they see themselves as greater then God's design.
No conspiracy, just arrogance mixed in with politics, Grant money and social economic justice.

"There are people who just need a cause that’s bigger than themselves,Then they can feel virtuous and say other people are not virtuous"~ William Happer Princton physicists

Another stupid post, and one more parrot of crazy right wing meme.

Well this irony impaired drone is at again..

Another ad hominem sans substance.

Ok post the datasets with source code that proves the AGW religion, that CO2 controls climate..

Let us see if this far left drone can do it..

First you prove human activity has no link to our changing climate. Then I'll post more links to NOAA, Scientific American, National Geographic and other credible sources as evidence you and other deniers are full of shit.
The skeptics don't have to prove a thing. You and the rest of the cult have to prove that y our theories are valid.

Linking to NOAA is proof that your a gullible moron, and nothing more.
Stupid post #2
Another stupid post, and one more parrot of crazy right wing meme.

Well this irony impaired drone is at again..

Another ad hominem sans substance.

Ok post the datasets with source code that proves the AGW religion, that CO2 controls climate..

Let us see if this far left drone can do it..

First you prove human activity has no link to our changing climate. Then I'll post more links to NOAA, Scientific American, National Geographic and other credible sources as evidence you and other deniers are full of shit.
The skeptics don't have to prove a thing. You and the rest of the cult have to prove that y our theories are valid.

Linking to NOAA is proof that your a gullible moron, and nothing more.

"Rationalism and Empiricism. An important philosophical war took place in the 17th and 18th centuries between two schools of thought. Most briefly, first there were rationalists from continental Europe who were critical of sense experience and felt that genuine knowledge was acquired non-experientially through reason. The leaders on this side were René Descartes, Benedict Spinoza, and Gottfried Leibniz. Second there were empiricists from the British Isles who felt that non-experiential reasoning would give us nothing, and experience was the only path to knowledge. John Locke, George Berkeley and David Hume were the leaders on this side. The war finally ended when Immanuel Kant proposed a compromise: true knowledge depends on a mixture of experiential and non-experiential knowledge. We need both, Kant argued, otherwise our whole mental system will not operate properly."


The idea that no solutions exists never occurs to you; we need both, and you and other parrots don't have either.
Ok post the datasets with source code that proves the AGW religion, that CO2 controls climate..

Let us see if this far left drone can do it..

First you prove human activity has no link to our changing climate. Then I'll post more links to NOAA, Scientific American, National Geographic and other credible sources as evidence you and other deniers are full of shit.
Do you really want to play this game? You attack me personally and then post stuff not linked to a source. I'll continue the volley of ad hominems but search the web and provide data with links.

Bring it on and continue being an asshole, being an asshole makes your argument much stronger (sarcasm), a 'fact' believed by most conservative fools (fact).

Science works the other way silly boy. YOU have to show through empirical data that mankind is having an effect. Not a computer model and the links to your pet agencies merely go to their OPINION statements. Not data. For someone who claims to be so smart how is it that you can't figure out the difference between fiction and fact...

Silly boy has concluded you're a punk and an asshole. SB also wonders why the crazy right wing hates the earth, and posits a conclusion based their local weather report.

Yes, it may be cold outside, but that is the dumbest comment of some of the stupidest people. Science creates models and tests theories; fools turn on Fox News or Rush Limbaugh and parrot the bullshit which protects polluters. I suppose the reason people like you deny the theory that climate change is a product of human activity is a product of how successful the propaganda is on the minds of biddable people.

In 300 pages not one denier has made a credible argument that human activity does not impact our changing climate. The prevailing theory by the fools is tens of thousands of scientists provided data manipulated so as to garner more government money to add to their lavish lifestyle.

How silly is that, boy!

I don't give a crap what a silly boy like you thinks about me. What I do care about is the perversion of science that you asshats have allowed to occur because you are so fucking stupid you don't know even the basics. The scientific method, which your faithers violate at every turn DEMANDS that if YOU make the claim it is YOU that has to support it. Not us. All we have to do is present factual data that you are wrong. Which we have done with every stupid claim about AGW that you imbeciles have ever made.

In 300 pages there has not been one shred of empirical data that SUPPORTS the idea that man has an impact. In fact there are THOUSANDS of pieces of empirical data that shows you are all full of shit. You no longer rely on facts, silly boy, you rely on faith. Faith is religious not scientific.

Learn the difference.

Really? Post 10 of the "THOUSANDS of pieces of empirical data that shows you are all full of shit."

Show me anything which contradicts with credible evidence the facts in the link here:

Climate Change: Vital Signs of the Planet: Causes

Otherwise I will conclude you are a member of the Ostrich Party, shown below:


Well this irony impaired drone is at again..

Another ad hominem sans substance.

Ok post the datasets with source code that proves the AGW religion, that CO2 controls climate..

Let us see if this far left drone can do it..

First you prove human activity has no link to our changing climate. Then I'll post more links to NOAA, Scientific American, National Geographic and other credible sources as evidence you and other deniers are full of shit.
The skeptics don't have to prove a thing. You and the rest of the cult have to prove that y our theories are valid.

Linking to NOAA is proof that your a gullible moron, and nothing more.

"Rationalism and Empiricism. An important philosophical war took place in the 17th and 18th centuries between two schools of thought. Most briefly, first there were rationalists from continental Europe who were critical of sense experience and felt that genuine knowledge was acquired non-experientially through reason. The leaders on this side were René Descartes, Benedict Spinoza, and Gottfried Leibniz. Second there were empiricists from the British Isles who felt that non-experiential reasoning would give us nothing, and experience was the only path to knowledge. John Locke, George Berkeley and David Hume were the leaders on this side. The war finally ended when Immanuel Kant proposed a compromise: true knowledge depends on a mixture of experiential and non-experiential knowledge. We need both, Kant argued, otherwise our whole mental system will not operate properly."


The idea that no solutions exists never occurs to you; we need both, and you and other parrots don't have either.
neither rationalism nor empiricism on your side, numskull. They both argue against the claims the AGW cult.
Do you really want to play this game? You attack me personally and then post stuff not linked to a source. I'll continue the volley of ad hominems but search the web and provide data with links.

Bring it on and continue being an asshole, being an asshole makes your argument much stronger (sarcasm), a 'fact' believed by most conservative fools (fact).

BTW, the links provided do not discount human activity as a contributing factor to climate change, they offer other possible explanations or causes for climate change. The fact that the climate is and has been undergoing change since the advent of the Industrial Revolutions seems to be accepted by most of the world's non fools.

I claim you are a closet terrorist and you have to prove you aren't. Have fun with that....

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