So when representives from 190 countries come together on an agreement on climate change...

...I can't help but feel embarrassed for republicans and their denial of AGW. Apparently the global summit and the world wide scientific consensus on climate change isn't enough for them to be mature enough to admit they have been wrong all along. I mean it's pretty pathetic that average joe republicans believe it to be a myth just because their republican officials and rightwing bullshit media like Fox News tells them it is.

Climate negotiators say global deal is close in Paris

How to give money away to horrible little third world countries and the money will never reach them because as per usual we just keep giving money to their dictators. All to make our asshole leaders feel better.
...I can't help but feel embarrassed for republicans and their denial of AGW. Apparently the global summit and the world wide scientific consensus on climate change isn't enough for them to be mature enough to admit they have been wrong all along. I mean it's pretty pathetic that average joe republicans believe it to be a myth just because their republican officials and rightwing bullshit media like Fox News tells them it is.

Climate negotiators say global deal is close in Paris

How to give money away to horrible little third world countries and the money will never reach them because as per usual we just keep giving money to their dictators. All to make our asshole leaders feel better.

Just like sanctions do not punish the dictators it punishes the people that they rule over!
Would anyone here be offended if I said that this Global warming thread reads like the last one hundred threads on the subject ?
...I can't help but feel embarrassed for republicans and their denial of AGW. Apparently the global summit and the world wide scientific consensus on climate change isn't enough for them to be mature enough to admit they have been wrong all along. I mean it's pretty pathetic that average joe republicans believe it to be a myth just because their republican officials and rightwing bullshit media like Fox News tells them it is.

Climate negotiators say global deal is close in Paris

190 countries and 97% of scientists vs Republicans and big oil

I wonder who will win?

When Exxon Mobile has a top line revenue that would make it #7 in terms of GDP.....there is no question who will win.
Would anyone here be offended if I said that this Global warming thread reads like the last one hundred threads on the subject ?

Nope all threads on this board are like this..

But that is because having an actual discussion with the far left is impossible, as they would have to admit to be wrong! And since they are wrong 99.9$ of the time they would be constantly apologizing!
Stupid post #1.

Where is the evidence to support this conspiracy theory?

Bring it on Deniers!

No conspiracy, just arrogance mixed in with politics, Grant money and social economic justice.

"There are people who just need a cause that’s bigger than themselves,Then they can feel virtuous and say other people are not virtuous"~ William Happer Princton physicists

Stupid post #2
Climate change has been going on since the creation of the planet, its called evolution. What is rather humerus is that the very liberals that believe in evolution don't actually believe in evolution at all for they feel superior in the sense that climate is theirs to control thus stop or alter the very process they pretend to embrace for they see themselves as greater then God's design.
Stupid post #1.

Where is the evidence to support this conspiracy theory?

Bring it on Deniers!

No conspiracy, just arrogance mixed in with politics, Grant money and social economic justice.

"There are people who just need a cause that’s bigger than themselves,Then they can feel virtuous and say other people are not virtuous"~ William Happer Princton physicists

Another stupid post, and one more parrot of crazy right wing meme.

Well this irony impaired drone is at again..

Another ad hominem sans substance.

well if you believe this shit. What are you personally doing to stop it? are you riding a bike rather than driving a car, turned off your heat and A/C? stopped using electric lights? stopped eating meat?

Oh, you haven't done anything? you just want the rest of us to do those things? Well GFU you fricken hypocrite.

How do you know my family has not made adjustments in our lifestyle with the environment in mind. You don't, and that is only one of so many things you know nothing about but pretend you do.
Stupid post #1.

Where is the evidence to support this conspiracy theory?

Bring it on Deniers!

No conspiracy, just arrogance mixed in with politics, Grant money and social economic justice.

"There are people who just need a cause that’s bigger than themselves,Then they can feel virtuous and say other people are not virtuous"~ William Happer Princton physicists

Stupid post #2
Climate change has been going on since the creation of the planet, its called evolution. What is rather humerus is that the very liberals that believe in evolution don't actually believe in evolution at all for they feel superior in the sense that climate is theirs to control thus stop or alter the very process they pretend to embrace for they see themselves as greater then God's design.
Stupid post #1.

Where is the evidence to support this conspiracy theory?

Bring it on Deniers!

No conspiracy, just arrogance mixed in with politics, Grant money and social economic justice.

"There are people who just need a cause that’s bigger than themselves,Then they can feel virtuous and say other people are not virtuous"~ William Happer Princton physicists

Another stupid post, and one more parrot of crazy right wing meme.

Well this irony impaired drone is at again..

Another ad hominem sans substance.

Ok post the datasets with source code that proves the AGW religion, that CO2 controls climate..

Let us see if this far left drone can do it..

First you prove human activity has no link to our changing climate. Then I'll post more links to NOAA, Scientific American, National Geographic and other credible sources as evidence you and other deniers are full of shit.
No conspiracy, just arrogance mixed in with politics, Grant money and social economic justice.

"There are people who just need a cause that’s bigger than themselves,Then they can feel virtuous and say other people are not virtuous"~ William Happer Princton physicists

Stupid post #2
Climate change has been going on since the creation of the planet, its called evolution. What is rather humerus is that the very liberals that believe in evolution don't actually believe in evolution at all for they feel superior in the sense that climate is theirs to control thus stop or alter the very process they pretend to embrace for they see themselves as greater then God's design.
No conspiracy, just arrogance mixed in with politics, Grant money and social economic justice.

"There are people who just need a cause that’s bigger than themselves,Then they can feel virtuous and say other people are not virtuous"~ William Happer Princton physicists

Another stupid post, and one more parrot of crazy right wing meme.

Well this irony impaired drone is at again..

Another ad hominem sans substance.

well if you believe this shit. What are you personally doing to stop it? are you riding a bike rather than driving a car, turned off your heat and A/C? stopped using electric lights? stopped eating meat?

Oh, you haven't done anything? you just want the rest of us to do those things? Well GFU you fricken hypocrite.

How do you know my family has not made adjustments in our lifestyle with the environment in mind. You don't, and that is only one of so many things you know nothing about but pretend you do.

So that is why you bought the SUV so you can put a "fight climate change" bumper sticker on it?

We all know that you far left drones feel that you are exempt from the rules and laws..
No conspiracy, just arrogance mixed in with politics, Grant money and social economic justice.

"There are people who just need a cause that’s bigger than themselves,Then they can feel virtuous and say other people are not virtuous"~ William Happer Princton physicists

Stupid post #2
Climate change has been going on since the creation of the planet, its called evolution. What is rather humerus is that the very liberals that believe in evolution don't actually believe in evolution at all for they feel superior in the sense that climate is theirs to control thus stop or alter the very process they pretend to embrace for they see themselves as greater then God's design.
No conspiracy, just arrogance mixed in with politics, Grant money and social economic justice.

"There are people who just need a cause that’s bigger than themselves,Then they can feel virtuous and say other people are not virtuous"~ William Happer Princton physicists

Another stupid post, and one more parrot of crazy right wing meme.

Well this irony impaired drone is at again..

Another ad hominem sans substance.

Ok post the datasets with source code that proves the AGW religion, that CO2 controls climate..

Let us see if this far left drone can do it..

he can't but you can count on having some more insults sent your way for asking the question.

Yep, he and you are both full of shit.
No conspiracy, just arrogance mixed in with politics, Grant money and social economic justice.

"There are people who just need a cause that’s bigger than themselves,Then they can feel virtuous and say other people are not virtuous"~ William Happer Princton physicists

Stupid post #2
Climate change has been going on since the creation of the planet, its called evolution. What is rather humerus is that the very liberals that believe in evolution don't actually believe in evolution at all for they feel superior in the sense that climate is theirs to control thus stop or alter the very process they pretend to embrace for they see themselves as greater then God's design.
No conspiracy, just arrogance mixed in with politics, Grant money and social economic justice.

"There are people who just need a cause that’s bigger than themselves,Then they can feel virtuous and say other people are not virtuous"~ William Happer Princton physicists

Another stupid post, and one more parrot of crazy right wing meme.

Well this irony impaired drone is at again..

Another ad hominem sans substance.

Ok post the datasets with source code that proves the AGW religion, that CO2 controls climate..

Let us see if this far left drone can do it..

First you prove human activity has no link to our changing climate. Then I'll post more links to NOAA, Scientific American, National Geographic and other credible sources as evidence you and other deniers are full of shit.

See how the far left wants people to prove a negative..

The Burdon of proof is on you!

And your links do not contain datasets and source code that proves CO2 controls climate..

The far left believes if they supply any link it will prove their comments!
Stupid post #2
Another stupid post, and one more parrot of crazy right wing meme.

Well this irony impaired drone is at again..

Another ad hominem sans substance.

well if you believe this shit. What are you personally doing to stop it? are you riding a bike rather than driving a car, turned off your heat and A/C? stopped using electric lights? stopped eating meat?

Oh, you haven't done anything? you just want the rest of us to do those things? Well GFU you fricken hypocrite.

How do you know my family has not made adjustments in our lifestyle with the environment in mind. You don't, and that is only one of so many things you know nothing about but pretend you do.

So that is why you bought the SUV so you can put a "fight climate change" bumper sticker on it?

We all know that you far left drones feel that you are exempt from the rules and laws..

We own a Prius, a Honda Odyssey and I have a bike.
No conspiracy, just arrogance mixed in with politics, Grant money and social economic justice.

"There are people who just need a cause that’s bigger than themselves,Then they can feel virtuous and say other people are not virtuous"~ William Happer Princton physicists

Stupid post #2
Climate change has been going on since the creation of the planet, its called evolution. What is rather humerus is that the very liberals that believe in evolution don't actually believe in evolution at all for they feel superior in the sense that climate is theirs to control thus stop or alter the very process they pretend to embrace for they see themselves as greater then God's design.
No conspiracy, just arrogance mixed in with politics, Grant money and social economic justice.

"There are people who just need a cause that’s bigger than themselves,Then they can feel virtuous and say other people are not virtuous"~ William Happer Princton physicists

Another stupid post, and one more parrot of crazy right wing meme.

Well this irony impaired drone is at again..

Another ad hominem sans substance.

well if you believe this shit. What are you personally doing to stop it? are you riding a bike rather than driving a car, turned off your heat and A/C? stopped using electric lights? stopped eating meat?

Oh, you haven't done anything? you just want the rest of us to do those things? Well GFU you fricken hypocrite.

How do you know my family has not made adjustments in our lifestyle with the environment in mind. You don't, and that is only one of so many things you know nothing about but pretend you do.

I'm going to be straight up. I know that the majority of mother fucking so called idiots that are wannabe envirowhackos are liars and scammers. It's a posture.
Stupid post #2
Another stupid post, and one more parrot of crazy right wing meme.

Well this irony impaired drone is at again..

Another ad hominem sans substance.

Ok post the datasets with source code that proves the AGW religion, that CO2 controls climate..

Let us see if this far left drone can do it..

he can't but you can count on having some more insults sent your way for asking the question.

Yep, he and you are both full of shit.

Yes I am sure your shoes are!

Silly far left drone!
Well this irony impaired drone is at again..

Another ad hominem sans substance.

well if you believe this shit. What are you personally doing to stop it? are you riding a bike rather than driving a car, turned off your heat and A/C? stopped using electric lights? stopped eating meat?

Oh, you haven't done anything? you just want the rest of us to do those things? Well GFU you fricken hypocrite.

How do you know my family has not made adjustments in our lifestyle with the environment in mind. You don't, and that is only one of so many things you know nothing about but pretend you do.

So that is why you bought the SUV so you can put a "fight climate change" bumper sticker on it?

We all know that you far left drones feel that you are exempt from the rules and laws..

We own a Prius, a Honda Odyssey and I have a bike.

Now that is cool. Looks like you are living it.

We have one car one van. Only the car on the road and I walk everywhere in the middle of no where. I'm a mega conservationist. Have been for years. Running on a a big ticket now to stop Bi Pole III because it will destroy monarch breeding grounds. Will ramp shortly. Will need every bit of help I can up and coming.
Well this irony impaired drone is at again..

Another ad hominem sans substance.

well if you believe this shit. What are you personally doing to stop it? are you riding a bike rather than driving a car, turned off your heat and A/C? stopped using electric lights? stopped eating meat?

Oh, you haven't done anything? you just want the rest of us to do those things? Well GFU you fricken hypocrite.

How do you know my family has not made adjustments in our lifestyle with the environment in mind. You don't, and that is only one of so many things you know nothing about but pretend you do.

So that is why you bought the SUV so you can put a "fight climate change" bumper sticker on it?

We all know that you far left drones feel that you are exempt from the rules and laws..

We own a Prius, a Honda Odyssey and I have a bike.

Sure you do! You have to cover the fact that you own an SUV.

It is what far left drones do!
Stupid post #2
Another stupid post, and one more parrot of crazy right wing meme.

Well this irony impaired drone is at again..

Another ad hominem sans substance.

well if you believe this shit. What are you personally doing to stop it? are you riding a bike rather than driving a car, turned off your heat and A/C? stopped using electric lights? stopped eating meat?

Oh, you haven't done anything? you just want the rest of us to do those things? Well GFU you fricken hypocrite.

How do you know my family has not made adjustments in our lifestyle with the environment in mind. You don't, and that is only one of so many things you know nothing about but pretend you do.

I'm going to be straight up. I know that the majority of mother fucking so called idiots that are wannabe envirowhackos are liars and scammers. It's a posture.

Really, post the evidence.

For example, most of the crazy right wing (CRW) calls everyone who disagrees with the dogma they hold true "idiots", and many of the lower class (The Ruck) of the CRW call them M.Fers and liars.

Evidence? Sure, see post #292 above.
No conspiracy, just arrogance mixed in with politics, Grant money and social economic justice.

"There are people who just need a cause that’s bigger than themselves,Then they can feel virtuous and say other people are not virtuous"~ William Happer Princton physicists

Stupid post #2
Climate change has been going on since the creation of the planet, its called evolution. What is rather humerus is that the very liberals that believe in evolution don't actually believe in evolution at all for they feel superior in the sense that climate is theirs to control thus stop or alter the very process they pretend to embrace for they see themselves as greater then God's design.
No conspiracy, just arrogance mixed in with politics, Grant money and social economic justice.

"There are people who just need a cause that’s bigger than themselves,Then they can feel virtuous and say other people are not virtuous"~ William Happer Princton physicists

Another stupid post, and one more parrot of crazy right wing meme.

Well this irony impaired drone is at again..

Another ad hominem sans substance.

Ok post the datasets with source code that proves the AGW religion, that CO2 controls climate..

Let us see if this far left drone can do it..

First you prove human activity has no link to our changing climate. Then I'll post more links to NOAA, Scientific American, National Geographic and other credible sources as evidence you and other deniers are full of shit.

Science works the other way silly boy. YOU have to show through empirical data that mankind is having an effect. Not a computer model and the links to your pet agencies merely go to their OPINION statements. Not data. For someone who claims to be so smart how is it that you can't figure out the difference between fiction and fact...
Well this irony impaired drone is at again..

Another ad hominem sans substance.

well if you believe this shit. What are you personally doing to stop it? are you riding a bike rather than driving a car, turned off your heat and A/C? stopped using electric lights? stopped eating meat?

Oh, you haven't done anything? you just want the rest of us to do those things? Well GFU you fricken hypocrite.

How do you know my family has not made adjustments in our lifestyle with the environment in mind. You don't, and that is only one of so many things you know nothing about but pretend you do.

I'm going to be straight up. I know that the majority of mother fucking so called idiots that are wannabe envirowhackos are liars and scammers. It's a posture.

Really, post the evidence.

For example, most of the crazy right wing (CRW) calls everyone who disagrees with the dogma they hold true "idiots", and many of the lower class (The Ruck) of the CRW call them M.Fers and liars.

Evidence? Sure, see post #292 above.

See the far left/AGW cult can not produce the empirical datasets with source code that proves their religious beliefs..
...I can't help but feel embarrassed for republicans and their denial of AGW. Apparently the global summit and the world wide scientific consensus on climate change isn't enough for them to be mature enough to admit they have been wrong all along. I mean it's pretty pathetic that average joe republicans believe it to be a myth just because their republican officials and rightwing bullshit media like Fox News tells them it is.

Climate negotiators say global deal is close in Paris
190 countries didn't come together. politicians from 190 countries came together. How many of these countries have the best interests of the Unites States in mind?

None, obviously.
You repubs are such egocentric toddlers. You think the world should come together to fix the US's problems? Are our problems more important than other nation's problems?

What problem? AGW is a myth, not a problem. Idiots like you who agree with the politicians from 190 countries are the problem.
No I agree with the scientific consensus. Those 190 countries are mature enough to agree. You disbelieve it simply because your republican leaders and Fox News told you to. Have you noticed that MSNBC didn't come up with idea?
Billy, you're not smart enough to agree with a sunny day, much less a "scientific consensus." Hint: Science does not work by consensus. Science works by facts and demonstrable phenomena. And with global warming there aint any.
Stupid post #2
Another stupid post, and one more parrot of crazy right wing meme.

Well this irony impaired drone is at again..

Another ad hominem sans substance.

Ok post the datasets with source code that proves the AGW religion, that CO2 controls climate..

Let us see if this far left drone can do it..

First you prove human activity has no link to our changing climate. Then I'll post more links to NOAA, Scientific American, National Geographic and other credible sources as evidence you and other deniers are full of shit.

Science works the other way silly boy. YOU have to show through empirical data that mankind is having an effect. Not a computer model and the links to your pet agencies merely go to their OPINION statements. Not data. For someone who claims to be so smart how is it that you can't figure out the difference between fiction and fact...

Silly boy has concluded you're a punk and an asshole. SB also wonders why the crazy right wing hates the earth, and posits a conclusion based their local weather report.

Yes, it may be cold outside, but that is the dumbest comment of some of the stupidest people. Science creates models and tests theories; fools turn on Fox News or Rush Limbaugh and parrot the bullshit which protects polluters. I suppose the reason people like you deny the theory that climate change is a product of human activity is a product of how successful the propaganda is on the minds of biddable people.

In 300 pages not one denier has made a credible argument that human activity does not impact our changing climate. The prevailing theory by the fools is tens of thousands of scientists provided data manipulated so as to garner more government money to add to their lavish lifestyle.

How silly is that, boy!

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