So, when the lying witch says that Trump is causing isis to recruit and incites them.

Prove it. Cite the hundreds of thousands of deaths, and show the cause and effect that proves Hillary Clinton caused them.

If you can't prove it, you and Trump are lying, based on your OWN definition of a lie.

Clinton and Obama orchestrated regime change in Libya, Syria, Egypt, and Iraq. The direct result of those actions was the death of thousands in those countries. They allowed ISIS to grow into a major regional power, that also is the direct cause of thousands of deaths.

No they didn't. You are lying. You are claiming as fact things you cannot prove. That means you are lying, by your definition of lying.

btw, how many hundreds of thousands have died in Libya, Syria, Egypt, and Iraq in the last 5 years?

They absolutely did. As to how many, it depends on whose body count you believe.

if not Obama and Clinton, exactly who did orchestrate the regime change in those countries? Oh, I know------------------------Booooosh did it.

We know for a fact Bush contributed to the rise of ISIS because the military of ISIS is replete with officers and men from Saddam's disbanded army.

How Saddam's Former Soldiers Are Fueling the Rise of ISIS

Yes yes, or course. Bush is responsible for everything that happened during his 8 years and everything that happened during Obama's 8 years. He was probably responsible for everything that happened during Carter's term too, right?

You just tried to blame Hillary Clinton for hundreds of thousands of deaths that didn't even happen you retard.
Well, wait. I am confused here. I thought trump caused them to rally and recruit. So, no radical terror groups rallied and recruited anyone before Trump said something?
I'm confused too. Haven't we been told us that Obama's a Muslim and Hillary's a Muslim-lover? I guess the cons have been lying to us as all along. Not surprising, it worked for Bush and they're pretty much one-trick ponies.

Every time he denigrates Muslims with his lies the quotes are used almost immediately on Social Media by ISIS recruiters.

THE FACT CHECKER | As evidence, the Clinton campaign pointed to an NBC News report quoting Rita Katz, executive director of the SITE Intelligence Group, which monitors social media activities of Islamic terrorist groups, that Trump’s anti-Muslim rhetoric was a great recruiting tool for ISIS.

“They love him from the sense that he is supporting their rhetoric,” Katz told NBC. “They love him from the sense that he is supporting their rhetoric. They follow everything Donald Trump says,” she noted. “When he says, ‘No Muslims should be allowed in America,’ they tell people, ‘We told you America hates Muslims and here is proof.’”

cry us a river. we don't have to bend over for anyone. and it's you on the left who screams over Christian religion and the separation of church and state. I guess Obama and Hillary bombing the hell out of the Middle east didn't cause a damn thing or recruiting. that's was the battle cry when Bush president. what happened to that? now it's again us Americans fault for their despicable actions

None of which counters the fact that when he denigrates all Muslims with his lies, those lies end up as recruitment tools for ISIS.

Oh palease..... that's nonsense. Those crazies are just that, crazies. They've openly declared war on civilization in general and as such deserve nothing but denigration. Last I checked, Trump wasn't trash talking the Muzzies before 9/11, or when they overran sovereign U.S. soil and took Americans hostage for over a year, or bombed the Marine barracks, or when the lopped off the heads of hundreds of Iraqis. All they're doing is playing into the hands of the limp wristed hand wringers here in the U.S. that seeks to blame the U.S. for everything from the price of butter to sunspots. Personally, I don't give a fuck about their sensibilities because frankly, they have none.
Every time he denigrates Muslims with his lies the quotes are used almost immediately on Social Media by ISIS recruiters.

THE FACT CHECKER | As evidence, the Clinton campaign pointed to an NBC News report quoting Rita Katz, executive director of the SITE Intelligence Group, which monitors social media activities of Islamic terrorist groups, that Trump’s anti-Muslim rhetoric was a great recruiting tool for ISIS.

“They love him from the sense that he is supporting their rhetoric,” Katz told NBC. “They love him from the sense that he is supporting their rhetoric. They follow everything Donald Trump says,” she noted. “When he says, ‘No Muslims should be allowed in America,’ they tell people, ‘We told you America hates Muslims and here is proof.’”

cry us a river. we don't have to bend over for anyone. and it's you on the left who screams over Christian religion and the separation of church and state. I guess Obama and Hillary bombing the hell out of the Middle east didn't cause a damn thing or recruiting. that's was the battle cry when Bush president. what happened to that? now it's again us Americans fault for their despicable actions

None of which counters the fact that when he denigrates all Muslims with his lies, those lies end up as recruitment tools for ISIS.

He never denigrated all muslims. He said that muslim immigration should be temporarily stopped until we can accurately vet them. That's all he said.

He most certainly did. Thousand and thousands of them in Jersey cheering as the WTCs fell.

that has been proven true. Its also true that muslims all over the world celebrated as the towers fell and 3000 americans died.

But again, Trump, and no one else, ever said that ALL muslims celebrated or that ALL muslims are terrorists. But what is true is that all terrorists are muslims.

Hey, I watched when the World Trade Center came tumbling down. And I watched in Jersey City, New Jersey, where thousands and thousands of people were cheering as that building was coming down. Thousands of people were cheering.”

That was never proven true. To claim that it was is also a lie.

anyone who doesn't believe Trump is excluded from the fray ISIS uses to piss off men and women to the point they are willing to wear a bomb around their chest and kill as many people as they can must be a dumbass RW's..
I just watched that latest ISIS recruitment video...and damn if Trump doesn't look EXACTLY like Bill Clinton in it....

pretend Western Jihad doesn't exist, and they don't share OUR local media stories with their Eastern Mosques via Twitter or youtube.

Who has been the main focus of our "register and ban all Muslims" that keeps the news channels busy?

hint... it wasn't bill Clinton.

keep it up losers.
Clinton and Obama orchestrated regime change in Libya, Syria, Egypt, and Iraq. The direct result of those actions was the death of thousands in those countries. They allowed ISIS to grow into a major regional power, that also is the direct cause of thousands of deaths.

No they didn't. You are lying. You are claiming as fact things you cannot prove. That means you are lying, by your definition of lying.

btw, how many hundreds of thousands have died in Libya, Syria, Egypt, and Iraq in the last 5 years?

They absolutely did. As to how many, it depends on whose body count you believe.

if not Obama and Clinton, exactly who did orchestrate the regime change in those countries? Oh, I know------------------------Booooosh did it.

We know for a fact Bush contributed to the rise of ISIS because the military of ISIS is replete with officers and men from Saddam's disbanded army.

How Saddam's Former Soldiers Are Fueling the Rise of ISIS

Yes yes, or course. Bush is responsible for everything that happened during his 8 years and everything that happened during Obama's 8 years. He was probably responsible for everything that happened during Carter's term too, right?

You just tried to blame Hillary Clinton for hundreds of thousands of deaths that didn't even happen you retard.
pretend Western Jihad doesn't exist, and they don't share OUR local media stories with their Eastern Mosques via Twitter or youtube.

Who has been the main focus of our "register and ban all Muslims" that keeps the news channels busy?

hint... it wasn't bill Clinton.

keep it up losers.

Radical muslims want all non-muslims dead. They don't care which political party you belong to.

anyone who does not understand this is truly a loser, and maybe a dead loser.
pretend Western Jihad doesn't exist, and they don't share OUR local media stories with their Eastern Mosques via Twitter or youtube.

Who has been the main focus of our "register and ban all Muslims" that keeps the news channels busy?

hint... it wasn't bill Clinton.

keep it up losers.
Who is starring in the latest ISIS recruitment video? It ain't Trump....

cry us a river. we don't have to bend over for anyone. and it's you on the left who screams over Christian religion and the separation of church and state. I guess Obama and Hillary bombing the hell out of the Middle east didn't cause a damn thing or recruiting. that's was the battle cry when Bush president. what happened to that? now it's again us Americans fault for their despicable actions

None of which counters the fact that when he denigrates all Muslims with his lies, those lies end up as recruitment tools for ISIS.

He never denigrated all muslims. He said that muslim immigration should be temporarily stopped until we can accurately vet them. That's all he said.

He most certainly did. Thousand and thousands of them in Jersey cheering as the WTCs fell.

that has been proven true. Its also true that muslims all over the world celebrated as the towers fell and 3000 americans died.

But again, Trump, and no one else, ever said that ALL muslims celebrated or that ALL muslims are terrorists. But what is true is that all terrorists are muslims.

Hey, I watched when the World Trade Center came tumbling down. And I watched in Jersey City, New Jersey, where thousands and thousands of people were cheering as that building was coming down. Thousands of people were cheering.”

That was never proven true. To claim that it was is also a lie.

do we need to post a video of it for you? its already been posted, but we can do it again.
pretend Western Jihad doesn't exist, and they don't share OUR local media stories with their Eastern Mosques via Twitter or youtube.

Who has been the main focus of our "register and ban all Muslims" that keeps the news channels busy?

hint... it wasn't bill Clinton.

keep it up losers.
Who is starring in the latest ISIS recruitment video? It ain't Trump....


you don't know that .. ever since he started running his mouth about ISIS I've been sating he's painting a target on his ass.

Bomb the hell out of them, says Trump.

He could be first.
No they didn't. You are lying. You are claiming as fact things you cannot prove. That means you are lying, by your definition of lying.

btw, how many hundreds of thousands have died in Libya, Syria, Egypt, and Iraq in the last 5 years?

They absolutely did. As to how many, it depends on whose body count you believe.

if not Obama and Clinton, exactly who did orchestrate the regime change in those countries? Oh, I know------------------------Booooosh did it.

We know for a fact Bush contributed to the rise of ISIS because the military of ISIS is replete with officers and men from Saddam's disbanded army.

How Saddam's Former Soldiers Are Fueling the Rise of ISIS

Yes yes, or course. Bush is responsible for everything that happened during his 8 years and everything that happened during Obama's 8 years. He was probably responsible for everything that happened during Carter's term too, right?

You just tried to blame Hillary Clinton for hundreds of thousands of deaths that didn't even happen you retard.

So you didn't say this?

Clinton and Obama orchestrated regime change in Libya, Syria, Egypt, and Iraq. The direct result of those actions was the death of thousands in those countries. They allowed ISIS to grow into a major regional power, that also is the direct cause of thousands of deaths. your defense of Trump saying Hillary Clinton was to blame for HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS DEAD?
pretend Western Jihad doesn't exist, and they don't share OUR local media stories with their Eastern Mosques via Twitter or youtube.

Who has been the main focus of our "register and ban all Muslims" that keeps the news channels busy?

hint... it wasn't bill Clinton.

keep it up losers.
Who is starring in the latest ISIS recruitment video? It ain't Trump....


you don't know that .. ever since he started running his mouth about ISIS I've been sating he's painting a target on his ass.

Bomb the hell out of them, says Trump.

He could be first.

or YOU could be the next victim of a radical muslim terrorist in the USA. Do you think all the victims in San Bernardino were conservatives?
They absolutely did. As to how many, it depends on whose body count you believe.

if not Obama and Clinton, exactly who did orchestrate the regime change in those countries? Oh, I know------------------------Booooosh did it.

We know for a fact Bush contributed to the rise of ISIS because the military of ISIS is replete with officers and men from Saddam's disbanded army.

How Saddam's Former Soldiers Are Fueling the Rise of ISIS

Yes yes, or course. Bush is responsible for everything that happened during his 8 years and everything that happened during Obama's 8 years. He was probably responsible for everything that happened during Carter's term too, right?

You just tried to blame Hillary Clinton for hundreds of thousands of deaths that didn't even happen you retard.

So you didn't say this?

Clinton and Obama orchestrated regime change in Libya, Syria, Egypt, and Iraq. The direct result of those actions was the death of thousands in those countries. They allowed ISIS to grow into a major regional power, that also is the direct cause of thousands of deaths. your defense of Trump saying Hillary Clinton was to blame for HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS DEAD?

yes, I said that and its true, are you quibbling about whether its thousands or hundreds of thousands? if you know the exact body count, post it.
Hillary told the truth about the effect of Trump's stupid bigoted statements about Muslim's. He is a rude, crude vulgar dirty old man having a public meltdown who is being despised across the globe. The cult leader has convinced his zombie-like cult followers to defend his insanity.
None of which counters the fact that when he denigrates all Muslims with his lies, those lies end up as recruitment tools for ISIS.

He never denigrated all muslims. He said that muslim immigration should be temporarily stopped until we can accurately vet them. That's all he said.

He most certainly did. Thousand and thousands of them in Jersey cheering as the WTCs fell.

that has been proven true. Its also true that muslims all over the world celebrated as the towers fell and 3000 americans died.

But again, Trump, and no one else, ever said that ALL muslims celebrated or that ALL muslims are terrorists. But what is true is that all terrorists are muslims.

Hey, I watched when the World Trade Center came tumbling down. And I watched in Jersey City, New Jersey, where thousands and thousands of people were cheering as that building was coming down. Thousands of people were cheering.”

That was never proven true. To claim that it was is also a lie.

do we need to post a video of it for you? its already been posted, but we can do it again.

If you have a video of thousands and thousands of people in Jersey City, New Jersey cheering as the towers fell, yes please do so.
and so who caused the Iranians to take hostages when Jimma Carter was President????

you people are so lame you'll stick up for any of the sick freaks in that Democrat party putting the blame ON US citizens.

and then we had JFK and the Cuban Crisis. who was the blame then?
I keep seeing comments from the left whining and bawling about "Trump Lies".....but they don't seem to have a problem with the fact Clinton may very well be the biggest liar on the planet.
Or that CNN basically told her to fake a video if they couldn't find one.

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