So, when the lying witch says that Trump is causing isis to recruit and incites them.

None of which counters the fact that when he denigrates all Muslims with his lies, those lies end up as recruitment tools for ISIS.

He never denigrated all muslims. He said that muslim immigration should be temporarily stopped until we can accurately vet them. That's all he said.

you see that they can't ever be honest. they did the same thing when he was talking Illegal immigrants coming from third world countries and how some are rapist, criminals, etc. they are out of everything but back to LYING, SMEAR AND DIRTY POLITICS

Its all they have since their candidates are so weak.
It is not so much they are weak as much as they are skilled evil liars appealing to their ridiculously stupid ass constituency.

OK, and that's what is really scary, that a large % of americans are ridiculously stupid.

we already found that out when they fell for that fraud and liar called, OBAMA.
Donnie gets the RW asshats foaming at the mouth about Muslims and they begin to chant shit like " nuke em" "rabid dogs" "carpet bomb the mosques" .. etc etc

asshats like the asshats on this board promote mideastern hate .. you want to fuck them before they fuck you and are too stupid to understand your constant hate rhetoric is fuel for the fire ... keep it up, losers.

Madam President ..... deal with it.

and if YOU are a victim of the next radical Islamic attack on US soil---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------will madam president bring you back from the dead?

The radical islamists started this war, they declared war on all non-muslims. They want YOU dead. They want your family dead.

your ignorance will cause your death. Are you that fricken stupid?
No one has shown that ISIS isn't using Trump to recruit.

Nobody has shown us Obama isn't a Muslim either, does that mean he is????

It means you can't prove Clinton is lying.

Trump said Hillary Clinton is responsible for hundreds of thousands of deaths in the Middle East.

He was lying.

How does one prove something that isn't there?

How do you declare someone a liar if you can't know if the claim in the lie wasn't true?

You're the one sticking up for her, you prove that what she said is true. How does one go about proving something that isn't happening or ever happened?


We should be bending over for these killers who chops off peoples heads, throws homosexuals off high rise building's and buries a woman up to her neck and STONE HER TO DEATH which is done mostly by the MEN

no freaking thanks. those of you who wants to bury your head, go for it. just leave the rest of us ALONE. we'll step up when the time comes for you
Last edited:
Every time he denigrates Muslims with his lies the quotes are used almost immediately on Social Media by ISIS recruiters.

THE FACT CHECKER | As evidence, the Clinton campaign pointed to an NBC News report quoting Rita Katz, executive director of the SITE Intelligence Group, which monitors social media activities of Islamic terrorist groups, that Trump’s anti-Muslim rhetoric was a great recruiting tool for ISIS.

“They love him from the sense that he is supporting their rhetoric,” Katz told NBC. “They love him from the sense that he is supporting their rhetoric. They follow everything Donald Trump says,” she noted. “When he says, ‘No Muslims should be allowed in America,’ they tell people, ‘We told you America hates Muslims and here is proof.’”

cry us a river. we don't have to bend over for anyone. and it's you on the left who screams over Christian religion and the separation of church and state. I guess Obama and Hillary bombing the hell out of the Middle east didn't cause a damn thing or recruiting. that's was the battle cry when Bush president. what happened to that? now it's again us Americans fault for their despicable actions

None of which counters the fact that when he denigrates all Muslims with his lies, those lies end up as recruitment tools for ISIS.

He never denigrated all muslims. He said that muslim immigration should be temporarily stopped until we can accurately vet them. That's all he said.

He most certainly did. Thousand and thousands of them in Jersey cheering as the WTCs fell.
So it's a lie now, but will magically become the truth if supporting evidence turns up?


you still don't get it. amazingly dumb.

If I say "The Saints will win the 2017 super bowl" it could be true, it could not be true. But since I just said it will happen, I am lying because I have no way of knowing if it is true or not.

You're calling everyone who predicted a Romney win in 2012 a liar?

Do you understand the difference between "I think Romney will win" and "Romney will win" ?

if you don't then this is a waste of time.

There is no difference. You're making a fool of yourself. Both are 'thoughts'.

You are the one looking like a fool.

Your opinion is garbage.
And it hasn't been proven untrue.

Look moron, when you say something is true and "it might be true, it might non be true" then you are lying. This is not a complex mental exercise, think slowly about each word.

So you believe Trump told an even bigger lie when he said that Hillary Clinton was responsible for hundreds of thousands of deaths in the Middle East. That is, by your own definition of what a lie is.

Her incompetence as SecState coupled with Obama's incompetence as CIC was responsible for thousands of deaths in the mid east. No lie there.

Prove it. Cite the hundreds of thousands of deaths, and show the cause and effect that proves Hillary Clinton caused them.

If you can't prove it, you and Trump are lying, based on your OWN definition of a lie.

Clinton and Obama orchestrated regime change in Libya, Syria, Egypt, and Iraq. The direct result of those actions was the death of thousands in those countries. They allowed ISIS to grow into a major regional power, that also is the direct cause of thousands of deaths.

No they didn't. You are lying. You are claiming as fact things you cannot prove. That means you are lying, by your definition of lying.

btw, how many hundreds of thousands have died in Libya, Syria, Egypt, and Iraq in the last 5 years?
Every time he denigrates Muslims with his lies the quotes are used almost immediately on Social Media by ISIS recruiters.

THE FACT CHECKER | As evidence, the Clinton campaign pointed to an NBC News report quoting Rita Katz, executive director of the SITE Intelligence Group, which monitors social media activities of Islamic terrorist groups, that Trump’s anti-Muslim rhetoric was a great recruiting tool for ISIS.

“They love him from the sense that he is supporting their rhetoric,” Katz told NBC. “They love him from the sense that he is supporting their rhetoric. They follow everything Donald Trump says,” she noted. “When he says, ‘No Muslims should be allowed in America,’ they tell people, ‘We told you America hates Muslims and here is proof.’”

cry us a river. we don't have to bend over for anyone. and it's you on the left who screams over Christian religion and the separation of church and state. I guess Obama and Hillary bombing the hell out of the Middle east didn't cause a damn thing or recruiting. that's was the battle cry when Bush president. what happened to that? now it's again us Americans fault for their despicable actions

None of which counters the fact that when he denigrates all Muslims with his lies, those lies end up as recruitment tools for ISIS.

He never denigrated all muslims. He said that muslim immigration should be temporarily stopped until we can accurately vet them. That's all he said.

He most certainly did. Thousand and thousands of them in Jersey cheering as the WTCs fell.
Every time he denigrates Muslims with his lies the quotes are used almost immediately on Social Media by ISIS recruiters.

THE FACT CHECKER | As evidence, the Clinton campaign pointed to an NBC News report quoting Rita Katz, executive director of the SITE Intelligence Group, which monitors social media activities of Islamic terrorist groups, that Trump’s anti-Muslim rhetoric was a great recruiting tool for ISIS.

“They love him from the sense that he is supporting their rhetoric,” Katz told NBC. “They love him from the sense that he is supporting their rhetoric. They follow everything Donald Trump says,” she noted. “When he says, ‘No Muslims should be allowed in America,’ they tell people, ‘We told you America hates Muslims and here is proof.’”

cry us a river. we don't have to bend over for anyone. and it's you on the left who screams over Christian religion and the separation of church and state. I guess Obama and Hillary bombing the hell out of the Middle east didn't cause a damn thing or recruiting. that's was the battle cry when Bush president. what happened to that? now it's again us Americans fault for their despicable actions

None of which counters the fact that when he denigrates all Muslims with his lies, those lies end up as recruitment tools for ISIS.

He never denigrated all muslims. He said that muslim immigration should be temporarily stopped until we can accurately vet them. That's all he said.

He most certainly did. Thousand and thousands of them in Jersey cheering as the WTCs fell.

that has been proven true. Its also true that muslims all over the world celebrated as the towers fell and 3000 americans died.

But again, Trump, and no one else, ever said that ALL muslims celebrated or that ALL muslims are terrorists. But what is true is that all terrorists are muslims.
Look moron, when you say something is true and "it might be true, it might non be true" then you are lying. This is not a complex mental exercise, think slowly about each word.

So you believe Trump told an even bigger lie when he said that Hillary Clinton was responsible for hundreds of thousands of deaths in the Middle East. That is, by your own definition of what a lie is.

Her incompetence as SecState coupled with Obama's incompetence as CIC was responsible for thousands of deaths in the mid east. No lie there.

Prove it. Cite the hundreds of thousands of deaths, and show the cause and effect that proves Hillary Clinton caused them.

If you can't prove it, you and Trump are lying, based on your OWN definition of a lie.

Clinton and Obama orchestrated regime change in Libya, Syria, Egypt, and Iraq. The direct result of those actions was the death of thousands in those countries. They allowed ISIS to grow into a major regional power, that also is the direct cause of thousands of deaths.

No they didn't. You are lying. You are claiming as fact things you cannot prove. That means you are lying, by your definition of lying.

btw, how many hundreds of thousands have died in Libya, Syria, Egypt, and Iraq in the last 5 years?

They absolutely did. As to how many, it depends on whose body count you believe.

if not Obama and Clinton, exactly who did orchestrate the regime change in those countries? Oh, I know------------------------Booooosh did it.
So you believe Trump told an even bigger lie when he said that Hillary Clinton was responsible for hundreds of thousands of deaths in the Middle East. That is, by your own definition of what a lie is.

Her incompetence as SecState coupled with Obama's incompetence as CIC was responsible for thousands of deaths in the mid east. No lie there.

Prove it. Cite the hundreds of thousands of deaths, and show the cause and effect that proves Hillary Clinton caused them.

If you can't prove it, you and Trump are lying, based on your OWN definition of a lie.

Clinton and Obama orchestrated regime change in Libya, Syria, Egypt, and Iraq. The direct result of those actions was the death of thousands in those countries. They allowed ISIS to grow into a major regional power, that also is the direct cause of thousands of deaths.

No they didn't. You are lying. You are claiming as fact things you cannot prove. That means you are lying, by your definition of lying.

btw, how many hundreds of thousands have died in Libya, Syria, Egypt, and Iraq in the last 5 years?

They absolutely did. As to how many, it depends on whose body count you believe.

if not Obama and Clinton, exactly who did orchestrate the regime change in those countries? Oh, I know------------------------Booooosh did it.

You offer zero evidence, therefore by your standards you're a liar.
So you believe Trump told an even bigger lie when he said that Hillary Clinton was responsible for hundreds of thousands of deaths in the Middle East. That is, by your own definition of what a lie is.

Her incompetence as SecState coupled with Obama's incompetence as CIC was responsible for thousands of deaths in the mid east. No lie there.

Prove it. Cite the hundreds of thousands of deaths, and show the cause and effect that proves Hillary Clinton caused them.

If you can't prove it, you and Trump are lying, based on your OWN definition of a lie.

Clinton and Obama orchestrated regime change in Libya, Syria, Egypt, and Iraq. The direct result of those actions was the death of thousands in those countries. They allowed ISIS to grow into a major regional power, that also is the direct cause of thousands of deaths.

No they didn't. You are lying. You are claiming as fact things you cannot prove. That means you are lying, by your definition of lying.

btw, how many hundreds of thousands have died in Libya, Syria, Egypt, and Iraq in the last 5 years?

They absolutely did. As to how many, it depends on whose body count you believe.

if not Obama and Clinton, exactly who did orchestrate the regime change in those countries? Oh, I know------------------------Booooosh did it.

We know for a fact Bush contributed to the rise of ISIS because the military of ISIS is replete with officers and men from Saddam's disbanded army.

How Saddam's Former Soldiers Are Fueling the Rise of ISIS
Her incompetence as SecState coupled with Obama's incompetence as CIC was responsible for thousands of deaths in the mid east. No lie there.

Prove it. Cite the hundreds of thousands of deaths, and show the cause and effect that proves Hillary Clinton caused them.

If you can't prove it, you and Trump are lying, based on your OWN definition of a lie.

Clinton and Obama orchestrated regime change in Libya, Syria, Egypt, and Iraq. The direct result of those actions was the death of thousands in those countries. They allowed ISIS to grow into a major regional power, that also is the direct cause of thousands of deaths.

No they didn't. You are lying. You are claiming as fact things you cannot prove. That means you are lying, by your definition of lying.

btw, how many hundreds of thousands have died in Libya, Syria, Egypt, and Iraq in the last 5 years?

They absolutely did. As to how many, it depends on whose body count you believe.

if not Obama and Clinton, exactly who did orchestrate the regime change in those countries? Oh, I know------------------------Booooosh did it.

You offer zero evidence, therefore by your standards you're a liar.

Who was secretary of state and president when those things happened? Answer that and you have all the evidence you need.
Her incompetence as SecState coupled with Obama's incompetence as CIC was responsible for thousands of deaths in the mid east. No lie there.

Prove it. Cite the hundreds of thousands of deaths, and show the cause and effect that proves Hillary Clinton caused them.

If you can't prove it, you and Trump are lying, based on your OWN definition of a lie.

Clinton and Obama orchestrated regime change in Libya, Syria, Egypt, and Iraq. The direct result of those actions was the death of thousands in those countries. They allowed ISIS to grow into a major regional power, that also is the direct cause of thousands of deaths.

No they didn't. You are lying. You are claiming as fact things you cannot prove. That means you are lying, by your definition of lying.

btw, how many hundreds of thousands have died in Libya, Syria, Egypt, and Iraq in the last 5 years?

They absolutely did. As to how many, it depends on whose body count you believe.

if not Obama and Clinton, exactly who did orchestrate the regime change in those countries? Oh, I know------------------------Booooosh did it.

We know for a fact Bush contributed to the rise of ISIS because the military of ISIS is replete with officers and men from Saddam's disbanded army.

How Saddam's Former Soldiers Are Fueling the Rise of ISIS

We do? Facts require proof and something that verifies what you claim. You have nothing.
We should be bending over for these killers who chops off peoples heads, throws homosexuals off high rise building's and buries a woman up to her neck and STONE HER TO DEATH which is done mostly by the MEN

no freaking thanks. those of you who wants to bury your head, go for it. just leave the rest of us ALONE. we'll step up when the time comes for you

Not one candidate suggested that hyperbole.
Her incompetence as SecState coupled with Obama's incompetence as CIC was responsible for thousands of deaths in the mid east. No lie there.

Prove it. Cite the hundreds of thousands of deaths, and show the cause and effect that proves Hillary Clinton caused them.

If you can't prove it, you and Trump are lying, based on your OWN definition of a lie.

Clinton and Obama orchestrated regime change in Libya, Syria, Egypt, and Iraq. The direct result of those actions was the death of thousands in those countries. They allowed ISIS to grow into a major regional power, that also is the direct cause of thousands of deaths.

No they didn't. You are lying. You are claiming as fact things you cannot prove. That means you are lying, by your definition of lying.

btw, how many hundreds of thousands have died in Libya, Syria, Egypt, and Iraq in the last 5 years?

They absolutely did. As to how many, it depends on whose body count you believe.

if not Obama and Clinton, exactly who did orchestrate the regime change in those countries? Oh, I know------------------------Booooosh did it.

We know for a fact Bush contributed to the rise of ISIS because the military of ISIS is replete with officers and men from Saddam's disbanded army.

How Saddam's Former Soldiers Are Fueling the Rise of ISIS

Yes yes, or course. Bush is responsible for everything that happened during his 8 years and everything that happened during Obama's 8 years. He was probably responsible for everything that happened during Carter's term too, right?
Every time he denigrates Muslims with his lies the quotes are used almost immediately on Social Media by ISIS recruiters.

THE FACT CHECKER | As evidence, the Clinton campaign pointed to an NBC News report quoting Rita Katz, executive director of the SITE Intelligence Group, which monitors social media activities of Islamic terrorist groups, that Trump’s anti-Muslim rhetoric was a great recruiting tool for ISIS.

“They love him from the sense that he is supporting their rhetoric,” Katz told NBC. “They love him from the sense that he is supporting their rhetoric. They follow everything Donald Trump says,” she noted. “When he says, ‘No Muslims should be allowed in America,’ they tell people, ‘We told you America hates Muslims and here is proof.’”

cry us a river. we don't have to bend over for anyone. and it's you on the left who screams over Christian religion and the separation of church and state. I guess Obama and Hillary bombing the hell out of the Middle east didn't cause a damn thing or recruiting. that's was the battle cry when Bush president. what happened to that? now it's again us Americans fault for their despicable actions

None of which counters the fact that when he denigrates all Muslims with his lies, those lies end up as recruitment tools for ISIS.

He never denigrated all muslims. He said that muslim immigration should be temporarily stopped until we can accurately vet them. That's all he said.

He most certainly did. Thousand and thousands of them in Jersey cheering as the WTCs fell.

Nice selfie.
Prove it. Cite the hundreds of thousands of deaths, and show the cause and effect that proves Hillary Clinton caused them.

If you can't prove it, you and Trump are lying, based on your OWN definition of a lie.

Clinton and Obama orchestrated regime change in Libya, Syria, Egypt, and Iraq. The direct result of those actions was the death of thousands in those countries. They allowed ISIS to grow into a major regional power, that also is the direct cause of thousands of deaths.

No they didn't. You are lying. You are claiming as fact things you cannot prove. That means you are lying, by your definition of lying.

btw, how many hundreds of thousands have died in Libya, Syria, Egypt, and Iraq in the last 5 years?

They absolutely did. As to how many, it depends on whose body count you believe.

if not Obama and Clinton, exactly who did orchestrate the regime change in those countries? Oh, I know------------------------Booooosh did it.

We know for a fact Bush contributed to the rise of ISIS because the military of ISIS is replete with officers and men from Saddam's disbanded army.

How Saddam's Former Soldiers Are Fueling the Rise of ISIS

We do? Facts require proof and something that verifies what you claim. You have nothing.

The facts are that former members of Saddam's disbanded Baathist forces are in ISIS. Bush destabilized Iraq and that consequence was part of it.

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