So, when the lying witch says that Trump is causing isis to recruit and incites them.

FACT CHECK: Clinton Campaign Still Lying About ISIS and Trump
Yes, one single lonely Tweet
December 22, 2015
Daniel Greenfield


Hillary Clinton claimed that ISIS was recruiting Muslims using Trump videos. Even Politifact deemed that false. But Clinton defenders rebounded with a claim that ISIS was using Trump for recruitment. The claim came from Rita Katz of the SITE Intelligence Group

There are plenty of quotes from her in these stories, like, "They follow everything Donald Trump says," she noted. "When he says, 'No Muslims should be allowed in America,' they tell people, 'We told you America hates Muslims and here is proof.'

The Clinton campaign quickly picked up on this and insisted that Hillary Clinton was talking about "social media activity". John Podesta said, "The most important organization that follows ISIS on social media that said that they are using social media, that they are using Donald Trump as a recruitment tool."

There are a number of problems with this.

1. While NBC News and other media outlets quoted Rita Katz, they didn't actually quote ISIS. If ISIS is saying it, why not provide a quote?

2. Clinton campaign manager Podesta and NBC News are deliberately blurring the line between ISIS and its supporters. It's a line that they hide behind after terror attacks like San Bernardino, distinguishing between ISIS attacks and "lone wolf attacks inspired by ISIS".

In this case, they almost certainly have in mind ISIS supporters on Twitter and yet they mischaracterize them as ISIS. So when David Brock of Media Matters says, "Counterterrorism experts who for a living follow ISIS, and they follow ISIS on social media as well, told NBC News that what ISIS does is take Donald Trump's statements, put them out on social media. They love what Donald Trump is saying and, ISIS says to people, okay, here's proof that Americans hate Muslims", he's blurring the line between people who support ISIS and the core organization.

As Ginger Gibson at Reuters pointed out, ISIS is not actually talking about Trump.

"But so far, according to a social media expert I spoke to, no one has been able to point to use of Trump videos on official ISIS accounts.

“We’ve seen a number of ISIS sympathizers online cite Mr. Trump’s recent comments but to my knowledge, we haven’t seen it in the official ISIS propaganda channels,” said Seamus Hughes, deputy director of the Program on Extremism at George Washington University’s Center for Cyber & Homeland Security."

Podesta, NBC and Brock appear to be leaning heavily on Rita Katz and SITE. But Media Matters has never quoted Katz before, despite her expertise. And Rita Katz and SITE are certainly not neutral when it comes to Trump and immigration.

Looking over SITE's collection of stories suggests that the group dislikes Trump and his position on amnesty. For example, SITE links to a petition calling for illegal alien amnesty.


Calling this "recruitment" is very shaky at best. One ISIS supporter asked on Twitter whether Trump would allow Muslims to leave America to go to the Islamic State.

It's unclear what connection if any, this account has with ISIS. It isn't so much recruitment as a challenge to Trump. And this is the shaky reed that the Clinton campaign and its defenders are standing on.

FACT CHECK: Clinton Campaign Still Lying About ISIS and Trump

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