So, when the lying witch says that Trump is causing isis to recruit and incites them.

]I'm confused too. Haven't we been told us that Obama's a Muslim and Hillary's a Muslim-lover? I guess the cons have been lying to us as all along. Not surprising, it worked for Bush and they're pretty much one-trick ponies.
We didn't have terrorist attacks or recruitment videos before Trump opened his yap?
Of course we did. Thank you very much, Dubya.
Dumb fuck. 9/11 was plotted well before he took office, so was the first trade center attack. Pop your head out of your ass and check into it. How do you libs get through the day anyway? Who dresses you and drives you to work?

Government. Government does everything.
Every time he denigrates Muslims with his lies the quotes are used almost immediately on Social Media by ISIS recruiters.

THE FACT CHECKER | As evidence, the Clinton campaign pointed to an NBC News report quoting Rita Katz, executive director of the SITE Intelligence Group, which monitors social media activities of Islamic terrorist groups, that Trump’s anti-Muslim rhetoric was a great recruiting tool for ISIS.

“They love him from the sense that he is supporting their rhetoric,” Katz told NBC. “They love him from the sense that he is supporting their rhetoric. They follow everything Donald Trump says,” she noted. “When he says, ‘No Muslims should be allowed in America,’ they tell people, ‘We told you America hates Muslims and here is proof.’”
Every time he denigrates Muslims with his lies the quotes are used almost immediately on Social Media by ISIS recruiters.

THE FACT CHECKER | As evidence, the Clinton campaign pointed to an NBC News report quoting Rita Katz, executive director of the SITE Intelligence Group, which monitors social media activities of Islamic terrorist groups, that Trump’s anti-Muslim rhetoric was a great recruiting tool for ISIS.

“They love him from the sense that he is supporting their rhetoric,” Katz told NBC. “They love him from the sense that he is supporting their rhetoric. They follow everything Donald Trump says,” she noted. “When he says, ‘No Muslims should be allowed in America,’ they tell people, ‘We told you America hates Muslims and here is proof.’”

cry us a river. we don't have to bend over for anyone. and it's you on the left who screams over Christian religion and the separation of church and state. I guess Obama and Hillary bombing the hell out of the Middle east didn't cause a damn thing or recruiting. that's was the battle cry when Bush president. what happened to that? now it's again us Americans fault for their despicable actions
No one has shown that ISIS isn't using Trump to recruit.

Nobody has shown us Obama isn't a Muslim either, does that mean he is????

It means you can't prove Clinton is lying.

Trump said Hillary Clinton is responsible for hundreds of thousands of deaths in the Middle East.

He was lying.

How does one prove something that isn't there?

How do you declare someone a liar if you can't know if the claim in the lie wasn't true?
Every time he denigrates Muslims with his lies the quotes are used almost immediately on Social Media by ISIS recruiters.

THE FACT CHECKER | As evidence, the Clinton campaign pointed to an NBC News report quoting Rita Katz, executive director of the SITE Intelligence Group, which monitors social media activities of Islamic terrorist groups, that Trump’s anti-Muslim rhetoric was a great recruiting tool for ISIS.
Yeah because kissing their asses is working so great.

no story here, just another lie from the lying hildebeast.

Why is it a lie? She asserted something that might be true, might not be true.

Duh, she said it was true. do you even bother to read what you post?

And it hasn't been proven untrue.

Look moron, when you say something is true and "it might be true, it might non be true" then you are lying. This is not a complex mental exercise, think slowly about each word.
no story here, just another lie from the lying hildebeast.

Why is it a lie? She asserted something that might be true, might not be true.

Duh, she said it was true. do you even bother to read what you post?

And it hasn't been proven untrue.

Look moron, when you say something is true and "it might be true, it might non be true" then you are lying. This is not a complex mental exercise, think slowly about each word.

So it's a lie now, but will magically become the truth if supporting evidence turns up?

no story here, just another lie from the lying hildebeast.

Why is it a lie? She asserted something that might be true, might not be true.

Duh, she said it was true. do you even bother to read what you post?

And it hasn't been proven untrue.

Look moron, when you say something is true and "it might be true, it might non be true" then you are lying. This is not a complex mental exercise, think slowly about each word.

So it's a lie now, but will magically become the truth if supporting evidence turns up?


you still don't get it. amazingly dumb.

If I say "The Saints will win the 2017 super bowl" it could be true, it could not be true. But since I just said it will happen, I am lying because I have no way of knowing if it is true or not.
no story here, just another lie from the lying hildebeast.

Why is it a lie? She asserted something that might be true, might not be true.

Duh, she said it was true. do you even bother to read what you post?

And it hasn't been proven untrue.

Look moron, when you say something is true and "it might be true, it might non be true" then you are lying. This is not a complex mental exercise, think slowly about each word.

So you believe Trump told an even bigger lie when he said that Hillary Clinton was responsible for hundreds of thousands of deaths in the Middle East. That is, by your own definition of what a lie is.
Why is it a lie? She asserted something that might be true, might not be true.

Duh, she said it was true. do you even bother to read what you post?

And it hasn't been proven untrue.

Look moron, when you say something is true and "it might be true, it might non be true" then you are lying. This is not a complex mental exercise, think slowly about each word.

So it's a lie now, but will magically become the truth if supporting evidence turns up?


you still don't get it. amazingly dumb.

If I say "The Saints will win the 2017 super bowl" it could be true, it could not be true. But since I just said it will happen, I am lying because I have no way of knowing if it is true or not.

You're calling everyone who predicted a Romney win in 2012 a liar?
Doesn't that prove what Trump says about those fucking animals true?


Well, wait. I am confused here. I thought trump caused them to rally and recruit.

So, no radical terror groups rallied and recruited anyone before Trump said something?


Her stupid followers believe that too.

OMG, do they have control whatsoever over how dumb they allow themselves to get?

Most of them don't have a lick of sense, let alone brains.

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