So when they say they want abortion safe, legal, and rare...


Diamond Member
Jun 25, 2010
...they don't give a shit about safe or rare, they just want it legal.

Gov. Brown to Sign Bill Legalizing Non-Physician Abortions in CA
A bill that would allow non-physicians to perform abortions in the first trimester of pregnancy is awaiting signature by Gov. Jerry Brown of California by Sep. 30. The bill, AB 154, passed both houses of the state legislature with strong support from Planned Parenthood and pro-choice groups. Planned Parenthood stands to benefit most directly from the bill, as non-physician staff at its clinics would be able to obtain abortion licenses.
One doctor--who identified himself as pro-choice--told Breitbart News that "the bill is a disaster since it sends us back 100 years to the problems of the complications from back-steet abortions." The bill's critics warn that the training provided to non-physician staff is weak, that supervision by physicians in clinics will be minimal, and that there is real risk of injury or death to women who will be treated in such conditions.

The California Medical Association has endorsed AB 154 because of "provisions for training in the bill and the amendments that clarify physician supervision." Yet the training is to be provided by the Board of Registered Nursing, not by physicians, and the protocols for defining "supervision" have not been specified. There is nothing in the legislation requiring a physician to be present or on-site during an abortion.

The bill permits licensed non-physicians to perform two kinds of abortion in the first trimester--by medication, and by aspiration, which requires the insertion of medical instruments into the uterus. Though many doctors agree that non-physicians could provide medications with few risks, the idea that a non-physician would perform an invasive procedure such as aspiration strikes many as rife with risks.


Opponents describe AB 154 as an effort by Planned Parenthood and other groups to profit from Obamacare, since the legislation will expand the number of patients eligible for the state Medi-Cal program, and Medi-Cal pays for abortion. They also dispute assurances about the bill's safety for women, arguing that there has been inadequate monitoring of California abortion clinics even prior to the passage of the new legislation.​
How is the bill not safe and sound?

Come on, daveman. "Though many doctors agree that non-physicians could provide medications with few risks, the idea that a non-physician would perform an invasive procedure such as aspiration strikes many" [my italicized caution: reactionary social traditionalists] "as rife with risks."

I have defend abortions only in cases of rape, incest, and life of the mother: about 2% of all abortions performed.
I choose to view the practice of abortion as the wanton murder of another human being.
Come on how can you oppose someone walking into a clinic off the street and performing medical procedures. They'll have a whole orientation telling them where the parts are. If it worked for Kermit Gosnell it can work anywhere.

The abortion industry survived abortion done by those who didn't know what they were doing before. The worst that can happen is that there will be accidents, women will die or be mutiliated. How bad can that be? The women went there for an abortion anyway.
And of course the fact that the rest of the developed world has had safe, legal abortion for generations is news to the OP....

Here's a tip for conservatives - if you don't believe in abortion - don't have one. Otherwise, respect the rights of others to make their own decision.
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OP- They mean year, free BC.

And of course the fact that the rest of the developed world has had safe, legal abortion for generations is news to the OP....

Here's a tip for conservatives - if you don't believe in abortion - don't have one. Otherwise, respect the rights of others to make their own decision.

Conservatives respect the right of the unborn not to be killed.
OP- They mean year, free BC.
I guess you missed all the progressive outrage when the laws in Texas passed requiring abortion clinics to be safer.

So, no, you don't give a damn how safe they are, and you damn sure don't want them to be rare.
It's not your computer. It's the operator.
Daveman -

Conservatives respect the right of the unborn not to be killed.

Conservatives want the right to rule every aspect of people's lives.
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My shift key doesn't work- so you're wrong AGAIN. And OF COURSE the Pubs in Texas just wanted to close clinics...DUH.
Vacuum aspirations performed by non-doctors, such as physician's assistants, are well established as a safe medical practice.
Yes, the one that removed your brain was a resounding success.

That's usually the type of response I get around here nowadays,

when I've won the argument.

I'm sure it comforts you to pretend that.

However, back in reality:
Yet the training is to be provided by the Board of Registered Nursing, not by physicians, and the protocols for defining "supervision" have not been specified. There is nothing in the legislation requiring a physician to be present or on-site during an abortion.​
Yet more badly-written liberal legislation.
OP- They mean year, free BC.
I guess you missed all the progressive outrage when the laws in Texas passed requiring abortion clinics to be safer.

So, no, you don't give a damn how safe they are, and you damn sure don't want them to be rare.
It's not your computer. It's the operator.

Since there is zero evidence that this makes abortion less safe,

you've lost the argument.
It's easy to claim there's no evidence when you ignore it.

Yet the training is to be provided by the Board of Registered Nursing, not by physicians, and the protocols for defining "supervision" have not been specified. There is nothing in the legislation requiring a physician to be present or on-site during an abortion.​
My shift key doesn't work- so you're wrong AGAIN. And OF COURSE the Pubs in Texas just wanted to close clinics...DUH.
Looks like the abortion clinic operators didn't want to get their clinics up to safety standards.

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