So when Trump's tax reform passes the Senate this afternoon...

The left is the party of slavery and segregation. They have hated the populace for well over a hundred years yet they still have followers.

..and yet, they are the first to take credit for the abolishment of slavery, giving women the right to vote, the Civil Rights Act, and just about everything Trump has accomplished so far.

Truthfully, the Democrats are the party of liars and thieves.

Cons are the liars . We’ve been over this lie 100x . Today’s cons are the dems of 100 years ago . They are the ones flying the rebel flags and defending rebel monuments.

The facts are in the historical record. Dems are the party of slavery and segregation.
And those states that used to engage in slavery and segregation are now solidly Republican
...will the Democrat Party forever be remembered as the party who refused to give working-class Americans a break?

I think so. Their opposition to the greatest thing working-class America needs, will forever be worn around the necks of those who were against it.

Like a dead, putrid albatross.

More likely, the horrible plan will be exposed and dissected publicly over the next few years, leading to Democrats replacing Repiblicans in a wave, and then the plan will be replaced.

What? Didn't you used to work for the same polling company that said "Trump will never get 270 electoral votes"?

You sound familiar.

No, and I always thought Trump had an excellent chance of winning, especially given the polls right before the election. But thanks for asking.

Why do sissies like you start a thread for discussion, amd then wilt like lettuce in the Sun the moment you are exposed to an idea that doesnt align with your politics and superstition? Seems masochistic and intellectually cowardly to me. Maybe you would be better suited, intellectually, staying in an echo chamber with mirrors on the walls.

Gimme a fuckin break. I'll match your manliness any day. Do you have a three bedroom two bath house on 100 acres of rich hunting land, with a creek running through it?

Hell, you probably still live off your mommie and daddy.

Do you have a beautiful wife like I do, a car and a monster truck sitting out in the driveway, a gun safe full of beautiful firearms, retired from three different careers as well as as honorable performance in the military and law enforcement?

I bet you can't even change a fucking flat tire by yourself, without the help of a woman. Jeez.
...will the Democrat Party forever be remembered as the party who refused to give working-class Americans a break?

I think so. Their opposition to the greatest thing working-class America needs, will forever be worn around the necks of those who were against it.

Like a dead, putrid albatross.
Did you cheer W's tax cuts too?
Isn't it a hoot to hear these stupid Democrats bitch about tax cuts? Only an idiot would bitch about having taxes reduced.

I bet every one of the little bastards will sure as hell spend the money that get back in reduced taxes.

If they really believed the stupid shit they spout they would not participate in the tax reductions by sending in the money to the Treasury.

Of course, that's all dishonest. Democrats aren't complaining about any and all tax cuts.
well sure they are.
Isn't it a hoot to hear these stupid Democrats bitch about tax cuts? Only an idiot would bitch about having taxes reduced.

I bet every one of the little bastards will sure as hell spend the money that get back in reduced taxes.

If they really believed the stupid shit they spout they would not participate in the tax reductions by sending in the money to the Treasury.

Of course, that's all dishonest. Democrats aren't complaining about any and all tax cuts.

When the vote is taken this evening 46 Democrat filth will vote against the tax reduction. They will be joined by two Interdependent Libtards that usually vote with the filthy Democrats. Despicable.

Democrats are the scum of this country.
...will the Democrat Party forever be remembered as the party who refused to give working-class Americans a break?

I think so. Their opposition to the greatest thing working-class America needs, will forever be worn around the necks of those who were against it.

Like a dead, putrid albatross.

What break ?

The tax plan is a shell game . Throw some crumbs at the working class while big biz and the rich have a feast.

It’s a bad deal . Shame on the gop for passing this scam .
Just because you are on welfare and get no break, you bitch about the rest of us. Get a job, then you too can get a break. Dumbass

I work for a living . I also have a brain in my head . You cons are easily fooled by shiney objects . Sure you get a short term tax cut , then down the road we all get hosed .

Sitting at a keyboard and typing dumbass comments isn't really a job.
...will the Democrat Party forever be remembered as the party who refused to give working-class Americans a break?

I think so. Their opposition to the greatest thing working-class America needs, will forever be worn around the necks of those who were against it.

Like a dead, putrid albatross.
Did you cheer W's tax cuts too?
I did, and so did obummer.
...will the Democrat Party forever be remembered as the party who refused to give working-class Americans a break?

I think so. Their opposition to the greatest thing working-class America needs, will forever be worn around the necks of those who were against it.

Like a dead, putrid albatross.

More likely, the horrible plan will be exposed and dissected publicly over the next few years, leading to Democrats replacing Repiblicans in a wave, and then the plan will be replaced.

What? Didn't you used to work for the same polling company that said "Trump will never get 270 electoral votes"?

You sound familiar.
Trump will never get the nomination.
Trump will never get the nomination.
Why? Because one of you mother fuckers are going to assassinate him? That is the only way he WONT get re elected in 2020.. President Trump wins again, and again.

How is John Conyers doing?

*snip trumptard idiots waste of bandwidth*

that's a rightwingnut right supremacist tactic. loon.

but please, let us know when the genital grabbing mentally ill sociopath in the white house resigns.
Isn't it a hoot to hear these stupid Democrats bitch about tax cuts? Only an idiot would bitch about having taxes reduced.

I bet every one of the little bastards will sure as hell spend the money that get back in reduced taxes.

If they really believed the stupid shit they spout they would not participate in the tax reductions by sending in the money to the Treasury.

Of course, that's all dishonest. Democrats aren't complaining about any and all tax cuts.

When the vote is taken this evening 46 Democrat filth will vote against the tax reduction. They will be joined by two Interdependent Libtards that usually vote with the filthy Democrats. Despicable.

Democrats are the scum of this country.
The left is the party of slavery and segregation. They have hated the populace for well over a hundred years yet they still have followers.

..and yet, they are the first to take credit for the abolishment of slavery, giving women the right to vote, the Civil Rights Act, and just about everything Trump has accomplished so far.

Truthfully, the Democrats are the party of liars and thieves.

Cons are the liars . We’ve been over this lie 100x . Today’s cons are the dems of 100 years ago . They are the ones flying the rebel flags and defending rebel monuments.

The facts are in the historical record. Dems are the party of slavery and segregation.
And those states that used to engage in slavery and segregation are now solidly Republican

Those states aren't slave states or segregated now. Lol. Poor rightwinger. Get back to the booze.
...will the Democrat Party forever be remembered as the party who refused to give working-class Americans a break?

I think so. Their opposition to the greatest thing working-class America needs, will forever be worn around the necks of those who were against it.

Like a dead, putrid albatross.

What break ?

The tax plan is a shell game . Throw some crumbs at the working class while big biz and the rich have a feast.

It’s a bad deal . Shame on the gop for passing this scam .
Just because you are on welfare and get no break, you bitch about the rest of us. Get a job, then you too can get a break. Dumbass

I work for a living . I also have a brain in my head . You cons are easily fooled by shiney objects . Sure you get a short term tax cut , then down the road we all get hosed .

Sitting at a keyboard and typing dumbass comments isn't really a job.

that's pretty much what we keep telling *you*. If you worked, you wouldn't be on here all day long every day.
...will the Democrat Party forever be remembered as the party who refused to give working-class Americans a break?

I think so. Their opposition to the greatest thing working-class America needs, will forever be worn around the necks of those who were against it.

Like a dead, putrid albatross.

if you make under $250,000 a year, you aren't getting a tax break.

so what tax break are you talking about, oh randian idiot?

Quit shitposting bumper-sticker talking points from your Democrat masters. It really make you sound ignorant.
Isn't it a hoot to hear these stupid Democrats bitch about tax cuts? Only an idiot would bitch about having taxes reduced.

I bet every one of the little bastards will sure as hell spend the money that get back in reduced taxes.

If they really believed the stupid shit they spout they would not participate in the tax reductions by sending in the money to the Treasury.

Of course, that's all dishonest. Democrats aren't complaining about any and all tax cuts.

When the vote is taken this evening 46 Democrat filth will vote against the tax reduction. They will be joined by two Interdependent Libtards that usually vote with the filthy Democrats. Despicable.

Democrats are the scum of this country.

yes, you putting loving trumptards are traitors.
Well, everybody is gonna get hit with a higher inflation tax. lolol. Both parties are guilty of the same monetary policy. Which is really where the discussion should be.
...will the Democrat Party forever be remembered as the party who refused to give working-class Americans a break?

I think so. Their opposition to the greatest thing working-class America needs, will forever be worn around the necks of those who were against it.

Like a dead, putrid albatross.

More likely, the horrible plan will be exposed and dissected publicly over the next few years, leading to Democrats replacing Repiblicans in a wave, and then the plan will be replaced.

What? Didn't you used to work for the same polling company that said "Trump will never get 270 electoral votes"?

You sound familiar.

No, and I always thought Trump had an excellent chance of winning, especially given the polls right before the election. But thanks for asking.

Why do sissies like you start a thread for discussion, amd then wilt like lettuce in the Sun the moment you are exposed to an idea that doesnt align with your politics and superstition? Seems masochistic and intellectually cowardly to me. Maybe you would be better suited, intellectually, staying in an echo chamber with mirrors on the walls.

Gimme a fuckin break. I'll match your manliness any day. Do you have a three bedroom two bath house on 100 acres of rich hunting land, with a creek running through it?

Hell, you probably still live off your mommie and daddy.

Do you have a beautiful wife like I do, a car and a monster truck sitting out in the driveway, a gun safe full of beautiful firearms, retired from three different careers as well as as honorable performance in the military and law enforcement?

I bet you can't even change a fucking flat tire by yourself, without the help of a woman. Jeez.

No one knows who the fuck you are and no one cares. Stick to the topic or go jerk off to yourself in the mirror. It seems like that's what you're in the mood for.
You know, the Republicans keep telling us how tax cuts are going to grow the economy and they will pay for themselves.

That is a fallacy. If you cut taxes for people, yes, they will spend the money, but it won't go back to the government, it will go to another private person when the goods or services are bought.

So, if the government cuts the money they currently have coming in, and don't have any way to get the money that citizens are going to save in the tax cuts, how are we going to pay for infrastructure, building up our military and the wall?
...will the Democrat Party forever be remembered as the party who refused to give working-class Americans a break?

I think so. Their opposition to the greatest thing working-class America needs, will forever be worn around the necks of those who were against it.

Like a dead, putrid albatross.

if you make under $250,000 a year, you aren't getting a tax break.

so what tax break are you talking about, oh randian idiot?

Quit shitposting bumper-sticker talking points from your Democrat masters. It really make you sound ignorant.

says the trumptard who just posted a bumper sticker talking point?

quiet, you freaking hack. most of us think.... unlike you. so stop projecting your ignorance onto normal people.
Isn't it a hoot to hear these stupid Democrats bitch about tax cuts? Only an idiot would bitch about having taxes reduced.

I bet every one of the little bastards will sure as hell spend the money that get back in reduced taxes.

If they really believed the stupid shit they spout they would not participate in the tax reductions by sending in the money to the Treasury.

Some of us aren't over 50 years old. Some of us are in our 20's. Some of us actually have to build a life in this country still.

I understand how it's easy not to think long-term when you don't have that long of a term left, but for others, the future is everything. And while things are okay now, this much incompetence in government, and this disgusting tax bill ... it's going to hurt later on, big time.

But no one really expects boomers to care about anyone but themselves. Doesn't surprise me they can't see more than a few years down the road.
Instead of being a whiney ass liberal, being spoon fed the bullshit from the left, start investing in the stock market and make something of yourselves. If you contribute 100 dollars a month into a stock paying 5 percent dividend in 20 years you could have over 1/2 million dollars. If you go 40 years it could be over 2 or 3 million dollars. Liberals don't want you to know this, because when you are a victim of liberalism then you need to be dependent on the liberals who will give you just enough to survive and then demand your sorry ass to vote for them, or tell you lies that will scare you into voting for them....
Isn't it a hoot to hear these stupid Democrats bitch about tax cuts? Only an idiot would bitch about having taxes reduced.

I bet every one of the little bastards will sure as hell spend the money that get back in reduced taxes.

If they really believed the stupid shit they spout they would not participate in the tax reductions by sending in the money to the Treasury.

Some of us aren't over 50 years old. Some of us are in our 20's. Some of us actually have to build a life in this country still.

I understand how it's easy not to think long-term when you don't have that long of a term left, but for others, the future is everything. And while things are okay now, this much incompetence in government, and this disgusting tax bill ... it's going to hurt later on, big time.

But no one really expects boomers to care about anyone but themselves. Doesn't surprise me they can't see more than a few years down the road.

It sounds like you are a confused Moon Bat.

Lower taxes are good for everybody. They are good for me being a Baby Boomer. Even as a retiree I pay a ton in taxes and that is despicable. It is good for my working age children that is burdened with tremendous taxes and good for my grandchildren.

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