So when Trump's tax reform passes the Senate this afternoon...

Isn't it a hoot to hear these stupid Democrats bitch about tax cuts? Only an idiot would bitch about having taxes reduced.

I bet every one of the little bastards will sure as hell spend the money that get back in reduced taxes.

If they really believed the stupid shit they spout they would not participate in the tax reductions by sending in the money to the Treasury.

Of course, that's all dishonest. Democrats aren't complaining about any and all tax cuts.

When the vote is taken this evening 46 Democrat filth will vote against the tax reduction. They will be joined by two Interdependent Libtards that usually vote with the filthy Democrats. Despicable.

Democrats are the scum of this country.

yes, you putting loving trumptards are traitors.
and you can't make this shit up, here's a libturd saying asking for a tax cut is being a traitor. LOL. Dude, why do you take any money at all. you should be handing all your money to the feds. traitor
Isn't it a hoot to hear these stupid Democrats bitch about tax cuts? Only an idiot would bitch about having taxes reduced.

I bet every one of the little bastards will sure as hell spend the money that get back in reduced taxes.

If they really believed the stupid shit they spout they would not participate in the tax reductions by sending in the money to the Treasury.

Some of us aren't over 50 years old. Some of us are in our 20's. Some of us actually have to build a life in this country still.

I understand how it's easy not to think long-term when you don't have that long of a term left, but for others, the future is everything. And while things are okay now, this much incompetence in government, and this disgusting tax bill ... it's going to hurt later on, big time.

But no one really expects boomers to care about anyone but themselves. Doesn't surprise me they can't see more than a few years down the road.
Instead of being a whiney ass liberal, being spoon fed the bullshit from the left, start investing in the stock market and make something of yourselves. If you contribute 100 dollars a month into a stock paying 5 percent dividend in 20 years you could have over 1/2 million dollars. If you go 40 years it could be over 2 or 3 million dollars. Liberals don't want you to know this, because when you are a victim of liberalism then you need to be dependent on the liberals who will give you just enough to survive and then demand your sorry ass to vote for them, or tell you lies that will scare you into voting for them....

I'm most likely going to be fine. But I'm not the only one who matters. 28 and I'm already starting to look at the younger people and wonder what we can do to help them succeed. Very much unlike the boomers.
...will the Democrat Party forever be remembered as the party who refused to give working-class Americans a break?

I think so. Their opposition to the greatest thing working-class America needs, will forever be worn around the necks of those who were against it.

Like a dead, putrid albatross.
Did you cheer W's tax cuts too?
I did, and so did obummer.
I'm sure you did.
...will the Democrat Party forever be remembered as the party who refused to give working-class Americans a break?
You're counting them chickens AWFULLY early.....

The Senate bill still has to pass in the Senate (still up in the air), then the HoR and Senate bills have to be reconciled in CC, then the compromise bill has to be approved by both chambers and then it goes to Donny's desk.

At this point we don't even know what the final product will look like let alone whether or not it'll make it into law.
You know, the Republicans keep telling us how tax cuts are going to grow the economy and they will pay for themselves.

That is a fallacy. If you cut taxes for people, yes, they will spend the money, but it won't go back to the government, it will go to another private person when the goods or services are bought.

So, if the government cuts the money they currently have coming in, and don't have any way to get the money that citizens are going to save in the tax cuts, how are we going to pay for infrastructure, building up our military and the wall?
Stop paying the poor people who stay fucking poor. Maybe if there were infrastructure work and build up the military those poor folks could find some job in Obama's roaring economic recovery that President Trump inherited, right?

War on poverty cost
In January 1964, Johnson declared “unconditional war on poverty in America.” Since then, the taxpayers have spent $22 trillion on Johnson’s war. Adjusted for inflation, that’s three times the cost of all military wars since the American Revolution.
RECTOR: The War on Poverty: 50 years of failure ...
Isn't it a hoot to hear these stupid Democrats bitch about tax cuts? Only an idiot would bitch about having taxes reduced.

I bet every one of the little bastards will sure as hell spend the money that get back in reduced taxes.

If they really believed the stupid shit they spout they would not participate in the tax reductions by sending in the money to the Treasury.

Some of us aren't over 50 years old. Some of us are in our 20's. Some of us actually have to build a life in this country still.

I understand how it's easy not to think long-term when you don't have that long of a term left, but for others, the future is everything. And while things are okay now, this much incompetence in government, and this disgusting tax bill ... it's going to hurt later on, big time.

But no one really expects boomers to care about anyone but themselves. Doesn't surprise me they can't see more than a few years down the road.
Instead of being a whiney ass liberal, being spoon fed the bullshit from the left, start investing in the stock market and make something of yourselves. If you contribute 100 dollars a month into a stock paying 5 percent dividend in 20 years you could have over 1/2 million dollars. If you go 40 years it could be over 2 or 3 million dollars. Liberals don't want you to know this, because when you are a victim of liberalism then you need to be dependent on the liberals who will give you just enough to survive and then demand your sorry ass to vote for them, or tell you lies that will scare you into voting for them....

I'm most likely going to be fine. But I'm not the only one who matters. 28 and I'm already starting to look at the younger people and wonder what we can do to help them succeed. Very much unlike the boomers.
hand em your money
Isn't it a hoot to hear these stupid Democrats bitch about tax cuts? Only an idiot would bitch about having taxes reduced.

I bet every one of the little bastards will sure as hell spend the money that get back in reduced taxes.

If they really believed the stupid shit they spout they would not participate in the tax reductions by sending in the money to the Treasury.

Some of us aren't over 50 years old. Some of us are in our 20's. Some of us actually have to build a life in this country still.

I understand how it's easy not to think long-term when you don't have that long of a term left, but for others, the future is everything. And while things are okay now, this much incompetence in government, and this disgusting tax bill ... it's going to hurt later on, big time.

But no one really expects boomers to care about anyone but themselves. Doesn't surprise me they can't see more than a few years down the road.

It sounds like you are a confused Moon Bat.

Lower taxes are good for everybody. They are good for me being a Baby Boomer. Even as a retiree I pay a ton in taxes and that is despicable. It is good for my working age children that is burdened with tremendous taxes and good for my grandchildren.

Good for how long? A few years? Sure. Can't argue with that. But when the debt blossoms even more out of control ... we're paying interest on that ... healthcare costs skyrocket ... we have to pay for the people without insurance in the ER ... etc. Things are not so simple. Everything has a consequence, and those consequences have consequences.
...will the Democrat Party forever be remembered as the party who refused to give working-class Americans a break?

I think so. Their opposition to the greatest thing working-class America needs, will forever be worn around the necks of those who were against it.

Like a dead, putrid albatross.
this tax bill does not give a tax cut to working class Americans, in just a year millions will see a tax hike and millions and millions more of the working class in just 5+ more years....will see a tax hike.... but not the corporations and not the top 1% or 1/10th of 1 percent..... they clean up....they are given a HUGE Gift horse while they plan to cut healthcare, and medicare and the working class's social security.....

it's a SCAM, a reverse robin hood, as far as the eye can see....

and you guys praise it? fools
Isn't it a hoot to hear these stupid Democrats bitch about tax cuts? Only an idiot would bitch about having taxes reduced.

I bet every one of the little bastards will sure as hell spend the money that get back in reduced taxes.

If they really believed the stupid shit they spout they would not participate in the tax reductions by sending in the money to the Treasury.

Of course, that's all dishonest. Democrats aren't complaining about any and all tax cuts.

Yes they are. They hate the people. They hate you but you love them.

No they aren't, and you make yourself sound like an idiot to say they are.
...will the Democrat Party forever be remembered as the party who refused to give working-class Americans a break?
You're counting them chickens AWFULLY early.....

The Senate bill still has to pass in the Senate (still up in the air), then the HoR and Senate bills have to be reconciled in CC, then the compromise bill has to be approved by both chambers and then it goes to Donny's desk.

At this point we don't even know what the final product will look like let alone whether or not it'll make it into law.
how many dems will vote for it? hmmmmm?
...will the Democrat Party forever be remembered as the party who refused to give working-class Americans a break?

I think so. Their opposition to the greatest thing working-class America needs, will forever be worn around the necks of those who were against it.

Like a dead, putrid albatross.
Did you cheer W's tax cuts too?

Even though GW wasn't a shining example of what I'd call a "conservative" by today's definition, he was the man of the times. I cheered everything he did then. Especially sending our magnificent military to kill all those shithead Muslims after 9/11. That really made me smile. In fact, it gave me a warm tingle running down my leg. :biggrin:
...will the Democrat Party forever be remembered as the party who refused to give working-class Americans a break?

I think so. Their opposition to the greatest thing working-class America needs, will forever be worn around the necks of those who were against it.

Like a dead, putrid albatross.
this tax bill does not give a tax cut to working class Americans, in just a year millions will see a tax hike and millions and millions more of the working class in just 5+ more years....will see a tax hike.... but not the corporations and mot the top 1% or 1/10th of 1 percent..... they clean up....they are biven a HUGE Gift horse while they plan to cut healthcare, and medicare and the working class's social security.....

it's a SCAM, a reverse robin hood, as far as the eye can see....

and you guys praise it? fools
blah,blah,blah, parroting. fk I get tired of the same line over and over.
Isn't it a hoot to hear these stupid Democrats bitch about tax cuts? Only an idiot would bitch about having taxes reduced.

I bet every one of the little bastards will sure as hell spend the money that get back in reduced taxes.

If they really believed the stupid shit they spout they would not participate in the tax reductions by sending in the money to the Treasury.

Of course, that's all dishonest. Democrats aren't complaining about any and all tax cuts.

When the vote is taken this evening 46 Democrat filth will vote against the tax reduction. They will be joined by two Interdependent Libtards that usually vote with the filthy Democrats. Despicable.

Democrats are the scum of this country.

yes, you putting loving trumptards are traitors.

If we're guilty of treachery against you leftist's plan of destroying this country, then I regret that I have only one life to give.
...will the Democrat Party forever be remembered as the party who refused to give working-class Americans a break?

I think so. Their opposition to the greatest thing working-class America needs, will forever be worn around the necks of those who were against it.

Like a dead, putrid albatross.
Did you cheer W's tax cuts too?
I did, and so did obummer.
I'm sure you did.
yep. and you gave it all back eh?
Isn't it a hoot to hear these stupid Democrats bitch about tax cuts? Only an idiot would bitch about having taxes reduced.

I bet every one of the little bastards will sure as hell spend the money that get back in reduced taxes.

If they really believed the stupid shit they spout they would not participate in the tax reductions by sending in the money to the Treasury.

Some of us aren't over 50 years old. Some of us are in our 20's. Some of us actually have to build a life in this country still.

I understand how it's easy not to think long-term when you don't have that long of a term left, but for others, the future is everything. And while things are okay now, this much incompetence in government, and this disgusting tax bill ... it's going to hurt later on, big time.

But no one really expects boomers to care about anyone but themselves. Doesn't surprise me they can't see more than a few years down the road.
Instead of being a whiney ass liberal, being spoon fed the bullshit from the left, start investing in the stock market and make something of yourselves. If you contribute 100 dollars a month into a stock paying 5 percent dividend in 20 years you could have over 1/2 million dollars. If you go 40 years it could be over 2 or 3 million dollars. Liberals don't want you to know this, because when you are a victim of liberalism then you need to be dependent on the liberals who will give you just enough to survive and then demand your sorry ass to vote for them, or tell you lies that will scare you into voting for them....

I'm most likely going to be fine. But I'm not the only one who matters. 28 and I'm already starting to look at the younger people and wonder what we can do to help them succeed. Very much unlike the boomers.
hand em your money

They don't need my money. They need training, education, and opportunities. They need to stay up to date with the rest of the world and its mind-numbingly rapid technological and sociological advancement. Trump is trying to take us BACK in time! That's the problem. You can't go back. That's not the world we live in anymore ...
so what tax break, bubbalah.

still waiting to hear where you studied con law. I don't recall you answering that.

Aw stop it. Ya meanie.

I'm on your side with this one. Though, the trend seems to be to debate symptoms rather than the root problem.
Isn't it a hoot to hear these stupid Democrats bitch about tax cuts? Only an idiot would bitch about having taxes reduced.

I bet every one of the little bastards will sure as hell spend the money that get back in reduced taxes.

If they really believed the stupid shit they spout they would not participate in the tax reductions by sending in the money to the Treasury.

Some of us aren't over 50 years old. Some of us are in our 20's. Some of us actually have to build a life in this country still.

I understand how it's easy not to think long-term when you don't have that long of a term left, but for others, the future is everything. And while things are okay now, this much incompetence in government, and this disgusting tax bill ... it's going to hurt later on, big time.

But no one really expects boomers to care about anyone but themselves. Doesn't surprise me they can't see more than a few years down the road.
Instead of being a whiney ass liberal, being spoon fed the bullshit from the left, start investing in the stock market and make something of yourselves. If you contribute 100 dollars a month into a stock paying 5 percent dividend in 20 years you could have over 1/2 million dollars. If you go 40 years it could be over 2 or 3 million dollars. Liberals don't want you to know this, because when you are a victim of liberalism then you need to be dependent on the liberals who will give you just enough to survive and then demand your sorry ass to vote for them, or tell you lies that will scare you into voting for them....

I'm most likely going to be fine. But I'm not the only one who matters. 28 and I'm already starting to look at the younger people and wonder what we can do to help them succeed. Very much unlike the boomers.
I have my 3 kids invested in the stock market and in 40 years they will be multi millionaires unless Bernie the Socialist Sanders gets in and taxes all of their wealth away while he sits with 3 houses and $250,000 dollar plus income coming in. Stop worrying about others when they don't want to NOT be a victim of liberalism and move on and up with your life, and you too can become wealthy. I started as a minimum wage puke at McD's making $2.10 an hour, today I make over 6 figures of dividend income that only get 5% taxes on that income. Must piss off the liberals for that, but why do you think Warren Buffet, pays a lower tax rate than his secretary? Liberals are the biggest hypocrites in the universe.
Isn't it a hoot to hear these stupid Democrats bitch about tax cuts? Only an idiot would bitch about having taxes reduced.

I bet every one of the little bastards will sure as hell spend the money that get back in reduced taxes.

If they really believed the stupid shit they spout they would not participate in the tax reductions by sending in the money to the Treasury.

Some of us aren't over 50 years old. Some of us are in our 20's. Some of us actually have to build a life in this country still.

I understand how it's easy not to think long-term when you don't have that long of a term left, but for others, the future is everything. And while things are okay now, this much incompetence in government, and this disgusting tax bill ... it's going to hurt later on, big time.

But no one really expects boomers to care about anyone but themselves. Doesn't surprise me they can't see more than a few years down the road.
Instead of being a whiney ass liberal, being spoon fed the bullshit from the left, start investing in the stock market and make something of yourselves. If you contribute 100 dollars a month into a stock paying 5 percent dividend in 20 years you could have over 1/2 million dollars. If you go 40 years it could be over 2 or 3 million dollars. Liberals don't want you to know this, because when you are a victim of liberalism then you need to be dependent on the liberals who will give you just enough to survive and then demand your sorry ass to vote for them, or tell you lies that will scare you into voting for them....

I'm most likely going to be fine. But I'm not the only one who matters. 28 and I'm already starting to look at the younger people and wonder what we can do to help them succeed. Very much unlike the boomers.
hand em your money

They don't need my money. They need training, education, and opportunities. They need to stay up to date with the rest of the world and its mind-numbingly rapid technological and sociological advancement. Trump is trying to take us BACK in time! That's the problem. You can't go back. That's not the world we live in anymore ...
so why aren't you educating them?
...will the Democrat Party forever be remembered as the party who refused to give working-class Americans a break?

I think so. Their opposition to the greatest thing working-class America needs, will forever be worn around the necks of those who were against it.

Like a dead, putrid albatross.
Did you cheer W's tax cuts too?

Even though GW wasn't a shining example of what I'd call a "conservative" by today's definition, he was the man of the times. I cheered everything he did then. Especially sending our magnificent military to kill all those shithead Muslims after 9/11. That really made me smile. In fact, it gave me a warm tingle running down my leg. :biggrin:
Hey go all in for corp tax cuts without ending corp tax expenditures. It's the selective libertarian way.

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