So when Trump's tax reform passes the Senate this afternoon...

Isn't it a hoot to hear these stupid Democrats bitch about tax cuts? Only an idiot would bitch about having taxes reduced.

I bet every one of the little bastards will sure as hell spend the money that get back in reduced taxes.

If they really believed the stupid shit they spout they would not participate in the tax reductions by sending in the money to the Treasury.

Some of us aren't over 50 years old. Some of us are in our 20's. Some of us actually have to build a life in this country still.

I understand how it's easy not to think long-term when you don't have that long of a term left, but for others, the future is everything. And while things are okay now, this much incompetence in government, and this disgusting tax bill ... it's going to hurt later on, big time.

But no one really expects boomers to care about anyone but themselves. Doesn't surprise me they can't see more than a few years down the road.

It sounds like you are a confused Moon Bat.

Lower taxes are good for everybody. They are good for me being a Baby Boomer. Even as a retiree I pay a ton in taxes and that is despicable. It is good for my working age children that is burdened with tremendous taxes and good for my grandchildren.

Good for how long? A few years? Sure. Can't argue with that. But when the debt blossoms even more out of control ... we're paying interest on that ... healthcare costs skyrocket ... we have to pay for the people without insurance in the ER ... etc. Things are not so simple. Everything has a consequence, and those consequences have consequences.
why not cut spending? why is that such a hard progressive step for you libs?

I'm all about cutting spending where it makes sense. Where did I say otherwise?
you asked what were the consequences. it's called spending cuts. I figured since you couldn't mention that, you didn't know that was a possibility.
So basically 5 pages in to the thread the Trump lemmings still have not explained how this bill helps anyone, all they know is that Trump said it was good so it must be good

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Where did I say throw more money at it? Point that out to me because I'm not seeing it.

And the reason I'm not seeing it is because it was never mentioned.

Then you agree with me that the Liberals have fucked up education in this country and we should abolish the Department of Education because it is a waste of money. Good.

I agree that liberals fucked it up, republicans did nothing to stop it, tuition expenses are outrageously high for the low quality of education available, etc. ... the DOE has the potential to be a force for good, but it's currently useless,and has been for a very long time.

We need people who are serious about making our students competitive again to get in there and break up the party. Our schools are little more than counting houses these days.

low quality of education? that seems to be repeated over and over by people who don't have any.

that said, I'm all for vocational high schools. not everyone is equipped for a four year college. that said, community colleges should be free. the reality is that you can't even get a job delivering for fedex without a college degree.
Some of us aren't over 50 years old. Some of us are in our 20's. Some of us actually have to build a life in this country still.

I understand how it's easy not to think long-term when you don't have that long of a term left, but for others, the future is everything. And while things are okay now, this much incompetence in government, and this disgusting tax bill ... it's going to hurt later on, big time.

But no one really expects boomers to care about anyone but themselves. Doesn't surprise me they can't see more than a few years down the road.

It sounds like you are a confused Moon Bat.

Lower taxes are good for everybody. They are good for me being a Baby Boomer. Even as a retiree I pay a ton in taxes and that is despicable. It is good for my working age children that is burdened with tremendous taxes and good for my grandchildren.

Good for how long? A few years? Sure. Can't argue with that. But when the debt blossoms even more out of control ... we're paying interest on that ... healthcare costs skyrocket ... we have to pay for the people without insurance in the ER ... etc. Things are not so simple. Everything has a consequence, and those consequences have consequences.
why not cut spending? why is that such a hard progressive step for you libs?

I'm all about cutting spending where it makes sense. Where did I say otherwise?
you asked what were the consequences. it's called spending cuts. I figured since you couldn't mention that, you didn't know that was a possibility.

right... because why should anyone be educated if you aren't? you can't cut taxes for the donor class and then say "oh yeah, the government can't afford to do anything". normal people aren't going to tolerate that.
Some of us aren't over 50 years old. Some of us are in our 20's. Some of us actually have to build a life in this country still.

I understand how it's easy not to think long-term when you don't have that long of a term left, but for others, the future is everything. And while things are okay now, this much incompetence in government, and this disgusting tax bill ... it's going to hurt later on, big time.

But no one really expects boomers to care about anyone but themselves. Doesn't surprise me they can't see more than a few years down the road.

It sounds like you are a confused Moon Bat.

Lower taxes are good for everybody. They are good for me being a Baby Boomer. Even as a retiree I pay a ton in taxes and that is despicable. It is good for my working age children that is burdened with tremendous taxes and good for my grandchildren.

Good for how long? A few years? Sure. Can't argue with that. But when the debt blossoms even more out of control ... we're paying interest on that ... healthcare costs skyrocket ... we have to pay for the people without insurance in the ER ... etc. Things are not so simple. Everything has a consequence, and those consequences have consequences.
why not cut spending? why is that such a hard progressive step for you libs?

I'm all about cutting spending where it makes sense. Where did I say otherwise?
you asked what were the consequences. it's called spending cuts. I figured since you couldn't mention that, you didn't know that was a possibility.

Note that I said, the cuts should make sense. That remains to be seen in a lot of these cases ...

Where did I say throw more money at it? Point that out to me because I'm not seeing it.

And the reason I'm not seeing it is because it was never mentioned.

Then you agree with me that the Liberals have fucked up education in this country and we should abolish the Department of Education because it is a waste of money. Good.

I agree that liberals fucked it up, republicans did nothing to stop it, tuition expenses are outrageously high for the low quality of education available, etc. ... the DOE has the potential to be a force for good, but it's currently useless,and has been for a very long time.

We need people who are serious about making our students competitive again to get in there and break up the party. Our schools are little more than counting houses these days.

low quality of education? that seems to be repeated over and over by people who don't have any.

that said, I'm all for vocational high schools. not everyone is equipped for a four year college. that said, community colleges should be free. the reality is that you can't even get a job delivering for fedex without a college degree.

I have 3 degrees, 1 of which is a masters. I plan on getting at least an MBA in the future as well. Not that my personal qualifications matter, but you brought it up so I had to respond.

Know why I have those degrees? Because they're an investment. Not because they made me so knowledgeable or smart. Working is what makes you knowledgeable. School, currently, is just a summer camp where hopefully you get out knowing how to read, write, and do math above a fifth grade level.

Micky Mouse undergrads need to go the way of the dinosaur. That's a start. Colleges need to work MUCH more closely with businesses to fulfill one another's needs. Too many kids get out of school and are horribly unprepared for the real world. I was one of them. Those 3 years I spent drifting aimlessly though life were partially my fault, but also because schools don't teach you the skills you need, and don't prepare you for what's out there.

And the costs? Don't even get me started. I'm going to be in debt for a long, long time.
It sounds like you are a confused Moon Bat.

Lower taxes are good for everybody. They are good for me being a Baby Boomer. Even as a retiree I pay a ton in taxes and that is despicable. It is good for my working age children that is burdened with tremendous taxes and good for my grandchildren.

Good for how long? A few years? Sure. Can't argue with that. But when the debt blossoms even more out of control ... we're paying interest on that ... healthcare costs skyrocket ... we have to pay for the people without insurance in the ER ... etc. Things are not so simple. Everything has a consequence, and those consequences have consequences.
why not cut spending? why is that such a hard progressive step for you libs?

I'm all about cutting spending where it makes sense. Where did I say otherwise?
you asked what were the consequences. it's called spending cuts. I figured since you couldn't mention that, you didn't know that was a possibility.

right... because why should anyone be educated if you aren't? you can't cut taxes for the donor class and then say "oh yeah, the government can't afford to do anything". normal people aren't going to tolerate that.
huh? our tax system wasn't implemented to support the poor. where the fk did you come from.
Here's a snip from an overview on the tax plan. Pay attention to it...

The worst part of the tax plan is that it adopts the chained consumer price index (chained CPI). Chained CPI is a way of measuring CPI that understates inflation’s effects on our standard of living. It does this by assuming inflation has not reduced Americans’ standard of living if, for example, people can buy hamburgers when they can no longer afford steak. This so-called full substitution ignores the fact that if individuals viewed hamburgers as a full substitute for steak they would have bought hamburgers before Fed-created inflation made steak unaffordable.

Chained CPI increases the inflation tax. The inflation tax is hidden and regressive. The inflation tax is not even a tax on real wages. Instead it is a tax on the illusionary gains in income caused by inflation. The use of chained CPI to adjust tax brackets pushes individuals into higher tax brackets over time.

Politicians love the inflation tax because it allows them to increase taxes without having to vote for higher rates. Instead, the Fed does the dirty work.

GOP Tax Plan Increases the Most Insidious Tax

Where did I say throw more money at it? Point that out to me because I'm not seeing it.

And the reason I'm not seeing it is because it was never mentioned.

Then you agree with me that the Liberals have fucked up education in this country and we should abolish the Department of Education because it is a waste of money. Good.

I agree that liberals fucked it up, republicans did nothing to stop it, tuition expenses are outrageously high for the low quality of education available, etc. ... the DOE has the potential to be a force for good, but it's currently useless,and has been for a very long time.

We need people who are serious about making our students competitive again to get in there and break up the party. Our schools are little more than counting houses these days.

low quality of education? that seems to be repeated over and over by people who don't have any.

that said, I'm all for vocational high schools. not everyone is equipped for a four year college. that said, community colleges should be free. the reality is that you can't even get a job delivering for fedex without a college degree.

I have 3 degrees, 1 of which is a masters. I plan on getting at least an MBA in the future as well. Not that my personal qualifications matter, but you brought it up so I had to respond.

Know why I have those degrees? Because they're an investment. Not because they made me so knowledgeable or smart. Working is what makes you knowledgeable. School, currently, is just a summer camp where hopefully you get out knowing how to read, write, and do math above a fifth grade level.

Micky Mouse undergrads need to go the way of the dinosaur. That's a start. Colleges need to work MUCH more closely with businesses to fulfill one another's needs. Too many kids get out of school and are horribly unprepared for the real world. I was one of them. Those 3 years I spent drifting aimlessly though life were partially my fault, but also because schools don't teach you the skills you need, and don't prepare you for what's out there.

And the costs? Don't even get me started. I'm going to be in debt for a long, long time.
shit man there use to be corporate and school joint job opportunities in the past. my company did it for years until the government got involved.
...will the Democrat Party forever be remembered as the party who refused to give working-class Americans a break?

I think so. Their opposition to the greatest thing working-class America needs, will forever be worn around the necks of those who were against it.

Like a dead, putrid albatross.

Will corporations do the right thing? Boy are you a trusting soul.

Republicans Insist Tax Cuts Will Benefit Workers, But CEOs Have Other Plans
GOP lawmakers are placing faith in corporations to do “the right thing.”

Republicans insist their tax cut bill will benefit workers, though the legislation has few provisions that directly benefit people with modest incomes in the long run.

Instead, the core of the bill is a huge cut to corporate taxes, bringing the top rate down from 35 to 20 percent. Republicans say workers will be better off if corporate executives and shareholders have more money.

A number of top CEOs, however, have signaled they plan to reward their investors instead.
Republicans Insist Tax Cuts Will Benefit Workers, But CEOs Have Other Plans | HuffPost
The left is the party of slavery and segregation. They have hated the populace for well over a hundred years yet they still have followers.
Instead of hiring more workers or increasing wages, executives from major companies including Cisco Systems, Pfizer, Coca-Cola, Amgen and Honeywell have said they plan to use the windfall from the corporate tax cut to first increase stock dividends or to buy back shares.

“We’ll be able to get much more aggressive on the share buyback” after the tax cut is passed into law, Cisco CFO Kelly Kramer said in an earnings call earlier this month. Stock buybacks increase the value of shares held by investors ― a group that typically includes corporate executives, who are among the corporate tax cut’s biggest proponents.

The intentions of corporate executives have appeared to baffle White House officials. When Gary Cohn, Trump’s chief economic adviser, asked a gathering of CEOs earlier this month to raise their hands if they planned to boost investment if rates were cut, he got a lukewarm response.

“Why aren’t the other hands up?” Cohn asked awkwardly after only a few of the business leaders raised their arms into the air.

But Republican senators on Wednesday maintained their firm belief that corporations would ultimately reinvest their gains into their workers. None expressed concerns about CEOs using tax cut gains to simply reward their investors.
Well, everybody is gonna get hit with a higher inflation tax. lolol. Both parties are guilty of the same monetary policy. Which is really where the discussion should be.

The discussion should be why are we spending $4 trillion a year on the cost of the stupid Federal government?

That four trillion is more than the GDP of all but three other countries on earth. The cost of government is the usually the single largest expenditure of a family in the US, regardless of income.

Why isn't the discussion on how we are going to reduce Federal spending to a half or a third of what it is now? We could have Jim Dandy Federal government for half of what we spend now.

That is the only sane discussion to have. Anything else is just rearranging the deck chairs on the Titantic.

We're spending money that we don't have. We're printing it. lolol. The dollar is down 98% since WWII and the poor, middle class, and seniors are being wiped out by inflation because of that monetary policy. They can't save anything. The rich, on the other hand, can. That's why they aren't affected by it. All of that money we print to monetize debt in the form of various Treasury bills and bonds goes to them first. It's a bipartisan, controlled, economic policy that will ultimately affect everyone once the dollar is completely toast.

If you stop spending so much money then you don't have to print money to pay the bills, right?

Stop the bloated spending and everything else will correct itself over time.
The left is the party of slavery and segregation. They have hated the populace for well over a hundred years yet they still have followers.
Instead of hiring more workers or increasing wages, executives from major companies including Cisco Systems, Pfizer, Coca-Cola, Amgen and Honeywell have said they plan to use the windfall from the corporate tax cut to first increase stock dividends or to buy back shares.

“We’ll be able to get much more aggressive on the share buyback” after the tax cut is passed into law, Cisco CFO Kelly Kramer said in an earnings call earlier this month. Stock buybacks increase the value of shares held by investors ― a group that typically includes corporate executives, who are among the corporate tax cut’s biggest proponents.

The intentions of corporate executives have appeared to baffle White House officials. When Gary Cohn, Trump’s chief economic adviser, asked a gathering of CEOs earlier this month to raise their hands if they planned to boost investment if rates were cut, he got a lukewarm response.

“Why aren’t the other hands up?” Cohn asked awkwardly after only a few of the business leaders raised their arms into the air.

But Republican senators on Wednesday maintained their firm belief that corporations would ultimately reinvest their gains into their workers. None expressed concerns about CEOs using tax cut gains to simply reward their investors.

You are confused Moon Bat.

Increased stock value creates wealth.

I would much rather have the money go to stockholders of American corporations than to go to provide welfare to the welfare queens, environmental wackos, greedy unions or to the illegals, wouldn't you?

You buy things made by corporations, don't you? Don't you want them to have lower expenses? I know you Moon Bats are economic challenged but that is a good thing. Does your 401K have investments in corporations? Most do.
The left is the party of slavery and segregation. They have hated the populace for well over a hundred years yet they still have followers.
Instead of hiring more workers or increasing wages, executives from major companies including Cisco Systems, Pfizer, Coca-Cola, Amgen and Honeywell have said they plan to use the windfall from the corporate tax cut to first increase stock dividends or to buy back shares.

“We’ll be able to get much more aggressive on the share buyback” after the tax cut is passed into law, Cisco CFO Kelly Kramer said in an earnings call earlier this month. Stock buybacks increase the value of shares held by investors ― a group that typically includes corporate executives, who are among the corporate tax cut’s biggest proponents.

The intentions of corporate executives have appeared to baffle White House officials. When Gary Cohn, Trump’s chief economic adviser, asked a gathering of CEOs earlier this month to raise their hands if they planned to boost investment if rates were cut, he got a lukewarm response.

“Why aren’t the other hands up?” Cohn asked awkwardly after only a few of the business leaders raised their arms into the air.

But Republican senators on Wednesday maintained their firm belief that corporations would ultimately reinvest their gains into their workers. None expressed concerns about CEOs using tax cut gains to simply reward their investors.

I love how the CEOs don't even bother pretending they're going to use the money on anyone but themselves and their investors. They're just like, "Yeah, fuck the workers. I'm taking that shit."

It's just business, after all.

Where did I say throw more money at it? Point that out to me because I'm not seeing it.

And the reason I'm not seeing it is because it was never mentioned.

Then you agree with me that the Liberals have fucked up education in this country and we should abolish the Department of Education because it is a waste of money. Good.

I agree that liberals fucked it up, republicans did nothing to stop it, tuition expenses are outrageously high for the low quality of education available, etc. ... the DOE has the potential to be a force for good, but it's currently useless,and has been for a very long time.

We need people who are serious about making our students competitive again to get in there and break up the party. Our schools are little more than counting houses these days.

low quality of education? that seems to be repeated over and over by people who don't have any.

that said, I'm all for vocational high schools. not everyone is equipped for a four year college. that said, community colleges should be free. the reality is that you can't even get a job delivering for fedex without a college degree.

I have 3 degrees, 1 of which is a masters. I plan on getting at least an MBA in the future as well. Not that my personal qualifications matter, but you brought it up so I had to respond.

Know why I have those degrees? Because they're an investment. Not because they made me so knowledgeable or smart. Working is what makes you knowledgeable. School, currently, is just a summer camp where hopefully you get out knowing how to read, write, and do math above a fifth grade level.

Micky Mouse undergrads need to go the way of the dinosaur. That's a start. Colleges need to work MUCH more closely with businesses to fulfill one another's needs. Too many kids get out of school and are horribly unprepared for the real world. I was one of them. Those 3 years I spent drifting aimlessly though life were partially my fault, but also because schools don't teach you the skills you need, and don't prepare you for what's out there.

And the costs? Don't even get me started. I'm going to be in debt for a long, long time.

God bless you if you understand the value of an education. Unlike many Moon Bat college grads if your degrees were in something marketable then you won't be a welfare queen the rest of your life.

However, it is not my responsibility to pay for your education. It is your responsibility.
...will the Democrat Party forever be remembered as the party who refused to give working-class Americans a break?

I think so. Their opposition to the greatest thing working-class America needs, will forever be worn around the necks of those who were against it.

Like a dead, putrid albatross.

Will corporations do the right thing? Boy are you a trusting soul.

Republicans Insist Tax Cuts Will Benefit Workers, But CEOs Have Other Plans
GOP lawmakers are placing faith in corporations to do “the right thing.”

Republicans insist their tax cut bill will benefit workers, though the legislation has few provisions that directly benefit people with modest incomes in the long run.

Instead, the core of the bill is a huge cut to corporate taxes, bringing the top rate down from 35 to 20 percent. Republicans say workers will be better off if corporate executives and shareholders have more money.

A number of top CEOs, however, have signaled they plan to reward their investors instead.
Republicans Insist Tax Cuts Will Benefit Workers, But CEOs Have Other Plans | HuffPost

Corporations will ALWAYS do the right thing...for their law.
The members party of the alt right conservatives are the members of the party of slavery, segregation, anti middle class hatred, and America knows it.
...will the Democrat Party forever be remembered as the party who refused to give working-class Americans a break?

I think so. Their opposition to the greatest thing working-class America needs, will forever be worn around the necks of those who were against it.

Like a dead, putrid albatross.

Will corporations do the right thing? Boy are you a trusting soul.

Republicans Insist Tax Cuts Will Benefit Workers, But CEOs Have Other Plans
GOP lawmakers are placing faith in corporations to do “the right thing.”

Republicans insist their tax cut bill will benefit workers, though the legislation has few provisions that directly benefit people with modest incomes in the long run.

Instead, the core of the bill is a huge cut to corporate taxes, bringing the top rate down from 35 to 20 percent. Republicans say workers will be better off if corporate executives and shareholders have more money.

A number of top CEOs, however, have signaled they plan to reward their investors instead.
Republicans Insist Tax Cuts Will Benefit Workers, But CEOs Have Other Plans | HuffPost

Corporations will ALWAYS do the right thing...for their law.

you aren't claiming that what is good for stockholders is good for our economy, are you?
...will the Democrat Party forever be remembered as the party who refused to give working-class Americans a break?

I think so. Their opposition to the greatest thing working-class America needs, will forever be worn around the necks of those who were against it.

Like a dead, putrid albatross.
Did you cheer W's tax cuts too?

Even though GW wasn't a shining example of what I'd call a "conservative" by today's definition, he was the man of the times. I cheered everything he did then. Especially sending our magnificent military to kill all those shithead Muslims after 9/11. That really made me smile. In fact, it gave me a warm tingle running down my leg. :biggrin:
I have a few issues of GW that proved he was an establishment puke like his daddy was at big spending. Department of Homeland security was and still is a 40 billion dollar failure. No Child Always left behind act, he and Ted Kennedy really fucked that one up. Free prescription drug Act for those people who have most of the money and the young people have to pay for it. Really fucking nice George...

I can understand that. None of us were as politically aware back then as we are now, thanks to 8 years of Obama. GW did some things that by today's standards would be considered "atrocious" and completely unconstitutional by most conservatives.It just took time for history to kick in before we realized it.

Even so, imagine how history will remember Obama, and all the shit he got away with. :laugh:
Some of us aren't over 50 years old. Some of us are in our 20's. Some of us actually have to build a life in this country still.

I understand how it's easy not to think long-term when you don't have that long of a term left, but for others, the future is everything. And while things are okay now, this much incompetence in government, and this disgusting tax bill ... it's going to hurt later on, big time.

But no one really expects boomers to care about anyone but themselves. Doesn't surprise me they can't see more than a few years down the road.
Instead of being a whiney ass liberal, being spoon fed the bullshit from the left, start investing in the stock market and make something of yourselves. If you contribute 100 dollars a month into a stock paying 5 percent dividend in 20 years you could have over 1/2 million dollars. If you go 40 years it could be over 2 or 3 million dollars. Liberals don't want you to know this, because when you are a victim of liberalism then you need to be dependent on the liberals who will give you just enough to survive and then demand your sorry ass to vote for them, or tell you lies that will scare you into voting for them....

I'm most likely going to be fine. But I'm not the only one who matters. 28 and I'm already starting to look at the younger people and wonder what we can do to help them succeed. Very much unlike the boomers.
I have my 3 kids invested in the stock market and in 40 years they will be multi millionaires unless Bernie the Socialist Sanders gets in and taxes all of their wealth away while he sits with 3 houses and $250,000 dollar plus income coming in. Stop worrying about others when they don't want to NOT be a victim of liberalism and move on and up with your life, and you too can become wealthy. I started as a minimum wage puke at McD's making $2.10 an hour, today I make over 6 figures of dividend income that only get 5% taxes on that income. Must piss off the liberals for that, but why do you think Warren Buffet, pays a lower tax rate than his secretary? Liberals are the biggest hypocrites in the universe.

Okay. You can d
They don't need my money. They need training, education, and opportunities. They need to stay up to date with the rest of the world and its mind-numbingly rapid technological and sociological advancement. Trump is trying to take us BACK in time! That's the problem. You can't go back. That's not the world we live in anymore ...
so why aren't you educating them?

I'm in data. I'm not a teacher. All I can do is volunteer and vote.
who are you expecting to teach em then?

How about our useless fucking schools that no one else seems to care amount to little more than indoctrination tanks and debt-siphoning plantations? How about we start there? But where's the Trump administration on education? Betsy DeVoss, who doesn't know what the fuck she's doing, even on the off-chance her intentions are pure. How about training? Better bring back coal, even though the future is clearly in developing renewable resources, nuclear, and natural gas. Fuck, India and China are all over this shit. Where is our government? "Bring back coal!!" Oh, and we're not going to focus on training old workers with new skills, either" ... it's a joke.

We spend more money in education than any other country on earth and have piss poor results.

Only stupid Moon Bats want to throw more money at it.

Will less money help?

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