So when Trump's tax reform passes the Senate this afternoon...

...will the Democrat Party forever be remembered as the party who refused to give working-class Americans a break?

I think so. Their opposition to the greatest thing working-class America needs, will forever be worn around the necks of those who were against it.

Like a dead, putrid albatross.
Did you cheer W's tax cuts too?

Even though GW wasn't a shining example of what I'd call a "conservative" by today's definition, he was the man of the times. I cheered everything he did then. Especially sending our magnificent military to kill all those shithead Muslims after 9/11. That really made me smile. In fact, it gave me a warm tingle running down my leg. :biggrin:
I have a few issues of GW that proved he was an establishment puke like his daddy was at big spending. Department of Homeland security was and still is a 40 billion dollar failure. No Child Always left behind act, he and Ted Kennedy really fucked that one up. Free prescription drug Act for those people who have most of the money and the young people have to pay for it. Really fucking nice George...

I can understand that. None of us were as politically aware back then as we are now, thanks to 8 years of Obama. GW did some things that by today's standards would be considered "atrocious" and completely unconstitutional by most conservatives.It just took time for history to kick in before we realized it.

Even so, imagine how history will remember Obama, and all the shit he got away with. :laugh:

Oh yes.....

The Great Obama is already revered by history
So basically 5 pages in to the thread the Trump lemmings still have not explained how this bill helps anyone, all they know is that Trump said it was good so it must be good

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You doubt him? Just look at the amazing transformation this country has gone through within the short period of only one year? Are you blind?
...will the Democrat Party forever


Trump will forever be known as Goldman Sachs President.

Lets recall we've had tax-cuts since 2001, didn't fix economy or prevent 2008 collapse. Even a slight economic stall by 2020 (pretty much a given from historic business cycle perspective) will promptly eject him out of presidency and will FOREVER dispel the tax-cuts-fix-everything myths.

Lets recall we've had tax-cuts since 2001, didn't fix economy or prevent 2008 collapse.

Tax cuts are bad?
Just the kind that hurt the middle & working class.
Isn't it a hoot to hear these stupid Democrats bitch about tax cuts? Only an idiot would bitch about having taxes reduced.

I bet every one of the little bastards will sure as hell spend the money that get back in reduced taxes.

If they really believed the stupid shit they spout they would not participate in the tax reductions by sending in the money to the Treasury.

Of course, that's all dishonest. Democrats aren't complaining about any and all tax cuts.

When the vote is taken this evening 46 Democrat filth will vote against the tax reduction. They will be joined by two Interdependent Libtards that usually vote with the filthy Democrats. Despicable.

Democrats are the scum of this country.

They'll vote against it because it mostly benefits people that don't need the help.

And since you are too much if an intellectual sissy to confront this idea with any rational argument, you invent your little boogeyman and low hanging fruit out of pure laziness amd cowardice.
...will the Democrat Party forever be remembered as the party who refused to give working-class Americans a break?

I think so. Their opposition to the greatest thing working-class America needs, will forever be worn around the necks of those who were against it.

Like a dead, putrid albatross.
Did you cheer W's tax cuts too?

Even though GW wasn't a shining example of what I'd call a "conservative" by today's definition, he was the man of the times. I cheered everything he did then. Especially sending our magnificent military to kill all those shithead Muslims after 9/11. That really made me smile. In fact, it gave me a warm tingle running down my leg. :biggrin:
I have a few issues of GW that proved he was an establishment puke like his daddy was at big spending. Department of Homeland security was and still is a 40 billion dollar failure. No Child Always left behind act, he and Ted Kennedy really fucked that one up. Free prescription drug Act for those people who have most of the money and the young people have to pay for it. Really fucking nice George...

I can understand that. None of us were as politically aware back then as we are now, thanks to 8 years of Obama. GW did some things that by today's standards would be considered "atrocious" and completely unconstitutional by most conservatives.It just took time for history to kick in before we realized it.

Even so, imagine how history will remember Obama, and all the shit he got away with. :laugh:

Oh yes.....

The Great Obama is already revered by history

If that's true, then why didn't the American voters allow Hillary to carry on with his policies? Hillary's election would have after all, been no more than a continuation of the Obama presidency.

Oh, that's right: "Russia prevented her from winning." :biggrin:
Isn't it a hoot to hear these stupid Democrats bitch about tax cuts? Only an idiot would bitch about having taxes reduced.

I bet every one of the little bastards will sure as hell spend the money that get back in reduced taxes.

If they really believed the stupid shit they spout they would not participate in the tax reductions by sending in the money to the Treasury.

Of course, that's all dishonest. Democrats aren't complaining about any and all tax cuts.

When the vote is taken this evening 46 Democrat filth will vote against the tax reduction. They will be joined by two Interdependent Libtards that usually vote with the filthy Democrats. Despicable.

Democrats are the scum of this country.

They'll vote against it because it mostly benefits people that don't need the help.

And since you are too much if an intellectual sissy to confront this idea with any rational argument, you invent your little boogeyman and low hanging fruit out of pure laziness amd cowardice.

Want to put some money on that? :biggrin:
So basically 5 pages in to the thread the Trump lemmings still have not explained how this bill helps anyone, all they know is that Trump said it was good so it must be good

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You doubt him? Just look at the amazing transformation this country has gone through within the short period of only one year? Are you blind?

Nothing has changed.
The market was going up before Trump and it still is.
Unemployment was going down before Trump and it still is.
The biggest change is that less jobs are being created since Jan than in the previous 4 years.
Oh and we know from his Press Sec that telling the truth does not matter

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So basically 5 pages in to the thread the Trump lemmings still have not explained how this bill helps anyone, all they know is that Trump said it was good so it must be good

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You doubt him? Just look at the amazing transformation this country has gone through within the short period of only one year? Are you blind?

Nothing has changed.
The market was going up before Trump and it still is.
Unemployment was going down before Trump and it still is.
The biggest change is that less jobs are being created since Jan than in the previous 4 years.
Oh and we know from his Press Sec that telling the truth does not matter

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There are "fools" and there are "damned fools". Guess which category you fall under?
So basically 5 pages in to the thread the Trump lemmings still have not explained how this bill helps anyone, all they know is that Trump said it was good so it must be good

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You doubt him? Just look at the amazing transformation this country has gone through within the short period of only one year? Are you blind?

Nothing has changed.
The market was going up before Trump and it still is.
Unemployment was going down before Trump and it still is.
The biggest change is that less jobs are being created since Jan than in the previous 4 years.
Oh and we know from his Press Sec that telling the truth does not matter

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There are "fools" and there are "damned fools". Guess which category you fall under?

Thank you for admitting everything I posted was true!

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So when Trump's tax reform passes the Senate this afternoon...

It will be the continued Trump fleecing of America! It's both pathetic and sad that Trump supporters are too dumb and uninformed to know that Trump's so-called "tax reform" will hurt them the most. It's a Trojan horse to help Trump and his rich friends - at the expense of the poor and middle class. You reap what you sow.

Republicans Insist Tax Cuts Will Benefit Workers, But CEOs Have Other Plans
The left is the party of slavery and segregation. They have hated the populace for well over a hundred years yet they still have followers.
Instead of hiring more workers or increasing wages, executives from major companies including Cisco Systems, Pfizer, Coca-Cola, Amgen and Honeywell have said they plan to use the windfall from the corporate tax cut to first increase stock dividends or to buy back shares.

“We’ll be able to get much more aggressive on the share buyback” after the tax cut is passed into law, Cisco CFO Kelly Kramer said in an earnings call earlier this month. Stock buybacks increase the value of shares held by investors ― a group that typically includes corporate executives, who are among the corporate tax cut’s biggest proponents.

The intentions of corporate executives have appeared to baffle White House officials. When Gary Cohn, Trump’s chief economic adviser, asked a gathering of CEOs earlier this month to raise their hands if they planned to boost investment if rates were cut, he got a lukewarm response.

“Why aren’t the other hands up?” Cohn asked awkwardly after only a few of the business leaders raised their arms into the air.

But Republican senators on Wednesday maintained their firm belief that corporations would ultimately reinvest their gains into their workers. None expressed concerns about CEOs using tax cut gains to simply reward their investors.

You are confused Moon Bat.

Increased stock value creates wealth.

I would much rather have the money go to stockholders of American corporations than to go to provide welfare to the welfare queens, environmental wackos, greedy unions or to the illegals, wouldn't you?

You buy things made by corporations, don't you? Don't you want them to have lower expenses? I know you Moon Bats are economic challenged but that is a good thing. Does your 401K have investments in corporations? Most do.
We know you want all the money going to the corporations and stockholders. We already know that.

Yes, I am a Republican now. My home is paid off and I make a lot of money so I'm actually ok with the GOP tax plan. I just know overall even I will get screwed by the GOP.

Give me $300 a year tax break but then cut my monthly social security $300 a month. And you'll deny it until it happens then you'll defend it. You folks are pathetic.

And I make more than you most likely and I'll benefit from Republican policies more than you and even I know they are no good for you. What's wrong with you?
...will the Democrat Party forever be remembered as the party who refused to give working-class Americans a break?

I think so. Their opposition to the greatest thing working-class America needs, will forever be worn around the necks of those who were against it.

Like a dead, putrid albatross.

Will corporations do the right thing? Boy are you a trusting soul.

Republicans Insist Tax Cuts Will Benefit Workers, But CEOs Have Other Plans
GOP lawmakers are placing faith in corporations to do “the right thing.”

Republicans insist their tax cut bill will benefit workers, though the legislation has few provisions that directly benefit people with modest incomes in the long run.

Instead, the core of the bill is a huge cut to corporate taxes, bringing the top rate down from 35 to 20 percent. Republicans say workers will be better off if corporate executives and shareholders have more money.

A number of top CEOs, however, have signaled they plan to reward their investors instead.
Republicans Insist Tax Cuts Will Benefit Workers, But CEOs Have Other Plans | HuffPost

Corporations will ALWAYS do the right thing...for their law.

Not true at all. Why? Because the CEO of my company sits on the board of directors of your company and your CEO sits on my board of directors.

It's like Matt Lauer. He made $25 million dollars a year. REALLY? Is he really worth that much?

Anyways, we've always known the GOP helps the shareholders. What happened to making America great for blue collar? Is this supposed to trickle down to them?
Isn't it a hoot to hear these stupid Democrats bitch about tax cuts? Only an idiot would bitch about having taxes reduced.

I bet every one of the little bastards will sure as hell spend the money that get back in reduced taxes.

If they really believed the stupid shit they spout they would not participate in the tax reductions by sending in the money to the Treasury.

Of course, that's all dishonest. Democrats aren't complaining about any and all tax cuts.

When the vote is taken this evening 46 Democrat filth will vote against the tax reduction. They will be joined by two Interdependent Libtards that usually vote with the filthy Democrats. Despicable.

Democrats are the scum of this country.

They'll vote against it because it mostly benefits people that don't need the help.

And since you are too much if an intellectual sissy to confront this idea with any rational argument, you invent your little boogeyman and low hanging fruit out of pure laziness amd cowardice.

Want to put some money on that? :biggrin:

On what, exactly? Use your words....
So basically 5 pages in to the thread the Trump lemmings still have not explained how this bill helps anyone, all they know is that Trump said it was good so it must be good

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You doubt him? Just look at the amazing transformation this country has gone through within the short period of only one year? Are you blind?
What transformation has President Pussy Grabber brought about? The nation was well on it's way to complete economic recovery when President Obama left office. Unlike the last GOP President, who left the economy in shambles, on the verge of the Second Great Republican Depression. Were it possible that the treasonous fat senile old orange clown to get a second term, that is exactly how we would end up again. However, I think that President Pence will try to win his first Presidential election in 2020 in vain. The stain of the treasonous fat senile old orange clown is simply too deep to be dispelled that quickly.

They'll vote against it because it mostly benefits people that don't need the help.

And since you are too much if an intellectual sissy to confront this idea with any rational argument, you invent your little boogeyman and low hanging fruit out of pure laziness amd cowardice.

You are confused Moon Bat.

Most people will benefit from this tax bill. Only an idiot would be against tax cuts.

The filthy Democrats are against this bill because they know it will stimulate the economy and make them look bad after eight years of that affirmative action Muslim disaster that increased poverty, decreased family income, astronomically increased debt, increased taxes and had dismal economic growth.

Did you see how the stock market sky rocketed today in anticipation of the bill passing the Senate this evening? Probably they didn't report that on the Left Wing fake news media so you probably don't know, contributing to your Moon Bat confusion.
...will the Democrat Party forever be remembered as the party who refused to give working-class Americans a break?

I think so. Their opposition to the greatest thing working-class America needs, will forever be worn around the necks of those who were against it.

Like a dead, putrid albatross.

Will corporations do the right thing? Boy are you a trusting soul.

Republicans Insist Tax Cuts Will Benefit Workers, But CEOs Have Other Plans
GOP lawmakers are placing faith in corporations to do “the right thing.”

Republicans insist their tax cut bill will benefit workers, though the legislation has few provisions that directly benefit people with modest incomes in the long run.

Instead, the core of the bill is a huge cut to corporate taxes, bringing the top rate down from 35 to 20 percent. Republicans say workers will be better off if corporate executives and shareholders have more money.

A number of top CEOs, however, have signaled they plan to reward their investors instead.
Republicans Insist Tax Cuts Will Benefit Workers, But CEOs Have Other Plans | HuffPost

Corporations will ALWAYS do the right thing...for their law.

Not true at all. Why? Because the CEO of my company sits on the board of directors of your company and your CEO sits on my board of directors.

It's like Matt Lauer. He made $25 million dollars a year. REALLY? Is he really worth that much?

Anyways, we've always known the GOP helps the shareholders. What happened to making America great for blue collar? Is this supposed to trickle down to them?
Oh yea, trickle down, a euphemism for 'Piss on the Peon'.
So basically 5 pages in to the thread the Trump lemmings still have not explained how this bill helps anyone, all they know is that Trump said it was good so it must be good

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You doubt him? Just look at the amazing transformation this country has gone through within the short period of only one year? Are you blind?

Nothing has changed.
The market was going up before Trump and it still is.
Unemployment was going down before Trump and it still is.
The biggest change is that less jobs are being created since Jan than in the previous 4 years.
Oh and we know from his Press Sec that telling the truth does not matter

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There are "fools" and there are "damned fools". Guess which category you fall under?

Thank you for admitting everything I posted was true!

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Nothing you posted even resembled the truth. The idea that the Chocolate Messiah had anything to do with our current magnificent economy is just, well, retarded.

The only reason the stock market had gains under Obama was because of the Federal Reserve's quantitative easing. I know that's a $10 phrase, so if you don't know how it worked, look it up. The employment figures under Obama were dismal. They changed the whole way they looked at the numbers, and even quit counting those who had fallen through the cracks and quit looking for work. Food stamp usage was at an all-time high, which shows how little Obama really did for black folks. The mean income for the average American family also dropped something like $4,000 during his terms.

Get a clue. I suspect that you'll be crying in your milk this evening, after the plan is passed.
Think the tax bill will pass, want to go on record today that things will take effect some time next year & there will be a little relief for middle class & working class until after the 2020 election. if Trump is reelected things will change, the middle class & working class will lose any gains, begin paying more taxes with less services, Medicare & Medicade will suffer. this is one time would like to be wrong the chance is very slim. see you in 2022, if Net Neutrality gets saved.
...will the Democrat Party forever be remembered as the party who refused to give working-class Americans a break?

I think so. Their opposition to the greatest thing working-class America needs, will forever be worn around the necks of those who were against it.

Like a dead, putrid albatross.
Since you’re desperate for a legislative win, the GOP is trying to ram this abominable tax plan down america’s throat.
The most recent analysis states the Senate GOP tax bill will add $1 trillion to the deficit.
The democrats know that it’s terrible for America.
Trump and the GOP don’t care.

Thanks for handing over congress to the democrats next year.

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