So when Trump's tax reform passes the Senate this afternoon...


Where did I say throw more money at it? Point that out to me because I'm not seeing it.

And the reason I'm not seeing it is because it was never mentioned.

Then you agree with me that the Liberals have fucked up education in this country and we should abolish the Department of Education because it is a waste of money. Good.

I agree that liberals fucked it up, republicans did nothing to stop it, tuition expenses are outrageously high for the low quality of education available, etc. ... the DOE has the potential to be a force for good, but it's currently useless,and has been for a very long time.

We need people who are serious about making our students competitive again to get in there and break up the party. Our schools are little more than counting houses these days.

low quality of education? that seems to be repeated over and over by people who don't have any.

that said, I'm all for vocational high schools. not everyone is equipped for a four year college. that said, community colleges should be free. the reality is that you can't even get a job delivering for fedex without a college degree.
well again you do need knowledge there. Nice to see a libturd insults someone's occupation. way to go.:clap2:

and you don't have any.... so there ya go.

before you get treated with kid gloves you should probably try not to make every post of yours an insult laden spew fest.

but I know how sad you snowflakes get when someone treats you to a vicious pack of truths.
son, the next fact you post will be your first.

They'll vote against it because it mostly benefits people that don't need the help.

And since you are too much if an intellectual sissy to confront this idea with any rational argument, you invent your little boogeyman and low hanging fruit out of pure laziness amd cowardice.

You are confused Moon Bat.

Most people will benefit from this tax bill. Only an idiot would be against tax cuts.

The filthy Democrats are against this bill because they know it will stimulate the economy and make them look bad after eight years of that affirmative action Muslim disaster that increased poverty, decreased family income, astronomically increased debt, increased taxes and had dismal economic growth.

Did you see how the stock market sky rocketed today in anticipation of the bill passing the Senate this evening? Probably they didn't report that on the Left Wing fake news media so you probably don't know, contributing to your Moon Bat confusion.

Want to put some money on that? :biggrin:

On what, exactly? Use your words....

That they'll vote
...will the Democrat Party forever be remembered as the party who refused to give working-class Americans a break?

I think so. Their opposition to the greatest thing working-class America needs, will forever be worn around the necks of those who were against it.

Like a dead, putrid albatross.
Since you’re desperate for a legislative win, the GOP is trying to ram this abominable tax plan down america’s throat.
The most recent analysis states the Senate GOP tax bill will add $1 trillion to the deficit.
The democrats know that it’s terrible for America.
Trump and the GOP don’t care.

Thanks for handing over congress to the democrats next year.

Who's "desperate"? We're not the ones who are losing.

Your post makes as much sense as "Did you walk to work or bring your lunch?"
What about adding a $trillion to the deficit didn’t you understand?

A measly trillion? tell me again how Obama managed to double the national debt in only 8 years from $9 trillion to almost $20 trillion, and what we got in return?

I'm eagerly waiting to hear a convincing explanation.
A measley Trillion!
Ha ha ha ha.
i thought you were the party of fiscal responsibility?
This abomination of a tax bill hurts anyone making less than $75,000 a year. It doesn’t effect me but unlike you and your party I️ care about my fellow Americans.
What kind of lube do you use when you bend over and let Trump and the GOP ram it in hard.
yep, totally disgusted with the budget of the GOP, let the government shut down. I don't care. fk all of those freebie idiots. That is off topic however, this is a tax reform discussion stick to it.

Where did I say throw more money at it? Point that out to me because I'm not seeing it.

And the reason I'm not seeing it is because it was never mentioned.

Then you agree with me that the Liberals have fucked up education in this country and we should abolish the Department of Education because it is a waste of money. Good.
undo all the teacher unions as well.
Who's "desperate"? We're not the ones who are losing.

Uh, legislatively? yeah you are, big time. That's why this tax plan's passage is desperately needed. the GOP Congress and president have, by all objective measures, been an utter legislative failure in trump's first year.

You're amusing. Keep livin' the dream.


You can post your little memes all you like, but it's a fact: the GOP Congress and president have been a historical legislative failure in Trump's first year. May this change next year? Sure... but the facts are facts, regardless of how many tears are shed by internet crybabies like you.
anyone calling the first year of a presidency a failure when the stock market has set month over month records and GDP is 3.3 for the third straight month, is a libturd. Someone who believes a GDP of 1.1 is good for our country. Yeah let that guy drive. Friends you just can't make this shit up. just can't. ANd passage of the tax bill expected to take the GDP to 3.8. I'm telling you, stupid is as stupid does with a libturd.

I called it a "legislative failure", dummy. Pay attention!
...will the Democrat Party forever be remembered as the party who refused to give working-class Americans a break?

I think so. Their opposition to the greatest thing working-class America needs, will forever be worn around the necks of those who were against it.

Like a dead, putrid albatross.
Did you cheer W's tax cuts too?

Even though GW wasn't a shining example of what I'd call a "conservative" by today's definition, he was the man of the times. I cheered everything he did then. Especially sending our magnificent military to kill all those shithead Muslims after 9/11. That really made me smile. In fact, it gave me a warm tingle running down my leg. :biggrin:
I have a few issues of GW that proved he was an establishment puke like his daddy was at big spending. Department of Homeland security was and still is a 40 billion dollar failure. No Child Always left behind act, he and Ted Kennedy really fucked that one up. Free prescription drug Act for those people who have most of the money and the young people have to pay for it. Really fucking nice George...

I can understand that. None of us were as politically aware back then as we are now, thanks to 8 years of Obama. GW did some things that by today's standards would be considered "atrocious" and completely unconstitutional by most conservatives.It just took time for history to kick in before we realized it.

Even so, imagine how history will remember Obama, and all the shit he got away with. :laugh:
Who's "desperate"? We're not the ones who are losing.

Uh, legislatively? yeah you are, big time. That's why this tax plan's passage is desperately needed. the GOP Congress and president have, by all objective measures, been an utter legislative failure in trump's first year.

You're amusing. Keep livin' the dream.


You can post your little memes all you like, but it's a fact: the GOP Congress and president have been a historical legislative failure in Trump's first year. May this change next year? Sure... but the facts are facts, regardless of how many tears are shed by internet crybabies like you.
anyone calling the first year of a presidency a failure when the stock market has set month over month records and GDP is 3.3 for the third straight month, is a libturd. Someone who believes a GDP of 1.1 is good for our country. Yeah let that guy drive. Friends you just can't make this shit up. just can't. ANd passage of the tax bill expected to take the GDP to 3.8. I'm telling you, stupid is as stupid does with a libturd.

I called it a "legislative failure", dummy. Pay attention!
again, who cares, you don't like what is happening in the country economically at all. Spite toward your fellow american. what a white thing to do.
Who's "desperate"? We're not the ones who are losing.

Uh, legislatively? yeah you are, big time. That's why this tax plan's passage is desperately needed. the GOP Congress and president have, by all objective measures, been an utter legislative failure in trump's first year.

You're amusing. Keep livin' the dream.


You can post your little memes all you like, but it's a fact: the GOP Congress and president have been a historical legislative failure in Trump's first year. May this change next year? Sure... but the facts are facts, regardless of how many tears are shed by internet crybabies like you.
anyone calling the first year of a presidency a failure when the stock market has set month over month records and GDP is 3.3 for the third straight month, is a libturd. Someone who believes a GDP of 1.1 is good for our country. Yeah let that guy drive. Friends you just can't make this shit up. just can't. ANd passage of the tax bill expected to take the GDP to 3.8. I'm telling you, stupid is as stupid does with a libturd.

Liberal idiots are willing to see this country fail, just so that can say "I told you so."

Hell, they were even eager to go to war with Russia right after Trump won, just to prove a point.
It sounds like you are a confused Moon Bat.

Lower taxes are good for everybody. They are good for me being a Baby Boomer. Even as a retiree I pay a ton in taxes and that is despicable. It is good for my working age children that is burdened with tremendous taxes and good for my grandchildren.

Good for how long? A few years? Sure. Can't argue with that. But when the debt blossoms even more out of control ... we're paying interest on that ... healthcare costs skyrocket ... we have to pay for the people without insurance in the ER ... etc. Things are not so simple. Everything has a consequence, and those consequences have consequences.
why not cut spending? why is that such a hard progressive step for you libs?

I'm all about cutting spending where it makes sense. Where did I say otherwise?
you asked what were the consequences. it's called spending cuts. I figured since you couldn't mention that, you didn't know that was a possibility.

right... because why should anyone be educated if you aren't? you can't cut taxes for the donor class and then say "oh yeah, the government can't afford to do anything". normal people aren't going to tolerate that.
if you think you're a normal person, that is your first fault.
I love this Op. He actually thinks a bad GOP tax bill is going to hurt the Democrats.
No really.
Who's "desperate"? We're not the ones who are losing.

Uh, legislatively? yeah you are, big time. That's why this tax plan's passage is desperately needed. the GOP Congress and president have, by all objective measures, been an utter legislative failure in trump's first year.

You're amusing. Keep livin' the dream.


You can post your little memes all you like, but it's a fact: the GOP Congress and president have been a historical legislative failure in Trump's first year. May this change next year? Sure... but the facts are facts, regardless of how many tears are shed by internet crybabies like you.
anyone calling the first year of a presidency a failure when the stock market has set month over month records and GDP is 3.3 for the third straight month, is a libturd. Someone who believes a GDP of 1.1 is good for our country. Yeah let that guy drive. Friends you just can't make this shit up. just can't. ANd passage of the tax bill expected to take the GDP to 3.8. I'm telling you, stupid is as stupid does with a libturd.
When Obama was president and the stock market was roaring I distinctly remember you loons saying the president doesn’t have anything to do with the stock market.
Now that Trump is prez it’s all him.
i love how you idiots twist yourselves into pretzels for the pussygrabber.
...will the Democrat Party forever


Trump will forever be known as Goldman Sachs President.

Lets recall we've had tax-cuts since 2001, didn't fix economy or prevent 2008 collapse. Even a slight economic stall by 2020 (pretty much a given from historic business cycle perspective) will promptly eject him out of presidency and will FOREVER dispel the tax-cuts-fix-everything myths.

Lets recall we've had tax-cuts since 2001, didn't fix economy or prevent 2008 collapse.

Tax cuts are bad?
Just the kind that hurt the middle & working class.
who are they?
Who's "desperate"? We're not the ones who are losing.

Uh, legislatively? yeah you are, big time. That's why this tax plan's passage is desperately needed. the GOP Congress and president have, by all objective measures, been an utter legislative failure in trump's first year.

You're amusing. Keep livin' the dream.


You can post your little memes all you like, but it's a fact: the GOP Congress and president have been a historical legislative failure in Trump's first year. May this change next year? Sure... but the facts are facts, regardless of how many tears are shed by internet crybabies like you.
anyone calling the first year of a presidency a failure when the stock market has set month over month records and GDP is 3.3 for the third straight month, is a libturd. Someone who believes a GDP of 1.1 is good for our country. Yeah let that guy drive. Friends you just can't make this shit up. just can't. ANd passage of the tax bill expected to take the GDP to 3.8. I'm telling you, stupid is as stupid does with a libturd.
When Obama was president and the stock market was roaring I distinctly remember you loons saying the president doesn’t have anything to do with the stock market.
Now that Trump is prez it’s all him.
i love how you idiots twist yourselves into pretzels for the pussygrabber.
no see that's where you're wrong. what we actually said is that all he did was make the rich richer because the GDP didn't go up to 3.0, and instead stayed under 2.0. That isn't a recovery even though the market was making money. shit, I wish you fks would learn economics.
Who's "desperate"? We're not the ones who are losing.

Uh, legislatively? yeah you are, big time. That's why this tax plan's passage is desperately needed. the GOP Congress and president have, by all objective measures, been an utter legislative failure in trump's first year.

You're amusing. Keep livin' the dream.


You can post your little memes all you like, but it's a fact: the GOP Congress and president have been a historical legislative failure in Trump's first year. May this change next year? Sure... but the facts are facts, regardless of how many tears are shed by internet crybabies like you.
anyone calling the first year of a presidency a failure when the stock market has set month over month records and GDP is 3.3 for the third straight month, is a libturd. Someone who believes a GDP of 1.1 is good for our country. Yeah let that guy drive. Friends you just can't make this shit up. just can't. ANd passage of the tax bill expected to take the GDP to 3.8. I'm telling you, stupid is as stupid does with a libturd.
When Obama was president and the stock market was roaring I distinctly remember you loons saying the president doesn’t have anything to do with the stock market.
Now that Trump is prez it’s all him.
i love how you idiots twist yourselves into pretzels for the pussygrabber.
just curious if you think this is a failure? the first year of a presidency the stock market has set month over month records and GDP is 3.3 for the third straight month,

or are you someone who believes a GDP of 1.1 is good for our country over a 3.3%. ANd passage of the tax bill expected to take the GDP to 3.8. I'm telling you, stupid is as stupid does with a libturd.
We know you want all the money going to the corporations and stockholders. We already know that.

Yes, I am a Republican now. My home is paid off and I make a lot of money so I'm actually ok with the GOP tax plan. I just know overall even I will get screwed by the GOP.

Give me $300 a year tax break but then cut my monthly social security $300 a month. And you'll deny it until it happens then you'll defend it. You folks are pathetic.

And I make more than you most likely and I'll benefit from Republican policies more than you and even I know they are no good for you. What's wrong with you?

Corporation provide jobs, goods and services and a tremendous state and local tax base in this country. Companies leave the US because the Federal tax rates are too hing. Only idiot Moon Bats like you see something wrong with reducing that trillion a year the filthy ass Federal government takes from the American people as a corporate tax.

You do know that every cent that is paid in a corporate tax is collected from the people that buy the corporate goods and services, don't you? Probably not because all you stupid Moon Bats are economics impaired.

If you don't like the tax cut that you get if this bill is passed all you have to do is take the money that you saved and sending it to the Treasury. that way you won't contribute to all that evil that you stupid Moon Bats think is the result of lower taxes. Instead of bitching so much about having more spendable money then how about putting your money where your mouth is and send the money back to the Treasury? That way your convoluted Libtard conscience will be clear.

The real reason you assholes are against lower taxes is that you know it will stimulate the economy and that will make your Muslim boy look really like a failure with his increased poverty and dismal economic growth.

I am glad you stupid Democrats are against this tax cut. Maybe that will result in you idiots losing another 1,000 national seats and never regain control of Congress or the White House. Continue to be dumbass Moon Bats. The consequences of you not understanding basic economics will result in your minimization and that is good for this country when you can't win elections.
I love this Op. He actually thinks a bad GOP tax bill is going to hurt the Democrats.
No really.

I love these stupid Moon Bats that think they will win elections by being against tax cuts, don't you?
...will the Democrat Party forever be remembered as the party who refused to give working-class Americans a break?
I think so. Their opposition to the greatest thing working-class America needs, will forever be worn around the necks of those who were against it.
Like a dead, putrid albatross.

This tax plan will absolutely cause a housing crisis, while also raising taxes on most people by 2027, and adding at least $1.5T to the debt.

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