So when Trump's tax reform passes the Senate this afternoon...

We know you want all the money going to the corporations and stockholders. We already know that.

Yes, I am a Republican now. My home is paid off and I make a lot of money so I'm actually ok with the GOP tax plan. I just know overall even I will get screwed by the GOP.

Give me $300 a year tax break but then cut my monthly social security $300 a month. And you'll deny it until it happens then you'll defend it. You folks are pathetic.

And I make more than you most likely and I'll benefit from Republican policies more than you and even I know they are no good for you. What's wrong with you?

Corporation provide jobs, goods and services and a tremendous state and local tax base in this country. Companies leave the US because the Federal tax rates are too hing. Only idiot Moon Bats like you see something wrong with reducing that trillion a year the filthy ass Federal government takes from the American people as a corporate tax.

You do know that every cent that is paid in a corporate tax is collected from the people that buy the corporate goods and services, don't you? Probably not because all you stupid Moon Bats are economics impaired.

If you don't like the tax cut that you get if this bill is passed all you have to do is take the money that you saved and sending it to the Treasury. that way you won't contribute to all that evil that you stupid Moon Bats think is the result of lower taxes. Instead of bitching so much about having more spendable money then how about putting your money where your mouth is and send the money back to the Treasury? That way your convoluted Libtard conscience will be clear.

The real reason you assholes are against lower taxes is that you know it will stimulate the economy and that will make your Muslim boy look really like a failure with his increased poverty and dismal economic growth.

I am glad you stupid Democrats are against this tax cut. Maybe that will result in you idiots losing another 1,000 national seats and never regain control of Congress or the White House. Continue to be dumbass Moon Bats. The consequences of you not understanding basic economics will result in your minimization and that is good for this country when you can't win elections.
^^ believes Trump and the GOP instead of independent analyses of the bill.
Bend over the GOP is about to rip you open and you do love it.
We know you want all the money going to the corporations and stockholders. We already know that.

Yes, I am a Republican now. My home is paid off and I make a lot of money so I'm actually ok with the GOP tax plan. I just know overall even I will get screwed by the GOP.

Give me $300 a year tax break but then cut my monthly social security $300 a month. And you'll deny it until it happens then you'll defend it. You folks are pathetic.

And I make more than you most likely and I'll benefit from Republican policies more than you and even I know they are no good for you. What's wrong with you?

Corporation provide jobs, goods and services and a tremendous state and local tax base in this country. Companies leave the US because the Federal tax rates are too hing. Only idiot Moon Bats like you see something wrong with reducing that trillion a year the filthy ass Federal government takes from the American people as a corporate tax.

You do know that every cent that is paid in a corporate tax is collected from the people that buy the corporate goods and services, don't you? Probably not because all you stupid Moon Bats are economics impaired.

If you don't like the tax cut that you get if this bill is passed all you have to do is take the money that you saved and sending it to the Treasury. that way you won't contribute to all that evil that you stupid Moon Bats think is the result of lower taxes. Instead of bitching so much about having more spendable money then how about putting your money where your mouth is and send the money back to the Treasury? That way your convoluted Libtard conscience will be clear.

The real reason you assholes are against lower taxes is that you know it will stimulate the economy and that will make your Muslim boy look really like a failure with his increased poverty and dismal economic growth.

I am glad you stupid Democrats are against this tax cut. Maybe that will result in you idiots losing another 1,000 national seats and never regain control of Congress or the White House. Continue to be dumbass Moon Bats. The consequences of you not understanding basic economics will result in your minimization and that is good for this country when you can't win elections.
^^ believes Trump and the GOP instead of independent analyses of the bill.
Bend over the GOP is about to rip you open and you do love it.
I believe noone after the obummerfail. did you get the 1200 dollar savings a year on your insurance? oh and hitlery was to win by 98% of the vote. hahahahaahahaha you all crack me up to no end. The only thing your alls predictions guarantee is that you will be wrong.
Lets recall we've had tax-cuts since 2001, didn't fix economy or prevent 2008 collapse. Even a slight economic stall by 2020 (pretty much a given from historic business cycle perspective) will promptly eject him out of presidency and will FOREVER dispel the tax-cuts-fix-everything myths.

The economic stall in 2020 isn't going to be slight, it's going to be at least as bad as the one from 2007-8, if not worse because all homeowners are going to get screwed, not just those next to foreclosed homes like before.
because the country loves a 1.1% GDP over a 3.8% one.

Kansas cut taxes almost exactly as you guys are trying here, and the result was economic growth below the national average.

Tax cuts dragged down Obama's growth.
View attachment 163642 Here you go. The details of this abortion of a bill.

Sorry but the CBO very seldom gets anything right. The before and after tax tables that I have referenced before shows that most Americans will pay less taxes.

If you don't benefit from increased standard deductions and lower tax rates then either you are very rich or you are not doing it right.

Since you think you are going to get screwed then how about putting your money where your mouth is?

How about agreeing that if you save any money in the tax cut then you will send the money back to the Treasury?

Are you willing to do that?
View attachment 163642 Here you go. The details of this abortion of a bill.
explain how someone unaffected loses money?
Jc can’t read a chart nor the nonpartisan CBO analysis.
Not surprising since he still thinks Hillary started the birther movement. Lmao

JC's not even an American. JC's a Russian troll pretending to be an American in order to test out propaganda here before disseminating it across broader social media. It's what the Russian trolls do and have been doing since at least 2011. You can tell who the Russians are very easily...their posts end up devolving into sentence fragments, misspellings, syntax weirdness, and no grammar after starting off that way. That's because he has a script he has to follow and deviating from that script forces him to improvise...and the Russian-to-English translators aren't that great.
View attachment 163642 Here you go. The details of this abortion of a bill.
explain how someone unaffected loses money?
Jc can’t read a chart nor the nonpartisan CBO analysis.
Not surprising since he still thinks Hillary started the birther movement. Lmao
funny the poor don't pay income tax. funny though you got em losing money. funny shit. see that's the kind of libturd stunt been running since the 1960s.
GOP tax plan will explode deficit: Wharton study

Deplorables: But but but that’s not what Trump told me.

Where were all these stupid Moon Bat's concern over debt when the worthless affirmative action Muslim Negro was running up $10 trillion of cumulative debt? They didn't say a damn word and that is despicable.

Typical Moon Bat hypocrisy.
and a GDP under 2.0%. they think that is outstanding performance and that 3.3% is terrible.
If you don't benefit from increased standard deductions and lower tax rates then either you are very rich or you are not doing it right.

About that standard deduction....

Let's say you are single with no dependents, and you have a moderate income of $53K. Currently, you get to take the standard deduction ($6,350) and one personal exemption ($4,050). If you are 65 or older, you also get to take an additional standard deduction ($1,250). That adds up to $10,400, or $11,650 if you're over 65.

The Republican plan would replace all these provisions with a single deduction of $12,000. That's a 15% increase, not a doubling as Conservatives previously lied — except for seniors, who only get a 3% increase, but have to pay more out of pocket because you're cutting Medicaid which 80% of seniors rely on.

And then your first dollar of taxable income would be subjected to a 12% tax rate, instead of the current 10%.

And that's not even offsetting the deductions that are eliminated for state & local taxes, property taxes, mortgage interest, and student loan interest.

Anyone who supports this plan is either a Russian troll or a fucking idiot.
GOP tax plan will explode deficit: Wharton study

Deplorables: But but but that’s not what Trump told me.

Where were all these stupid Moon Bat's concern over debt when the worthless affirmative action Muslim Negro was running up $10 trillion of cumulative debt? They didn't say a damn word and that is despicable.

Typical Moon Bat hypocrisy.
Another birther.
You’re disqualified from this discussion.
How about agreeing that if you save any money in the tax cut then you will send the money back to the Treasury?

How about instead of playing juvenile games like this, you actually know what the fuck you're talking about?

Is that too much to ask?
This is nothing but a trickle down theory hand job.
Trickle-Down Economics: Four Reasons Why It Just Doesn't Work

The funny part is even though the Trumpies now know this tax bill is terrible for everyone but the rich, they’ll still keep believing the lies the GOP and Trump have told them.
They’ll tune into Hannity tonite to get more propaganda thrown at them too.
again, I love a guy like you that repeats himself over and over, even though he knows he's wrong. anyone calling the first year of a presidency a failure when the stock market has set month over month records and GDP is 3.3 for the third straight month, is a libturd. Someone who believes a GDP of 1.1 is good for our country. Yeah let that guy drive. Friends you just can't make this shit up. just can't. ANd passage of the tax bill expected to take the GDP to 3.8. I'm telling you, stupid is as stupid does with a libturd.
funny the poor don't pay income tax. funny though you got em losing money. funny shit. see that's the kind of libturd stunt been running since the 1960s.

Why don't the poor pay federal income tax? Because you cut their taxes. So here's that perpetual motion machine of Conservative masturbation: You cut taxes, then you complain about the tax burden, and your solution is to...cut taxes.

Between this tax bill that will screw the American people, Trump’s deteriorating mental health and no one on the right sounding the alarms.... I want to personally thank you for handing over the Congress to the democrats next year.
Way to go assholes.

On Trump's Deteriorating Mental State

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