So when Trump's tax reform passes the Senate this afternoon...

GDP of 3.3% for three months will be 3.8% once the tax reform is passed.

According to what analysis? Because Mnuchin said that he had an analysis that proved this, then admitted he didn't.

If these cuts didn't work in Kansas, why would they work nationally?

and your upset. too funny. you can't wait for that 1.1% GDP right? cause that really drives the economic engine right?

The 1.1% GDP growth was what we had for much of Bush the Dumber's term. That was because of the tax cuts, which didn't increase growth...only debt. Say, this tax plan increases debt by $1.5T. Why aren't you screeching about debt now?
...will the Democrat Party forever be remembered as the party who refused to give working-class Americans a break?

I think so. Their opposition to the greatest thing working-class America needs, will forever be worn around the necks of those who were against it.

Like a dead, putrid albatross.

The greatest thing the working class needs is a reduction in corporate taxation and repeal of the estate tax?
who is the working class? can you identify them?
oh and when did their taxes go up?
“Frankly, I think they are bonkers,” David Mendels, former chief executive officer of software firm Brightcove, said of the GOP banking on a lower corporate rate to generate bigger worker paychecks. “It really doesn’t work that way. No CEO sits there and says, ‘When my tax rate goes down, I’m going to hire more people and pay them more.’”

Tax legislation cleared a key procedural hurdle in the Senate on Wednesday ahead of a formal vote as early as Thursday. House and Senate lawmakers will need to convene in coming weeks to hash out a compromise between their two bills.

Even some Republicans seem deeply unconvinced by predictions from members of the Trump administration and more aggressive budget forecasters that slashing the top corporate rate from 35 percent to 20 percent will generate enough economic growth to offset the additional $1.5 trillion in debt the Senate tax plan envisions over the next decade.
GOP places risky bet on trickle-down tax cut

But growth is not the point of cutting taxes, lol.

No CEO sits there and says, ‘When my tax rate goes down, I’m going to hire more people and pay them more.’”

Of course not. But companies that make more money and keep more money, after taxes, are more likely to increase hiring and wages than companies that make less money, and keep less, after taxes.

Ask yourself why any CEO would hire more people and increase wages when the only thing that has changed is a tax windfall.

Has their customer base increased?
Uh, legislatively? yeah you are, big time. That's why this tax plan's passage is desperately needed. the GOP Congress and president have, by all objective measures, been an utter legislative failure in trump's first year.

You're amusing. Keep livin' the dream.


You can post your little memes all you like, but it's a fact: the GOP Congress and president have been a historical legislative failure in Trump's first year. May this change next year? Sure... but the facts are facts, regardless of how many tears are shed by internet crybabies like you.
anyone calling the first year of a presidency a failure when the stock market has set month over month records and GDP is 3.3 for the third straight month, is a libturd. Someone who believes a GDP of 1.1 is good for our country. Yeah let that guy drive. Friends you just can't make this shit up. just can't. ANd passage of the tax bill expected to take the GDP to 3.8. I'm telling you, stupid is as stupid does with a libturd.

I called it a "legislative failure", dummy. Pay attention!
again, who cares, you don't like what is happening in the country economically at all. Spite toward your fellow american. what a white thing to do.

Of course I like strong markets. But I understand that markets need to be regulated.

Let's examine the abject stupidity of your position:

You claim the markets are amazing. Then you claim we have to gut regulations, because the markets cant flourish with them in place.

I want you to think about how retarded this is. I also want you to understand that your puppetmasters DO understand how retarded this is, and they are counting on people like you to be too retarded to understand how retarded this is.

So far, they are spot on, as your posts show.
Of course, if the Internet Bubble had continued for another decade, the surpluses would have continued.

There was a surplus in 2001 after the dotcom bubble had already burst. You shitheads erased that surplus by 2002 and turned it into the first of three record deficits by 2003. Even with the dotcom bubble burst, the recession, and 9/11, there was still a surplus for 2001. One you dolts removed when you cut taxes.

As usual, you don't know what the fuck you're talking about and are lying your fat ass off.

Yup, the unsustainable Internet Bubble burst.

The internet bubble caused by your Capital Gains Tax Cut. And here's the thing, even with the Internet Bubble burst, 9/11, and the recession, 2001 still had a surplus. You removed that surplus by 2002 when you cut taxes. And growth? LOL!


Dems should run in 2018 and 2020 on a promise to hike taxes to pay for those things.Or maybe they should run on slashing spending to pay for them?

They're not going to need to because Trump's plan is going to cause another housing collapse and all the Conservatives will be flushed out of Congress because of it...just like they were flushed out the last time they tanked the housing market. Maybe this time, it'll take.

There was a surplus in 2001 after the dotcom bubble had already burst.

Economies are like oil tankers. They turn slowly.
Unemployment takes a while to rise in a downturn, takes a while to fall in a recovery.

The internet bubble caused by your Capital Gains Tax Cut.

Clinton's great GDP and budget performance were due to the long term cap gains cut in 1997?
Of course, if the Internet Bubble had continued for another decade, the surpluses would have continued.

There was a surplus in 2001 after the dotcom bubble had already burst. You shitheads erased that surplus by 2002 and turned it into the first of three record deficits by 2003. Even with the dotcom bubble burst, the recession, and 9/11, there was still a surplus for 2001. One you dolts removed when you cut taxes.

As usual, you don't know what the fuck you're talking about and are lying your fat ass off.

Yup, the unsustainable Internet Bubble burst.

The internet bubble caused by your Capital Gains Tax Cut. And here's the thing, even with the Internet Bubble burst, 9/11, and the recession, 2001 still had a surplus. You removed that surplus by 2002 when you cut taxes. And growth? LOL!


Dems should run in 2018 and 2020 on a promise to hike taxes to pay for those things.Or maybe they should run on slashing spending to pay for them?

They're not going to need to because Trump's plan is going to cause another housing collapse and all the Conservatives will be flushed out of Congress because of it...just like they were flushed out the last time they tanked the housing market. Maybe this time, it'll take.

There was a surplus in 2001 after the dotcom bubble had already burst.

Economies are like oil tankers. They turn slowly.
Unemployment takes a while to rise in a downturn, takes a while to fall in a recovery.

The internet bubble caused by your Capital Gains Tax Cut.

Clinton's great GDP and budget performance were due to the long term cap gains cut in 1997?
“Frankly, I think they are bonkers,” David Mendels, former chief executive officer of software firm Brightcove, said of the GOP banking on a lower corporate rate to generate bigger worker paychecks. “It really doesn’t work that way. No CEO sits there and says, ‘When my tax rate goes down, I’m going to hire more people and pay them more.’”

Tax legislation cleared a key procedural hurdle in the Senate on Wednesday ahead of a formal vote as early as Thursday. House and Senate lawmakers will need to convene in coming weeks to hash out a compromise between their two bills.

Even some Republicans seem deeply unconvinced by predictions from members of the Trump administration and more aggressive budget forecasters that slashing the top corporate rate from 35 percent to 20 percent will generate enough economic growth to offset the additional $1.5 trillion in debt the Senate tax plan envisions over the next decade.
GOP places risky bet on trickle-down tax cut

But growth is not the point of cutting taxes, lol.

No CEO sits there and says, ‘When my tax rate goes down, I’m going to hire more people and pay them more.’”

Of course not. But companies that make more money and keep more money, after taxes, are more likely to increase hiring and wages than companies that make less money, and keep less, after taxes.

Ask yourself why any CEO would hire more people and increase wages when the only thing that has changed is a tax windfall.

Has their customer base increased?

Has their customer base increased?

Yes. Increased growth, increased employment, increased profits will increase their customer base.
Nothing you posted even resembled the truth. The idea that the Chocolate Messiah had anything to do with our current magnificent economy is just, well, retarded.

The only reason the stock market had gains under Obama was because of the Federal Reserve's quantitative easing. I know that's a $10 phrase, so if you don't know how it worked, look it up. The employment figures under Obama were dismal. They changed the whole way they looked at the numbers, and even quit counting those who had fallen through the cracks and quit looking for work. Food stamp usage was at an all-time high, which shows how little Obama really did for black folks. The mean income for the average American family also dropped something like $4,000 during his terms.

Get a clue. I suspect that you'll be crying in your milk this evening, after the plan is passed.

Well you have one thing right, Obama had nothing to do with it just like Trump does not.

As for the rest of your parroted talking points...well damn boy I hope you did not get too much kool aid on your shirt.

First off, QE is still going on, so any gains you attribute to Trump are supported by QE as well.
Second, the job numbers under Trump are counted in the exact same way as they were under Obama. Nothing has changed.
The number of people on foodstamps peaked in 2013 and has been coming down ever since.
Here is what the mean household income has done since 1965..notice nothing has gone down.

Basically every point you made is just pure bull shit.

You're amusing. Keep livin' the dream.


You can post your little memes all you like, but it's a fact: the GOP Congress and president have been a historical legislative failure in Trump's first year. May this change next year? Sure... but the facts are facts, regardless of how many tears are shed by internet crybabies like you.
anyone calling the first year of a presidency a failure when the stock market has set month over month records and GDP is 3.3 for the third straight month, is a libturd. Someone who believes a GDP of 1.1 is good for our country. Yeah let that guy drive. Friends you just can't make this shit up. just can't. ANd passage of the tax bill expected to take the GDP to 3.8. I'm telling you, stupid is as stupid does with a libturd.

I called it a "legislative failure", dummy. Pay attention!
again, who cares, you don't like what is happening in the country economically at all. Spite toward your fellow american. what a white thing to do.

Of course I like strong markets. But I understand that markets need to be regulated.

Let's examine the abject stupidity of your position:

You claim the markets are amazing. Then you claim we have to gut regulations, because the markets cant flourish with them in place.

I want you to think about how retarded this is. I also want you to understand that your puppetmasters DO understand how retarded this is, and they are counting on people like you to be too retarded to understand how retarded this is.

So far, they are spot on, as your posts show.
dude you're so far off the planet there is no way to logically discuss this with you. The corporations based on regulations hire people. It's where the money goes. you want regulations for regulation sake rather than what is necessary to maintain the health of a nation, so much so you would rather put people out of work and in poverty. how the fk does that help anyone? It's called necessary regulations and big boys with big boy pants can compromise on what makes sense. And the american voter said the obummer regs were way over board and unnecessary. And your mad. ahhhhhhhh fk off.
So basically 5 pages in to the thread the Trump lemmings still have not explained how this bill helps anyone, all they know is that Trump said it was good so it must be good

Sent from my iPhone using
how you figure that? you must be blind or dumb. probably both.

Well, I guess if you are in the 2nd grade and learn things from memes then the Trump lemmings in this thread might have helped you. Other than that it is a lot of talk and no substance.
Nothing you posted even resembled the truth. The idea that the Chocolate Messiah had anything to do with our current magnificent economy is just, well, retarded.

The only reason the stock market had gains under Obama was because of the Federal Reserve's quantitative easing. I know that's a $10 phrase, so if you don't know how it worked, look it up. The employment figures under Obama were dismal. They changed the whole way they looked at the numbers, and even quit counting those who had fallen through the cracks and quit looking for work. Food stamp usage was at an all-time high, which shows how little Obama really did for black folks. The mean income for the average American family also dropped something like $4,000 during his terms.

Get a clue. I suspect that you'll be crying in your milk this evening, after the plan is passed.

Well you have one thing right, Obama had nothing to do with it just like Trump does not.

As for the rest of your parroted talking points...well damn boy I hope you did not get too much kool aid on your shirt.

First off, QE is still going on, so any gains you attribute to Trump are supported by QE as well.
Second, the job numbers under Trump are counted in the exact same way as they were under Obama. Nothing has changed.
The number of people on foodstamps peaked in 2013 and has been coming down ever since.
Here is what the mean household income has done since 1965..notice nothing has gone down.

Basically every point you made is just pure bull shit.

View attachment 163654
well actually trump does. see there has been absolutely no legislative changes that drove the market where it is. It was the deregulation of the EOs that trump canceled that drove that. and the outlook of his agenda. so, perhaps you should actually know what you're talking about once.
So basically 5 pages in to the thread the Trump lemmings still have not explained how this bill helps anyone, all they know is that Trump said it was good so it must be good

Sent from my iPhone using
how you figure that? you must be blind or dumb. probably both.

Well, I guess if you are in the 2nd grade and learn things from memes then the Trump lemmings in this thread might have helped you. Other than that it is a lot of talk and no substance.
well I do know that 3.3% is greater than 1.1% GDP. You?
the people on this forum that are in favor of the bill will be the very ones that will be screwed by it.
Nothing you posted even resembled the truth. The idea that the Chocolate Messiah had anything to do with our current magnificent economy is just, well, retarded.

The only reason the stock market had gains under Obama was because of the Federal Reserve's quantitative easing. I know that's a $10 phrase, so if you don't know how it worked, look it up. The employment figures under Obama were dismal. They changed the whole way they looked at the numbers, and even quit counting those who had fallen through the cracks and quit looking for work. Food stamp usage was at an all-time high, which shows how little Obama really did for black folks. The mean income for the average American family also dropped something like $4,000 during his terms.

Get a clue. I suspect that you'll be crying in your milk this evening, after the plan is passed.

Well you have one thing right, Obama had nothing to do with it just like Trump does not.

As for the rest of your parroted talking points...well damn boy I hope you did not get too much kool aid on your shirt.

First off, QE is still going on, so any gains you attribute to Trump are supported by QE as well.
Second, the job numbers under Trump are counted in the exact same way as they were under Obama. Nothing has changed.
The number of people on foodstamps peaked in 2013 and has been coming down ever since.
Here is what the mean household income has done since 1965..notice nothing has gone down.

Basically every point you made is just pure bull shit.

View attachment 163654
well actually trump does. see there has been absolutely no legislative changes that drove the market where it is. It was the deregulation of the EOs that trump canceled that drove that. and the outlook of his agenda. so, perhaps you should actually know what you're talking about once.

Not sure the guy with his head up Trump's ass should be pointing any fingers.
But since you claim to know what you are talking about, list the regulations that are gone since Trump took office and how they have impacted the market.
Nothing you posted even resembled the truth. The idea that the Chocolate Messiah had anything to do with our current magnificent economy is just, well, retarded.

The only reason the stock market had gains under Obama was because of the Federal Reserve's quantitative easing. I know that's a $10 phrase, so if you don't know how it worked, look it up. The employment figures under Obama were dismal. They changed the whole way they looked at the numbers, and even quit counting those who had fallen through the cracks and quit looking for work. Food stamp usage was at an all-time high, which shows how little Obama really did for black folks. The mean income for the average American family also dropped something like $4,000 during his terms.

Get a clue. I suspect that you'll be crying in your milk this evening, after the plan is passed.

Well you have one thing right, Obama had nothing to do with it just like Trump does not.

As for the rest of your parroted talking points...well damn boy I hope you did not get too much kool aid on your shirt.

First off, QE is still going on, so any gains you attribute to Trump are supported by QE as well.
Second, the job numbers under Trump are counted in the exact same way as they were under Obama. Nothing has changed.
The number of people on foodstamps peaked in 2013 and has been coming down ever since.
Here is what the mean household income has done since 1965..notice nothing has gone down.

Basically every point you made is just pure bull shit.

View attachment 163654

First off, QE is still going on

QE ended in October 2014.
The Fed has held their balance sheet steady since then.
So basically 5 pages in to the thread the Trump lemmings still have not explained how this bill helps anyone, all they know is that Trump said it was good so it must be good

Sent from my iPhone using
how you figure that? you must be blind or dumb. probably both.

Well, I guess if you are in the 2nd grade and learn things from memes then the Trump lemmings in this thread might have helped you. Other than that it is a lot of talk and no substance.
well I do know that 3.3% is greater than 1.1% GDP. You?

So, you are giving Trump credit for the 3.3% GDP growth last quarter? Is that correct?

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