So when Trump's tax reform passes the Senate this afternoon...

again, I love a guy like you that repeats himself over and over, even though he knows he's wrong. anyone calling the first year of a presidency a failure when the stock market has set month over month records and GDP is 3.3 for the third straight month, is a libturd.

No, actually, Trump had nothing to do with that. It was all Obama. Trump's done nothing to help the economy grow. Absolutely nothing.

Someone who believes a GDP of 1.1 is good for our country.

That GDP growth rate what what we had after Bush the Dumber cut taxes. Bush's economic growth with his tax cuts was just 1.76% - same as Obama's. Difference is that Bush lost net private sector jobs and Obama added over 11,000,000.

Take out people using their homes as ATMs, and Bush had the worst economic growth in 80 years.


ANd passage of the tax bill expected to take the GDP to 3.8. I'm telling you, stupid is as stupid does with a libturd.

The GDP is already at 3.8%. That's what Obama's last FY quarter growth was. So this tax plan will take growth from 3.8% to...3.8% as it adds $1.5T to the debt.

Say, I thought you people hated debt? What gives?
This is nothing but a trickle down theory hand job.
Trickle-Down Economics: Four Reasons Why It Just Doesn't Work

The funny part is even though the Trumpies now know this tax bill is terrible for everyone but the rich, they’ll still keep believing the lies the GOP and Trump have told them.
They’ll tune into Hannity tonite to get more propaganda thrown at them too.
again, I love a guy like you that repeats himself over and over, even though he knows he's wrong. anyone calling the first year of a presidency a failure when the stock market has set month over month records and GDP is 3.3 for the third straight month, is a libturd. Someone who believes a GDP of 1.1 is good for our country. Yeah let that guy drive. Friends you just can't make this shit up. just can't. ANd passage of the tax bill expected to take the GDP to 3.8. I'm telling you, stupid is as stupid does with a libturd.
I have Wharton, the CBO and many other independent analyses on my side..
You have a pathological liar on your side.
Game set match .
Too damn funny.
...will the Democrat Party forever be remembered as the party who refused to give working-class Americans a break?

I think so. Their opposition to the greatest thing working-class America needs, will forever be worn around the necks of those who were against it.

Like a dead, putrid albatross.

The greatest thing the working class needs is a reduction in corporate taxation and repeal of the estate tax?
This is nothing but a trickle down theory hand job.
Trickle-Down Economics: Four Reasons Why It Just Doesn't Work

The funny part is even though the Trumpies now know this tax bill is terrible for everyone but the rich, they’ll still keep believing the lies the GOP and Trump have told them.
They’ll tune into Hannity tonite to get more propaganda thrown at them too.
again, I love a guy like you that repeats himself over and over, even though he knows he's wrong. anyone calling the first year of a presidency a failure when the stock market has set month over month records and GDP is 3.3 for the third straight month, is a libturd. Someone who believes a GDP of 1.1 is good for our country. Yeah let that guy drive. Friends you just can't make this shit up. just can't. ANd passage of the tax bill expected to take the GDP to 3.8. I'm telling you, stupid is as stupid does with a libturd.
Wharton, the CBO and many other independent analyses says I’m right.
You have a pathological liar saying you’re right.
Too damn funny.
shit there were many more that said trump didn't have a chance at the presidency. I like my team better, we won.
...will the Democrat Party forever be remembered as the party who refused to give working-class Americans a break?

I think so. Their opposition to the greatest thing working-class America needs, will forever be worn around the necks of those who were against it.

Like a dead, putrid albatross.

The greatest thing the working class needs is a reduction in corporate taxation and repeal of the estate tax?
who is the working class? can you identify them?
Where were all these stupid Moon Bat's concern over debt when the worthless affirmative action Muslim Negro was running up $10 trillion of cumulative debt? They didn't say a damn word and that is despicable.

So that explains why you are supporting debt increases today...?
and a GDP under 2.0%. they think that is outstanding performance and that 3.3% is terrible.

There exists no evidence whatsoever that these tax cuts will result in any increase in economic growth. If they didn't increase growth in Kansas, why the fuck would they increase growth nationally?
This is nothing but a trickle down theory hand job.
Trickle-Down Economics: Four Reasons Why It Just Doesn't Work

The funny part is even though the Trumpies now know this tax bill is terrible for everyone but the rich, they’ll still keep believing the lies the GOP and Trump have told them.
They’ll tune into Hannity tonite to get more propaganda thrown at them too.

At this point, it's pathological. Conservatives are pathological liars. They made that clear when they sold out to Russia just to win vicariously through Trump.
...will the Democrat Party forever


Trump will forever be known as Goldman Sachs President.

Lets recall we've had tax-cuts since 2001, didn't fix economy or prevent 2008 collapse. Even a slight economic stall by 2020 (pretty much a given from historic business cycle perspective) will promptly eject him out of presidency and will FOREVER dispel the tax-cuts-fix-everything myths.

Lets recall we've had tax-cuts since 2001, didn't fix economy or prevent 2008 collapse.

Tax cuts are bad?


How old are you? 5? 6? You talk like it.

Not many economic policies worth even discussing are "bad!" or "good!" in absolute sense.

Tax-cuts are not some sort of magic beans, they are simply reductions in taxation with corresponding economic effects. There are situations where you want to raise taxes and there are economic conditions when it is good to reduce taxes - neither one is some sort of embodiment of the evil.

At the time Bush's tax-cuts were passed we were forecasted for SURPLUSES, so from fiscal perspective they were a-ok...except those forecasts turned to seas of red ink as economy crashed and we spent trillions on wars and Medicare Parb B reform and there was NEVER any correction to tax rates to pay for any of this (which is why it is so laughable that Republicans are promising such correction THIS TIME).

Were Bush's tax cuts specifically a good idea in the end? NO. They were a bad idea that greatly contributed to our deficits and now this travesty of a bill is just another round of doubling down on stupid.

How old are you? 5? 6? You talk like it.

Based on your stupid post.....

Lets recall we've had tax-cuts since 2001, didn't fix economy or prevent 2008 collapse.

Talking like a 6 year old might be a bit above your level of understanding.

At the time Bush's tax-cuts were passed we were forecasted for SURPLUSES

Of course, if the Internet Bubble had continued for another decade, the surpluses would have continued.

so from fiscal perspective they were a-ok...except those forecasts turned to seas of red ink as economy crashed

Yup, the unsustainable Internet Bubble burst.

we spent trillions on wars and Medicare Parb B reform and there was NEVER any correction to tax rates to pay for any of this

You're right!
Dems should run in 2018 and 2020 on a promise to hike taxes to pay for those things.
Or maybe they should run on slashing spending to pay for them?
...will the Democrat Party forever be remembered as the party who refused to give working-class Americans a break?

I think so. Their opposition to the greatest thing working-class America needs, will forever be worn around the necks of those who were against it.

Like a dead, putrid albatross.

The greatest thing the working class needs is a reduction in corporate taxation and repeal of the estate tax?
who is the working class? can you identify them?

People who don't benefit from corporate tax breaks and estate tax tax repeal.

People who have felt the effects of republic economic policies since Reagan.

People in manufacturing jobs about to get a tax hike.People about to pay more for internet service due to net neutrality changes to pay more.

People who will suffer from trump American Oligarchy polices and lip service.
...will the Democrat Party forever be remembered as the party who refused to give working-class Americans a break?

I think so. Their opposition to the greatest thing working-class America needs, will forever be worn around the necks of those who were against it.

Like a dead, putrid albatross.
Yeah, higher taxes, higher national debt. That's some break!
...will the Democrat Party forever be remembered as the party who refused to give working-class Americans a break?

I think so. Their opposition to the greatest thing working-class America needs, will forever be worn around the necks of those who were against it.

Like a dead, putrid albatross.

The greatest thing the working class needs is a reduction in corporate taxation and repeal of the estate tax?
who is the working class? can you identify them?
You're asking JGalt, right?
“Frankly, I think they are bonkers,” David Mendels, former chief executive officer of software firm Brightcove, said of the GOP banking on a lower corporate rate to generate bigger worker paychecks. “It really doesn’t work that way. No CEO sits there and says, ‘When my tax rate goes down, I’m going to hire more people and pay them more.’”

Tax legislation cleared a key procedural hurdle in the Senate on Wednesday ahead of a formal vote as early as Thursday. House and Senate lawmakers will need to convene in coming weeks to hash out a compromise between their two bills.

Even some Republicans seem deeply unconvinced by predictions from members of the Trump administration and more aggressive budget forecasters that slashing the top corporate rate from 35 percent to 20 percent will generate enough economic growth to offset the additional $1.5 trillion in debt the Senate tax plan envisions over the next decade.
GOP places risky bet on trickle-down tax cut

But growth is not the point of cutting taxes, lol.

No CEO sits there and says, ‘When my tax rate goes down, I’m going to hire more people and pay them more.’”

Of course not. But companies that make more money and keep more money, after taxes, are more likely to increase hiring and wages than companies that make less money, and keep less, after taxes.
...will the Democrat Party forever be remembered as the party who refused to give working-class Americans a break?

I think so. Their opposition to the greatest thing working-class America needs, will forever be worn around the necks of those who were against it.

Like a dead, putrid albatross.

The greatest thing the working class needs is a reduction in corporate taxation and repeal of the estate tax?
who is the working class? can you identify them?

People who don't benefit from corporate tax breaks and estate tax tax repeal.

People who have felt the effects of republic economic policies since Reagan.

People in manufacturing jobs about to get a tax hike.People about to pay more for internet service due to net neutrality changes to pay more.

People who will suffer from trump American Oligarchy polices and lip service.
GDP of 3.3% for three months will be 3.8% once the tax reform is passed. and your upset. too funny. you can't wait for that 1.1% GDP right? cause that really drives the economic engine right?
Of course, if the Internet Bubble had continued for another decade, the surpluses would have continued.

There was a surplus in 2001 after the dotcom bubble had already burst. You shitheads erased that surplus by 2002 and turned it into the first of three record deficits by 2003. Even with the dotcom bubble burst, the recession, and 9/11, there was still a surplus for 2001. One you dolts removed when you cut taxes.

As usual, you don't know what the fuck you're talking about and are lying your fat ass off.

Yup, the unsustainable Internet Bubble burst.

The internet bubble caused by your Capital Gains Tax Cut. And here's the thing, even with the Internet Bubble burst, 9/11, and the recession, 2001 still had a surplus. You removed that surplus by 2002 when you cut taxes. And growth? LOL!


Dems should run in 2018 and 2020 on a promise to hike taxes to pay for those things.Or maybe they should run on slashing spending to pay for them?

They're not going to need to because Trump's plan is going to cause another housing collapse and all the Conservatives will be flushed out of Congress because of it...just like they were flushed out the last time they tanked the housing market. Maybe this time, it'll take.
...will the Democrat Party forever


Trump will forever be known as Goldman Sachs President.

Lets recall we've had tax-cuts since 2001, didn't fix economy or prevent 2008 collapse. Even a slight economic stall by 2020 (pretty much a given from historic business cycle perspective) will promptly eject him out of presidency and will FOREVER dispel the tax-cuts-fix-everything myths.

Lets recall we've had tax-cuts since 2001, didn't fix economy or prevent 2008 collapse.

Tax cuts are bad?
Just the kind that hurt the middle & working class.

Which tax cuts do/did that? When?
“Frankly, I think they are bonkers,” David Mendels, former chief executive officer of software firm Brightcove, said of the GOP banking on a lower corporate rate to generate bigger worker paychecks. “It really doesn’t work that way. No CEO sits there and says, ‘When my tax rate goes down, I’m going to hire more people and pay them more.’”

Tax legislation cleared a key procedural hurdle in the Senate on Wednesday ahead of a formal vote as early as Thursday. House and Senate lawmakers will need to convene in coming weeks to hash out a compromise between their two bills.

Even some Republicans seem deeply unconvinced by predictions from members of the Trump administration and more aggressive budget forecasters that slashing the top corporate rate from 35 percent to 20 percent will generate enough economic growth to offset the additional $1.5 trillion in debt the Senate tax plan envisions over the next decade.
GOP places risky bet on trickle-down tax cut

But growth is not the point of cutting taxes, lol.

No CEO sits there and says, ‘When my tax rate goes down, I’m going to hire more people and pay them more.’”

Of course not. But companies that make more money and keep more money, after taxes, are more likely to increase hiring and wages than companies that make less money, and keep less, after taxes.
dude, they are longing for the 1.1% GDP, they believe that is the economic engine fuel.

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