So when Trump's tax reform passes the Senate this afternoon...

I'm still wondering why the corporation tax cuts are permanent, yet the tax cuts for citizens who actually vote are set to expire after only a few years?

Did the corporations suddenly take over this country and get the right to vote? Guess Mittens was right, corporations have become people and are taking over our country.

You are not really wondering that are you? I think the answer is pretty obvious, it is all about how fills the campaign coffers

Yeah, but you would think that the politicians would take care of actual living voters before handing out sweet deals to faceless corporations.

Why? both parties know that 1/3 of the country will vote for them no matter what they do and that the other third will vote for them eventually when they tire of the other party.

That is the biggest weakness of only two parties, no matter how bad one is they know they will get power back within a decade. They have nothing to lose and nothing to fear from the voters.
I'm still wondering why the corporation tax cuts are permanent, yet the tax cuts for citizens who actually vote are set to expire after only a few years?

Did the corporations suddenly take over this country and get the right to vote? Guess Mittens was right, corporations have become people and are taking over our country.

You are not really wondering that are you? I think the answer is pretty obvious, it is all about how fills the campaign coffers

Yeah, but you would think that the politicians would take care of actual living voters before handing out sweet deals to faceless corporations.

Why? both parties know that 1/3 of the country will vote for them no matter what they do and that the other third will vote for them eventually when they tire of the other party.

That is the biggest weakness of only two parties, no matter how bad one is they know they will get power back within a decade. They have nothing to lose and nothing to fear from the voters.

You know, I think that whoever wants to run should run, and the president would be the person who got the most votes, with the vice president being the person who got the second most votes, regardless of party affiliation of either candidate.
I'm still wondering why the corporation tax cuts are permanent, yet the tax cuts for citizens who actually vote are set to expire after only a few years?

Did the corporations suddenly take over this country and get the right to vote? Guess Mittens was right, corporations have become people and are taking over our country.

You are not really wondering that are you? I think the answer is pretty obvious, it is all about how fills the campaign coffers

Yeah, but you would think that the politicians would take care of actual living voters before handing out sweet deals to faceless corporations.

Why? both parties know that 1/3 of the country will vote for them no matter what they do and that the other third will vote for them eventually when they tire of the other party.

That is the biggest weakness of only two parties, no matter how bad one is they know they will get power back within a decade. They have nothing to lose and nothing to fear from the voters.

You know, I think that whoever wants to run should run, and the president would be the person who got the most votes, with the vice president being the person who got the second most votes, regardless of party affiliation of either candidate.

I like it!
...will the Democrat Party forever be remembered as the party who refused to give working-class Americans a break?

I think so. Their opposition to the greatest thing working-class America needs, will forever be worn around the necks of those who were against it.

Like a dead, putrid albatross.

What break ?

The tax plan is a shell game . Throw some crumbs at the working class while big biz and the rich have a feast.

It’s a bad deal . Shame on the gop for passing this scam .

How about getting a fricken job, then you may be able to see a benefit

I’ve worked since I was 15. I earn a living , own property and commute to work . I know all about taxes .

You trump lemmings just want a victory for the Don. So what if it helps the rich ! So what if it explodes the deficiet (which I suddenly don’t care about ).

On its face it’s a pyramid scheme ! Big permenent cuts for the rich , the tax breaks for working problem end in a few years .

Definitely don't mind another victory. $1.5 trillion is now exactly an explosion...last time I checked it's a whole lot less than the $10 trillion Obama flushed down the toilet.
I'm still wondering why the corporation tax cuts are permanent, yet the tax cuts for citizens who actually vote are set to expire after only a few years?

Did the corporations suddenly take over this country and get the right to vote? Guess Mittens was right, corporations have become people and are taking over our country.

I'm still wondering why the corporation tax cuts are permanent, yet the tax cuts for citizens who actually vote are set to expire after only a few years?

Because the Dems will be happy to make the individual tax cuts permanent in a few years.
We all know Dems love it when people get to keep more of their own money. Amiright?
I'm still wondering why the corporation tax cuts are permanent, yet the tax cuts for citizens who actually vote are set to expire after only a few years?

Did the corporations suddenly take over this country and get the right to vote? Guess Mittens was right, corporations have become people and are taking over our country.

I'm still wondering why the corporation tax cuts are permanent, yet the tax cuts for citizens who actually vote are set to expire after only a few years?

Because the Dems will be happy to make the individual tax cuts permanent in a few years.
We all know Dems love it when people get to keep more of their own money. Amiright?

So, since the GOP made tax cuts permanent for the corporations, it's now up to the Dems to make the temporary tax cuts permanent for citizens?

Got it. Republicans take care of corporations, Democrats care about people.
Nothing you posted even resembled the truth. The idea that the Chocolate Messiah had anything to do with our current magnificent economy is just, well, retarded.

The only reason the stock market had gains under Obama was because of the Federal Reserve's quantitative easing. I know that's a $10 phrase, so if you don't know how it worked, look it up. The employment figures under Obama were dismal. They changed the whole way they looked at the numbers, and even quit counting those who had fallen through the cracks and quit looking for work. Food stamp usage was at an all-time high, which shows how little Obama really did for black folks. The mean income for the average American family also dropped something like $4,000 during his terms.

Get a clue. I suspect that you'll be crying in your milk this evening, after the plan is passed.

Well you have one thing right, Obama had nothing to do with it just like Trump does not.

As for the rest of your parroted talking points...well damn boy I hope you did not get too much kool aid on your shirt.

First off, QE is still going on, so any gains you attribute to Trump are supported by QE as well.
Second, the job numbers under Trump are counted in the exact same way as they were under Obama. Nothing has changed.
The number of people on foodstamps peaked in 2013 and has been coming down ever since.
Here is what the mean household income has done since 1965..notice nothing has gone down.

Basically every point you made is just pure bull shit.

View attachment 163654

Au contraire. It is you who are full of shit. What do you mean "QE is still going on"?

"On 18 September 2013, the Fed decided to hold off on scaling back its bond-buying program, and announced in December 2013 that it would begin to taper its purchases in January 2014. Purchases were halted on 29 October 2014 after accumulating $4.5 trillion in assets."

Quantitative easing - Wikipedia
I'm still wondering why the corporation tax cuts are permanent, yet the tax cuts for citizens who actually vote are set to expire after only a few years?

Did the corporations suddenly take over this country and get the right to vote? Guess Mittens was right, corporations have become people and are taking over our country.

I'm still wondering why the corporation tax cuts are permanent, yet the tax cuts for citizens who actually vote are set to expire after only a few years?

Because the Dems will be happy to make the individual tax cuts permanent in a few years.
We all know Dems love it when people get to keep more of their own money. Amiright?

So, since the GOP made tax cuts permanent for the corporations, it's now up to the Dems to make the temporary tax cuts permanent for citizens?

Got it. Republicans take care of corporations, Democrats care about people.

it's now up to the Dems to make the temporary tax cuts permanent for citizens?

Sounds good. Of course when it comes to actually cutting taxes, Dems never do.

Democrats care about people.

You bet! That's why Clinton hiked middle class taxes when he promised a tax cut.
'Cause he cared about people. DERP!
...will the Democrat Party forever be remembered as the party who refused to give working-class Americans a break?

I think so. Their opposition to the greatest thing working-class America needs, will forever be worn around the necks of those who were against it.

Like a dead, putrid albatross.

What break ?

The tax plan is a shell game . Throw some crumbs at the working class while big biz and the rich have a feast.

It’s a bad deal . Shame on the gop for passing this scam .

How about getting a fricken job, then you may be able to see a benefit

I’ve worked since I was 15. I earn a living , own property and commute to work . I know all about taxes .

You trump lemmings just want a victory for the Don. So what if it helps the rich ! So what if it explodes the deficiet (which I suddenly don’t care about ).

On its face it’s a pyramid scheme ! Big permenent cuts for the rich , the tax breaks for working problem end in a few years .

Definitely don't mind another victory. $1.5 trillion is now exactly an explosion...last time I checked it's a whole lot less than the $10 trillion Obama flushed down the toilet.

$1.5 trillion from ONE piece of legislation is a huge amount.
Nothing you posted even resembled the truth. The idea that the Chocolate Messiah had anything to do with our current magnificent economy is just, well, retarded.

The only reason the stock market had gains under Obama was because of the Federal Reserve's quantitative easing. I know that's a $10 phrase, so if you don't know how it worked, look it up. The employment figures under Obama were dismal. They changed the whole way they looked at the numbers, and even quit counting those who had fallen through the cracks and quit looking for work. Food stamp usage was at an all-time high, which shows how little Obama really did for black folks. The mean income for the average American family also dropped something like $4,000 during his terms.

Get a clue. I suspect that you'll be crying in your milk this evening, after the plan is passed.

Well you have one thing right, Obama had nothing to do with it just like Trump does not.

As for the rest of your parroted talking points...well damn boy I hope you did not get too much kool aid on your shirt.

First off, QE is still going on, so any gains you attribute to Trump are supported by QE as well.
Second, the job numbers under Trump are counted in the exact same way as they were under Obama. Nothing has changed.
The number of people on foodstamps peaked in 2013 and has been coming down ever since.
Here is what the mean household income has done since 1965..notice nothing has gone down.

Basically every point you made is just pure bull shit.

View attachment 163654

Au contraire. It is you who are full of shit. What do you mean "QE is still going on"?

"On 18 September 2013, the Fed decided to hold off on scaling back its bond-buying program, and announced in December 2013 that it would begin to taper its purchases in January 2014. Purchases were halted on 29 October 2014 after accumulating $4.5 trillion in assets."

Quantitative easing - Wikipedia

yeah, I got that one wrong, I have already said so. Do try and keep up.
We know you want all the money going to the corporations and stockholders. We already know that.

Yes, I am a Republican now. My home is paid off and I make a lot of money so I'm actually ok with the GOP tax plan. I just know overall even I will get screwed by the GOP.

Give me $300 a year tax break but then cut my monthly social security $300 a month. And you'll deny it until it happens then you'll defend it. You folks are pathetic.

And I make more than you most likely and I'll benefit from Republican policies more than you and even I know they are no good for you. What's wrong with you?

Corporation provide jobs, goods and services and a tremendous state and local tax base in this country. Companies leave the US because the Federal tax rates are too hing. Only idiot Moon Bats like you see something wrong with reducing that trillion a year the filthy ass Federal government takes from the American people as a corporate tax.

You do know that every cent that is paid in a corporate tax is collected from the people that buy the corporate goods and services, don't you? Probably not because all you stupid Moon Bats are economics impaired.

If you don't like the tax cut that you get if this bill is passed all you have to do is take the money that you saved and sending it to the Treasury. that way you won't contribute to all that evil that you stupid Moon Bats think is the result of lower taxes. Instead of bitching so much about having more spendable money then how about putting your money where your mouth is and send the money back to the Treasury? That way your convoluted Libtard conscience will be clear.

The real reason you assholes are against lower taxes is that you know it will stimulate the economy and that will make your Muslim boy look really like a failure with his increased poverty and dismal economic growth.

I am glad you stupid Democrats are against this tax cut. Maybe that will result in you idiots losing another 1,000 national seats and never regain control of Congress or the White House. Continue to be dumbass Moon Bats. The consequences of you not understanding basic economics will result in your minimization and that is good for this country when you can't win elections.
^^ believes Trump and the GOP instead of independent analyses of the bill.
Bend over the GOP is about to rip you open and you do love it.
I believe noone after the obummerfail. did you get the 1200 dollar savings a year on your insurance? oh and hitlery was to win by 98% of the vote. hahahahaahahaha you all crack me up to no end. The only thing your alls predictions guarantee is that you will be wrong.
Do you think the trump presidency is going well? Let’s ask Rex tillerson
...will the Democrat Party forever be remembered as the party who refused to give working-class Americans a break?

I think so. Their opposition to the greatest thing working-class America needs, will forever be worn around the necks of those who were against it.

Like a dead, putrid albatross.

What break ?

The tax plan is a shell game . Throw some crumbs at the working class while big biz and the rich have a feast.

It’s a bad deal . Shame on the gop for passing this scam .

How about getting a fricken job, then you may be able to see a benefit

I’ve worked since I was 15. I earn a living , own property and commute to work . I know all about taxes .

You trump lemmings just want a victory for the Don. So what if it helps the rich ! So what if it explodes the deficiet (which I suddenly don’t care about ).

On its face it’s a pyramid scheme ! Big permenent cuts for the rich , the tax breaks for working problem end in a few years .

Definitely don't mind another victory. $1.5 trillion is now exactly an explosion...last time I checked it's a whole lot less than the $10 trillion Obama flushed down the toilet.

$1.5 trillion from ONE piece of legislation is a huge amount.

Oh I see, so what's the number of legislations okay for $10 trillion.
Oh I see, so what's the number of legislations okay for $10 trillion

But now you've stepped in it, because you would have to know the legislation that produced that $10 million deficit in order to make any sense. I think, if you should bother to look, you might be surprised to find nearly every penny was pre-Obama legislation and executive action (two wars dontcha know, no plan to pay for them, kinda pricey). And then I think you will pretend you never saw this evidence, find a blog that says something to the contrary, and then regurgitate it here. :banana:
Oh I see, so what's the number of legislations okay for $10 trillion

But now you've stepped in it, because you would have to know the legislation that produced that $10 million deficit in order to make any sense. I think, if you should bother to look, you might be surprised to find nearly every penny was pre-Obama legislation and executive action (two wars dontcha know, no plan to pay for them, kinda pricey). And then I think you will pretend you never saw this evidence, find a blog that says something to the contrary, and then regurgitate it here. :banana:

Sure, let's pretend

how did obama spend 10 trillion dollars - Bing video
Oh I see, so what's the number of legislations okay for $10 trillion

But now you've stepped in it, because you would have to know the legislation that produced that $10 million deficit in order to make any sense. I think, if you should bother to look, you might be surprised to find nearly every penny was pre-Obama legislation and executive action (two wars dontcha know, no plan to pay for them, kinda pricey). And then I think you will pretend you never saw this evidence, find a blog that says something to the contrary, and then regurgitate it here. :banana:

Sure, let's pretend

how did obama spend 10 trillion dollars - Bing video

Hmm, no, I think you can just provide us a little summary. Maybe a chart, if you are too lazy to use your own words.

Then we can scrutinize the information you present and check it against other sources.
...will the Democrat Party forever be remembered as the party who refused to give working-class Americans a break?

I think so. Their opposition to the greatest thing working-class America needs, will forever be worn around the necks of those who were against it.

Like a dead, putrid albatross.
Jesus Christ. Another nitwit.

If Republicans believed in their tax plan, they wouldn't fight a deficit trigger. Period!

GOP Tax Cuts for the Rich: What exactly is a deficit "trigger"?
Oh I see, so what's the number of legislations okay for $10 trillion

But now you've stepped in it, because you would have to know the legislation that produced that $10 million deficit in order to make any sense. I think, if you should bother to look, you might be surprised to find nearly every penny was pre-Obama legislation and executive action (two wars dontcha know, no plan to pay for them, kinda pricey). And then I think you will pretend you never saw this evidence, find a blog that says something to the contrary, and then regurgitate it here. :banana:

Sure, let's pretend

how did obama spend 10 trillion dollars - Bing video

Hmm, no, I think you can just provide us a little summary. Maybe a chart, if you are too lazy to use your own words.

Then we can scrutinize the information you present and check it against other sources.

Sorry, do your own legwork, show us not all liberals are lazy.

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