So Where Are The Subversive War Protestors Now That A Socialist Is In Charge?

Obama can get away with the same things that they castigated Bush for. Classic liberal BS
What part of "no boots on the ground" isn't getting through to you?
Close to 1500 have already been sent, but obama calls them advisors. Kinda like the ft hood terrorist attack, was called work place violence.

"Boots on the ground" means complete fighting units and you know it. Your post is bullshit.
Obama can get away with the same things that they castigated Bush for. Classic liberal BS
What part of "no boots on the ground" isn't getting through to you?
Close to 1500 have already been sent, but obama calls them advisors. Kinda like the ft hood terrorist attack, was called work place violence.

"Boots on the ground" means complete fighting units and you know it. Your post is bullshit.
Seems safer if they would send a complete unit. I mean the bare minimum was in bengazi. We see how that worked out.
How many remember these bitches.... Wonder when they'll show up with their signs against our military again!


Since the picture isn't real, the better question to ask is where is the conservative support for President Obama given that he's a war time president.

Some "war time President", Mustang! He won't use the word war, won't admit that the people we're fighting are Islamic and is so obsessed with keeping "boots on the ground" OFF the ground that he's hamstrung our military and given them a virtually impossible task!

Well, if you can give me a good reason to turn the conflict into a proxy religious war between Christians and Muslims, I'd like to hear it. Even Bush was careful to limit his rhetoric in that regard.

Considering that there are somewhere in the neighborhood of 1.5 Billion Muslims in the world and were engaged in an armed struggle with fewer than about 50,000 fighters, I would say that it's not a good idea to create MORE combatants by insulting the religious of Muslims or suddenly declaring this struggle to be some kind of Holy War. But that's just me. I guess conservatives see it differently, which means foolishly from everything I can see.

If you need a real world (an American world since that's what you seem to need) example of what I'm talking about, ask yourself this question: How many times have you seen, or heard, or known of someone to get their dander up just because they think that someone (like a politician, for example) has insulted their favorite sports team or their favorite anything? Politicians understand that fact. That's why they generally tiptoe around coming right out and stating that they don't like X or that they prefer Y to X. They don't feel like losing votes and support just because some people aren't smart enough to cast their vote for them based on something more important than whether or not they like country music. In FACT, that's one of the reasons that politicians feel so much pressure to openly profess their faith, or do you honestly think that everyone who runs for higher office and wins is as religious as they would have everyone believe?

The POINT is that anyone with a lick of sense would realize that there's nothing to be gained (while there's also plenty to lose) by picking a rhetorical fight with 1.5 billions Muslims. Tell that to that idiot, Mark Levin!

A good reason for a proxy war.....


If you feel so strongly about it, feel free to go over there and join in the fight.
When you bury you head in the sand like it hard to breathe?

It is obvious that my argument in a few enlightening posts here have you baffled and limited to insults. Your inability to challenge not even one of my points is duly noted. For the record.

In the weeks and months ahead if you and your cohorts come up with something - post it right here.

Your posts are enlightened? :disbelief: Wow, talk about self delusion!

I hate to break this to you, Totallyfooled...but your posts have the intellectual depth of a sheet of typing paper!

It's established FACT that Saddam Hussein made the UN sanctions a running joke before the second Gulf War. It's established FACT that he was selling billions of dollars of oil illegally to countries like France and Turkey in return for contraband weapons. It's established FACT that he was reconstituting his nuclear program and was buying yellow cake uranium in Africa. It's established FACT that he'd been blocking UN inspectors from doing their jobs for years.

Your foaming at the mouth hatred for George W. Bush has you believing in an alternative world history where Saddam Hussein was the "victim" of US aggression when in fact his own naked ambition to become the next Nebuchadnezzar was his downfall.
They had no real nuke bomb program, a joke, hater dupe. Your facts are crappe, for dupes only.
How many remember these bitches.... Wonder when they'll show up with their signs against our military again!


Since the picture isn't real, the better question to ask is where is the conservative support for President Obama given that he's a war time president.

Some "war time President", Mustang! He won't use the word war, won't admit that the people we're fighting are Islamic and is so obsessed with keeping "boots on the ground" OFF the ground that he's hamstrung our military and given them a virtually impossible task!

Well, if you can give me a good reason to turn the conflict into a proxy religious war between Christians and Muslims, I'd like to hear it. Even Bush was careful to limit his rhetoric in that regard.

Considering that there are somewhere in the neighborhood of 1.5 Billion Muslims in the world and were engaged in an armed struggle with fewer than about 50,000 fighters, I would say that it's not a good idea to create MORE combatants by insulting the religious of Muslims or suddenly declaring this struggle to be some kind of Holy War. But that's just me. I guess conservatives see it differently, which means foolishly from everything I can see.

If you need a real world (an American world since that's what you seem to need) example of what I'm talking about, ask yourself this question: How many times have you seen, or heard, or known of someone to get their dander up just because they think that someone (like a politician, for example) has insulted their favorite sports team or their favorite anything? Politicians understand that fact. That's why they generally tiptoe around coming right out and stating that they don't like X or that they prefer Y to X. They don't feel like losing votes and support just because some people aren't smart enough to cast their vote for them based on something more important than whether or not they like country music. In FACT, that's one of the reasons that politicians feel so much pressure to openly profess their faith, or do you honestly think that everyone who runs for higher office and wins is as religious as they would have everyone believe?

The POINT is that anyone with a lick of sense would realize that there's nothing to be gained (while there's also plenty to lose) by picking a rhetorical fight with 1.5 billions Muslims. Tell that to that idiot, Mark Levin!

A good reason for a proxy war.....


If you feel so strongly about it, feel free to go over there and join in the fight.

I'm sure YOU felt the same way about Hitler!
How many remember these bitches.... Wonder when they'll show up with their signs against our military again!


Since the picture isn't real, the better question to ask is where is the conservative support for President Obama given that he's a war time president.

Some "war time President", Mustang! He won't use the word war, won't admit that the people we're fighting are Islamic and is so obsessed with keeping "boots on the ground" OFF the ground that he's hamstrung our military and given them a virtually impossible task!

Well, if you can give me a good reason to turn the conflict into a proxy religious war between Christians and Muslims, I'd like to hear it. Even Bush was careful to limit his rhetoric in that regard.

Considering that there are somewhere in the neighborhood of 1.5 Billion Muslims in the world and were engaged in an armed struggle with fewer than about 50,000 fighters, I would say that it's not a good idea to create MORE combatants by insulting the religious of Muslims or suddenly declaring this struggle to be some kind of Holy War. But that's just me. I guess conservatives see it differently, which means foolishly from everything I can see.

If you need a real world (an American world since that's what you seem to need) example of what I'm talking about, ask yourself this question: How many times have you seen, or heard, or known of someone to get their dander up just because they think that someone (like a politician, for example) has insulted their favorite sports team or their favorite anything? Politicians understand that fact. That's why they generally tiptoe around coming right out and stating that they don't like X or that they prefer Y to X. They don't feel like losing votes and support just because some people aren't smart enough to cast their vote for them based on something more important than whether or not they like country music. In FACT, that's one of the reasons that politicians feel so much pressure to openly profess their faith, or do you honestly think that everyone who runs for higher office and wins is as religious as they would have everyone believe?

The POINT is that anyone with a lick of sense would realize that there's nothing to be gained (while there's also plenty to lose) by picking a rhetorical fight with 1.5 billions Muslims. Tell that to that idiot, Mark Levin!

A good reason for a proxy war.....


If you feel so strongly about it, feel free to go over there and join in the fight.

I'm sure YOU felt the same way about Hitler!

Aside from the fact that the case of Hitler is different because he was the leader of one of the most industrially advanced countries in the world with a population in the millions who had invaded SEVERAL of his immediate neighbors (and even adjacent countries) all across Europe, I wasn't even alive back then. But Hitler CLEARLY was a threat to world peace and stability. At this point, ISIS is merely a localized problem in the area. They're certainly no threat to America at this point. Consequently, if countries like Saudi Arabia are so worried, let them send their OWN troops in to subdue the ISIS threat. Let them shed their OWN blood if they're so worried about the threat.
How many remember these bitches.... Wonder when they'll show up with their signs against our military again!


Since the picture isn't real, the better question to ask is where is the conservative support for President Obama given that he's a war time president.

Some "war time President", Mustang! He won't use the word war, won't admit that the people we're fighting are Islamic and is so obsessed with keeping "boots on the ground" OFF the ground that he's hamstrung our military and given them a virtually impossible task!

Well, if you can give me a good reason to turn the conflict into a proxy religious war between Christians and Muslims, I'd like to hear it. Even Bush was careful to limit his rhetoric in that regard.

Considering that there are somewhere in the neighborhood of 1.5 Billion Muslims in the world and were engaged in an armed struggle with fewer than about 50,000 fighters, I would say that it's not a good idea to create MORE combatants by insulting the religious of Muslims or suddenly declaring this struggle to be some kind of Holy War. But that's just me. I guess conservatives see it differently, which means foolishly from everything I can see.

If you need a real world (an American world since that's what you seem to need) example of what I'm talking about, ask yourself this question: How many times have you seen, or heard, or known of someone to get their dander up just because they think that someone (like a politician, for example) has insulted their favorite sports team or their favorite anything? Politicians understand that fact. That's why they generally tiptoe around coming right out and stating that they don't like X or that they prefer Y to X. They don't feel like losing votes and support just because some people aren't smart enough to cast their vote for them based on something more important than whether or not they like country music. In FACT, that's one of the reasons that politicians feel so much pressure to openly profess their faith, or do you honestly think that everyone who runs for higher office and wins is as religious as they would have everyone believe?

The POINT is that anyone with a lick of sense would realize that there's nothing to be gained (while there's also plenty to lose) by picking a rhetorical fight with 1.5 billions Muslims. Tell that to that idiot, Mark Levin!

A good reason for a proxy war.....


If you feel so strongly about it, feel free to go over there and join in the fight.

I'm sure YOU felt the same way about Hitler!

Aside from the fact that the case of Hitler is different because he was the leader of one of the most industrially advanced countries in the world with a population in the millions who had invaded SEVERAL of his immediate neighbors (and even adjacent countries) all across Europe, I wasn't even alive back then. But Hitler CLEARLY was a threat to world peace and stability. At this point, ISIS is merely a localized problem in the area. They're certainly no threat to America at this point. Consequently, if countries like Saudi Arabia are so worried, let them send their OWN troops in to subdue the ISIS threat. Let them shed their OWN blood if they're so worried about the threat.

Perhaps you should read a new thread I just posted!

moderate Syrian Rebels Sign Non-aggression Pact With Isis Iraq Defies Us US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
How many remember these bitches.... Wonder when they'll show up with their signs against our military again!


Since the picture isn't real, the better question to ask is where is the conservative support for President Obama given that he's a war time president.

Some "war time President", Mustang! He won't use the word war, won't admit that the people we're fighting are Islamic and is so obsessed with keeping "boots on the ground" OFF the ground that he's hamstrung our military and given them a virtually impossible task!

Well, if you can give me a good reason to turn the conflict into a proxy religious war between Christians and Muslims, I'd like to hear it. Even Bush was careful to limit his rhetoric in that regard.

Considering that there are somewhere in the neighborhood of 1.5 Billion Muslims in the world and were engaged in an armed struggle with fewer than about 50,000 fighters, I would say that it's not a good idea to create MORE combatants by insulting the religious of Muslims or suddenly declaring this struggle to be some kind of Holy War. But that's just me. I guess conservatives see it differently, which means foolishly from everything I can see.

If you need a real world (an American world since that's what you seem to need) example of what I'm talking about, ask yourself this question: How many times have you seen, or heard, or known of someone to get their dander up just because they think that someone (like a politician, for example) has insulted their favorite sports team or their favorite anything? Politicians understand that fact. That's why they generally tiptoe around coming right out and stating that they don't like X or that they prefer Y to X. They don't feel like losing votes and support just because some people aren't smart enough to cast their vote for them based on something more important than whether or not they like country music. In FACT, that's one of the reasons that politicians feel so much pressure to openly profess their faith, or do you honestly think that everyone who runs for higher office and wins is as religious as they would have everyone believe?

The POINT is that anyone with a lick of sense would realize that there's nothing to be gained (while there's also plenty to lose) by picking a rhetorical fight with 1.5 billions Muslims. Tell that to that idiot, Mark Levin!

A good reason for a proxy war.....


If you feel so strongly about it, feel free to go over there and join in the fight.

I'm sure YOU felt the same way about Hitler!

Aside from the fact that the case of Hitler is different because he was the leader of one of the most industrially advanced countries in the world with a population in the millions who had invaded SEVERAL of his immediate neighbors (and even adjacent countries) all across Europe, I wasn't even alive back then. But Hitler CLEARLY was a threat to world peace and stability. At this point, ISIS is merely a localized problem in the area. They're certainly no threat to America at this point. Consequently, if countries like Saudi Arabia are so worried, let them send their OWN troops in to subdue the ISIS threat. Let them shed their OWN blood if they're so worried about the threat.

Perhaps you should read a new thread I just posted!

moderate Syrian Rebels Sign Non-aggression Pact With Isis Iraq Defies Us US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Sometimes I think some of our leaders have the IQ of Earnest T. Bass. Bush essentially put Iraq into Iran's sphere of influence since Iran IS Shia dominated and the Iraqi gov't is now run by Shias. On the other hand, ISIS is Sunni dominated. If you think that >I< think it makes any sense to fight ISIS on the ground, thereby doing Iran a huge favor, guess again. Let the Iranians get a bloody nose while we sit out the ground war.
How many remember these bitches.... Wonder when they'll show up with their signs against our military again!


Since the picture isn't real, the better question to ask is where is the conservative support for President Obama given that he's a war time president.

Some "war time President", Mustang! He won't use the word war, won't admit that the people we're fighting are Islamic and is so obsessed with keeping "boots on the ground" OFF the ground that he's hamstrung our military and given them a virtually impossible task!

Well, if you can give me a good reason to turn the conflict into a proxy religious war between Christians and Muslims, I'd like to hear it. Even Bush was careful to limit his rhetoric in that regard.

Considering that there are somewhere in the neighborhood of 1.5 Billion Muslims in the world and were engaged in an armed struggle with fewer than about 50,000 fighters, I would say that it's not a good idea to create MORE combatants by insulting the religious of Muslims or suddenly declaring this struggle to be some kind of Holy War. But that's just me. I guess conservatives see it differently, which means foolishly from everything I can see.

If you need a real world (an American world since that's what you seem to need) example of what I'm talking about, ask yourself this question: How many times have you seen, or heard, or known of someone to get their dander up just because they think that someone (like a politician, for example) has insulted their favorite sports team or their favorite anything? Politicians understand that fact. That's why they generally tiptoe around coming right out and stating that they don't like X or that they prefer Y to X. They don't feel like losing votes and support just because some people aren't smart enough to cast their vote for them based on something more important than whether or not they like country music. In FACT, that's one of the reasons that politicians feel so much pressure to openly profess their faith, or do you honestly think that everyone who runs for higher office and wins is as religious as they would have everyone believe?

The POINT is that anyone with a lick of sense would realize that there's nothing to be gained (while there's also plenty to lose) by picking a rhetorical fight with 1.5 billions Muslims. Tell that to that idiot, Mark Levin!

A good reason for a proxy war.....


If you feel so strongly about it, feel free to go over there and join in the fight.

I'm sure YOU felt the same way about Hitler!

Aside from the fact that the case of Hitler is different because he was the leader of one of the most industrially advanced countries in the world with a population in the millions who had invaded SEVERAL of his immediate neighbors (and even adjacent countries) all across Europe, I wasn't even alive back then. But Hitler CLEARLY was a threat to world peace and stability. At this point, ISIS is merely a localized problem in the area. They're certainly no threat to America at this point. Consequently, if countries like Saudi Arabia are so worried, let them send their OWN troops in to subdue the ISIS threat. Let them shed their OWN blood if they're so worried about the threat.

Perhaps you should read a new thread I just posted!

moderate Syrian Rebels Sign Non-aggression Pact With Isis Iraq Defies Us US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Sometimes I think some of our leaders have the IQ of Earnest T. Bass. Bush essentially put Iraq into Iran's sphere of influence since Iran IS Shia dominated and the Iraqi gov't is now run by Shias. On the other hand, ISIS is Sunni dominated. If you think that >I< think it makes any sense to fight ISIS on the ground, thereby doing Iran a huge favor, guess again. Let the Iranians get a bloody nose while we sit out the ground war.

How many remember these bitches.... Wonder when they'll show up with their signs against our military again!


Since the picture isn't real, the better question to ask is where is the conservative support for President Obama given that he's a war time president.

Some "war time President", Mustang! He won't use the word war, won't admit that the people we're fighting are Islamic and is so obsessed with keeping "boots on the ground" OFF the ground that he's hamstrung our military and given them a virtually impossible task!

Well, if you can give me a good reason to turn the conflict into a proxy religious war between Christians and Muslims, I'd like to hear it. Even Bush was careful to limit his rhetoric in that regard.

Considering that there are somewhere in the neighborhood of 1.5 Billion Muslims in the world and were engaged in an armed struggle with fewer than about 50,000 fighters, I would say that it's not a good idea to create MORE combatants by insulting the religious of Muslims or suddenly declaring this struggle to be some kind of Holy War. But that's just me. I guess conservatives see it differently, which means foolishly from everything I can see.

If you need a real world (an American world since that's what you seem to need) example of what I'm talking about, ask yourself this question: How many times have you seen, or heard, or known of someone to get their dander up just because they think that someone (like a politician, for example) has insulted their favorite sports team or their favorite anything? Politicians understand that fact. That's why they generally tiptoe around coming right out and stating that they don't like X or that they prefer Y to X. They don't feel like losing votes and support just because some people aren't smart enough to cast their vote for them based on something more important than whether or not they like country music. In FACT, that's one of the reasons that politicians feel so much pressure to openly profess their faith, or do you honestly think that everyone who runs for higher office and wins is as religious as they would have everyone believe?

The POINT is that anyone with a lick of sense would realize that there's nothing to be gained (while there's also plenty to lose) by picking a rhetorical fight with 1.5 billions Muslims. Tell that to that idiot, Mark Levin!

A good reason for a proxy war.....


If you feel so strongly about it, feel free to go over there and join in the fight.

I'm sure YOU felt the same way about Hitler!

Aside from the fact that the case of Hitler is different because he was the leader of one of the most industrially advanced countries in the world with a population in the millions who had invaded SEVERAL of his immediate neighbors (and even adjacent countries) all across Europe, I wasn't even alive back then. But Hitler CLEARLY was a threat to world peace and stability. At this point, ISIS is merely a localized problem in the area. They're certainly no threat to America at this point. Consequently, if countries like Saudi Arabia are so worried, let them send their OWN troops in to subdue the ISIS threat. Let them shed their OWN blood if they're so worried about the threat.

Al Queda pulled off 9/11 at an estimated cost of about $600,000. ISIS is pulling in an estimated $1,000,000 A DAY! They also have hundreds of fighters from the US, Britain, Canada, France, etc etc...with passports they can use to reenter their countries of origin. ISIS is SO extreme that Al Queda kicked them out of their group!

So with all of THAT going on you seriously believe that ISIS doesn't pose a threat to America? Seriously?

Here's a wake up call for you, Sparky...the kind of money that ISIS is raking in buys a lot of bad things. Put enough money together and the chances of finding someone who will sell you a nuke get more and more likely.
Code Pink

CODEPINK to Stage Protest at White House During President’s Speech Outlining Military Strategy in Iraq

When: 8:30 pm on Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Where: The White House (1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, DC)

You can find out where they have been and where they are going here:

Iraq Veterans Against the War
Iraq Veterans Against the War You are not alone

In case you guys missed the 2012 NATO protests
Thousands protest in Chicago as NATO summit opens Reuters

SOA Watch
SOA Watch Close the School of the Americas
Code Pink have been protesting Obama since day one.

They just had a protest at his speech yesterday.

Which has absolutely nothing to do with the despicable thing they said in the OP of this thread.

Disliking a US president—irrespective of his party—and/ or the American military-industrial complex itself, and openly calling for the DEATHS OF AMERICAN SOLDIERS are not the same things, Sherlock.

Those bitches in the image in the OP are no better than the Westboro Church.

Its a lie.

Vigilante posted a lie.

They did not say it.

I posted the real sign.
Too late. Code Pink has already established itself as a far left wing radical group.....



Because they do exactly what our Constitution guarantees the the right to do?

Why are RWs against the First Amendment?
No....Because that is what they are. Code pink IS a radical left wing whiny protest group.
And are probably looking for federal funding.
They're where OWS is. Gone and forgotten. They were manufactured Election scams. They're nowhere to be found nowadays. Because they never really existed. They were lies.
Al Queda pulled off 9/11 at an estimated cost of about $600,000. ISIS is pulling in an estimated $1,000,000 A DAY! They also have hundreds of fighters from the US, Britain, Canada, France, etc etc...with passports they can use to reenter their countries of origin. ISIS is SO extreme that Al Queda kicked them out of their group!

Those $600,000 were American Dollars. The alleged $1,000,000? Those are mere Obamabucks, worth about a dime apiece so ISIS qualifies, in relative terms, for food stamps and an Obamaphone.
Obama can get away with the same things that they castigated Bush for. Classic liberal BS
Most of it was started by Bush and inherited by Obama. that, and we can see the atrocities that are being committed. No phantom WMDs.

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