So Where Are The Subversive War Protestors Now That A Socialist Is In Charge?

How many remember these bitches.... Wonder when they'll show up with their signs against our military again!


They're all today's Democrat politicians - in office and staffers

France will not support any measure that would lead to military action "until the inspectors have told us 'We can't do anything more'" in Iraq.

Iraq is still "a dangerous country" and must be disarmed, but the war remains the ultimate resort and the worst of solutions, said the French president.

"France will not accept and therefore will refuse" a resolution authorizing the use of force against Iraq, he said, adding that the most probable situation is that the second resolution will notget the votes needed at the UN Security Council.

You need to read what you post;

"the most probable situation is that the second resolution will notget the votes needed at the UN Security Council."

Do you realize what that means?

And this:

"France will not support any measure that would lead to military action "until the inspectors have told us 'We can't do anything more'" in Iraq. "

So they did not say they would veto any authorization for war - if you read what they actually said.
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If you knew what the hell you were talking about you'd know that there are 5 nations that are permanent members of the UNSC and that all 5 have the right to veto a resolution and any veto by one of the permanent members would kill a resolution.

You should not presume that you know what I know and don't know. I know the five permanent members can veto any resolution proposed by the UN Security Council. I know the US and UK are permanent members. I also know that Bush and Blair could not stop Sanctions from being lifted on Iraq once UN inspectors declared Iraq in compliance with all the relevant disarmament resolutions that were passed against Iraq in 1991.

Here's is proof that I knew that:

COMPLIANCE IS SADDAM's responsibility, not the UN's!

Blix and ElBaradei could recommend the lifting of sanctions and Bush and Blair could not veto that. <> Bush would certainly stop at nothing to prevent the lifting of sanctions verified by long term monitoring would he not. Even lie wouldn't he? And he did. <> He showed his hand to the public and UNSC on March 7 that he had nothing to dispute the findings and verification of the inspectors so ten days later he had to lie and blur that lie with references to other countries intelligence services to spread the blame.
Both Russia and France made it clear that they WOULD veto any attempts to pass a resolution to attack Iraq.

According to the very report you cited, your statement in post 9870394 is false. Why do you think you can fool people with your erroneous ways of reading things?
001c 9797826
What are you talking about, Bush gave the U.N. the date we were going to invade, and the inspectors left 2 days before by U.N. orders! Saddam broke 17 U.N. resolutions AFTER Gulf War one, and was shooting at our planes in the NO FLY zone.... I just love it when 2 digit IQ'd subversives make up their own history!

001d 9797877
Are you dense? That is what I said... Bush kicked the inspectors out. as to the broken resolutions... Bush signed onto UN Res 1441 in November 2002 which meant all the prior violations by Iraq were on hold as Iraq was given a FINAL OPPORTUNITY TO COMPLY by letting the inspectors come in and finish disarming Iraq peacefully. Bush violated UN Res 1441 not Saddam Hussein. You have been entirely fooled by Dubya. <> Iraq ceased shooting at US and UK planes who were bombing Iraq in the summer of 2002 when UN Res 1441 was passed and Iraq let the UN inspectors come back in. <> And Saddam went further than just letting the inspectors back in. He offered to let the US military and FBI and CIA come in to work alongside the UN inspectors to find WMD if they thought some was there. That offer came in December 2002 and Bush did not pursue it or even consider it. Bush is lying to you when he claims he exhausted all peaceful means prior to deciding on war.

002a 9797923
None of what you're blathering on about is the way it happened.

I will list what I posted on 9797877. You name one item that is not the way it happened.

01. Bush kicked the inspectors out. Bush forced them to leave Iraq and quit their work so Iraq could be invaded by the USA.
02. Bush signed onto UN Resolution 1441 in November 2002. The USA voted yes.
03. Iraq was given a FINAL OPPORTUNITY TO COMPLY if inspectors come in and finish disarming Iraq peacefully
04. Bush violated UN Res 1441 not Saddam Hussein.
05. Iraq ceased shooting at US and UK planes after UNSC Resolution 1441 was passed.
06. US and UK planes were bombing Iraq in the summer of 2002.
07. Iraq let the UN inspectors come back in right after UNSC Resolution 1441 was passed.
08. Saddam offered in December 2002 to let the US military and FBI and CIA come in to work alongside the UN inspectors.
09. Bush did not pursue or consider the offer (item 8) that could have resolved the intelligence on WMD without war.
10. Bush did not exhaust all peaceful means prior to deciding on war. See (item 9)

Can you refute one of the above? Lets see you try.
If you knew what the hell you were talking about you'd know that there are 5 nations that are permanent members of the UNSC and that all 5 have the right to veto a resolution and any veto by one of the permanent members would kill a resolution.

You should not presume that you know what I know and don't know. I know the five permanent members can veto any resolution proposed by the UN Security Council. I know the US and UK are permanent members. I also know that Bush and Blair could not stop Sanctions from being lifted on Iraq once UN inspectors declared Iraq in compliance with all the relevant disarmament resolutions that were passed against Iraq in 1991.

Here's is proof that I knew that:

COMPLIANCE IS SADDAM's responsibility, not the UN's!

Blix and ElBaradei could recommend the lifting of sanctions and Bush and Blair could not veto that. <> Bush would certainly stop at nothing to prevent the lifting of sanctions verified by long term monitoring would he not. Even lie wouldn't he? And he did. <> He showed his hand to the public and UNSC on March 7 that he had nothing to dispute the findings and verification of the inspectors so ten days later he had to lie and blur that lie with references to other countries intelligence services to spread the blame.

If you KNEW that then why were you talking about the need to get a majority vote to gain approval? Anyone that knows how the Security Council works knows that a majority vote is MEANINGLESS if one of the 5 permanent members casts a veto! It's obvious you didn't have a clue that was the case.

And when did UN inspectors EVER provide a report saying that Iraq was complying with all of the sanctions imposed on them?
And didn't come to a formal vote...but both Russia and France made it very clear that they would BOTH veto any resolution to use force in Iraq as the article I cited plainly pointed out was the case back then!
001c 9797826
What are you talking about, Bush gave the U.N. the date we were going to invade, and the inspectors left 2 days before by U.N. orders! Saddam broke 17 U.N. resolutions AFTER Gulf War one, and was shooting at our planes in the NO FLY zone.... I just love it when 2 digit IQ'd subversives make up their own history!

001d 9797877
Are you dense? That is what I said... Bush kicked the inspectors out. as to the broken resolutions... Bush signed onto UN Res 1441 in November 2002 which meant all the prior violations by Iraq were on hold as Iraq was given a FINAL OPPORTUNITY TO COMPLY by letting the inspectors come in and finish disarming Iraq peacefully. Bush violated UN Res 1441 not Saddam Hussein. You have been entirely fooled by Dubya. <> Iraq ceased shooting at US and UK planes who were bombing Iraq in the summer of 2002 when UN Res 1441 was passed and Iraq let the UN inspectors come back in. <> And Saddam went further than just letting the inspectors back in. He offered to let the US military and FBI and CIA come in to work alongside the UN inspectors to find WMD if they thought some was there. That offer came in December 2002 and Bush did not pursue it or even consider it. Bush is lying to you when he claims he exhausted all peaceful means prior to deciding on war.

002a 9797923
None of what you're blathering on about is the way it happened.

I will list what I posted on 9797877. You name one item that is not the way it happened.

01. Bush kicked the inspectors out. Bush forced them to leave Iraq and quit their work so Iraq could be invaded by the USA.
02. Bush signed onto UN Resolution 1441 in November 2002. The USA voted yes.
03. Iraq was given a FINAL OPPORTUNITY TO COMPLY if inspectors come in and finish disarming Iraq peacefully
04. Bush violated UN Res 1441 not Saddam Hussein.
05. Iraq ceased shooting at US and UK planes after UNSC Resolution 1441 was passed.
06. US and UK planes were bombing Iraq in the summer of 2002.
07. Iraq let the UN inspectors come back in right after UNSC Resolution 1441 was passed.
08. Saddam offered in December 2002 to let the US military and FBI and CIA come in to work alongside the UN inspectors.
09. Bush did not pursue or consider the offer (item 8) that could have resolved the intelligence on WMD without war.
10. Bush did not exhaust all peaceful means prior to deciding on war. See (item 9)

Can you refute one of the above? Lets see you try.

I'm curious...where is it that you're cutting and pasting this nonsense from? It's such a bad distortion of what really took place back then that it can only come from a laughably biased source.

I was always taught to give "credit" when I used the work of someone else. Your failure to do so leads me to believe that you know only too well that you've tapped into a tainted source and don't want to reveal just how bad it is.
003a 9869122
*NF: If you have any record of the UNSC that the UNSC determined that Saddam Hussein did not take his FINAL OPPORTUNITY to COMPLY with 1441 then lets see it.

003b 9869780
I see Oldstyle continues to be unable to answer my questions.

003c 9799828
. It's established FACT that he was selling billions of dollars of oil illegally to countries like France and Turkey in return for contraband weapons. <> It's established FACT that he was reconstituting his nuclear program and was buying yellow cake uranium in Africa.

003d 9799894
You need to provide a source for those two. <> Bush his damned self admits no contraband weapons were found by the ISG so he promptly declared himself a victim of intelligence errors. <> It is hard to believe that you cling to the yellowcake Admin lie after all these years,

I asked If anyone has any record that the UNSC determined that Saddam Hussein did not take his FINAL OPPORTUNITY to COMPLY under UNSC Resolution 1441. In post 9799828 Oldstyle keeps going on about the OFF 'Oil for Food' scandal and what a bad country France is. The fact remains that UNSC Resolution 1441 and the inspections that took place from December 2002 through mid-March 2003 were not inspecting and were not reporting on the OFF scandal. And in that same post Oldstyle spreads a myth that Iraq bought 'contraband' weapons with the OFF kickbacks. That is not true. No 'contraband weapons were found in Iraq. And what should be real embarrassing for Oldstyle is his belief in the Yellowcake Admin lie.
002c 9872817
I will list what I posted on 9797877. You name one item that is not the way it happened.

01. Bush kicked the inspectors out. Bush forced them to leave Iraq and quit their work so Iraq could be invaded by the USA.
02. Bush signed onto UN Resolution 1441 in November 2002. The USA voted yes.
03. Iraq was given a FINAL OPPORTUNITY TO COMPLY if inspectors come in and finish disarming Iraq peacefully
04. Bush violated UN Res 1441 not Saddam Hussein.
05. Iraq ceased shooting at US and UK planes after UNSC Resolution 1441 was passed.
06. US and UK planes were bombing Iraq in the summer of 2002.
07. Iraq let the UN inspectors come back in right after UNSC Resolution 1441 was passed.
08. Saddam offered in December 2002 to let the US military and FBI and CIA come in to work alongside the UN inspectors.
09. Bush did not pursue or consider the offer (item 8) that could have resolved the intelligence on WMD without war.
10. Bush did not exhaust all peaceful means prior to deciding on war. See (item 9)

Can you refute one of the above? Lets see you try.

0022d 9873280
I'm curious...where is it that you're cutting and pasting this nonsense from? It's such a bad distortion of what really took place back then that it can only come from a laughably biased source.

I wrote what I know to be true. Maybe ten is too many for you at one time. So let's go over item number one.

Do you refute that Bush forced the UNSC Res 1441 inspection teams to quit their work and leave so that Iraq could be bombed and invaded by the USA in March 2003?

That is a question. What is your answer?
001c 9797826
What are you talking about, Bush gave the U.N. the date we were going to invade, and the inspectors left 2 days before by U.N. orders! Saddam broke 17 U.N. resolutions AFTER Gulf War one, and was shooting at our planes in the NO FLY zone.... I just love it when 2 digit IQ'd subversives make up their own history!

001d 9797877
Are you dense? That is what I said... Bush kicked the inspectors out. as to the broken resolutions... Bush signed onto UN Res 1441 in November 2002 which meant all the prior violations by Iraq were on hold as Iraq was given a FINAL OPPORTUNITY TO COMPLY by letting the inspectors come in and finish disarming Iraq peacefully. Bush violated UN Res 1441 not Saddam Hussein. You have been entirely fooled by Dubya. <> Iraq ceased shooting at US and UK planes who were bombing Iraq in the summer of 2002 when UN Res 1441 was passed and Iraq let the UN inspectors come back in. <> And Saddam went further than just letting the inspectors back in. He offered to let the US military and FBI and CIA come in to work alongside the UN inspectors to find WMD if they thought some was there. That offer came in December 2002 and Bush did not pursue it or even consider it. Bush is lying to you when he claims he exhausted all peaceful means prior to deciding on war.

002a 9797923
None of what you're blathering on about is the way it happened.

I will list what I posted on 9797877. You name one item that is not the way it happened.

01. Bush kicked the inspectors out. Bush forced them to leave Iraq and quit their work so Iraq could be invaded by the USA.
02. Bush signed onto UN Resolution 1441 in November 2002. The USA voted yes.
03. Iraq was given a FINAL OPPORTUNITY TO COMPLY if inspectors come in and finish disarming Iraq peacefully
04. Bush violated UN Res 1441 not Saddam Hussein.
05. Iraq ceased shooting at US and UK planes after UNSC Resolution 1441 was passed.
06. US and UK planes were bombing Iraq in the summer of 2002.
07. Iraq let the UN inspectors come back in right after UNSC Resolution 1441 was passed.
08. Saddam offered in December 2002 to let the US military and FBI and CIA come in to work alongside the UN inspectors.
09. Bush did not pursue or consider the offer (item 8) that could have resolved the intelligence on WMD without war.
10. Bush did not exhaust all peaceful means prior to deciding on war. See (item 9)

Can you refute one of the above? Lets see you try.

Just your FIRST LIE, is just that, a LIE...."In the clearest sign yet that war with Iraq is imminent, the United States has advised U.N. weapons inspectors to begin pulling out of Baghdad, the U.N. nuclear agency chief said Monday.

Nothing mandatory about that, if they didn't want to stay around for the fireworks.... - U.S advises weapons inspectors to leave Iraq

Seems if you LIED about Bush KICKING OUT the inspectors, you aren't worth the time to debunk all your subversive bullshit!
002c 9872817
I will list what I posted on 9797877. You name one item that is not the way it happened.
01. Bush kicked the inspectors out. Bush forced them to leave Iraq and quit their work so Iraq could be invaded by the USA.

Can you refute one of the above? Lets see you try.

Seems if you LIED about Bush KICKING OUT the inspectors, you aren't worth the time to debunk all your subversive bullshit!

I did not lie. You are not even sure yourself that I did. So you must believe that the authorities in charge at UNMOVIC and the IAEA could decide to keep their employees in a city and country that is about to be 'shocked and awed' by the world's most powerful military in the history of the world. If that is your belief then you are nuts. Here is an important question for you *Vigilante. Was it Saddam Hussein who forced the inspectors to leave Iraq on March 18 2003 or was it the pending bombing campaign and major ground invasion by the USA and UK.?
002c 9872817
I will list what I posted on 9797877. You name one item that is not the way it happened.
01. Bush kicked the inspectors out. Bush forced them to leave Iraq and quit their work so Iraq could be invaded by the USA.

Can you refute one of the above? Lets see you try.

Seems if you LIED about Bush KICKING OUT the inspectors, you aren't worth the time to debunk all your subversive bullshit!

I did not lie. You are not even sure yourself that I did. So you must believe that the authorities in charge at UNMOVIC and the IAEA could decide to keep their employees in a city and country that is about to be 'shocked and awed' by the world's most powerful military in the history of the world. If that is your belief then you are nuts. Here is an important question for you *Vigilante. Was it Saddam Hussein who forced the inspectors to leave Iraq on March 18 2003 or was it the pending bombing campaign and major ground invasion by the USA and UK.?

IT's not what you said boot lick, you said Bush KICKED THEM OUT, which anyone with a high 2 digit IQ could see was NOT what happened.... Nice try cowgirl, want to get back on that bucking goat and try for 8 seconds this time?
001j 9873374
Report: Saddam used oil for food program to reward Russia & France to veto any vote against him in the U.N....... But NEVER let the TRUTH get in the way of a good subversive rant! - Report Saddam used oil to reward Russia

From your link - 20050515a0632 USA Today Saddam used oil to reward Russia:
Saddam is widely accused of using oil vouchers that allowed the bearer to buy Iraqi oil at cut-rate prices to curry favor with countries holding veto power in the U.N. Security Council — France, Britain, China, Russia and the United States. The Senate subcommittee said about 30% of the oil sold in the program was allocated to Russia.

Russian, France and China did not veto UNSC Resolution 1441 did they? I don't see how you tie what amounts to 'wide accusations' to a justification for Bush's decision to force the inspectors to end their work and start bombing and invading Iraq on March 20, 2003.

Here is the reason Bush gave us on the eve of war as to why he decided to start bombing and invading Iraq.

Intelligence gathered by this and other governments leaves no doubt that the Iraq regime continues to possess and conceal some of the most lethal weapons ever devised.

It is not about the Oil For Food program,. It was not about Russia and France's VETO power on the UNSC.
001j 9873408
002c 9872817 I did not lie. You are not even sure yourself that I did. So you must believe that the authorities in charge at UNMOVIC and the IAEA could decide to keep their employees in a city and country that is about to be 'shocked and awed' by the world's most powerful military in the history of the world. If that is your belief then you are nuts. Here is an important question for you *Vigilante. Was it Saddam Hussein who forced the inspectors to leave Iraq on March 18 2003 or was it the pending bombing campaign and major ground invasion by the USA and UK.?

001k 9873419
IT's not what you said boot lick, you said Bush KICKED THEM OUT, which anyone with a high 2 digit IQ could see was NOT what happened....

What do you mean that is not what happened. Bush told them where they were working was about to be blown all to hell and a war would start. If that is not kicking them out, out don't know what is.

Yes I said Bush kicked them out. And it means that Bush forced them to leave. It is an expression I used. It is not a lie. Bush did force them to leave because of the pending bombing and ground invasion. Do you dispute that.

I see you won't answer the question I asked in post 9873408. Was it Saddam Hussein who forced the inspectors to leave Iraq on March 18 2003 or was it the pending bombing campaign and major ground invasion by the USA and UK.

Oldstyle provided this link: Russia France to Veto New UN Resolution on Iraq

France will not support any measure that would lead to military action "until the inspectors have told us 'We can't do anything more'" in Iraq.

The inspectors never reported that they can't do anything more in Iraq. Bush forced them to quit their work and leave. Do you dispute that?
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001g 9869122
*NF: Have you seen any instance where Obama has started a war by kicking or forcing out UN inspectors because the war he started would get them injured or killed?

So have you *Vigilante? Have you seen any instance where Obama has started a war by kicking or forcing out UN inspectors because the war he started would get them injured or killed?

Guess not. You are running from reality.
001j 9873408
002c 9872817 I did not lie. You are not even sure yourself that I did. So you must believe that the authorities in charge at UNMOVIC and the IAEA could decide to keep their employees in a city and country that is about to be 'shocked and awed' by the world's most powerful military in the history of the world. If that is your belief then you are nuts. Here is an important question for you *Vigilante. Was it Saddam Hussein who forced the inspectors to leave Iraq on March 18 2003 or was it the pending bombing campaign and major ground invasion by the USA and UK.?

001k 9873419
IT's not what you said boot lick, you said Bush KICKED THEM OUT, which anyone with a high 2 digit IQ could see was NOT what happened....

What do you mean that is not what happened. Bush told them where they were working was about to be blown all to hell and a war would start. If that is not kicking them out, out don't know what is.

Yes I said Bush kicked them out. And it means that Bush forced them to leave. It is an expression I used. It is not a lie. Bush did force them to leave because of the pending bombing and ground invasion. Do you dispute that.

I see you won't answer the question I asked in post 9873408. Was it Saddam Hussein who forced the inspectors to leave Iraq on March 18 2003 or was it the pending bombing campaign and major ground invasion by the USA and UK.

Oldstyle provided this link: Russia France to Veto New UN Resolution on Iraq

France will not support any measure that would lead to military action "until the inspectors have told us 'We can't do anything more'" in Iraq.

The inspectors never reported that they can't do anything more in Iraq. Bush forced them to quit their work and leave. Do you dispute that?

Kicking them out is telling them to get the fuck out or he'll shot them himself.... He simply warned them what was going to happen immediately would put their lives in danger.... You certainly are one persistent :ahole-1:
001g 9869122
*NF: Have you seen any instance where Obama has started a war by kicking or forcing out UN inspectors because the war he started would get them injured or killed?

So have you *Vigilante? Have you seen any instance where Obama has started a war by kicking or forcing out UN inspectors because the war he started would get them injured or killed?

Guess not. You are running from reality.

There are and never were U.N. inspectors to kick out under obuma, he wouldn't know how to tell people they were in danger, let alone CARE if any of them were!
003a 9869122
*NF: If you have any record of the UNSC that the UNSC determined that Saddam Hussein did not take his FINAL OPPORTUNITY to COMPLY with 1441 then lets see it.

003b 9869780
I see Oldstyle continues to be unable to answer my questions.

003c 9799828
. It's established FACT that he was selling billions of dollars of oil illegally to countries like France and Turkey in return for contraband weapons. <> It's established FACT that he was reconstituting his nuclear program and was buying yellow cake uranium in Africa.

003d 9799894
You need to provide a source for those two. <> Bush his damned self admits no contraband weapons were found by the ISG so he promptly declared himself a victim of intelligence errors. <> It is hard to believe that you cling to the yellowcake Admin lie after all these years,

I asked If anyone has any record that the UNSC determined that Saddam Hussein did not take his FINAL OPPORTUNITY to COMPLY under UNSC Resolution 1441. In post 9799828 Oldstyle keeps going on about the OFF 'Oil for Food' scandal and what a bad country France is. The fact remains that UNSC Resolution 1441 and the inspections that took place from December 2002 through mid-March 2003 were not inspecting and were not reporting on the OFF scandal. And in that same post Oldstyle spreads a myth that Iraq bought 'contraband' weapons with the OFF kickbacks. That is not true. No 'contraband weapons were found in Iraq. And what should be real embarrassing for Oldstyle is his belief in the Yellowcake Admin lie.

You are one of the more naive people I've ever run into, Notfooled! Saddam Hussein figured out how to circumvent the sanctions on Iraq being able to buy weapons shortly after they were put in place. Iraq was buying contraband parts and weapons from numerous countries.

Shopping with Saddam Hussein - Commentary Magazine

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