So Where Are The Subversive War Protestors Now That A Socialist Is In Charge?

001j 9873374
Report: Saddam used oil for food program to reward Russia & France to veto any vote against him in the U.N....... But NEVER let the TRUTH get in the way of a good subversive rant! - Report Saddam used oil to reward Russia

From your link - 20050515a0632 USA Today Saddam used oil to reward Russia:
Saddam is widely accused of using oil vouchers that allowed the bearer to buy Iraqi oil at cut-rate prices to curry favor with countries holding veto power in the U.N. Security Council — France, Britain, China, Russia and the United States. The Senate subcommittee said about 30% of the oil sold in the program was allocated to Russia.

Russian, France and China did not veto UNSC Resolution 1441 did they? I don't see how you tie what amounts to 'wide accusations' to a justification for Bush's decision to force the inspectors to end their work and start bombing and invading Iraq on March 20, 2003.

Here is the reason Bush gave us on the eve of war as to why he decided to start bombing and invading Iraq.

Intelligence gathered by this and other governments leaves no doubt that the Iraq regime continues to possess and conceal some of the most lethal weapons ever devised.

It is not about the Oil For Food program,. It was not about Russia and France's VETO power on the UNSC.

It became quite clear early on that Saddam Hussein was getting around the UN sanctions by going through "middle men" to trade Iraqi oil for contraband military parts and weapons. Even the Secretary General of the UN's son was part of that "end run" by the Iraqis. Russia and France vetoed UN resolutions to clamp down on Iraq and in return Saddam sold them heavily discounted oil. I'm sorry but you're STILL the most naive poster on this board!

And you still haven't answered my question about where you're cutting and pasting this nonsense from! Is the site THAT bad?

It's the same thing that's happening now with ISIS selling it's stolen oil to Turkey at discounted rates. Where there is cheap oil...there are always going to be countries willing to ignore sanctions.
001g 9869122
*NF: Have you seen any instance where Obama has started a war by kicking or forcing out UN inspectors because the war he started would get them injured or killed?

So have you *Vigilante? Have you seen any instance where Obama has started a war by kicking or forcing out UN inspectors because the war he started would get them injured or killed?

Guess not. You are running from reality.

There are and never were U.N. inspectors to kick out under obuma, he wouldn't know how to tell people they were in danger, let alone CARE if any of them were!

Barry's people couldn't find their own asses if you gave them a one hand head start!
Kicking them out is telling them to get the fuck out or he'll shot them himself.... He simply warned them what was going to happen immediately would put their lives in danger....

Surely you don't think I believe that the coward Bush who avoided Vietnam while expecting others should go, would actually travel to Baghdad and shoot the inspectors himself? No he would issue an order to drop bombs on inspectors that would force them to quit their work and leave.

'Kicked Out"' is a descriptive expression that reverts back to 1998 when it was Saddam Hussein who actually kicked the inspectors out for refusing to allow them to do their job. Its not a literal use of the foot striking some kind of physical blow on the inspectors themselves. Grow up.
Redagrding *Vigilante 002a 9873609:
001g 9869122
*NF: Have you seen any instance where Obama has started a war by kicking or forcing out UN inspectors because the war he started would get them injured or killed?

001n 9873602
So have you *Vigilante? Have you seen any instance where Obama has started a war by kicking or forcing out UN inspectors because the war he started would get them injured or killed? <> Guess not. You are running from reality.

002a 9873609
There are and never were U.N. inspectors to kick out under obuma, he wouldn't know how to tell people they were in danger, let alone CARE if any of them were!

You have acknowledged that my original point is correct that dilloduck has no basis in reality for what he said in Post 9785575:

001a 9785575
Obama can get away with the same things that they castigated Bush for. Classic liberal BS

Thank you. Another Hater Con bites the dust (not literally) thanks to an admission by another Hater Con.
And you still haven't answered my question about where you're cutting and pasting this nonsense from! Is the site THAT bad?

I have answered it. I said I wrote what I see to be true myself. It was not cut and paste from anywhere. You simply cannot handle that answer and are still running from the fact that you cannot deny one of the ten items on the list. Face it. They are all true.
Your "point" that it was Bush that violated the UN sanctions and not Saddam Hussein is laughably false. I don't know what site you've cut and paste this nonsense from but I can only gather from your refusal to provide a link that it's one that you know you'll be mocked for.
And you still haven't answered my question about where you're cutting and pasting this nonsense from! Is the site THAT bad?

I have answered it. I said I wrote what I see to be true myself. It was not cut and paste from anywhere. You simply cannot handle that answer and are still running from the fact that you cannot deny one of the ten items on the list. Face it. They are all true.

So your "list" was something that YOU created? That's what you're going to claim?
None of them are "true"...Notfooled! They are each a total distortion of what took place in Iraq.
It's the same thing that's happening now with ISIS selling it's stolen oil to Turkey at discounted rates. Where there is cheap oil...there are always going to be countries willing to ignore sanctions.

And I'm sure that if that is all that the IS terrorists were doing - there would not a military response at this time. Matters like that are better resolved diplomatically. Just as it would have been back in March 2003.
Saddam Hussein figured out how to circumvent the sanctions on Iraq being able to buy weapons shortly after they were put in place. Iraq was buying contraband parts and weapons from numerous countries. <> Shopping with Saddam Hussein - Commentary Magazine

Your link takes us to:
Shopping with Saddam Hussein
By Gary Milhollin & Kelly Motz
Commentary MagazineJuly-August 2001, pp. 23-7

UNSC Resolution 1441 was passed with the USA vote in the affirmative during November of 2002. The 'FINAL OPPORTUNITY TO COMPLY' concept has you completely baffled and disoriented I see. I will try to explain it in a way that a four year old could grasp it. Do I need to start with how a calendar works?

It took Bush getting 4584 US soldiers killed and tens of thousands of Iraq's innocent population killed and injured and displaced to determine after 1441 was passed that Iraq was not purchasing 'contraband' weapons. You have to view the information we have after all that death and destruction, not the information that was 'opined' upon in 2001.
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It's the same thing that's happening now with ISIS selling it's stolen oil to Turkey at discounted rates. Where there is cheap oil...there are always going to be countries willing to ignore sanctions.

And I'm sure that if that is all that the IS terrorists were doing - there would not a military response at this time. Matters like that are better resolved diplomatically. Just as it would have been back in March 2003.

You think "diplomacy" was working with Saddam Hussein? Now you're showing how naive you really are!
Saddam Hussein figured out how to circumvent the sanctions on Iraq being able to buy weapons shortly after they were put in place. Iraq was buying contraband parts and weapons from numerous countries. <> Shopping with Saddam Hussein - Commentary Magazine

Your link takes us to:
Shopping with Saddam Hussein
By Gary Milhollin & Kelly Motz
Commentary MagazineJuly-August 2001, pp. 23-7

UNSC Resolution 1441 was passed with the USA vote in the affirmative during November of 2002. The 'FINAL OPPORTUNITY TO COMPLY' concept has you completely baffled and disoriented I see. I will try to explain it in a way that a four year old could grasp it. Do I need to start with how a calendar works?

It took Bush getting 4584 US soldiers killed and tens of thousands of Iraq's to determine after 1441 was passed that Iraq was not purchasing 'contraband' weapons. You have to view the information we have after all that death and destruction, not the information that was 'opined' upon in 2001.

Saddam Hussein was buying "contraband" weapons from so many different countries that it's absurd for you to even make that claim!
None of them are "true"...Notfooled! They are each a total distortion of what took place in Iraq.

Distorted in what way. Explain what you are trying to convey. For instance take item two. Are you telling the viewing audience that Bush did not sign the USA onto UN Resolution 1441 in November 2002? Are you saying the USA voted against UNSC Resolution 1441 in November 2002? Perhaps I should have started with this truth. The world is not flat.

002c 9872817
I will list what I posted on 9797877. You name one item that is not the way it happened.
01. Bush kicked the inspectors out. Bush forced them to leave Iraq and quit their work so Iraq could be invaded by the USA.
02. Bush signed onto UN Resolution 1441 in November 2002. The USA voted yes.
03. Iraq was given a FINAL OPPORTUNITY TO COMPLY if inspectors come in and finish disarming Iraq peacefully
04. Bush violated UN Res 1441 not Saddam Hussein.
05. Iraq ceased shooting at US and UK planes after UNSC Resolution 1441 was passed.
06. US and UK planes were bombing Iraq in the summer of 2002.
07. Iraq let the UN inspectors come back in right after UNSC Resolution 1441 was passed.
08. Saddam offered in December 2002 to let the US military and FBI and CIA come in to work alongside the UN inspectors.
09. Bush did not pursue or consider the offer (item 8) that could have resolved the intelligence on WMD without war.
10. Bush did not exhaust all peaceful means prior to deciding on war. See (item 9)
Can you refute one of the above? Lets see you try.
Regarding Oldstyle 9874363
It's the same thing that's happening now with ISIS selling it's stolen oil to Turkey at discounted rates. Where there is cheap oil...there are always going to be countries willing to ignore sanctions.

And I'm sure that if that is all that the IS terrorists were doing - there would not a military response at this time. Matters like that are better resolved diplomatically. Just as it would have been back in March 2003.

You think "diplomacy" was working with Saddam Hussein? Now you're showing how naive you really are!

Absolutely, Diplomacy in the form of peaceful UN inspections and setting up long term monitoring to completely disarm Iraq was working. That is until Bush decided to 'ask the inspectors to quit and leave the job they were doing. And you think we should have gone to war over the OFF issues. You would commit 4584 American soldiers to their death over OFF. You may think I'm naïve. I pretty sure you are favor killing people rather than talking to them even when our security is not on the line. That is sick.

Diplomacy in the form of Chemical weapons destruction just worked perfectly in Syria. You are saying Obama should have bombed Syria instead of taking the "DIPLOMATIC" resolution to that dangerous situation?
Saddam Hussein was buying "contraband" weapons from so many different countries that it's absurd for you to even make that claim!

Remember we are discussing the period of time after UNSC Resolution 1441 was passed. Where is your evidence that Iraq was buying contraband weapons from November 2002 through March 2003. The Bush Admin has not made that claim. You are out there. As to 'contraband' weapons purchased prior to November 2002, none were found by the ISG as 4584 US soldiers were killed to look for them. So you are nuts or determined to lie your way out of the predicament you have gotten yourself into.
Kicking them out is telling them to get the fuck out or he'll shot them himself.... He simply warned them what was going to happen immediately would put their lives in danger....

Surely you don't think I believe that the coward Bush who avoided Vietnam while expecting others should go, would actually travel to Baghdad and shoot the inspectors himself? No he would issue an order to drop bombs on inspectors that would force them to quit their work and leave.

'Kicked Out"' is a descriptive expression that reverts back to 1998 when it was Saddam Hussein who actually kicked the inspectors out for refusing to allow them to do their job. Its not a literal use of the foot striking some kind of physical blow on the inspectors themselves. Grow up.

With every post you just prove beyond a question of a doubt that you are a deranged and stupid SOB!.... It's no wonder I stay here, entertainment like your posts are rampant in the USMB. You can't buy this kind of suspension of reality!
With every post you just prove beyond a question of a doubt that you are a deranged and stupid SOB!.... It's no wonder I stay here, entertainment like your posts are rampant in the USMB. You can't buy this kind of suspension of reality!

Here we can see that *Vigilante has combined two not so remarkable talents. He can run away and insult at the same time.
Your "point" that it was Bush that violated the UN sanctions and not Saddam Hussein is laughably false.

It would help if you would respond to my actual points rather than making them up for your your dishonest convenience.

I believe you have mistakenly or deliberately misinterpreted point four: "04. Bush violated UN Res 1441 not Saddam Hussein."

What's wrong with your vision?
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Saddam Hussein was buying "contraband" weapons from so many different countries that it's absurd for you to even make that claim!

Remember we are discussing the period of time after UNSC Resolution 1441 was passed. Where is your evidence that Iraq was buying contraband weapons from November 2002 through March 2003. The Bush Admin has not made that claim. You are out there. As to 'contraband' weapons purchased prior to November 2002, none were found by the ISG as 4584 US soldiers were killed to look for them. So you are nuts or determined to lie your way out of the predicament you have gotten yourself into.

You don't even understand what the term contraband weapons MEANS! You think it's WMD's! Just one more example of how clueless you are...

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