So Where Are The Subversive War Protestors Now That A Socialist Is In Charge?

Do you not grasp the concept that the UN sanctions were a fucking joke? Saddam Hussein had made a mockery of the UN sanctions for years.
It's ludicrous...Saddam Hussein violates one UN sanction after another for years...but because Bush finally said enough is enough...HE'S to blame and Saddam is the victim?
Bush had UN and congressional approval. Obama has neither, but no lefty wants to talk about that. Ignorant hypocrits.
DD 9785575
Obama can get away with the same things that they castigated Bush for.

NF001 9797782
I castigated Bush only when he decided to kick UN inspectors out and then invade Iraq over alleged WMDs being hidden by the regime there.

VG 9797826
Bush gave the U.N. the date we were going to invade, and the inspectors left 2 days before by U.N. orders!

NF 9797877
That is what I said...

OS007 9797923
None of what you're blathering on about is the way it happened.

All can see in the above exchange that I stated in my post #9797877 these five words. "That is what I said.." referring to *Vigilante's exact words. *Vigilante wrote, Bush gave the U.N. the date we were going to invade, and the inspectors left 2 days before by U.N. orders!" I call that 'kicking out', and 'forcing them to leave'. But I accept *Vigilante's version and interpretation of that event. So the question for Oldstyle now is, are you saying that *Vigilanti's version is 'blathering and not the way it happened? Or do you agree with *Vigilante as do I?
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NF001 9797782
DD 9785575
Obama can get away with the same things that they castigated Bush for.
I castigated Bush only when he decided to kick UN inspectors out and then invade Iraq over alleged WMDs being hidden by the regime there.

OS007 9797923
NF 9797877
VG 9797826
Bush gave the U.N. the date we were going to invade, and the inspectors left 2 days before by U.N. orders!
That is what I said...
None of what you're blathering on about is the way it happened. Where are you getting your "history" from because it's appallingly bad!

All can see in the above exchange that I stated in my post #9797877 these five words. "That is what I said.." referring to *Vigilante's exact words. *Vigilante wrote, Bush gave the U.N. the date we were going to invade, and the inspectors left 2 days before by U.N. orders!" I call that 'kicking out', and 'forcing them to leave'. But I accept *Vigilante's version and interpretation of that event. So the question for Oldstyle now is, are you saying that *Vigilanti's version is 'blathering and not the way it happened? Or do you agree with *Vigilante as do I?

You can call it a can of beans, for all anyone cares about what YOU think, and I use the expression lightly, That is not being kicked out! They had the OPTION to stay, they thought it would be best to leave!
In the immortal words of Hillary...WHAT DIFFERENCE DOES IT MAKE! The UN inspectors left because Iraq had failed to obey the UN sanctions and the US and Britain made it clear that they were going to take military action against Saddam. They didn't have to physically kick them out...I'm quite sure the UN inspectors were more than happy to get out of Dodge before that attack began.

The person doing the "blathering" here is YOU, little buddy! Between your lack of any real understanding of what was going on with the sanctions following the first Gulf War and your complete obsession with finding W. to be at fault for everything but the Lindburgh baby've established yourself as one of the more amusing of the liberal trolls.
How many remember these bitches.... Wonder when they'll show up with their signs against our military again!

If Obama invades a country like Bush did in 2003, they will be out in droves.

They (the left) have protested most of Obama's actions. Time to come out of your shell or out from under the rock
How many remember these bitches.... Wonder when they'll show up with their signs against our military again!

If Obama invades a country like Bush did in 2003, they will be out in droves.

They (the left) have protested most of Obama's actions. Time to come out of your shell or out from under the rock

Yes dear, where are the pictures of the thousands of subversives protesting the obomanation?
How many remember these bitches.... Wonder when they'll show up with their signs against our military again!

If Obama invades a country like Bush did in 2003, they will be out in droves.

They (the left) have protested most of Obama's actions. Time to come out of your shell or out from under the rock

Yes dear, where are the pictures of the thousands of subversives protesting the obomanation?
Ding Dong! Come out, come out, wherever you are...

Troops are coming home. A few are going over there, but it has all been winding down, Hard to protest that
How many remember these bitches.... Wonder when they'll show up with their signs against our military again!

If Obama invades a country like Bush did in 2003, they will be out in droves.

They (the left) have protested most of Obama's actions. Time to come out of your shell or out from under the rock

Yes dear, where are the pictures of the thousands of subversives protesting the obomanation?
Ding Dong! Come out, come out, wherever you are...

Troops are coming home. A few are going over there, but it has all been winding down, Hard to protest that

No, it's not hard to protest war, what's hard is finding subversive scum, that will protest a socialist comrade!
How many remember these bitches.... Wonder when they'll show up with their signs against our military again!

If Obama invades a country like Bush did in 2003, they will be out in droves.

They (the left) have protested most of Obama's actions. Time to come out of your shell or out from under the rock

Yes dear, where are the pictures of the thousands of subversives protesting the obomanation?
Ding Dong! Come out, come out, wherever you are...

Troops are coming home. A few are going over there, but it has all been winding down, Hard to protest that

No, it's not hard to protest war, what's hard is finding subversive scum, that will protest a socialist comrade!
Socialist? You mean Bernie?

What world do you live in?
VG 9878151
, That is not being kicked out! They had the OPTION to stay, they thought it would be best to leave!

They had an option to stay you say? Stay and do what exactly. See how cool or exiting it would be to be bombed?

U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan on Monday ordered all U.N. inspectors and support staff, humanitarian workers and U.N. observers along the Iraq-Kuwait border to evacuate Iraq after U.S. threats to launch war
U.N. Inspectors Leave Iraq Fox News

Your ignorance readily matches the ignorance that OldStyle has been expressing on this thread. UNMOVIC and IAEA employees are civilians and they do not serve in active war zones or places that are threatened to become a war zone. If you worked for UNMOVIC and the very real 'threat' of war was coming in two days, I doubt you would consider it an option for you to stay. No one could force you to stay. And then there is the practical common sense matter that is the absolute impossibility for the UN inspectors to continue unimpeded with there work as US bombs and missiles are raining down upon them, and a couple hundred thousand heavily armed soldiers are rushing toward the areas where the work needed to be done. Bush did not offer any guarantees for UNMOVIC stall's safety should they decide they would like to stay and hope they would not be killed or wounded. There is no option to stay because there would be no work to do if they stay. Your point is ludicrous. It is totally absurd and fully asinine.
How many remember these bitches.... Wonder when they'll show up with their signs against our military again!

If Obama invades a country like Bush did in 2003, they will be out in droves.

They (the left) have protested most of Obama's actions. Time to come out of your shell or out from under the rock

Yes dear, where are the pictures of the thousands of subversives protesting the obomanation?
Ding Dong! Come out, come out, wherever you are...

Troops are coming home. A few are going over there, but it has all been winding down, Hard to protest that

No, it's not hard to protest war, what's hard is finding subversive scum, that will protest a socialist comrade!
Socialist? You mean Bernie?

What world do you live in?

Realville, somewhere you've never been to!

VG 9878151
, That is not being kicked out! They had the OPTION to stay, they thought it would be best to leave!

They had an option to stay you say? Stay and do what exactly. See how cool or exiting it would be to be bombed?

U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Anan on Monday ordered all U.N. inspectors and support staff, humanitarian workers and U.N. observers along the Iraq-Kuwait border to evacuate Iraq after U.S. threats to launch war
U.N. Inspectors Leave Iraq Fox News

Your ignorance readily matches the ignorance that OldStyle has been expressing on this thread. UNMOVIC and IAEA employees are civilians and they do not serve in active war zones or places that are threatened to become a war zone. If you worked for UNMOVIC and the very real 'threat' of war was coming in two days, I doubt you would consider it an option for you to stay. No one could force you to stay. And then there is the practical common sense matter that is the absolute impossibility for the UN inspectors to continue unimpeded with there work as US bombs and missiles are raining down upon them, and a couple hundred thousand heavily armed soldiers are rushing toward the areas where the work needed to be done. Bush did not offer any guarantees for UNMOVIC stall's safety should they decide they would like to stay and hope they would not be killed or wounded. There is no option to stay because there would be no work to do if they stay. Your point is ludicrous. It is totally absurd and fully asinine.

It wasn't called for any guarantee, it was WAR asshole..and if Saddam wasn't paying off U.N. Sec. General Kofi Anan, along with France, Russia, and Germany with Billions from the OIL FOR FOOD PROGRAM, the fucking corrupt U.N. resolutions would have been implemented much sooner!

Oil-for-Food Scandal Draws Scrutiny to U.N. Fox News
OS308 9878412
The UN inspectors left because Iraq had failed to obey the UN sanctions and the US and Britain made it clear that they were going to take military action against Saddam.

That is a flat out lie. The inspectors left because they did not (a) want to be killed or maimed by US bombs and missles. (b) be caught in the crossfire between the invading forces and the defending forces. (c) Bush claimed when he advised the UN inspectors and everyone else to leave that he had intelligence that left no doubt that Iraq was hiding the most lethal weapons ever devised from those very same inspectors. So if Bush and his 'doubtless' intelligence were to be believed they would not like to be gassed or exposed to biological agents. (d) they left because there would be no work for them to do since their work was diplomatic and designed to prevent war and they would have nothing to do but wait for the war to end. So they went home where they could be safe and be with their loved ones and friends and family like most humans would do in that situation.
OS308 9878412
The UN inspectors left because Iraq had failed to obey the UN sanctions and the US and Britain made it clear that they were going to take military action against Saddam.

That is a flat out lie. The inspectors left because they did not (a) want to be killed or maimed by US bombs and missles. (b) be caught in the crossfire between the invading forces and the defending forces. (c) Bush claimed when he advised the UN inspectors and everyone else to leave that he had intelligence that left no doubt that Iraq was hiding the most lethal weapons ever devised from those very same inspectors. So if Bush and his 'doubtless' intelligence were to be believed they would not like to be gassed or exposed to biological agents. (d) they left because there would be no work for them to do since their work was diplomatic and designed to prevent war and they would have nothing to do but wait for the war to end. So they went home where they could be safe and be with their loved ones and friends and family like most humans would do in that situation.

This BOY has deep psychological problems..... namely he's a fucking kool aid drinking liberal piece of shit!

BTW, there was 550 tons of yellowcake in Iraq all throughout the war, unguarded!
VG316 9878493
..and if Saddam wasn't paying off U.N. Sec. General Kofi Anan, along with France, Russia, and Germany with Billions from the OIL FOR FOOD PROGRAM, the fucking corrupt U.N. resolutions would have been implemented much sooner!

Bush signed the USA up to UNSC Resolution 1441 in November 2002 which gave Iraq a final opportunity to comply. If OFF corruption was some kind of problem then Bush should not have signed on and bragged about getting UNSC Resolution 1441 unanimously passed. Why did Bush go down the UNSC 1441 route and allow Saddam Hussein a chance to let the UN inspectors in and avoid war? Do you know?
VG316 9878493
..and if Saddam wasn't paying off U.N. Sec. General Kofi Anan, along with France, Russia, and Germany with Billions from the OIL FOR FOOD PROGRAM, the fucking corrupt U.N. resolutions would have been implemented much sooner!

Bush signed the USA up to UNSC Resolution 1441 in November 2002 which gave Iraq a final opportunity to comply. If OFF corruption was some kind of problem then Bush should not have signed on and bragged about getting UNSC Resolution 1441 unanimously passed. Why did Bush go down the UNSC 1441 route and allow Saddam Hussein a chance to let the UN inspectors in and avoid war? Do you know?

To be perfectly honest, I don't care! It's over 10 years ago, we know of all the corruption, we know of the WMD in Iraq, and we know Saddam deserved to die after the first Gulf war, and H.W, and COLON BOWELL fucked up by letting the cocksucker live, which brought on the second Gulf War. Now, because you're a sicko fuck up, with a hard on for "W", all your bullshit means nothing to people that lived through it, and have a descent memory of what happened, and not your OCD over it!

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